Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 1281 The four great demonic forces gather together (please subscribe)

At the same time.

Over at Sanxianfang City.

Behind the army of monsters besieging this place.

"Ancestor, my clan followed other demon forces to the outside world to deal with the Yuanying clan members who were hiding in the dark, and they were killed in a short time."

"According to my estimation, the strength of those strong men hiding in the dark is probably not low."

"It is even possible that the strong men are composed of many late Yuanying or even many Yuanying perfect strong men."

"Under such circumstances, I think the Yuanying sent out by other demon forces is probably not in a good situation."

"Furthermore, because our demon forces have successively withdrawn the Yuanying demons from the main battlefield here to the outside world to deal with the forces hiding in the dark, now, our demon forces have few Yuanying demons here, only more than 30."

"And most of them are in the early and middle stages of the Yuanying, and there are not many late Yuanying, and there is not even a Yuanying perfect strong man, barely only If we mobilize those demons to support the group of righteous Yuanying in Sanxianfang City, I am afraid that the situation we have established with great difficulty will be destroyed. "

"But if we don't support, our current situation will still be changed. After all, as long as the cultivators hiding in the dark are not stupid, they will directly kill here after destroying the group of Yuanying demons who just went to the outside world. At that time, our demon forces will be unable to resist. "

"So our demon forces are actually on the edge of a cliff."

"If you don't take action, I am afraid that our clan's plan will also fail."

After seeing that the life cards of several Yuanying clan members who followed the two Yuanying Perfection strongmen of the Sea Dragon Clan and the Red Buddha Demon Sect to search for the dark forces were all broken, Bing Qian Lao Jiao bravely found the Black Dragon Ancestor who refused to take action not long ago.

As for the fact that he did not guess that there was a god among the cultivators hiding in the dark to help the righteous in this world, it was also very simple.

Once this kind of strong man takes action in the Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation World, he will definitely be detected by the Black Dragon Ancestor.

But so far, the Black Dragon Ancestor has not sensed any movement from this kind of strong man. Obviously, the forces that secretly help the righteous in this world are still at the Nascent Soul level.

And this is the only good thing.

After hearing this, the Black Dragon Ancestor suddenly showed a burst of anger in his brows.

"A bunch of trash."

"What's the use of you?"

"And since you are wise, we demons have been pushed to the edge of the cliff, how could those forces hiding in the dark to help the righteous here not know it?"

"It is possible that their real purpose is to use this to force me out, so as to kill me and change the current situation of the righteous in this world."

"Don't forget that the situation of the destruction of the world in other immortal cultivation worlds is not as tense as this world, and it is still in the early stage. For this reason, the righteous gods of the immortal cultivation world have not appeared."

"In this case, how can you let me take action?"

When Bing Qian Lao Jiao heard this, he felt a little impossible at first.

After all, the Black Dragon Ancestor is a god.

Such a person is already the strongest in this world.

Moreover, such a strong man has mastered the true meaning of the great way, and his methods are particularly extraordinary.

Even if multiple gods join forces to besiege a god, it is difficult to kill him.

For this reason, the gods of the past have rarely been killed, and most of them die of exhaustion of life.

But if all the righteous incarnations from all over the cultivation world gather here to set up a trap... then it is really possible to trap and kill the Black Dragon Ancestor.

Thinking of this, Bing Qian Old Dragon shuddered.

"Ancestor, do you mean that those forces hidden in the dark may be arranged by those righteous incarnations?"

The Black Dragon Ancestor suddenly had a headache.

It used to think that Bing Qian Old Dragon was at most a little bit inferior in cultivation and had not entered the Nascent Soul Perfection, but it did not expect that he was so incompetent.

For this reason, it immediately said angrily.

"What else?"

"If not, those forces hidden in the dark would know that there is a God like me sitting in the demon side of this cultivation world, how dare they make a big mess."

After hearing this, Bing Qian Old Dragon thought it was true, and he quickly complimented the Black Dragon Ancestor.

"As expected, it was the old Taoist who saw through the conspiracy and tricks of those righteous gods at a glance..."

"But old Taoist, now our demons are really in trouble!"

"Old Taoist, do you have any other way to resolve this matter? Otherwise, everything will be over, and those Yuanying clansmen of our clan who died tragically in this battle will also die in vain."

The old Taoist of Black Jiao Lake had a little more sorrow in his eyes. After thinking about it, he said.

"For now, the only way is to ask for help from other demon forces of gods again."

After saying that, he looked at the old Jiao Bingqian with a sad face, and couldn't help but secretly evaluate him in his heart.

'He has low cultivation and weak pattern. The only advantage may be that he cares about the clan'

'And this is not bad. Although it is difficult to take on a big responsibility, it is enough to prevent some corruption by sitting in the middle and high levels of the clan. '

As a result, his attitude towards the old Jiao Bingqian also improved a little.


