Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 1254 Transaction (Subscription Request)

Ling Pengyun saw that Tianxing Lao Zhenjun had taken the bait, and immediately said with a smile.

"Thirty pieces of fourth-level talisman-making materials."

"If you have more talisman-making materials, you can also take them out. I will definitely take out other magical powers that will satisfy you."

When Tianxing Lao Zhenjun heard this, he was a little surprised.

He thought Ling Pengyun was going to use his magical powers to exchange for the fourth-level formation as before.

But after thinking about it carefully, he felt that it was not right. For this reason, he immediately became a little excited and asked curiously.

"Daoyou need fourth-level talisman-making materials so much, but the nobles have a fourth-level talisman master?"

Ling Pengyun did not hide it.

However, in order to ensure the smooth transaction of magical powers, he told some lies.

"A fourth-level talisman master is coming soon. Currently, one of our clan's talisman masters is only a little short of the fourth-level talisman realm. As long as we have some fourth-level talisman-making materials as a partner, this will surely be accomplished."

"So now it depends on whether the senior is willing to trade."

"Of course, as long as this is accomplished, if the senior has more fourth-level talisman-making materials in the future and needs others to help draw fourth-level talismans, as long as you find our clan, our clan will give the senior a fair price."

After hearing this, Tianxing Lao Zhenjun was immediately tempted by the fact that the Ling family could help draw fourth-level talismans in the future.

The entire Northern Wilderness Xiuxian World was established only ten thousand years ago, so the foundation of the major Yuanying forces cannot compare with those of the Yuanying forces in other Xiuxian Worlds. Indirectly, not only are there few Yuanying in this world, but fourth-level Baiyi masters are even rarer.

After careful calculation, it is estimated that there are only six or seven fourth-level Baiyi masters in the entire Northern Wilderness Xiuxian World.

This is because the three strongest sects in the Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation World in the past have the support of the power of transformation, and there has been a fourth-level Hundred Arts Master in each generation. Otherwise, there would probably be no more than three Hundred Arts Masters in the Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation World.

It is precisely because of this situation that the fourth-level Hundred Arts Masters in the Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation World are quite busy.

Especially the master of the Haiyun Immortal Sect of the three major sects, the Haiyun Alchemist, and the fourth-level Talisman Master of the Fuyun Immortal Sect.

After all, the materials for elixirs and talismans are easier to find, and these are consumables, and the entire Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation World needs a large amount.

In this way, if you want to find the two to refine spiritual objects, you have to queue up, and if you don’t give a suitable price, the two will generally not refine spiritual objects in large quantities for a certain person, which can be said to be a complete profiteer.

And the fourth-level talisman is not necessary at ordinary times, so in the past, Tianxing Pavilion would rarely look for the fourth-level Talisman Master of the Fuyun Immortal Sect to help draw spiritual talismans, except for spending extra money to refine pills.

That is why the Tianxing Pavilion has few fourth-level talismans.

But the world-destroying chaos is approaching, and it is unrealistic to immediately find the fourth-level talisman master of Fuyun Xianzong to help draw talismans.

For this reason, Tianxing Lao Zhenjun was worried about this matter before.

But now with the arrival of Ling Pengyun, the matter has taken a turn for the better.

However, Ling Pengyun also said that the Ling family's talisman master is still a little short of the fourth-level talisman path, and it is time to join forces with a large number of talisman-making materials.

Although he doesn't know whether this is true or not, he is very eager for the superior pupil technique that Ling Pengyun just offered to trade.

For this reason, after thinking about it for a while, considering that his own sect has accumulated for nearly thousands of years, there are fifty or sixty fourth-level talisman-making materials, and now it is okay to lose thirty pieces, and this transaction is also more fair.

Therefore, he asked Ling Pengyun about the general content of the superior magical power and took a look.

This magical power was originally called "Lingxiao Breaking Void Pupil Technique". It was a powerful magical power that Ling Pengyun gradually deduced based on his own situation based on an ordinary pupil technique that he had obtained in his early years.

In this way, this magical power is not only more suitable for him than those superior pupil techniques in the Xinghai Pavilion Yun Qian lineage, but also because this magical power does not come from the Xinghai Pavilion Yun Qian lineage, he can pass it on to other Yuanying cultivators in the family.

And this is also one of the foundations he left for the family.

Of course, the power of this magical power is not bad. It not only has the ability to break through illusions, but also can see through all the breath-hiding magical power methods of cultivators of the same level.

Unless he masters the powerful great magical power methods of the God-Transforming level.

It is precisely because of its domineering nature that Tianxing Lao Zhenjun particularly likes it at a glance, and he directly bought it.

At the same time, he also asked Ling Pengyun.

