Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 1265: Cowardly as a Mouse (Subscribe)

You know, if you want a spiritual treasure to have the foundation of transformation, it takes two or three hundred years for the spiritual cultivator to condense a breath of spiritual energy.

But the spiritual cultivators are busy with all kinds of things, how many people are willing to spend hundreds of years practicing hard just to help a spiritual treasure have the foundation of transformation?

Indirectly, spiritual treasures with the foundation of transformation are extremely rare.

Even the Xinghai Pavilion or the Haijiao clan, which have lasted for tens of thousands of years, basically don’t have many.

As for the spiritual treasures with the foundation of transformation that can comprehend a true meaning to the level of great success, there are even fewer.

There are only two in the Haijiao clan.

This is because the two spiritual treasures have a good foundation. It is said that they are made from materials from some of the ancestors of the Haijiao clan, and they have a little probability of entering the realm of transformation.

For this reason, the sea dragon clan paid more attention to them. Even the ancestors of the sea dragon clan in the past generations have passed nearly ten spirit-transforming qi to them, which helped them comprehend a truth to the level of great success.

As long as they can master all the true meanings, they will undoubtedly have a 30% chance of impacting the spirit-transforming realm.

But then again, if the two spiritual treasures rely on their own comprehension, I am afraid that even if they are given tens of thousands of years, they may not be able to achieve such an achievement.

As for ordinary spirit treasures with the foundation of spirit-transforming, the probability of achieving such an achievement is even slimmer, and it can even be said that there is no hope.

It is precisely for this reason that Ling Pengyun, a late-stage Nascent Soul cultivator, should find it difficult to master such treasures.

In theory, this kind of spiritual treasure is either in the hands of the spirit-transforming of major forces, or in the hands of some powerful people at the level of Nascent Soul perfection.

After all, only such powerful people can exert the full power of such treasures.

At this time, the red crab saw Ling Pengyun and thought about it carefully.

"Could this person be Ling Pengyun, the only one who has condensed the Five Elements Yuanying in the past three thousand years in Xinghai Pavilion?"

Thinking of this, it suddenly realized.

"If so, it's no wonder that this person has such a treasure even though he is only in the late Yuanying stage."

"After all, such a person is rare even in our clan, and will definitely be taken care of by the ancestors of the clan."

"But...if this happens, I'm afraid I'll be in trouble."

The red crab's face suddenly showed a trace of helplessness.

Although it has spread the news to the nearby demon kings that Ling Pengyun has a spiritual treasure with the foundation of the God of Transformation, it is likely to attract many demon kings. With their help, it may be able to escape from danger.

But what can be done? Ling Pengyun's treasure is really amazing.

Even if the nearby demon kings come to support without knowing the situation, I'm afraid they will withdraw after seeing the true potential of the Five Elements Treasures River.

After all, not many people in this world are willing to provoke a person who is suspected to be valued by the God-transforming Ancestor.

Of course, some people with high cultivation probably won't be afraid.

But among the many demon kings of the Sea Dragon Clan who went on this expedition, strictly speaking, only the great elder of the Sea Dragon Clan, Haiyun Leijiao, provoked Ling Pengyun. He was a disciple of the God-transforming Ancestor of the Sea Dragon Clan, and he also had a God-transforming backer.

But the great elder is now entangled by the old formation master Xingqing of Xinghai Pavilion.

"It's over!"

The Red Crab Demon King sighed helplessly, his heart full of haze.

And as he thought, not long after that, although many nearby demon kings came because of the Red Crab Demon King's spread that Ling Pengyun had a spiritual treasure with the foundation of the God-transforming spiritual treasure.

But soon, they saw that Ling Pengyun's incarnation foundation spiritual treasure was really strong, so they all stopped and just watched from afar.

Ling Pengyun's extraordinary spiritual awareness was comparable to that of an old-fashioned Yuanying perfect cultivator, so he was able to notice this matter subtly.

"Are there so many demon kings nearby?"

"This is a bit dangerous. If they are attacked by a group, it will be difficult for me to break through."

"It seems that we have to use some special means."

His spiritual awareness was filled with hatred, and he immediately transferred his spiritual awareness into the Yunqian No. 2 flying boat under him.

In just an instant, the three thousand cloud sword formation pattern in the flying boat was triggered.

As countless spiritual lights emerged, the phantoms of three thousand flying swords suddenly appeared and turned into a huge torrent of sword light, sweeping out directly.

The countless seawater along the way was torn apart.

For a moment, the deep sea seemed to be cut in half, with only sword intent flying in the middle.

