Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 1285 The Yuanying of the master family? (Subscribe)

However, the fourth-level talisman master Ling Lihao was not deceived by the peaceful period. He had never forgotten that he was still in the period of the world-destroying chaos.

It was possible that the family would encounter a crisis again one day.

And he was the only Yuanying stationed in the family, so he was under great pressure.

After a slight relaxation, he entered the retreat to draw talismans again.

Those talisman materials were naturally the spiritual materials from the Yuanying demon king killed by Yan Siyi and others.

Yan Siyi once found an opportunity to take the secret teleportation array in Sanxianfang City, went out of Sanxianfang City surrounded by monsters and returned to the family.

It was at that time that she gave some monster materials that could be used to draw spiritual talismans to the fourth-level talisman master Ling Lihao.

As time went by, although Ling Lihao only consumed nearly half of the materials on his body, there were so many materials, so he also drew nearly a hundred fourth-level talismans.

Although there were failures during the period, there were also successes. In the end, he had dozens of fourth-level talismans in his hand.

If all of them were sacrificed, it is estimated that some mid-stage Nascent Soul masters could be killed directly.

This is the benefit of talismans.

It is also worth mentioning that although the teleportation array in Sanxianfang City has appeared in the world, even the Nascent Souls who supported Yan Siyi and others at the time knew about it, but because Yun Qian Lao Zhenjun had arranged special restrictions in their sea of ​​consciousness.

Even if those Nascent Souls had other thoughts, it would be difficult to spread the news.

Unless their consciousness is stronger than Yun Qian Lao Zhenjun, or they find a strong man to help dissolve the restriction, but these two factors are unlikely to appear in them.

Under such circumstances, the news of the teleportation array was not spread.

It is precisely because of this that the demon forces have never known that Yan Siyi and others were the strong men who caused chaos in the outside world at the beginning.

Of course, this is because the strength of Yan Siyi and others is too deceptive. After all, they are not strong and it is impossible for them to cause chaos.

If they knew that Yan Siyi and others had ten Yuanying spirit ghosts and treasures such as ghost fairy lamps, they would naturally understand.

On the other side.

The Northern Wilderness Xiuxian Realm.

The rear of the demon coalition that surrounded the front line of Sanxianfang City.

"Three Daoists, according to the current situation, even if we fight for another few decades, I'm afraid we will find it difficult to capture the Three Immortals Market."

"And during this period, there may be other changes. Why don't you three use the spiritual treasures of the foundation of the transformation of the spirit and the means to reach the level of the transformation of the spirit in advance."

"Those things are extraordinary. With their help, I'm afraid we won't need a few years to capture that place. By then, we can completely get away and change the situation of the entire world-destroying chaos, and you will definitely become great contributors."

The leader of the Black Dragon Lake Clan, Bing Qian Lao Jiao, saw that there was no great achievement in three years, and he was a little anxious, so he went to find the second batch of reinforcements leaders of the other transformation of the spirit demon forces in the world of cultivation, the Sea Dragon Clan, the Boundless Demon Realm Clan, and the Red Buddha Demon Sect.

When the demon leaders of the three major forces heard this, although they were extremely excited, they all rejected this proposal without any prior agreement.

Although they have powerful treasures at the level of the foundation of the God of Transformation and some means to touch the God of Transformation, these things are all lent to them by their respective ancestors of the God of Transformation to deal with those powerful people who are suspected to be lurking in the dark in the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World.

If they are used in advance, it will cause those powerful people to be on guard, which will be bad.

What's more, these treasures are of extraordinary value. If the news spreads, the righteous strong people in the rest of the cultivation world will definitely flock to them, and it is even possible that those righteous Gods will be tempted and take risks.

Under such circumstances, it will undoubtedly disrupt the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World.

The most important thing is that the demon leaders of the three major forces are only at the late stage of the Nascent Soul, and they are not sure to use the trump cards in their hands to resist some enemies.

For this reason, in their minds, those powerful means can only be used at critical moments.

After Bing Qian Lao Jiao learned about the thoughts of the three leaders, he was a little helpless.

