Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 1210: Important Mission (Subscription Request)

Then, another eleven powerful tribulation thunders fell in succession.

All of them have at least reached the level of a full blow in the early and middle stages of Nascent Soul.

This also caused the formation in Golden Wing Mountain, which had just recovered from several injuries in the past five years, to suffer some injuries again.

It is estimated that it will take another two to three years to return to its best condition.

However, during this period, its power was still quite good. It still retained at least 80% to 90% of its power, which was enough to fend off several early Nascent Soul monks for several years.

At this very moment.

A mysterious Taoist rhyme came from within the calamity cloud in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, its remaining energy gathered into a piece of mysterious nectar carrying Taoist charm, and fell down.

At this time, an invisible big hand turned it into a ball with one claw, and brought it into a cave in Golden Wing Mountain.

After a while.

A powerful aura with a bit of Chuyang and Yuehua aura came out of the cave.

It has a bit of the flavor of a Nascent Soul cultivator.

But there are nine points of difference.

The cave door opened.

Ling Lihao walked out with a smile on his face.

He is the monk who successfully entered the Nascent Soul just now.

However, he did not bow, and immediately greeted Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi who were rushing back from the mountain.

Wait for the two parties to gather.

Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi handed the unused flying sword spirit treasure and a defensive spirit treasure to Ling Lihao respectively, and congratulated him.

"Li Hao, congratulations on successfully entering the realm of Nascent Soul."

"In this way, our family now has three Nascent Souls in charge."

"The family can be safer in this chaotic world."

"As for those two treasures, they are our Nascent Soul gifts to you. Please refine them quickly. This way, your strength will not be too weak."

Yan Siyi also said with a smile.

"And in terms of the number of Nascent Souls alone, our clan is estimated to be on the same level as the three major immortal sects."

"The number of Nascent Soul Lords from ordinary Nascent Soul forces such as Tianxing Pavilion is slightly behind us."

"After careful calculation, my clan should be included in the ranks of the three major immortal sects. Three clans and one clan sounds pretty good."

Hearing this, Ling Lihao couldn't help but feel a little hot.

It is an honor for the entire family to improve its overall strength for its own sake.

In the next ten thousand years, his name will surely ring in the ears of all the monks in the entire family.

Moreover, once it can really stand alongside the three major immortal sects and become what the monks call an immortal clan, then the family's status will inevitably rise straight up.

It is said that the three major immortal sects have turned the entire Northern Wilderness Cultivation World into a chessboard.

Thousands of monks serve as flags.

It affects every move in the world of cultivating immortality in Beihuang.

If the family can also participate in it, then it will definitely become a chess player and gain great benefits.

This is of great benefit to his family's Nascent Soul cultivator.

If the family can make a profit, he will definitely make a profit too.

This is enough to help him improve his future path.

If the guarantee is not complete, he can still enter the middle stage of Yuanying or even the late stage of Yuanying.

However, he understood that if he wanted to achieve all this, although he was the key, Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi were even more key.

Only by working together can we achieve a win-win situation.

What's more, the fourth-level spiritual treasure is extremely valuable, and there are still two of them.

This is a huge favor.

At the same time, it was because of the opportunity given by Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi that he was able to enter the Yuanying.

For this reason, his gratitude to Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi became even stronger.

"It is my blessing to have this elder protecting me in this life."

Then, he thanked Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi.

"Grandpa and grandma, in the future, under the leadership of the two elders, the family will definitely be ranked in the same rank of the three major immortal sects. The younger generation is willing to listen to the two elders as they please."

"My Nascent Soul Road was given to me by two people, and even the Foundation Building Road and the Golden Pill Road were given to me by two people."

"No matter what the two elders ask the junior to do in the future, the junior will definitely obey."

When Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi heard this, they were immediately satisfied.

"It's true that I didn't misjudge this boy."

"With his words like this now, it will be easier to arrange his work in the future."

Ling Pengyun muttered a few words secretly.

Then, he smiled and said.

"There is no need to be so polite. We are all a family. There is no need to obey the arrangements. Everything is for the good of the family."

Afterwards, everyone chatted a few more words.

Ling Lihao asked with some doubts.

"Grandpa Pengyun and Grandpa Siyi, relying on the essence of the sun and moon to condense the Nascent Soul Sun and Moon Pill into the realm of Yuanying, will their spiritual power and spiritual consciousness be 70% less than that of ordinary monks?"

This matter was particularly important to him.

Less than 30% of his consciousness and spiritual power are enough to weaken his strength.