The power of this move is naturally not bad. Although it cannot compare with the Five Elements Hundred Treasures River and the Dragon Shadow Array Spirit of the Dragon Covering the Sea Array, it is a superior magical power after all.

But it is at least comparable to the full-strength attack of a mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivator, and it is also very good at breaking the barrier.

In this way, it only washed away a few more cracks on the special fourth-level middle-grade Broken Gold and Cracked Cloud Array supported by the Red Crab Clan.

Even if the Red Crab Demon King led the remaining Red Crabs with spare power to fight back, they only lasted for a few hundred breaths before the formation was shattered.

And their offensive was not as strong as Ling Pengyun's side. For this reason, it didn't take long for Ling Pengyun to kill all the low-level Red Crabs here one by one.

Only the Red Crab Demon King in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul was very difficult to deal with because of his strong physique and the help of a fourth-level upper-grade treasure armor spiritual treasure that the Red Crab Clan had nurtured for tens of thousands of years.

But fortunately, the Five Elements Treasure River had trapped the only fourth-level middle-grade claw magic treasure in its hand.

In this way, the crab was like a lamb to be slaughtered.

It was precisely because of this that the crab was extremely worried and even begged for mercy.

"Fellow Daoist, please show some mercy. As long as you are willing to let me go, I am willing to send people back to the nest of my red crab clan and take out all the resources of my clan to offer to you."

"And our clan's resources not only have many fourth-level cultivation resources, but also rare fourth-level healing pills, even fourth-level spiritual fruit trees, and even fourth-level spiritual ponds and Nascent Soul spiritual objects, etc. I guarantee that you will not be disappointed."


It is the only demon king of the red crab clan, and also the king of this clan, so it can mobilize the clan's resources at will, and what it says now is indeed sincere.

Ling Pengyun was slightly stunned when he heard it.

"Why is this crab like this...?"

Although in the past, when he killed many cultivator enemies, many cultivators had begged for mercy.

But there are very few monster enemies who beg for mercy.

And this red crab demon king is one of them, and he is completely the most useless among them.

However, Ling Pengyun could understand it. After all, there is only one life. If you lose your life, what is the point of having backbone?

The Red Crab Demon King also thought the same thing. Moreover, it has not lived long enough.

It is only over 3,000 years old now, but because of the demon beast, it still has more than 2,000 years of life left.

In this way, it has just reached middle age and has not enjoyed the prosperity of the world.

And although it is considered a member of the Sea Dragon Clan, it is only a side branch.

Once it is difficult for its own family to produce a Nascent Soul, it may be driven out of the clan and eventually become an ordinary clan.

For this reason, it does not have much belonging to the Sea Dragon Clan. Under such circumstances, there is no need to fight for the Sea Dragon Clan.

It participated in this so-called world-destroying chaos. In addition to trying to see if it can kill some cultivators as a spiritual resource, it only intends to mix around.

Therefore, seeing that Ling Pengyun's attack had not stopped, it added with some pain.

"Fellow Daoist, my clan still has a rare quasi-fourth-level fire jade spirit fruit tree, which can produce second-class Yuanying spirit objects. As long as you are willing to stop, I am willing to offer it as well."

Ling Pengyun was slightly moved when he heard this.

Strictly speaking, this kind of spirit fruit tree that can produce second-class Yuanying spirit objects is actually much more valuable than the fourth-level spirit fruit tree that the Red Crab Demon King had mentioned before.

It is estimated that it was for this reason that he did not mention the fire jade spirit fruit tree before, wanting to leave some background.

In addition, precious trees such as the fire jade spirit fruit tree are exactly what the Ling family needs at present.

After careful calculation, the family actually has no real source of righteous Yuanying spirit objects that belong to it.

Although there is a quasi-fourth-level Tianxuan Spirit Pond in the Baiying Secret Realm that the family discovered in the Zhongzhou Xiuxian World in the early years, which can also produce second-class Yuanying spiritual objects, this thing needs to be shared equally with the other forces in the Baiying Secret Realm.

As for the Ghost Immortal Sect branch secret realm that is also in the Zhongzhou Xiuxian World, although there are several small ponds that can produce Yuanying spiritual objects, those can only produce ghost Yuanying spiritual objects.

And the family's way of condensing special Yuanying spiritual objects, the Sun and Moon Crystals, with a special formation can only be regarded as a new way.

Moreover, even if the Red Crab Demon King is killed, there is not much benefit. After all, handing over his body, soul, and even Yuanying can only exchange for hundreds of thousands of war merits at most.