'This kind of life relying on others is really too difficult. ’

‘It would be great if I could have a spiritual treasure or spiritual means of transformation to change the situation, but it’s a pity that the ancestor is unwilling to lend it to me. ’

Although it is at the same level as the leaders of the other three demon forces in the late Nascent Soul stage, the Black Dragon Lake Clan behind it is, after all, the newest spiritual force in the world, which has only been in the world for tens of thousands of years and has a weak foundation.

Even the ancestors of the past generations who have been in the state of transformation have worked hard to develop the clan, but they only have two spiritual treasures of the foundation of transformation.

As for the real fifth-level Tongtian spiritual treasure, there is only one.

It is precisely for this reason that the two spiritual treasures of the foundation of transformation are in the hands of the Black Dragon Ancestor, otherwise it would be difficult to fully exert its power with just one Tongtian spiritual treasure.

After all, the spiritual treasures of the foundation of transformation are extraordinary in power and can barely help the Black Dragon Ancestor, a powerful person of transformation.

It is also rare for these two things and is unwilling to lend them to Bing Qian Lao Jiao casually.

After withdrawing his distracting thoughts, Bing Qian Lao Jiao sighed helplessly. In the end, he could only watch the battle in the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World gradually turn into a protracted war.

"Now it seems that we can only place our hopes on the other battlefields in the Cultivation World. As long as those incarnation demon forces can force out those righteous incarnations who have never appeared, our ancestors will no longer need to hide in the dark. When they take action, our clan will be able to easily destroy the Three Immortals Market."

"But during this period, there will inevitably be a very long and protracted war to be fought. I hope nothing will happen during this period, otherwise the foundation of our clan, which has been shaken for tens of thousands of years due to the loss of too many Yuanying masters, will also be in jeopardy."

Now, although there are as many as 40 to 50 Yuanying masters in the coalition led by the Black Dragon Lake clan, most of them are from the Sea Dragon Clan and other divine demon forces.

The Black Dragon Lake clan has only a dozen or so native Yuanyings, and among them are the Red Gold Bear Demon Kings of the Red Gold Bear Clan, which is a subordinate Yuanying force under this clan.

If these are subtracted, it is estimated that this clan has only eight or nine Yuanyings.

Although this number is not bad, when this clan was strong, there were more than 30 Yuanyings, and this is still relatively small.

You know, the old-fashioned forces like Xinghai Pavilion have forty or fifty Yuanying warriors, or even more. Although there are more pseudo-infant cultivators among them, they are Yuanying warriors after all, and can be on the stage.

Therefore, the Black Dragon Lake Clan is now considered to be severely damaged.

Even if the Black Dragon Patriarch had not been relatively stable and had not been in trouble, this clan would have died out long ago.

But then again, if the Black Dragon Lake Clan had not been destroyed, how could the Black Dragon Patriarch have been hiding his body and dare not show up casually.

On the other side.

The battlefield of the immortal cultivation world in the boundless sea.

Among the thirty-six seas of the human race.

The boundary of the Muyuan Sea.

This is one of the two major seas under the command of the famous old-fashioned Yuanying sect, the Muyuan Immortal Sect, and it is very close to the boundary of the boundless monster sea.

It is for this reason that when the world-destroying chaos began, this sea area was invaded by ordinary Yuanying demons from the boundless demon sea, or major Jindan demons, and the demon forces in this world.

In addition, a few years ago, the main force of the sea dragon clan, which secretly fought with the main force of Xinghai Pavilion, was defeated and sent many Yuanying demon kings to scatter into these righteous seas to cause chaos.

This place is extremely chaotic.

Even if it were not for the secret help of the Yuanying of Xinghai Pavilion, I am afraid that this sea area would have fallen long ago.

But even so, the situation in this sea area is still not very good.

At the same time.

The mountain and sea island of the Han clan land of the Ling family, which is a branch of the mountain and sea, has a third-level middle-grade spiritual land and a large number of cultivators in this clan, so this place has long been targeted by a large Jindan demon clan in the demon domain.

Even though the Han family had the support of the Ling family in the early years and had a total of three Jindans in charge, their strength was not bad, but they were still difficult to resist.

Even after several years, most of its spiritual islands fell one after another.

