Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 1283 Trouble is coming (Subscription required)

Yan Siyi and other Ling family cultivators couldn't help but admire Yun Qian Lao Zhenjun even more after hearing this.

After all, there are few elders who take care of the younger generation of the sect like this.

At the same time, Yan Siyi was also delighted by this guest elder of the Yun Qian lineage.

Although she had heard from some people in the Yun Qian lineage that Yun Qian Lao Zhenjun intended to give the position of the leader of the Yun Qian lineage to Ling Pengyun, Yun Qian Lao Zhenjun himself had never said it.

Now that Yun Qian Lao Zhenjun has made such a statement, it has undoubtedly confirmed that the rumor is true, and it also means that he will support Ling Pengyun to serve as the leader of the lineage in the future.

And Yun Qian Lao Zhenjun's status in the Yun Qian lineage is already high.

"In this way, as long as there is no accident, my husband will definitely be able to sit in the position of the leader of the Yun Qian lineage."

"By then, this matter should be of some great benefit to my husband."

Yan Siyi was secretly happy in her heart.

The Yun Qian lineage is one of the nine major branches under the Xinghai Pavilion, a power that has transformed into a spirit. All of its foundations are extremely strong, and there are even five or six powerful Infant True Lords in the lineage.

Under such circumstances, if the power of the transformation into a spirit does not come out, this lineage will be enough to shock the world no matter where it is placed.

Moreover, this lineage comes from the Xinghai Realm. Once you become the master of this lineage, it is tantamount to ascending to the high level of power in the Xinghai Pavilion.

The benefits will be huge at that time.

It is for this reason that Yan Siyi immediately said tactfully.

"Thank you, Master Yun Qian, for valuing my husband so much. I thank you on behalf of my husband."

After saying that, she took out a basin-sized ice cube from the storage bag. As she raised her hand and waved it, the ice cube melted immediately, and finally a dish appeared, on which a fourth-level spiritual food delicacy was placed.

"Uncle Master, this is the fourth-level spiritual food I cooked myself. It tastes good. I hope you will like it."

Master Yun Qian was a little surprised when he saw this.

"You are willing to give it up, but this thing is no longer useful to me. Even if I eat it, I will just taste it at most. It is really a bit of a waste. You can keep it for yourself."

"However, I do like the dishes in this world. If you are free in the future, would you like to help me cook some delicious third-level spiritual food or quasi-fourth-level spiritual food?"

Yan Siyi smiled and agreed immediately.

"Of course, it's not a difficult task."

Master Yun Qian smiled a little.

"That's good. It seems that the old man will have a good meal in the future."

"But it may be a little troublesome for you."

After saying that, he thought of something, took out a talisman from the storage bag, and threw it to Yan Siyi.

"This thing will be considered as the cost of cooking spiritual food for me in the future, so that your husband Pengyun will not know and say that I am bullying you." Yan Siyi couldn't help but look at the talisman curiously when she heard it, but she was shocked at the sight. This was actually a quasi-fifth-level attack talisman "Sword Sea Breaking Light Talisman", which was powerful enough to be comparable to the full-strength attack of a Yuanying Perfection cultivator, extremely extraordinary. It was precisely because of this that Yan Siyi really didn't dare to accept it, so she handed it back and said. "Uncle, this talisman is extremely valuable. Even if I cook thousands or even tens of thousands of spiritual food for you, I'm afraid it can't be compared..." But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Yun Qian Lao Zhenjun. "The next battle is extremely dangerous. If you have this talisman, it will be safer." "Okay, retreat, I plan to practice in peace." After speaking, he raised his hand and waved. Then, an invisible force pushed Yan Siyi and others out of this cave. Yan Siyi and the others then understood the real intention of Master Yun Qian in giving the talisman.

For a moment, Yan Siyi didn't know how to thank her. She looked at the talisman in her hand and murmured in her heart.

"This favor is really a bit heavy!"

At this moment, Master Haiyun, the leader of the Haiyun Immortal Sect, one of the three major immortal sects in the Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation World, came out from one side and greeted with a smile.

"Junior Sister Siyi, why did you come out so quickly? I thought that Master Uncle and you still need to chat for a while."

Seeing that it was an old acquaintance, Yan Siyi smiled and said.

"It was just a simple chat for a while. By the way, Senior Brother, do you have something to do?"

Although Master Haiyun is the leader of the Haiyun Immortal Sect, he is actually the Nascent Soul Elder of the Yun Qian lineage of Xinghai Pavilion, and even one of the people with the highest potential.

It was for this reason that Yun Qian Lao Zhenjun sent him to the Haiyun Immortal Sect in the cultivation world to serve as the sect master in the early years, and he was optimistic about the land that belonged to Yun Qian's lineage.