It would be bad luck if he was just an exception.

Ling Pengyun did not hide it, but explained it.


"This can also be regarded as a shortcoming of condensing the Nascent Soul Sun and Moon Pill through the crystallization of the sun and the moon."

"However, this elixir also has a benefit, that is, the Nascent Soul sun and moon spiritual power condensed by this elixir will be extremely explosive, and can only increase the power of spells and spiritual treasures by 20 to 30%."

"Strictly speaking, your combat power is no different from that of ordinary monks of the same level."

"It's just that you can't last as long as the ordinary Nascent Soul."

“You can’t fight a protracted war.”

"This should be kept in mind."

"In addition, don't think too much about this matter."

"Nascent Soul spiritual objects are rare, and it is even more difficult to get a spiritual object that increases the probability of impacting the Nascent Soul by 30%. Even if I and your grandmother Siyi work together, we need to go through life and death before we have the right to exchange such things from Xinghai Pavilion, and if we want to really buy them, we need a huge amount of contribution points."

And Ling Lihao understands.

When he entered the late Jindan period in his early years, he thought that he had a water-attributed spiritual root and condensed a superior Jindan, which had a probability of impacting the Nascent Soul.

He was more yearning for the Nascent Soul.

In order to pave the way for himself, he inquired about the Nascent Soul spiritual object.

Unexpectedly, in the past ten thousand years in the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World, only two ordinary-quality Nascent Soul spiritual objects have appeared on the market.

At most, they can only increase the probability of cultivators impacting the Nascent Soul by one level.

Moreover, their final transaction prices are as high as more than three million spirit stones.

This wealth alone was not something that a Jindan cultivator like him could obtain, and it was even more difficult to wait for the appearance of Yuanying spiritual objects on the market.

In addition, if the effect of the Sun and Moon Crystal was a little worse this time, he would not be able to successfully break through.

If he were to find such a precious thing by himself, he would probably not be able to find it in his lifetime.

Therefore, even if this spiritual object had some defects and it was reasonable, he could actually accept it.

Then, everyone chatted for a few more words.

Ling Pengyun instructed him.

"By the way, Li Hao, since you have also entered the Yuanying, there are some things you should know."

Immediately, he told the current dilemma of the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World and his plan to unite with ordinary Yuanying forces such as Tianxing Pavilion to go to the three major immortal gates to break the deadlock.

"In the future, we plan to let you protect the border mountain and the family here. Do you dare to take this task?"

"But don't worry, your aunt Siyi and I have prepared some backup for you."

After saying that, he took out a long banner, a token engraved with the words "Moon Shadow", and a book from the storage bag.

"In the long banner, there is a middle-level Nascent Soul evil ghost in the early stage. Its strength is good among the early stages."

"And the token is the key to a secret realm. The book records the spell to enter the secret realm. When the token and the spell are combined, the secret realm can be opened. There is a wolf demon who is about to enter the middle stage of the Nascent Soul. You can call it out to help at that time."

"No need to be too polite to it. You can use it at will. When necessary, you can give some benefits to drive this demon."

Ling Lihao, who was originally a little afraid that he would not be able to stabilize the family situation, felt relieved when he heard that a ghost and a demon helped.

But at the same time, he was a little curious.

He had seen the Moon Shadow Wolf King before.

Not long ago, he was also stationed in the Golden Wing Mountain during the battle when the demons invaded the Ling family.

Therefore, he saw the Moon Shadow Wolf King display his divine power.

But he was a little curious, when did the family find a secret realm in the Zhongzhou Xiuxian world?

The entrance and exit of the secret realm cannot be too far away from the secret realm.

Only if the secret realm is in the Beihuang Xiuxian world can its entrance and exit be set near the family.

In addition, the family seemed to have no Yuanying evil ghosts in the past.

How did a rare middle-level evil ghost suddenly appear?

If he knew about the existence of the Ghost Fairy Lamp on the body of the family's Jindan ghost cultivator Ling Pengxing, he would probably know everything.

The evil ghost in Ling Pengyun's hand was the Ghost Fairy Lamp, a treasure for cultivating ghosts. It was cultivated a hundred years ago based on the soul of a Yuanying middle-stage demon king given to it by Ling Pengyun when the chaos just ended two hundred years ago.

Time has passed, and two hundred years have passed.

The Ghost Fairy Lamp not only cultivated it into a Nascent Soul evil ghost, but also made the ghost's foundation extremely solid, which made its quality rise to the middle level.

