Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 1256 Obtaining a Yuanying (Subscription Request)

Several months passed in a flash.

This day.

All the cultivators in Jinchi Mountain heard a faint sound of breaking.

Then, a powerful and uncontrollable aura of cultivators expanded in a cave.

All the cultivators were startled and looked over, and at the same time they were a little curious.

"The aura was originally 70% of the strength of the Nascent Soul, and now it has even gradually entered the Nascent Soul realm, but it has not touched the tide of heaven and earth and the calamity cloud. This is a bit strange."

"Could it be that some Jindan ancestor in the clan has cultivated some special and powerful means, which has caused such fluctuations now?"

"But it doesn't make sense. According to common sense, even if the Jindan ancestor has cultivated the Nascent Soul consciousness and Nascent Soul meridians and even the Nascent Soul body in advance, it is estimated that it is difficult to make the aura of a person's cultivation truly enter the Nascent Soul realm. This is a qualitative change in spiritual power."


Countless doubts suddenly emerged.

However, Ling Pengyun, who knew the details, appeared outside the gate of the cave with a happy face and murmured.

"Pengcheng has finally reached this step."

"In this way, after he successfully makes up for the incompleteness of his own path, I can go to the boundless sea to cultivate immortals with peace of mind."


At the same time.

Inside the cave.

It can be said to be extremely mysterious. The strength of the spiritual energy inside it far exceeds that of the fourth-level spiritual mountain, Jinchi Mountain, and directly reaches the ranks of the fourth-level middle-grade treasure land.

However, this is not because there are any additional fourth-level middle-grade spiritual veins deep underground in this cave, but it is all due to a fourth-level spirit gathering formation that continuously refines a pile of spiritual stones.

And all this is for Ling Pengcheng who is in seclusion here to make up for the incompleteness of his cultivation.

He is the tribe member who took the special Yuanying spiritual object Sun and Moon Crystal to impact the Yuanying some time ago, and successfully passed the opportunity of the spiritual energy tide, but because of his peaceful mind, he did not refine the golden elixir into the Sun and Moon Pill.

Under normal circumstances, he would have no chance to achieve the Nascent Soul.

After all, because he successfully passed the opportunity of the spiritual energy tide and was recognized by the heaven and earth, even if he wanted to impact the Nascent Soul in the future, it would be difficult for him to get the help of the Nascent Soul tide again like ordinary cultivators who failed in the impact.

In this way, if he wanted to make the golden elixir complete the last bit of transformation, he could only rely on his own strength.

But this matter requires a huge amount of spiritual energy, and it is impossible to do it by human power alone.

However, his opportunity is good. He happened to be born in the Ling family, and the Northern Wilderness cultivation world is now facing the chaos of the world, so he received strong support from the family.

Ling Pengyun not only found a domineering fourth-level spirit gathering formation for him that can refine and purify the spiritual energy in all spiritual objects in a short period of time.

He also moved all the spiritual stones in the clan library, and finally gathered tens of millions of spiritual stones to maintain the operation of the formation, so as to create such a treasure land for cultivation to help Ling Pengcheng refine his own golden elixir.

Now, Ling Pengcheng, who possesses the Golden Saint Body of Morality, can cause such a huge movement, which obviously means that the matter is on the right track.

His golden elixir is constantly washed by the strong spiritual energy, and finally perfects the flaw.

With a flash of spiritual light, the golden elixir quickly transformed into a special red and silver-white sphere.

And it contains endless sun and moon energy.

In the end, Ling Pengcheng's spiritual power gradually transformed into the mysterious sun and moon spiritual power.

"Is this the Sun and Moon Pill?"

"And the current situation is very different from that of an ordinary Nascent Soul!"

"After all, after a cultivator condenses a Nascent Soul, the spiritual power will only become more refined."

"And the sun and moon spiritual power condensed by the Sun and Moon Pill is more ferocious because it has the power of the sun and moon. It is stronger than that of ordinary cultivators, but its quantity is a bit small, only about 70% of the reserves of an ordinary Nascent Soul, which should be considered a defect."

Thinking of this, Ling Pengcheng's face full of novelty couldn't help but have a little more regret.

"But if it can be supplemented, so that the special Nascent Soul cultivators who master the Sun and Moon Pills all have the same amount of spiritual power reserves as ordinary cultivators, I am afraid that this kind of special Nascent Soul cultivators can directly suppress ordinary cultivators with the help of the special Sun and Moon spiritual power."

"But this should be difficult. After all, the Sun and Moon Condensation Nascent Soul method has reached the level of superior magical power. It is estimated that only when it enters the realm of great magical power at the level of God Transformation can it reach the level I imagined."

After a helpless sigh, Ling Pengcheng put his mind back on this breakthrough.

Because the spiritual energy nearby is ordinary spiritual energy, it is just more pure, so those spiritual energy have no effect of good fortune.