"By the way, Fellow Daoist Ling, you said before that you were going to trade other magical powers. Is that true?"

Ling Pengyun smiled when he saw that Tianxing Lao Zhenjun looked rich and powerful, and his face suddenly became grinning.

"Of course."

"From the magical powers of escaping and escaping to the magical powers of attacking and defending, and even the magical powers of the devil and ghost, I have them all, but after all, these magical powers are found by me, so the quality is not too high."

"Of course, as long as the price you give is right, I can find a channel to help you get them."

This is half true and half false.

In his early years, he did get a lot of righteous inheritance through the inheritance of the White Shadow Sect ruins in the Zhongzhou Xiuxian world, and later because of his deduction, the quality of those magical powers is not bad.

As for the magical powers of the devil and ghost, they originated from the inheritance of the Ghost Immortal Sect given by the Ghost Immortal Lamp, and the quality of those magical powers is even higher, and there are even great ghost magical powers at the level of transformation.

The reason why he didn't tell the truth is to avoid trouble.

Given that he currently has the support of the Xinghai Pavilion, it is normal for him to possess many superior magical powers. However, if he casually uses his reputation to sell a large number of superior magical powers, it will inevitably cause trouble.

This move all revealed that those magical powers did not originate from Xinghai Pavilion, but had another chance.

After all, big forces like Xinghai Pavilion are very strict about keeping inheritance secrets.

By then, even if he has a high level of cultivation, he may not be able to hold it back.

At this moment, after hearing that Ling Pengyun not only had a large number of ordinary-quality supernatural powers, but also had channels to obtain higher-level magical powers, Lord Tianxing immediately became interested.

In addition, he knew that Ling Pengyun was backed by Xinghai Pavilion and other deity-transforming forces, and he probably knew a lot of people, so it was more true that he had channels to acquire high-level magical powers.

For this reason, he immediately asked.

"I wonder if you can get the best escape and escape magic powers, or the best defensive magic powers, attack magic powers, or formation-related magic powers?"

When Ling Pengyun heard this, he immediately understood that Old True Lord Tianxing was preparing for the chaos that would destroy the world.

Then, he pretended to be embarrassed, thought about it for a while, and then said.

"I have a chance to get the best offensive magical powers, but the rest of the magical powers are more difficult. After all, whether it is the superior defensive magical powers, the escape magic powers, or the formation magical powers, they are all rare things, even rare. It’s comparable to the life-increasing magic power I sold to my senior before.”

Lord Tianxing Laozhen felt that this was reasonable.

According to his understanding, in the entire Beihuang Immortal Cultivation World, apart from the mysterious Ling family, it is estimated that only the three major immortal sects that also rely on the power of deity have those rare magical powers.

No matter what level the attacking magical power is, it is indeed a relatively common one.

It is said that most of the ancestors who created their own magical powers in the past generations, when faced with this opportunity, usually thought of attacking the magical powers first.

After all, strength is the confidence of a monk.

Of course, only those with strong foundations would think of creating their own defensive magical powers or other special magical powers.

But now, after thinking about it carefully, Mr. Tianxing Lao Zhenjun felt that it would be good if he could get superior attack powers.

Taking his current cultivation level, which has just entered the middle stage of Yuanying, as an example, if he can obtain that kind of magical power, he will be enough to threaten the monks in the late stage of Yuanying.

This kind of magical power happens to be something that Tianxing Sect does not have. As long as he buys it, not only can he practice it, but also the other current Supreme Lord Liu Haochen of Tianxing Sect can also practice it.

In this way, the Tianxing Sect's ability to protect itself in the face of world-destroying chaos can also be strengthened.

It was precisely because of this that he immediately said to Ling Pengyun.

"If fellow Taoist can really help our sect acquire superior attacking magical powers, my sect will definitely give you a generous gift."

The joy on Ling Pengyun's face suddenly became brighter, and then he agreed to the matter, and delayed the matter on the excuse that it would take some time for him to find superior attacking magical powers through some special channels.

After the transaction was completed, he obtained thirty fourth-level talisman-making spiritual materials with the superior pupil magic power, and he immediately left the Tianxing Sect, returned to his family, and handed the thirty materials to the person in charge of the family. Ling Lihao, the fourth-level talisman master of Tianlinggen, entrusted him to help draw the talisman.

Ling Lihao was immediately curious when he saw that Ling Pengyun suddenly had so many rare talisman-making materials. However, before he asked, Ling Pengyun left the family and his whereabouts were unknown. It was extremely mysterious.

This also made Ling Lihao more and more doubtful, but he did not delay helping Ling Pengyun draw the talisman. After all, this matter was finished, and he still needed to rely on the family's talisman-making materials to draw the fourth-level talisman as soon as possible.

After all, the world-destroying chaos is coming soon.

