Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 1226 Take Action (Subscribe)

As time went by.

Three days passed in a flash.

At the beginning of the morning of this day.

Bear-killing City was still as usual, surrounded by millions of monsters and bombarded continuously.

And there were tens of millions of monsters stationed in the distance, they were resting.

Waiting for the time to take turns to attack the city.

The atmosphere in Bear-killing City became more and more unbearable, and many cultivators had helpless expressions on their faces.

It was as if they knew they were going to die, but they could not change it.

But at this moment, a beam of light suddenly flew out of Bear-killing City and flew straight into the distance, as if they were trying to escape from here.

The cultivators in the city seemed to be some high-level cultivators who were afraid of death and planned to take the opportunity to break out and leave, but they used the pupil technique to see, but found something wrong.

"Why does his figure look a bit like Tianxing Lao Zhenjun?"

For a moment, all the cultivators in Bear-killing City were shocked.

Tianxing Lao Zhenjun is their god.

He is also the real master of Bear-killing City.

If the old True Lord Tianxing ran away, I'm afraid they really won't live for a few days.

For this reason, voices of doubt continued to sound.

However, after hearing this, some high-level cultivators of the Tianxing Pavilion who knew the nature of the old True Lord Tianxing immediately scolded those who questioned the ancestor.

"How dare you suspect that the ancestor fled from the battlefield? Don't you want to live?"

"And you are all right, right? If the ancestor wants to leave, who can stop him? Don't forget that a few years ago, the ancestor escaped from the demons in the outside world once, but after leaving, the ancestor came back again?"

"Also, although we are at a disadvantage, there has been no major danger in the past thirty years. How could the ancestor abandon us and leave directly?"

"If I know that you are talking about the ancestor behind your back and disrupting the morale of the army, I will definitely punish you by military law."


The cultivators in the city shut up immediately after hearing this.

But they thought about it carefully.

Last time, the ancestor had clearly escaped from the encirclement of the demons and left this dangerous place, but he came back not long after.

From this incident, they can see that the ancestor still attaches great importance to this Bear-Destroying City.

Strictly speaking, the ancestor has not given up the intention of Bear-Destroying City.

So why did he leave Bear-Destroying City now?

The monks in the city were all puzzled.

"Is it to support other forces?"


Everyone kept guessing in their hearts, but they didn't dare to say a word, lest they be caught by the high-level officials of Tianxing Pavilion.

At the same time.

Outside the city.

Tianxing Lao Zhenjun, who had just flown not far from Bear-Destroying City, was discovered by the demons.

For a moment, the millions of demon beasts besieging Bear-Destroying City stopped attacking the city and turned to attack Tianxing Lao Zhenjun.

They even roared loudly, trying to signal the tens of millions of fellows who were repairing in the rear.

Suddenly, all the demon beasts on this land knew the situation.

Tianxing Lao Zhenjun also became the target of the monsters.

Millions of monsters attacked together, making the entire sky covered with magic or magic tools.

There was no more light, only the spiritual light with murderous intent.

The cultivators in Miexiong City intended to stop it, but the monsters outside the city were too large, and they could not stop many of them for Tianxing Lao Zhenjun.

Fortunately, another Yuanying Zhenjun Liu Haochan in Miexiong City stood up in time. He raised his hand and sacrificed a formation plate and 72 mysterious formation flags.

As he pinched his fingers and entered a spell into the formation plate, the formation flags suddenly transformed into streams of light, and finally evolved into meteors as big as a hundred feet.

"Swish! Swish! Swish!!!!"

Countless sounds of breaking through the air continued to sound.

Moreover, they were extremely fast, far exceeding the speed of ordinary attack methods. Soon, those meteors arrived around Tianxing Lao Zhenjun. They were like the guardians of Tianxing Lao Zhenjun, smashing all the incoming attacks.

For a moment, Liu Haochan, who was surrounded by formation flags, seemed to be carrying a force that could resist tens of millions of demon soldiers.