This also indicates that it is difficult for Ling Pengcheng to use the spiritual energy tide to refine the Nascent Soul opportunity after condensing the Nascent Soul opportunity like a normal cultivator, thereby improving his qualifications.

"It is really a tragedy!"

Ling Pengcheng looked at his own Sun and Moon Pill with ordinary potential helplessly, muttering to himself.

"Based on the quality of this pill, I'm afraid that I will have a hard time entering the middle stage of the Nascent Soul in the future."

"As for my spirit body, it is only a mid-level spirit body after all, and it is difficult to be of much help to the Nascent Soul."

"I'm afraid that my Nascent Soul path will be difficult in the future."

At this time, because he successfully condensed the Sun and Moon Pill, the test of heaven and earth came.

Pieces of black calamity clouds suddenly appeared in the sky above the Golden Wing Mountain.

When Ling Pengcheng first attacked the Nascent Soul, he did not condense the Sun and Moon Pill, so he did not trigger the Nascent Soul calamity clouds.

But it is precisely this situation that makes the ignorant tribesmen in Golden Wing Mountain even more confused.

"Nascent Soul Tribulation Cloud?"

"And he showed up quietly?"

"This is too strange."


And as time gradually passed, the calamity cloud brewed enough power, and finally struck a powerful calamity thunder.

This blow is at least as powerful as the full blow of the Golden Core Perfection cultivator. It can be said to be of extraordinary power, and because it carries a trace of destructive energy, the power cannot help but be a bit stronger. It is estimated that ordinary defense methods will be difficult to block it.

But who let it touch the Golden Winged Mountain of Ling Family?

You know, Golden Wings Mountain now has two fourth-level formations, one is a fourth-level low-level formation, and the other is a fourth-level mid-level offensive and defensive formation.

The two formations merged into one, let alone the first tribulation thunder, even the other eleven powerful tribulation thunders fired after the tribulation cloud did not harm the master of the tribulation cloud, "Ling Pengcheng".

Finally, twelve tribulation thunders fell together.

Ling Pengcheng successfully survived this disaster, and the remaining power of the calamity cloud in the sky turned into nectar, which nourished Ling Pengcheng's body, making his cultivation finally perfect, and he officially entered the realm of Nascent Soul.

But due to various sad factors, he was not very happy, but rather depressed.

"I am both lucky and unlucky. My path is really complicated."

He sighed with emotion, and then he counted the remaining family spirit stones in his hand. Seeing that he had only consumed nearly half of them this time, and there were still more than five million spirit stones left, he suddenly felt at ease.

"Fortunately, all these spiritual stones have not been consumed. Otherwise, when the family faces the chaos of world destruction in the future, it is estimated that there will be a big economic crisis."

The chaos of world destruction is bound to be a protracted war.

The use of spirit stones is more important. Not only can they be used to hire casual cultivators to participate in battles, but they can also be used as a source of power for formations, etc. This is of great benefit to battles.

But on the contrary, if the family does not have a few spiritual stones in hand when facing the chaos of world destruction, I am afraid that the family's strength will be reduced by three points.

Afterwards, Ling Pengcheng withdrew the fourth-level spirit gathering formation here, took the batch of spirit stones, left the cave, and met Ling Pengyun who was waiting outside the cave.

"Brother Pengyun clan, these are the remaining spiritual stones after I make up my own path this time."

Ling Pengcheng handed over several storage bags containing more than 500 spiritual stones and the fourth-level formation.

When Ling Pengyun saw this, his face couldn't help but become a little more happy, and at the same time he congratulated Ling Pengyun.

But at the same time, he also noticed a hint of helplessness deep in Ling Pengcheng's eyebrows, so he asked with a smile.

"Brother Pengcheng is dissatisfied that although he has made up for the shortcomings of the path this time, he cannot obtain the effect of the spiritual energy tide that can temper the foundation of the Nascent Soul?"

Ling Pengcheng did not hide it, but nodded.

"Indeed, this matter is really unfortunate."

"If I could have been firmer at the beginning, maybe when I first hit the realm, I could have successfully condensed that special Sun and Moon Pill, and used that spiritual energy tide to temper my foundation and make my path stronger."

Ling Pengyun comforted him.

"Being able to enter the realm of Nascent Soul is already a blessing. Moreover, there is not only one spiritual energy tide in this world that can temper the foundation of Nascent Soul. As far as I know, there are many fourth-level spiritual beings who have this ability. The effect is just weaker.”

"If Pengcheng clan brother has any idea about this, try to learn some Nascent Soul attack methods to deal with the chaos of the world. If you, clan brother, can kill some Nascent Soul demon kings and accumulate some wealth, I can I’ll try to help my clan brother to go to Xinghai Pavilion and ask if I can exchange it for some special spiritual items that can improve my qualifications.”