Although the entire Beihuang cultivation world is occupied by the three major forces of Xinghai Pavilion, Zhongzhou Xiuxian World Four Immortal Alliance, and Jihan Immortal Palace in the Extreme North Xiuxian World, in fact, the ones who took action in the early years were the branches of these three major forces of Shenhua.

And Yun Qian's lineage was one of them.

However, whether it was Yun Qian's lineage or the branches of other Shenhua forces, although they had the right to operate here, the majority of the profits would go to the main lineage of the sect. In return, the main lineage of the sect would also provide help when necessary, and even the Shenhua would come forward.

This is also the reason why Yun Qian's lineage was willing to give up its interests.

At this time, Haiyun Zhenjun saw that Yan Siyi was unwilling to talk more about the details of the discussion with Yun Qian Lao Zhenjun, so he smiled and said.

"After all, I am the host of Sanxianfang City, and you have just arrived here. As such, I, as the host, naturally cannot lose my manners."

"For this reason, I have prepared a particularly good cave for you and others. The spiritual energy inside is extremely rich, and it can even be ranked among the top five in the entire Sanxianfang City."

"And I am waiting for you here this time because I intend to lead you there."

When Yan Siyi heard this, she couldn't help but feel happy on her face and sighed secretly in her heart.

‘It’s easy to do things if you have acquaintances with husbands. ’

Then, he thanked him.

"There is no need to thank you. Junior Sister, you show that we are a little bit different. By the way, Junior Sister Siyi, these two Nascent Souls of your clan are so well hidden. Even I don't know about it. Junior Sister, your clan is too inadequate." That makes sense."

"You haven't introduced me to my senior brother yet."

True Lord Haiyun looked at ghost cultivators Ling Pengxing and Ling Pengcheng, smiled at them, and then joked to Yan Siyi.

Yan Siyi smiled and briefly introduced the identities of ghost cultivators Ling Pengxing and Ling Pengcheng to True Lord Haiyun.

Then everyone started chatting and slowly walked towards the cave in Sanxianfang City.

quite a while.

True Lord Haiyun led everyone to the door of a quaint cave, and then introduced it to everyone.

"The cave is here, and the spiritual energy in it should be barely enough for you, Junior Sister Siyi, and Brother Pengcheng to practice. As for Brother Pengxing, because you are a ghost cultivator, our Sanxianfang City is Zhengdaofang City. , so it’s difficult for you to have a ghost path to help you practice, I hope you can forgive me.”

Ghost cultivator Ling Pengxing said with a smile.

"It doesn't matter, just have a place to meditate."

The ghost fairy lamp on his body is an auxiliary treasure that can store a large amount of ghost energy, so the ghost cultivator Ling Pengxing has no shortage of ghost energy cultivation for the time being.

Afterwards, everyone briefly chatted for a few words, and the good old man Zhenjun Haiyun left the place.

After Yan Siyi and the others watched him leave, they pushed the door open and entered.

A strong spiritual energy suddenly hit their faces, causing the spiritual energy in Yan Siyi and Ling Pengcheng's bodies to throb.

"This is indeed a treasured place for cultivation. Senior Brother Haiyun will not bully us."

Yan Siyi smiled.

As a result, Ling Pengcheng and ghost cultivator Ling Pengxing had a much better impression of True Lord Haiyun.

But just as the three of them were planning to go to various places to meditate, the door of the cave that had just been closed was knocked.

The three of them immediately became suspicious and opened the door together to take a look.

At this time, everyone saw a smiling white-haired old man standing outside the door.

Wearing a pure white Taoist robe and holding a whisk in his hand, he looks a bit like an old Taoist from the secular world, but he has more of an immortal spirit.

Moreover, the three of them, Yan Siyi, have met him several times. The first time they met was when Yan Siyi and others were in crisis when they ambush ten powerful demon kings in the mountains outside.

At that time, he followed Master Yun Qianlao and others from Sanxianfang City to take the teleportation formation to support them.

After that, everyone returned to Sanxianfang City together and participated in a war together, so they were considered comrades-in-arms.

The most important thing is that this awesome old Taoist comes from the Four Immortals Alliance, one of the two righteous god-forming forces in the Zhongzhou Immortal Cultivation World, and his Taoist name is Bai Ming.

His cultivation has even reached the realm of the late Yuanying. He is one of the three late Yuanying monks among the ten Yuanyings supported here by the Four Immortals Alliance, so his status in this city is extremely high.

Therefore, Yan Siyi and the three of them were not rude and greeted each other one after another.

And the old man with a good nose smiled and said.

"As expected, the three of you are here. I'm here unexpectedly this time. I hope you won't blame the three of you."

Yan Siyi said on behalf of everyone.

"Senior Bai Ming was joking. It's an honor for us, senior, to come and have a chat."

"I just don't know why senior came here this time."