The momentum was extremely strong.

Everyone was amazed.

But at this moment, a laugh with a bit of excitement suddenly sounded from the rear of the demon beast group.

"What's the ability to bully the low-level demon beasts under my clan."

"Instead of hiding in that city and waiting to die, it's better to go out of the city like your master Tianxing Laogui and die happily."

Then, a shocking blue dragon with a size of more than 600 feet rose into the sky, dispersing many clouds in the sky, and turned into an evil dragon, directly spitting a large stream of water at Feixing Lao Zhenjun who was fleeing to the distance from thousands of miles away.

The water flow turned into a rolling river, as if carrying the momentum to destroy everything, with a very fast speed, directly smashing the formation meteors that Liu Haochan placed around Tianxing Lao Zhenjun, and submerged Tianxing Lao Zhenjun.

It was difficult to see his figure anymore.

Only the floating long river appeared there.

However, there were roars from the inside of the long river, and the river water where Tianxing Lao Zhenjun was originally located became violent, splashing from time to time.

"This old ghost's ability is much stronger than a few years ago."

"In this case, we have to pay attention to it, otherwise it will be bad if we let it escape like a few years ago."

The flying water dragon stared at the empty long river with his eyes like torches, and a little worry rose in his brows.

Then it called out to the unknown Yangtze River below.

"Old fish, it's time to work, don't sleep any more."

The next moment, a yawning sound was transmitted from it.

Then, a strange fish flew up from the river.

It was only about ten feet in size, but it had golden scales and many golden whiskers on its mouth, which made it look particularly plump.

The most bizarre thing was its head shape, which was somewhat like a dragon.

And this fish didn't delay too much. After identifying the empty river in the sky, it opened its mouth and spit out a golden flying sword and hit it directly.

The giant dragon of more than six hundred feet saw this and felt a little relieved. Then it swung its body and swam in the sky, rushing directly to the empty river at an extremely fast speed.

During this time, a sudden flash of light appeared on its body, and a huge and thick blue full-body armor appeared, which protected every part of it tightly, except for its two eyes.

Soon it crossed thousands of miles and rushed to the edge of the long river.

But at this moment, the violent part in the middle of the long river suddenly exploded with countless water splashes, and a huge crack appeared.

Then, an extremely powerful purple light shot out from the mouth inexplicably, rushing straight towards the evil dragon.

The evil dragon reacted quickly, and immediately raised the two armored dragon claws in front of it and clawed directly.

A roar sounded immediately.

The evil dragon actually blocked this attack, but it was also blasted back several feet.

At this time, the flying sword shot by the golden fish arrived and killed in along the crack in the middle of the long river.

But after hearing a series of golden swords and iron sounds, the golden flying sword was blasted out.

The next moment, Tianxing Lao Zhenjun was surrounded by 108 formation flags with a breath of up to the fourth-level middle grade. He stepped into the void and slowly walked out of the mouth of the long river.

He still had a smile on his face.

"It seems that my trick of luring the snake out of the hole is quite good."

Then, he pinched his fingers and hit the 108 formation flags around him.

Then, within half a breath, those formation flags scattered countless formation patterns, and they merged together to form a huge cover, which expanded rapidly.

"If something is abnormal, there must be a demon."

The evil dragon, who was good at physical strength and originally planned to fight in close combat, immediately had a bad premonition and quickly retreated.

But it was too late.

Soon, it was covered by the cover.

And the cover continued to expand, and finally even covered the golden fish thousands of miles away.

At this point, the light cover stopped expanding.

And Tianxing Lao Zhenjun also said loudly.

"Fellow Daoist Ling, I have trapped those two monsters."

"Now it's up to you, fellow Daoist."

The evil dragon frowned, and kept looking around.

"Could there be other righteous people?"

At the same time, it continued to retreat, and finally it successfully joined the golden fish that was also trapped. (End of this chapter)

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