But on the contrary, if he is given a way to live, the benefits will be huge, and not only the Fire Jade Spirit Fruit Tree, but the Red Crab Demon King also said that he would give Yuanying spiritual objects and other treasures.

And these are what Ling Pengyun needs.

For this reason, Ling Pengyun thought about it for a while, then raised his hand and stopped the attack.

But he used the Five Elements Treasure River to directly trap the red crab monster.

Then, he said.

"Is what you said before true?"

The red crab monster nodded quickly when he saw that there was hope of survival.

"Of course, of course."

"At most half a month, the spiritual objects I promised to give to you will be delivered to you by my clansmen."

Ling Pengyun nodded with satisfaction.

"In this case, I agree to the condition of exchanging spiritual objects for your life."

"But in addition, I want all the spiritual objects on you."

"And, you need to give them now, give them all."

The red crab monster heard the words, and countless thoughts of refusing suddenly emerged in his heart.

Now, it can survive in the world mainly because of the powerful fourth-level upper-grade treasure armor spiritual treasure on its body.

If this treasure is gone, with Ling Pengyun's strength, it would be easy to kill it.

But just as it hesitated, it heard a threat.

"Don't waste time. If you don't give it to me, you will die even if you have that armor."

This is indeed true. For this reason, the Red Crab Demon King can't help but feel powerless, but he must fight for some rights for himself.

"Okay, I can give you the spiritual objects on me now, but you must make a vow to the Heavenly Dao. After my people send the ransom, you must let me go."

"And during this period and even in the next 30 years, you are not allowed to hurt my life, and you are not allowed to entrust others to do it to me."

Ling Pengyun couldn't help but smile when he heard this.

With the Taichu Sutra in hand, he can basically ignore all the checks and balances such as the oath of heaven and earth.

However, he never had the intention of breaking the contract from beginning to end, so he agreed.

"I agree to this."

After saying that, he made a vow.

The Red Crab Demon King was relieved when he saw this.

The higher the cultivation of the cultivator, the more powerful the oath of heaven he made.

If you violate it easily, you will definitely be punished by heaven and earth when facing major hurdles in the future, which will only increase the difficulty.

It is precisely for this reason that the heavenly vows made by high-level monks are basically somewhat binding.

In addition, the Crimson Crab Demon Lord now has no other way to survive, so he can only place his hopes on that oath.

Therefore, in order to avoid provoking Ling Pengyun, it threw all the treasure armor and stored magic weapons to Ling Pengyun.

When Ling Pengyun saw this, he nodded with satisfaction.

"This crab is quite honest and didn't hide anything."

"Now, all we have to do is wait for the information about the Crimson Crab family that he mentioned."

Then, he said to the red crab demon king.

"For the next period of time, you will stay in my Changhe Lingbao. If you make any changes, such as secretly contacting some strong men to ambush me or a series of other things, I will definitely kill you as soon as possible. ”

When the red crab demon king heard this, he felt happy.

"Looking at it like this, this human race should be planning to keep their word."

But thinking of Ling Pengyun's threat, it couldn't help but feel a little bitter.

Although, it really wants to do so.

But the true meaning of Ling Pengyun's Five Elements Changhe Lingbao is really strong, and the communication method in its hands is not particularly strong.

In this way, it will be difficult for those means to break through the true meaning and reach the outside world.

It is estimated that only rare quasi-fifth-level contact methods or superior inherited magical powers can accomplish this.

But both are rare things.

For this reason, even if it has thief intentions, it can only stay within the Five Elements Hundred Treasures River.

At the same time, it said.

"By the way, fellow Taoist, I haven't sent the message to my tribe yet. Can you remove your Chang He's true meaning first? Otherwise, I won't be able to send the message at all."

Ling Pengyun considered that he would leave here soon, and since the Crimson Crab Demon King had already asked for help, he was not afraid of giving him a chance to summon him, so he did so.

But as soon as the matter was over, he immediately cleaned up the mess here, and used the Five Elements Hundred Treasures River to leave here with the red crab demon king.

As for the group of demon kings watching from a distance, because the transaction between the Crimson Crab Demon Monarch and Ling Pengyun was a sound transmission communication, they were unaware of this, so they all became a little confused.

"Then what are the human monks doing to capture the Crimson Crab demon king fellow from the Crimson Crab clan alive? Could it be that... he plans to bring him back to Xinghai Pavilion and integrate his soul into some special formation to serve as an formation spirit, or he plans to tame him , used to deal with our Haijiao clan?”


They kept guessing, but even if they didn't guess that the Crimson Crab Demon Lord exchanged profits for a way out, it was obvious that they all had a high regard for the Crimson Crab Demon Lord. (End of chapter)

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