On the other side, Ling Pengyun, after leaving the family, in order to avoid the suspicion of the old True Lord Tianxing of Tianxing Pavilion, he deliberately went to the Haiyun Immortal Sect with whom he was familiar, and then even pretended to leave the Beihuang Immortal Cultivation World. I went to the Immortal Cultivation World in the Boundless Sea and stayed for a while.

As soon as this happened, there was a mysterious man in black next to him who had no breath at all.

Then, he took him to Tianxing Pavilion and found the old True Lord Tianxing again.

"Senior, what happened before is almost done."

"Comrade Yuanying next to me possesses an excellent offensive magical power that can be taught to others at will, but whether the senior can impress it depends on the senior's own ability."

When Old True Lord Tianxing heard this, his eyes lit up slightly, and he looked curiously at the man in black next to Ling Pengyun. However, the man in black might have practiced a powerful breath gathering method. Even if he used the Tianxing Pavilion's It is difficult for any of the pupil-making techniques in the sect to see through his cultivation.

However, due to such a situation, Lord Tianxing couldn't help but believe that the man in black had superior attack power, and even secretly guessed.

"This person's background is bound to be extraordinary."

Then, with goodwill, he first sent a message to Ling Pengyun.

"Fellow Taoist, as long as the next transaction can be completed, our sect will definitely give you the generous gifts you received earlier."

Ling Pengyun felt happy and immediately replied through his voice.

"You're welcome."

After saying that, he left here and went to a secluded place to wait, leaving the space for Old True Lord Tianxing and the mysterious man in black.

Old True Lord Tianxing smiled and began to trade with the mysterious man.

And the man in black does possess an excellent offensive magical power, called "Qingxuan Destruction Needle". Once used, it can condense a thin needle with powerful force, which can defeat various defensive methods.

It was precisely because of this that Old True Lord Tianxing suddenly felt a surge of passion in his heart.

As far as I'm concerned, this kind of powerful breaking power is rarer than ordinary attacking powers, and it's also stronger.

Even according to Old Zhenjun Tianxing's estimate, as long as he can obtain that magical power, he will not only be able to threaten the powerful people in the late Nascent Soul stage, but even kill them.

After all, the most difficult thing to deal with such strong men is that they usually have various powerful defense methods, but as long as they are broken through with this breaking method.

Tianxing Lao Zhenjun, a formation master, could use various powerful formations to slowly kill the strong man in the late Nascent Soul stage.

Therefore, Old True Lord Tianxing did not hesitate at all, and transmitted a message to the mysterious man in black.

"Fellow Taoist, I wonder what you need to buy this Po Gang magical power from my sect?"

The mysterious black man replied calmly.

"Fifty pieces of fourth-level talisman-making materials!"

Lord Tianxing was a little surprised when he heard this. This was the same thing that Ling Pengyun had previously traded for the pupil magic power.

But then he thought about it, Ling Pengyun could persuade the man in black to sell his powerful breaking power, which must mean that the two have a close relationship.

In this way, the mysterious man in black most likely knew that the Ling family was about to give birth to a fourth-level talisman master.

No matter how bad it is, such a person with superior magical powers must have a wide network of contacts, and he may even know many fourth-level talisman masters.

It is more cost-effective to use the talisman-making materials to entrust a fourth-level talisman master to help draw the talisman.

In addition, the world-destroying chaos that is about to happen will affect several realms of immortality, and the power of the fourth-level spiritual talisman is relatively strong, so it is a treasure that can enhance strength in a short period of time.

"Thinking about it this way, it makes sense that this person needs fourth-level talisman-making materials."

Old True Lord Tianxing muttered secretly.

But the mysterious man in black needed so much fourth-level talisman-making materials that Tianxing Pavilion simply couldn't afford it.

After all, he and Ling Pengyun had traded talisman-making materials once before.

For this reason, he bargained with them, and finally settled the deal with thirty-five pieces of fourth-level talisman-making materials, as well as Tianxing Laozhenjun, a fourth-level mid-level formation master, who had a lifetime of formation knowledge.

And this has almost wiped out the fourth-level talisman-making talents that Tianxing Pavilion has accumulated over the years, which also makes the old Zhenjun Tianxing feel a little distressed.

As for the Tao of Formation experience, although it is said to be perfect, it is not mixed with the inheritance of the Tao of Formation after all. It is just a talk from experience, so it is of little value. Old Zhenjun Tianxing didn't think anything of it.

Afterwards, he exchanged some polite words with the mysterious man in black and asked him about whether he had superior defensive powers and other matters.

After getting a negative answer, he sighed slightly with disappointment, then called Ling Pengyun from far away, and quietly gave Ling Pengyun a storage bag.

Obviously, that is the middle fee.

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