"After all, spiritual objects that reach the Nascent Soul level are usually bartered, and it is difficult to buy them with spiritual stones."

When Ling Pengcheng heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up. Although he had known about such spiritual beings in the past.

But he never expected that Ling Pengyun would have a way to obtain such spiritual objects.

"Brother, is this true?"

Ling Pengyun said with a smile.

"Of course, to be honest with my clan members, I am currently the successor of Yun Qianyi, one of the nine major bloodlines of the god-transforming force in Xinghai Pavilion, so my authority is relatively large. As far as I know, I, Yun Qianyi, There are one or two spiritual objects in the warehouse that can improve your qualifications."

"And I happen to have the authority to redeem one."

After hearing his affirmation, Ling Pengcheng couldn't help but respect Ling Pengyun a little more. At the same time, the helplessness in his brows immediately disappeared, and his heart became a little more pursuing the path.

Before, he looked a little decadent because his path was hopeless.

But now that I have a goal, it's different.

"Perhaps as long as I get that object, I will have a chance to enter the middle stage of Nascent Soul."

Afterwards, he chatted with Ling Pengyun for a while, and then hurriedly returned to the cave to retreat and study the methods of Nascent Soul.

The chaos of world destruction is only about one or two years away, and time waits for no one.

Moreover, it is generally difficult to understand Yuanying's methods. If you don't work harder, maybe when the world is destroyed, it will be a problem not to mention hunting the Yuanying Demon Lord. Even self-protection will probably be a problem.

When Ling Pengyun saw his appearance, he smiled a little.

"Sure enough, we still have to get some benefits to catch these Nascent Soul tribesmen who have little potential in order to stimulate their fighting spirit."

Not long ago, in order to prevent Ling Lihao, the fourth-level talisman master who also took the path of Sun and Moon Condensing Infant and only condensed an ordinary Sun and Moon Pill, from being satisfied with the status quo, he also used this bait method.

However, Ling Lihao had a different personality and pursuit from him, so Ling Pengyun used a complete fourth-level talisman inheritance as bait to push Ling Lihao to practice talismans.

As long as his talisman reached the old fourth-level lower-grade level, Ling Pengyun would find a way to get the inheritance for him.

In addition, Ling Pengcheng entered the Nascent Soul realm, and the family now has four Nascent Souls.

In addition to Ling Pengcheng, the other three are Ling Pengyun's Taoist partner Yan Siyi, the fourth-level talisman master Ling Lihao, and the ghost cultivator Ling Pengxing.

However, the foundation-building combat power is more, after all, Ling Pengyun spent a lot of effort to prevent the last chaos, and persuaded the ghost cultivator Ling Pengxing to refine three Nascent Soul spirit ghosts for the family with the Tongtian Ghost Treasure.

Moreover, there is a middle-class ghost among them, whose strength is comparable to that of an old-fashioned Yuanying early stage cultivator, and there is even a powerful black phantom ghost whose cultivation is barely enough to touch the Yuanying middle stage.

In addition, the family has entrusted the Ghost Fairy Lamp to help refine two more ghosts with some special spiritual objects in recent years.

A total of five ghosts.

If the "overlord" Moon Shadow Wolf King in the Moon Shadow Secret Realm controlled by the family is added.

The family has a full ten Yuanying combat forces.

"In this way, even if I left the family and went to Xinghai Pavilion during the World Destruction Rebellion, the family's strength is still not weak."

"Even with the help of the two incarnation talisman trump cards I left in the family, and the fourth-level talismans that Li Hao recently drew, it is possible that the family will have some opportunities in this World Destruction Rebellion."

His face was a little more relaxed, and then he found his wife Yan Siyi, who was in seclusion recently to practice a special magical power, and told her about his intention to leave the family immediately.

Before, after Ling Lihao helped him refine the talismans, he actually planned to leave, but who would have thought that at that time, Ling Pengcheng, who had the moral golden body, had found an opportunity to break through, which aroused Ling Pengyun's curiosity, so he stayed in the family for a while longer.

After Yan Siyi heard this, her mood suddenly became heavy.

But she understood that Ling Pengyun had to go this time.

Although Ling Pengyun was a cultivator of the Ling family, a subsidiary of the Yun Qian lineage, he was also the successor of the Yun Qian lineage and should have contributed to the Yun Qian lineage in the war of the world-destroying chaos.

And Yan Siyi also knew that Ling Pengyun planned to take advantage of the battle between Xinghai Pavilion and the sea dragon clan of the incarnation demon clan in the boundless sea to earn a war merit, exchange for the nine-day mysterious energy and the essence of the earth soul, so as to help his eldest son Ling Chengxia and his spirit beast Xuanjia turtle to impact the Nascent Soul. (End of this chapter)

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