Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 1243 Small Harvest

Afterwards, some Yuanying fellows came on stage one after another, took out some treasures and asked if everyone needed them.

Ling Pengyun also took a fancy to some spiritual medicines and pills for restoring spiritual power and healing wounds, and bought some of them with cultivation pills.

But his generous behavior attracted the attention of many cultivators present.

After all, after careful calculation, he took out at least 70 or 80 Juyuan Pills at this small meeting, which is not something that ordinary people can take out at one time.

Considering Ling Pengyun's identity, they guessed that those Juyuan Pills came from the sect.

But they couldn't figure out why Ling Pengyun could keep so many resources that the sect supported him.

"Is the sect's resources beyond our imagination? Or is there another opportunity?"

Everyone was puzzled, but they didn't think deeply.

Ling Pengyun was a celebrity in Xinghai Pavilion. It was even rumored that he had been valued by the sect's old ancestor of Huashen and often met with him.

Under such circumstances, no one dared to provoke Ling Pengyun.

But most of them are in need of fourth-level cultivation pills.

For this reason, they gritted their teeth and planned to make some deals with Ling Pengyun, the rich man.

For this reason, this group of Nascent Soul cultivators used some spiritual objects that Ling Pengyun had bought at the previous trading meeting as a reference, and privately sent messages to Ling Pengyun.

"Junior Brother Ling, I have a quasi-fourth-level red fire treasure crystal that I have treasured for many years. Do you want it? Although its effect is not as good as that of Senior Brother Tianshui's fourth-level red flame treasure crystal, my treasure crystal can barely increase the Nascent Soul cultivator's perception of fire attribute magic or magical powers. At least it can reduce the thirty years of hard work of ordinary fire cultivators. At the same time, it can be used as an auxiliary material for refining fourth-level spiritual treasures or the main material of quasi-fourth-level spiritual treasures. The most important thing is that the price is cheap. I am willing to sell as long as ten fourth-level cultivation treasure pills!"

"Junior Brother Ling, I have three quasi-fourth-level Juyuan grass..."

Ling Pengyun listened to the voices that kept appearing in his mind and couldn't help but feel unexpectedly happy.

Although the spiritual objects that this group of fellow Yuanying said they were willing to trade were all quasi-fourth-order or even third-order upper-grade, and it was difficult to enter this trading meeting, there were many of them that suited his taste.

For this reason, he bought them all at normal prices, which was also a small gain.

Once this matter was settled, the trading meeting ended.

Because this was the last step of the Xinghai Conference, everyone did not stay in the Xinghai Hall for long.

Ling Pengyun originally planned to return to the family directly, but thinking that he had revealed a lot of wealth at this trading meeting, he temporarily stopped this plan and returned to the Yunqian lineage residence with Senior Brother Wang Qiuyang. After five years of quiet cultivation, he left the Xinghai Realm.

The journey was smooth and Ling Pengyun returned safely to the Northern Wilderness Xiuxian Realm.

Perhaps it was the Black Dragon Lake Clan, the incarnation of the incarnation of the God of Transformation, because of the sudden appearance of the incarnation of the Star Sea Ancestor and other gods in the Three Immortals Market more than ten years ago, so they were a little afraid of angering the God of Transformation of the Star Sea Pavilion and other incarnation forces, so this clan has been silent in recent years.

Indirectly, the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World has returned to the long-lost peace.

However, because all major forces understand that the Black Dragon Lake Clan is very ambitious and will definitely take advantage of the chaos in the rest of the cultivation world in the future, the entire Northern Wilderness Cultivation World has fallen into an extremely dull state. (End of this chapter)

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