Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 1239: Special method of condensing a fake baby (please subscribe)

Ling Pengyun and Wang Qiuyang crossed many sacred mountains and sacred valleys, and finally arrived outside an ancient palace.

Above the gate hung a plaque with the words "Xinghai Palace", and the whole palace was made of blue solid wood, which seemed to have a unique charm.

Even from those solid woods, one could feel a strong spirituality.

Third-level spiritual wood Canghai wood!

Ling Pengyun was often not in Xinghai Pavilion, and even if he returned to Xinghai Pavilion, he usually just wandered around Yunqian, so he had not been to many places, and this place was also his first time.

But as a spiritual plant husband, he recognized the types of solid wood used to build the palace at the first time, and he was immediately surprised.

Wang Qiuyang, who was standing by, seemed to have guessed what he was thinking, and introduced it.

"This hall is equivalent to the meeting hall of our Xinghai Pavilion. If there is any major event on weekdays, the senior leaders of the sect basically come here."

"At the same time, this location is also the place where the Xinghai Conference has been held in the past. After all, this conference was originally initiated by my sect master."

"As for the Canghai wood used to build this hall, it was planted by the sect itself. If you are interested in this, you can go to the sect's general affairs hall to have a look. This place often flows out of this kind of spiritual wood, and even the fourth-level Canghai wood occasionally appears."

"In addition, this item is estimated to appear in the transaction step of this conference. After all, many fourth-level spiritual plant husbands in the sect will also participate in the small transaction meeting."


As Wang Qiuyang spoke, he took the lead and stepped into the Xinghai Hall.

Ling Pengyun's eyes kept flashing.

This general affairs hall is in charge of all the general affairs of the sect. It is also a trading place. You can list or purchase some spiritual objects in it, and you can also use contribution points to buy spiritual objects in the sect's warehouse.

He was naturally not interested in the third-level Canghai Spirit Wood, but the fourth-level Canghai Spirit Wood was another matter.

Ling Lihao, who had condensed the Sun and Moon Pill through the special method of the Moon Shadow Wolf Clan and indirectly entered the Sun and Moon Yuanying realm, was particularly in need of this kind of spiritual wood.

He practiced the "Wuji Youshui Fudian" of the Baiying Clan, the original master of the Baiying Secret Realm in the Zhongzhou Xiuxian World, and followed the path of Fu cultivation.

For this reason, his natal object was quite special, it was a Wuji Youshui Spirit Talisman, and its effect was also quite strong.

Not only could it frantically absorb the spiritual energy in the bodies of all things in the world while consuming the origin, and make up for the spiritual power in its owner's body, but it could also burst out with extremely powerful combat power.

It could even increase Ling Lihao's probability of drawing spirit talismans.

But Ling Lihao's natal spirit talisman was still at the quasi-fourth-level realm, which was actually the real reason why Ling Lihao had always found it difficult to deduce the way of talismans to the fourth level.

It is difficult to make this talisman reach the fourth level.

Not only does it require a fourth-level water-attributed monster fur and a Yuanying soul, it also requires a fourth-level water-attributed spiritual wood.

The family has already gathered the first two.

After all, the family has killed many demon kings of the Black Dragon Lake clan in recent years, and the Black Dragon Lake clan is mainly composed of water dragons or water-attributed demon kings.

But the family has never found a fourth-level spiritual wood.

"If I can get a fourth-level sea spiritual wood of sufficient size for Li Hao, and combine it with the materials from the water-attributed Yuanying demon kings that the family has prepared for him for a long time, Li Hao can be considered to have gathered all the spiritual materials to the fourth level to recast the natal spiritual talisman."

'And as long as this can be accomplished, the talisman will surely feed back to Li Hao's talisman level, and its foundation is already strong, it is possible that Li Hao can enter the fourth level of the talisman in a short time. "

"And the family has a lot of fourth-level talisman-making materials in these years. Even if he just enters the fourth-level talisman realm, he can probably refine many fourth-level spiritual talismans. Indirectly, the family can be safer during the chaos more than 20 years later. "

Thinking of this, Ling Pengyun's eyes lit up.

A fourth-level spiritual talisman is not scary, but if there are five, ten, or even twenty, it would be a bit scary.

For this reason, Ling Pengyun pays special attention to the talisman level of Ling Lihao, the genius talisman maker.

After all, he can also benefit indirectly.

So he planned to take this opportunity to see if he could buy the fourth-level Canghai spiritual wood or other spiritual rice with water attributes.

After his thoughts came back, he immediately followed Ling Lihao's steps and stepped into the Xinghai Hall.

Inside the hall is an empty hall.