After hearing this, Bing Qian Lao Jiao wanted to say something, but he hesitated. In the end, he left the place with sorrow.

The Black Jiao Ancestor then opened his mouth and spit out a water mirror.

Don't look at it as ordinary, but this thing is a real fourth-level top-grade communication mirror, and it even has a bit of the appearance of entering the quasi-fifth level, which can be said to be rare in the world.

And it is one of the treasures of the Black Jiao Lake Clan, the "Black Jiao Water Mirror".

Its effect is extraordinary, and it is enough to send messages across several realms of immortality.

And this is also the medium for most communications between the Black Dragon Lake clan and other demonic forces.

After all, the demonic forces are just an unreliable group, and they even have some conflicts with each other.

For example, the Haijiao Clan in the Immortal Cultivation World of the Boundless Sea and the Boundless Demon Realm Clan in the Immortal Cultivation World of Zhongzhou once planned to accept the Black Dragon Lake Clan as their younger brothers, so they took the initiative to knock on their door, hoping to convince them with force.

If it weren't for the strong strength of the ancestors of the Black Dragon Clan, the current situation in Black Dragon Lake would be completely different.

For this reason, it is too dangerous to talk face to face with the ancestors of those demonic forces. If you are tricked, it will be over.

Not long after the ancestor of the Black Jiao penetrated a demonic force into the water mirror, the ancestor of the Haijiao clan from the Immortal Cultivation World of the Boundless Sea and two demons from the Boundless Demon Realm of the Zhongzhou Immortal Cultivation World appeared on the water mirror. One of the ancestors of the clan, and one of the two demon kings of the Red Buddha Demon Sect, a total of three faces.

"Friend Black Dragon Daoist, you are looking for me this time, but what good news is there in your small battlefield in the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World?"

Among the three, the only demon king of the Red Buddha Demon Sect who had not had any conflict with the Black Flood Dragon Clan was suddenly curious when he saw that the Black Flood Dragon Ancestor had summoned all the gods of the four major gods and demon forces in this world.

The other two major demon clan's god-transforming demon kings also paid more attention to this matter and spoke one after another.

After all, in this world-destroying chaos, the three major forces will respectively send one Nascent Soul Perfection master and nine Nascent Soul mid- to late-stage masters to support the Northern Wilderness Cultivation Realm. The Black Dragon Lake clan wants to see the black The Jiaohu clan seized the opportunity that the Righteous God had not yet been born in this world, and took advantage of this battle to destroy all the Righteous forces in this world.

In this way, the Black Dragon Ancestor can escape to support other cultivating worlds, thus changing the situation of this world-destroying chaos.

The Black Dragon Ancestor did not waste any time, and immediately overturned the good news, and turned to talk about the current difficulties facing the Immortal Cultivation World in the Northern Wilderness.

The gods and demons from the other three major forces all frowned when they heard this.

"Black Jiao, what do you do for food?"

"Didn't we send ten powerful Nascent Soul warriors to your clan? Why does this happen again?"

The Dao Lord of the Haijiao Clan, who is the same dragon as the Black Dragon Ancestor, believes that he is the orthodox dragon lineage in this world, and the Black Dragon Lake Clan is just a side branch. For this reason, he treats others with a somewhat superior attitude. The ancestor of the black dragon scolded.

"Do you think it's easy to kill the Nascent Soul with the support of the Righteous God? But by the way, the Nascent Soul Perfection Dragon from your clan who supports my clan is probably dead now?"

"What do you think about this?"

"Is it possible that the Yuan Ying Perfection of your tribe is also a bastard?"

When the Black Dragon Ancestor heard this, he suddenly became angry and was not afraid at all.

The Haijiao ancestor of the Haijiao clan couldn't help but feel a little more worried when he heard that the Yuan Ying Yuanman clan member who supported the Black Dragon Lake clan was in danger.

Nascent Soul perfectionists are extremely rare, even among the Haijiao clan there are only a few.

For this reason, every loss is a loss.

Therefore, he immediately removed the means of communication and went to the place where the Haijiao Clan specializes in storing the life cards of various Yuanying tribes. Finally, he took a closer look at the life cards of that clan.

After seeing that it was still intact, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief. Then, he immediately returned to the interrogation and angrily said to the Black Dragon Ancestor.

"Fuck your mother."

"My people are not dead."

"But why did you send my Yuanying Consummation clan members to do such evil things? Could it be that you want to use this to trap the Yuanying Consummation strong men of our clan?"

The Black Dragon Ancestor was slightly surprised when he heard this.

But when he thought that the old demon of the Xutian Demon Flame Tiger clan, who had perfected the Nascent Soul, died tragically when he went to the outside world to track down the strong man who was hiding in the dark to help the righteous forces, he immediately smiled.

"It's just a matter of time."

"As for the accusation of entrapment, please don't blame me."