She, Ghost Cultivator Ling Pengxing and others did not believe that this person was just here to reminisce about old times.

However, Old Taoist Bai Ming kept his story short and explained the reason directly.

"I wonder where the ten Yuanying spirit ghosts in the hands of the three Taoist friends came from. Is it convenient to sell them?"

When Yan Siyi and others heard this, their brows suddenly furrowed and they all secretly thought in their hearts.

'Sure enough. ’

Then, Yan Siyi said.

"I borrowed those spirit ghosts from Uncle Yun Qian of my sect. It is said that they belong to the sect, so it is not convenient to sell them."

Old Taoist Bai Ming had naturally heard that the Ling family behind Yan Siyi was connected with the Xinghai Pavilion, the righteous god-forming force in the Immortal Cultivation World in the Boundless Sea.

For this reason, after hearing this, the thought of buying a spirit ghost in his mind immediately disappeared, and he smiled instead.

"That's right."

He then briefly chatted with Yan Siyi and others before leaving, but while walking, he secretly became suspicious.

‘When did Xinghai Pavilion have such a Nascent Soul Ghost? Could it be that this pavilion has always used it as a trump card? ’

Thinking about it this way, he really thought it was somewhat possible.

After all, Xinghai Pavilion is one of the most established god-forming forces in this world. Under such circumstances, it is actually normal for it to have such diverse infant spirit ghosts.

However, through this matter, he thought that Xinghai Pavilion might also have stronger spirit ghosts, but it was not in trouble yet, so the sect did not use those stronger spirit ghosts' trump cards.

‘Sure enough, these veteran gods-incarnation forces are hidden deep inside. ’

For this reason, he couldn't help but sigh secretly.

"In this way, I have undoubtedly missed a channel to purchase Yuanying Spirit Ghost, and I don't know how long the world-destroying chaos will continue."

When he thought about this, he felt a little sad.

Although his cultivation level is good and has reached the late stage of Nascent Soul, the chaos caused by the destruction of the world is really big.

Take the present for example, although the righteous way of the cultivation world here seems to have won a great victory, and has killed more than ten or twenty Yuanying demons from the demon side.

There are even three Yuanying perfect demons.

But this is just on the surface.

You must know that the Black Dragon Lake clan of the incarnation demon clan in this world is supported by the other incarnation demon forces in the cultivation world.

Under such circumstances, how can those demon forces let the righteous way of the cultivation world here have an easy time.

I am afraid that it will not be long before the cultivation world here will attract a storm-like attack.

It is for this reason that this old Taoist Bai Ming wants to buy one or two Yuanying spirit ghosts from the Ling family.

After all, the strength of this ghost is not bad. If there are enough of them, they can help a little.

It is just a pity that those spirit ghosts come from Xinghai Pavilion, and his plan can only fail.

As they thought, there were quite a few righteous Yuanyings. They also approached Yan Siyi and others and expressed their desire to buy Yuanying spirit ghosts, but Yan Siyi and others perfunctorily said that the spirit ghosts came from Xinghai Pavilion.

After the matter was settled, Yan Siyi and others could not help but sigh.

‘Fortunately, Uncle Yun Qian was thoughtful and had already discussed this matter with us, otherwise there would be a lot of trouble. ’

“It seems that the family’s batch of spirit ghosts should be used less.”

Although selling Yuanying spirit ghosts is a good source of profit, they are in urgent need of this ghost guardian now, so how can they sell it?

Although the ghost fairy lamp in the hands of the family ghost cultivator Ling Pengxing can continuously cultivate spirit ghosts, it is not possible to cultivate spirit ghosts overnight. Under normal circumstances, it takes at least several decades to cultivate one in the branch ghost secret realm left by the Ghost Immortal Sect in the Zhongzhou Xiuxian World with the help of the rich ghost energy.

With the help of some ghost spirits, the cultivation speed can be accelerated, but the cost of consumption is too high, and the Ling family cannot afford it.

For this reason, Yan Siyi and others have already given up this idea.

Then, they returned to the cave.

Yan Siyi took advantage of the gap when the demons retreated and planned to use the blood and flesh of the Yuanying monsters that she had obtained recently to cook some fourth-level spiritual food one by one, and also cook some third-level or quasi-fourth-level spiritual food for Master Yun Qian to eat, which can be regarded as a kind of repayment.

Ling Pengcheng, a cultivator who had just entered the Yuanying stage, and Ling Pengxing, concentrated on comprehending some powerful magical powers, wanting to use them to enhance their cultivation to deal with the next world-destroying chaos.

As for the Yuanying spirit ghosts of the family and the ghost fairy lamp, they sacrificed the spiritual treasures obtained during this period in various ghost instruments that stored spirit ghosts to enhance their combat power.

For a while, the Yuanying combat power of the entire Ling family who were here showed a look of vitality. (End of this chapter)

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