There are many quasi-fourth-level meditation cushions placed in an orderly manner on the ground. It is estimated that there are at least dozens of them, which is enough to show the heritage of Xinghai Pavilion.

After all, such things are of extraordinary value in the outside world.

And now, there are already some Yuanyings waiting here.

Although they are not familiar with Ling Pengyun, they have all heard that Ling Pengyun is the only genius in the sect who has condensed the Five Elements Yuanying.

For this reason, they all nodded to Ling Pengyun kindly.

At the same time, they exchanged a few polite words with Wang Qiuyang, who was familiar with them.

After Wang Qiuyang responded, he introduced everyone present to Ling Pengyun.

"Junior Brother Ling, the old Taoist with white beard is the master of the Aries Temple among the 27 branches of our sect. At the same time, this branch has a good relationship with our Yun Qian branch. When he entered the Yuanying, he condensed an ordinary Yuanying, so his cultivation progress was extremely slow. It is said that this old elder of the sect is nearly a thousand years old, and his cultivation is still in the early stage of the Yuanying. It is estimated that he can only stay in this realm in his life."

"And the fat man who greeted me just now is the leader of..., and he also has a good relationship with my Yun Qian lineage. In fact, in the past, this person was able to enter the realm of false infants, which was related to my master, otherwise he would not be able to get the demon king's Yuanying with the foundation of the branch behind him."


During the period when he was telling the story, many Yuanyings of the sect slowly entered this place from the outside world.

Wang Qiuyang also told Ling Pengyun in detail, acting as a qualified fellow brother.

While listening to his story, Ling Pengyun secretly felt that the Yuanyings registered in Xinghai Pavilion were more or less a little watered down.

Take the nearly 40 Yuanyings who have arrived here now, for example, nearly half of them are in the realm of false infants condensed by the Yuanying demon king.

Most of the remaining 20 Yuanyings are in the early stage of Yuanying, and only a few have entered the middle stage of Yuanying, and there are only five people in the late stage of Yuanying.

As for the nine major vein leaders who are at the level of Yuanying Perfection, only two have come so far.

The vein leaders of the other seven major veins, including Yun Qian Lao Zhenjun of Yun Qian's vein, are said to have temporarily gone to the outside world to guard against the monsters in various places, so it is estimated that they will not come this time.

Of course, if all the main forces of this group of sects come to participate in this meeting, it is estimated that the strength of the cultivators here will increase by several times.

At the same time, Ling Pengyun was surprised that there were so many fake infant cultivators here.

Fake infant cultivators can only have the opportunity to enter that realm by relying on the Yuanying of others or the Yuanying of the demon king.

But there are only so many Yuanying cultivators and Yuanying monsters in the world.

Under such circumstances, it is reasonable that even if Xinghai Pavilion has a strong foundation, it is difficult to have so many fake infants.

For this reason, Ling Pengyun asked Wang Qiuyang through voice transmission.

"Brother Wang, do the other branches of the sect or the other major branches that are one of the nine major branches of our Yun Qian lineage contain any more advanced methods of condensing false infants than our Yun Qian false infant condensation method?"

The Yun Qian false infant condensation method is a particularly perfect method of condensing false infants, which can break the balance of the world and increase the probability of cultivators condensing false infants with the help of other people's Yuanying or demon beast Yuanying by 15%.

It can be said to be a treasure method for cultivation.

This is also the foundation of the Yun Qian lineage.

It is said that when the Yun Qian lineage was just established in the early years, it relied on this method to stabilize one of the twenty-seven branches, and finally climbed step by step to the position of one of the nine major lines today.

Of course, the Yun Qian lineage also has false infants, and there are quite a few, as many as two.

Wang Qiuyang did not hide Ling Pengyun's inquiry, but replied.

"The other branches and other major veins do not have such means. After all, their foundation is not much stronger than our Yun Qian vein."

"But the Xinghai main vein of the Xinghai Sect has mastered the advanced method of condensing false infants that you guessed. It is said that relying on that method, one can use the aura of the vast ocean to increase the probability of cultivators using the Yuanying of others, demon beasts and Yuanying to enter the false infant by 30%."

"And as long as cultivators like us or people from the affiliated forces under the sect have enough contribution points and intend to condense false infants, they can also get this method."

"However, in order to prevent this method from being spread outside, the main vein will arrange for powerful Yuanying to set special restrictions in the sea of ​​consciousness of the comprehender."

"In addition, it will be more strict for people from the affiliated forces of the sect, and there will be more restrictions."

"Not only do they need to do things for the sect when necessary, but they are also not allowed to disobey the sect's orders, etc. It can be said to be extremely strict. After all, the sect does not like to help others.

