Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 13 Sparrow Guard (Please collect and recommend)

On the top of Qingshi Mountain.

Ling Pengyun stood beside the six-acre spiritual field, lowered his head, looked at the huge village with smoke rising from the Qingshi Lake, and sighed.

"Time flies, I have been here for a month! Those villagers have been here for fifteen days! Time flies, we must seize the day!"

Just as Ling Pengyun was lost in thought, two thumb-sized insects pounced into the three-acre rice seedlings on the top of Qingshi Mountain from a distance, and opened their mouths to eat the rice leaves of the yellow jade spiritual rice in the spiritual field.

Ling Pengyun, who was lost in thought, noticed movement in the rice seedlings, turned around, and saw two more insects eating rice leaves in the spiritual rice. He felt extremely helpless and looked disgusted.

"Why are these damn insects here again!"

Ling Pengyun, angry, waved his hand and shot out two golden needles, directly killing the two insects that had just entered the first level of innateness.

Since the yellow jade spiritual rice, Qi training grass, and sword star grass in the six-acre spiritual field on the top of the mountain sprouted, they have been showing the signs of spiritual grass, and they have been emitting a lot of spiritual energy to the outside world.

This situation attracts a lot of insects every day, even insects and beasts in the innate realm.

The beasts are not bad. They will be killed by the Lingxiao Guards organized by the warriors of Qingshi Village before they get close to Qingshi Mountain.

The insects can fly, which really caused a lot of trouble for Ling Pengyun.

His cultivation level is not high. Although he is stronger than the cultivators of the same level in the way of spiritual consciousness, it is comparable to the spiritual consciousness of the sixth-level Qi training cultivator.

If you don’t deliberately release your spiritual consciousness to arrange it around, it is difficult to detect that there are insects eating spiritual grass and rice seedlings in the first time during the cultivation process.

But if you deliberately release your spiritual consciousness around to be alert, it will consume too much spiritual consciousness and it will be difficult to persist for too long.

When he was in Lingxiao Mountain in his early years, he had enough spiritual energy to open the mountain protection formation of Lingxiao Mountain to support the light curtain, which also prevented flying insects and birds from harming the spiritual plants in the mountain. Ling Ruda, Ling Pengyun's spiritual planting master, did not tell Ling Pengyun that he needed to guard against flying insects when planting spiritual plants.

This also caused that five days ago, when the six acres of spiritual plants first showed the characteristics of spiritual plants and carried spiritual energy, they were harmed by insects.

If it weren't for the fact that there were too many flying insects eating in the spiritual field on the top of the mountain, Ling Pengyun, who was obsessed with cultivation, would not have found them.

Although he killed those flying insects at that time, Ling Pengyun also learned a lesson after that. He left the stone cave halfway up the mountain where he lived and sat cross-legged on the top of the bluestone mountain day and night, always alert to insects attacking and harming rice seedlings and spiritual grass seedlings.

As for the threat to Ling Pengyun, there is none, unless these insects can enter the realm of Qi training.

On the other hand, these insects in the acquired and innate realms sensed that the spiritual plants planted in the six-acre spiritual field on the top of Qingshi Mountain contained a lot of spiritual energy. After eating, they could advance their cultivation. That's why they kept coming here to eat the spiritual plants, risking their lives.

"If the spiritual veins of Qingshi Mountain had enough spiritual energy, it would be good to open this mountain protection formation. In this way, the formation could transform into a light curtain to isolate those flying insects and birds. I wouldn't have to spend so much time, energy, and effort to guard here day and night. Even when practicing, I still need to stop temporarily and wake up to kill insects!" Ling Pengyun said helplessly.

He waved his hand and put away the two innate insects in the wheat field that were killed by the golden needle.

These insects were collected for the hundreds of acquired and innate Lingxiao guards in Qingshi Village. If warriors eat more of these innate insects with more blood and energy, they can also speed up their cultivation and break through to a higher realm.

During these days, nearly a hundred innate flying insects killed by Ling Pengyun were also eaten by those Ling Xiaowei.

The Ling Xiaowei became stronger, which could save Ling Pengyun a lot of effort. After all, Ling Pengyun still relied on these warriors to kill the wild beasts attracted by the spiritual plants planted on the top of Qingshi Mountain.

At the same time, it could also be a favor to those Ling Xiaowei, making them more loyal to the family.

At this time, a yellow sparrow flew in the sky, and its target was exactly the top of Qingshi Mountain.

Ling Pengyun looked disgusted, and had guessed that this sparrow in the innate realm was probably attracted by the spiritual plants on the top of the mountain.

He was about to shoot a golden needle to kill it, but he saw that the sparrow had a fast food on the way and ate a flying insect that was also attracted by the spiritual plants.

This scene really inspired Ling Pengyun.

"Hey, birds eat insects, one thing subdues another, if I tame this bird, wouldn't it be possible to get rid of the hard work of stationing here day and night!"

Ling Pengyun said happily.

Afterwards, he hurriedly interrupted the use of the golden needle technique and let the sparrow in the distance approach Qingshi Mountain.

The sparrow also had some brains. Seeing that there was someone on the top of the mountain, it circled around Qingshi Mountain for several circles. Seeing that Ling Pengyun, who was next to the six-acre spiritual plant, had not moved, like a stone man, it carefully landed in the six-acre spiritual plant on the top of the mountain and opened its mouth to peck at the rice seedlings.

At this time, Ling Pengyun made a move.

However, it was not a killing move, but a use of the control technique to capture it.

Then, he pinched his hands and cast a master recognition restriction in the sparrow's brain, forcing it to recognize the master. Even if it resisted, it could not resist Ling Pengyun's consciousness that suppressed the innate beasts.

In just half a breath, the master recognition restriction was successful.

As for why Ling Pengyun did not use blood as a guide to cast the master recognition restriction, it was also very simple. It was just a sparrow in the innate realm. Using blood as a guide was really a waste of blood.

Different from the earthworms, this is the first-level demon beast bloodline, which not only has the miraculous effect of improving the quality of spiritual soil, but also has the opportunity to advance to the Qi training realm. The reason why they cannot be used as guards of spiritual fields is that their attacks are extremely weak, and their only effect is to change the quality of spiritual soil.

Of course, such a simple master recognition restriction is also somewhat harmful. Although this sparrow is only in the innate realm now, it is difficult to break free from Ling Pengyun's restriction, but once it breaks through to the Qi training realm, even if it is only the first level of Qi training, it can easily break free from Ling Pengyun's master recognition restriction.

However, whether this sparrow at the third level of innate can have that blessing and break through to the Qi training realm is another matter.

Seeing that the restriction has been successful, Ling Pengyun cast a small spell "Shock and Deterrence", which can shock those with low cultivation and make them feel fear.

The yellow-haired sparrow captured by the object control technique is in this situation. As soon as the shock and deterrence technique came out, it immediately gave up resistance, and its eyes were full of fear.

"In the future, on this mountain top, catch the flying insects that want to eat those spiritual plants for me, otherwise... die!" Ling Pengyun said viciously.

With the help of the master recognition restriction, the yellow-haired sparrow heard it clearly, and the fear in his heart became more intense. He regretted why he was greedy for the spiritual plants on the top of the mountain.

Under the threat of life, the yellow-haired sparrow nodded quickly to express his response.

Then, the sparrow flapped its wings honestly and hovered in the air. Once an insect approached, it would peck it, just like a good guardian of the spiritual field.

Thanks to Gui Youbai for the 200 starting coins reward

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