"Your Yuanying Consummation tribe took the initiative to ask for the overall situation for the sake of the overall situation, and went together with a Yuanying Perfection Demon Cultivator from the Red Demon Buddha Sect and eight Yuanyings."

"Moreover, our clan also sent people to participate, and those members of our clan have all died tragically."


Among the four demon-turned-gods here, the demon-turned-god-turned-god of the Zhongzhou Immortal Realm’s Boundless Demon Realm, who has the greatest background, suddenly became a little annoyed when he saw that the ancestors of the sea dragon and the black dragon ancestor were quarreling.

"How long has it been? Are you still fighting among yourself?"

"You all want to be taken advantage of by those covetous righteous god-forming forces, and eventually be exterminated, right?"

When the ancestors of the black dragon and the sea dragon heard this, they were a little worried and stopped talking.

At this time, the Demon Lord of the Red Buddha Demon Sect, who had never spoken, spoke to the Demon Lord of the Boundless Demon Realm.

"Fellow Taoist, I wonder how you plan to deal with this?"

The god-turned-monster of the boundless demon realm thought about it for a while.

"The battlefield in the Northern Wilderness Cultivation Realm is crucial for us to launch the world-destroying rebellion this time, and those righteous god-forming forces probably know this, so they secretly support a group of strong men to cause chaos in the Northern Wilderness Cultivation Realm. ”

"Under such circumstances, we naturally cannot let those righteous god-forming forces have their way."

"Therefore, I advocate the dispatch of a group of Nascent Soul troops to support that immortal world again."

"At the same time, be prepared for the situation where the Zhengdao God Transformation will appear in that world of cultivation, so that you can go there for a fierce battle at any time."

The ancestor of the sea dragon in the boundless sea suddenly had a headache.

"My clan has dispatched ten Yuan Ying clan members to support the damn Black Dragon Lake clan, which has resulted in our clan being at a disadvantage in the battles with the Xinghai Pavilion in the boundless sea area. If our clan continues to dispatch Yuan Ying to support that clan, The Black Dragon Lake clan is afraid that our clan will be defeated if we take over.”

The God-Transforming Demon Lord of the Red Buddha Demon Sect also echoed.

"The same is true for our sect."

The god-transforming demon king from the Boundless Demon Realm suddenly said coldly when he heard this.

"Do I know the real situation between you two?"

"Although the situation of your clan, fellow Daoist Haijiao, is indeed not very good, as long as there are not too many demon lords sent to support the Black Dragon Lake clan, the situation will not change much."

"And the situation of your Red Buddha Demon Sect is completely good. Even if your sect sent many Yuanying demon cultivators to support the Beihuang Immortal Cultivation World, your sect has always suppressed the unparalleled people in the Supreme Buddha Kingdom's Immortal Cultivation World. Go to the Buddhist sect to fight."

"Under such circumstances, your sect is still pretending to be weak?"

"If you all plan to fight on your own, our Boundless Demon Realm clan will not bother to play with you this time. Our clan will withdraw from this world-destroying chaos."

The Haijiao Ancestor who pretended to be weak and the God-Transforming Demon Lord of the Scarlet Buddha Demon Sect suddenly became anxious when they heard this.

If the Boundless Demon Realm clan did not involve the Four Immortals Alliance and the Righteous Dao Alliance in the Zhongzhou Immortal Cultivation World, as well as the three major god-transforming forces of the Extreme Cold Immortal Palace in the Far North Cultivation World, these two demon forces would be really dangerous.

For this reason, they hurriedly said.

"No, no, no, no."

"Everything is easy to say, everything is easy to say."


Upon hearing this, the God-Transforming Demon Lord from the Boundless Demon Realm snorted coldly and then said.

"Each side must send five strong men around the late Nascent Soul stage to support the Northern Wilderness Cultivation Realm."

"In addition, because the group of righteous monks who are causing trouble in the world of cultivating immortals in the Northern Wilderness are suspected of having the righteous path of transforming gods as their backers, it is probably useless to support the strong Nascent Soul alone."

"Therefore, I suggest that you better come up with a powerful spiritual treasure with the foundation of transforming into gods, or a spiritual talisman of quasi-five levels or above, etc. to protect the supporters, otherwise the probability of those strong people dying tragically is very high. At the same time, It is also difficult to resolve the dilemma in the world of cultivating immortals in the Northern Wilderness."

The Haijiao Ancestor and the God-Transforming Demon Lord of the Scarlet Buddha Demon Sect originally planned to refuse. After all, whether it was a spiritual treasure with the foundation of a god or a quasi-fifth-level spiritual talisman, they were both rare things. Even the former gods like them were There is not much, so how can I be willing to give it to the group of Nascent Souls under my command.

What's more, if such precious things are temporarily given to the batch of Nascent Souls under his command, and something happens to that batch of Nascent Souls, causing the treasure to be lost in the outside world, it will be troublesome.

But now it is indeed the only way to change the situation, so they have no choice but to agree to the matter. (End of chapter)

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