"By the way, are you more interested in that method, junior brother? "

Ling Pengyun's eyes lit up, and he murmured in his heart.

"It can rely on the vast sea energy to increase the probability of a cultivator entering the false infant realm by 30%! No wonder there are so many false infants in the sect. "

The vast sea energy is one of the great powers in the world, just like the essence of the sun and the moon.

Although it seems useless, if it can be combined with some special spells, it can achieve the effect of creation.

For example, Ling Pengyun's Taichu Sutra can absorb the essence of the sun and the moon to condense the Taichu Qi and Taichu Essence that can change the qualifications.

At the same time, the powerful magical powers created by the Moon Shadow Wolf Clan in the Moon Shadow Secret Realm can also rely on the essence of the sun and the moon to condense the special Yuanying spirit object Sun and Moon Crystal, which can increase the probability of cultivators or monsters condensing the Sun and Moon Pill.

In addition, the white broken little fox, the offspring of Ling Pengyun's three-eyed fox, has a special eye on his forehead, which can absorb the golden evil between heaven and earth. Qi, nourishing the eyes, and can shoot out a powerful force to break the barrier at a critical moment.

And this vast sea qi is also extraordinary, it comes from the ocean.

As long as the ocean is not dry, it will continuously produce sea qi to nourish the ocean between heaven and earth.

This is also the reason why spiritual veins are born in the ocean.

And outside the Xinghai Realm, there is just a large area of ​​endless sea cultivation world, most of which are oceans.

Indirectly, the vast sea qi there is particularly rich.

And judging from the fact that Xinghai Pavilion has invisible control over the entire boundless sea cultivation world, it must not be difficult to collect the vast sea qi.

"Sure enough, every power of transformation has a strong foundation. "

Ling Pengyun sighed.

At the same time, he secretly made up his mind that if someone in the family failed to break through the Nascent Soul in the future, and if the family was unable to gather Nascent Soul spiritual objects or special sun and moon crystals to help them break through the Nascent Soul, then let them bring some of the demon kings' Nascent Souls that the family had saved to the sect to use the special method of condensing fake infants to break through the fake infant realm.

After all, this is also a way.

According to Ling Pengyun's calculations, there will be many people or spirit beasts in the family who will take this path in the future.

For example, his three-eyed white fox spirit beast offspring Bai Po may be one of them. Although his qualifications are mediocre, with the family's foundation, he can barely support him to reach the Golden Core Perfection, but there are many people in the family's direct line waiting in line for the Nascent Soul spirit objects and the special spirit objects Sun and Moon Crystals...

At this time.

Ling Pengyun suddenly noticed a resentful look looking at him.

He felt a little strange, turned his head and saw a middle-aged late Nascent Soul cultivator who had just entered the hall, staring at him angrily.

It was not until Ling Pengyun and him looked at each other for a while that the man withdrew his gaze, and then he sat alone on a meditation cushion in the Xinghai main vein area, resting his mind and waiting for the meeting to start.

This made Ling Pengyun particularly strange.

He knew only one person in the Xinghai main vein, and that was the Xinghai ancestor.

This main vein is the power under its command, and it is also the true Taoist tradition of the Xinghai Pavilion. It has all the inheritance of the entire Xinghai Pavilion. Although the nine major veins such as Yun Qianyi and the slightly weaker twenty-seven veins are strong, if we talk about the inheritance background, they are probably not half as strong as the main vein.

Of course, the strength of the main vein is also the strongest.

In addition to the Xinghai Patriarch, the Dao Lord of Transformation, this vein has two people at the level of Yuanying Perfection, and there are many other Yuanying.

Out of curiosity, Ling Pengyun deliberately told Brother Wang Qiuyang, who had a good relationship with him, about the person from the Xinghai main vein who glared at him just now, and asked about the person's origin.

At first, Wang Qiuyang was a little confused, until he remembered some secrets, and then he understood.

"That person is the most talented person in our sect today, named Mo Changqing. It is said that he has condensed a special Nascent Soul. Therefore, before you, Junior Brother, entered the Nascent Soul, this person was said by our disciples to be the most talented Nascent Soul in the sect. It is precisely because of this that this person has been cultivated by the sect as a seedling of transformation. After all, there are not many cultivators in our sect who have condensed special Nascent Souls, and there are even fewer young or middle-aged ones."

"But this situation has been broken since you, Junior Brother, entered the Nascent Soul."

"Not only did all the reputations of his fall on Junior Brother, but it is also said that because the sect intends to vigorously support your cultivation, it has reduced a lot of his cultivation resources. Indirectly, his cultivation progress has become slow."

"Perhaps this is why this person is interested in you, Junior Brother." (End of this chapter)

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