If the Ghost Fairy Lamp is given a hundred years, it is estimated that the ghost's foundation can rise to the upper level, and by then, its ghost power will be extremely strong.

If it is given a fourth-level ghost weapon, it is estimated that it can directly cross the border and fight against the cultivators in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul.

Some time ago, this ghost was in the hands of the Ghost Fairy Lamp.

When the Ling family was invaded by the demons, although it rushed here from the quasi-fourth-level ghost vein on the other side of the Tayunling territory, it did not show up because it was a ghost weapon.

It planned to wait until the crisis moment.

But who would have thought that Tianxing Lao Zhenjun came to help, so it continued to lurk, and afterwards, handed the evil ghost to Yan Siyi.

And the current cultivation level of this ghost, the Ghost Fairy Lamp can't help for the time being.

This lamp had just recovered its Nascent Soul strength more than two hundred years ago. It was only polished by ghost energy, and its cultivation speed was slow, which made it still hovering in the early stage of Nascent Soul.

Moreover, the Ling family only had a quasi-fourth-level ghost vein. It was estimated that it would be difficult for this lamp to break through in the next ten thousand years by absorbing ghost energy.

For this reason, this lamp recently wanted to go to the secret realm left by the Ghost Fairy Lamp in the Zhongzhou Xiuxian world.

According to its understanding, there were many fourth-level Xuanming ghost irons in it, which could speed up its recovery from injuries, and then its cultivation would be restored to a higher level.

In addition, it currently had some ability to cover up the luck of the Ghost Fairy Lamp caused by the opening of the secret realm, and would not attract the original enemy of the Ghost Fairy Lamp.

Therefore, when it met Yan Siyi, it told Yan Siyi about when it could protect itself to go to the secret realm.

This matter was promised to it by Ling Pengyun and his wife.

Yan Siyi was somewhat tempted by this. After all, if the Ghost Fairy Lamp could be strengthened, the family would be more confident.

Especially in this chaotic time.

But at that time, apart from her, there was no other Yuanying Zhenjun in the family.

She was worried about leaving the family alone to the Moon Shadow Wolf King, so she temporarily delayed the matter.

However, after Ling Pengyun returned and learned about this, he planned to protect the lamp first, and then go to support the Three Immortals Gate after the matter was settled. However, it was not easy to tell Ling Lihao about this.

It is said that in addition to a large amount of fourth-level Xuanming Ghost Iron in the secret realm, there is also the opportunity for the family's Jindan ghost cultivator Ling Pengxing to enter the Yuanying.

Some time ago, he gave Ling Pengxing a lot of good things. Now Ling Pengxing's cultivation has also entered the realm of Jindan perfection, and he has the opportunity to impact the Yuanying.

Once the opportunity is available, Ling Pengxing can try to impact the Yuanying.

In addition, the Ghost Fairy Lamp will also benefit from this.

Therefore, it is reasonable to settle this matter as soon as possible.

This is of great benefit to the family.

At this time, Ling Lihao, who had a spiritual root, thought about it for a while.

Finally, he took the long banner and other objects and nodded in agreement.

"Since you and your grandmother believe in your grandson and have prepared so many methods for your grandson, how can your grandson retreat?"

"You two can go to the outside world without worrying about it. Your grandson will protect the family for you and let you have no worries."

Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi heard the words and felt relieved.

Then, the two gave him some magical methods to comprehend, and observed the movements of the demon clan. Seeing that they did not move, Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi left the family with peace of mind and rushed to the family's hinterland, Tayunling, and found the family ghost cultivator Ling Pengxing and the ghost fairy lamp.

When they knew that Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi were willing to take the risk to go to Zhongzhou Xiuxianjie to open the secret realm, they were immediately delighted.

Immediately, the two people, one ghost and one divine treasure set off and headed for the desolate land at the border of Jiaomang Lake. Through the teleportation array there, they resisted the Zhongzhou Xiuxian World in an instant.

Afterwards, after the Ghost Fairy Lamp confirmed the location, it took Ling Pengyun and others to start the journey.

Half a year later.

Zhongzhou Xiuxian World.

Forty-six continents.

The Far East State.

"Dongming Continent".

The overlord of this state is a Yuanying force called Dongming Xianzong. It is said that there are four or five Yuanyings in it, and they are extremely powerful.

This sect is also because of this, which is why it can occupy a state.

And this state.

A dense forest.

"Ghost Fairy Senior, is this the location of the secret realm?"

Ling Pengyun looked around, but did not find anything unusual here, and asked with some curiosity.

The Ghost Fairy Lamp said.


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