In the end, only the tribe's Shanhai Island survived.

But the powerful Jindan demon tribe was eyeing it covetously and directly surrounded Shanhai Island, with some intention of completely destroying the Shanhai Han family.

Fortunately, Shanhai Island had a powerful island protection formation from the Ling family, which was of the third-level upper grade and had extraordinary power. Even if the number of monsters coming from the Jindan demon tribe reached hundreds of thousands and there were five Jindan demon kings, it would be difficult to capture it in a short time.

But Shanhai Island was at a disadvantage after all, so the formation would be broken sooner or later.

For this reason, the cultivators on the island were all worried and lived a miserable life, fearing that the island protection formation would be broken and eventually fall into the mouth of the monsters.

Even the high-level members of this tribe were like this.

The top of Shanhai Mountain where the third-level spiritual vein was located.

"Ancestor Chengshi, has the main family sent a reply with any news of support for this place?"

Han Qianhua, the nominal patriarch of the Han family, looked worried and asked the real leader of the Han family, "Ling Chengshi" beside him.


Ling Chengshi shook his head helplessly.

His father was Ling Pengshan, who founded the Shanhai Han family, but because of his old age, he rarely managed the affairs of the Han family in recent years, and basically handed them over to Ling Chengshi for management.

As for Han Qianhua, the nominal patriarch of the Han family, he was a genius of the Han family in his early years. It was precisely because of this that he was valued by the family and supported him to the Jindan realm. He even now sits on the position of the patriarch of the Han family.

He is just a puppet patriarch supported by the family.

Even his wives are women of the Ling family, and special control restrictions have been arranged in his sea of ​​consciousness.

It is precisely because of this that even if the Han family is in crisis now and needs to seek support from the main family, Han Qianhua has no power and can only wait for news from Ling Chengshi.

After hearing this, a bitter look suddenly appeared on his face.

‘It has been several years since our clan asked the master for help.’

“And the scope of this world-destroying chaos is too large. It is even said that the Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation Realm where the master is located is the most critical battlefield, so it is probably even more dangerous.”

“The master is in it, and there has been no news from there in recent years… Ancestor, is it possible that the master is also in danger?”

Ling Chengshi frowned and nodded.

“It’s possible.”

“Therefore, this crisis can only depend on ourselves.”

“Get ready to fight.”

“If you can’t fight, try to see if there is a chance to break out.”

Han Qianhua’s face darkened when he heard this.

He looked down at the group of Han cultivators stationed in various places on the island at the foot of the mountain, feeling very sorry.

"Ancestor, do you have any other way to change this situation?"

"There are still 5,000 cultivators and hundreds of thousands of direct descendants of our clan on the island."

"If we break out, it will be difficult to take them all away. In fact, according to the current situation, it would be good for us Jindan Zhenren to escape. Therefore, I am afraid that these clansmen and mortals will be lost."

"By then, the foundation of our clan will be finished."

Although most of the cultivators and mortals on the island do not have the blood of the Ling family, the Han family can be regarded as the direct descendants of the Ling family after all, and Ling Chengshi and his son spent hundreds of years to make the Han family grow to its current level.

Under such circumstances, how could he be willing to see the cultivators and mortals of this clan die tragically.

"I have no choice because of the situation."

"After all, there are hundreds of thousands of monsters outside the island, and there are five Jindan monster kings, and even one Jindan perfect monster king is in charge. Even if I use the trump card in my hand, I can only kill the Jindan perfect monster king at most."

"And our Han family only has me, my father and you, a total of three Jindan strongmen, and my father was seriously injured some time ago and is still recovering."

"Under such circumstances, according to the remaining strength of the monsters outside, I am afraid it will still be difficult to destroy this island."

Hearing this, Han Qianhua was a little surprised.

He knew that Ling Chengshi's cultivation was only in the middle stage of Jindan. Under such circumstances, it would be extremely difficult for him to kill the Jindan perfect monster king.

Obviously, the trump card in his hand is extremely powerful.

'This ancestor is worthy of being from the main family. '

But Ling Chengshi couldn't change the situation after all, so he couldn't help but hang his head and returned to the affairs of the garrison island again.

But what surprised the world was that after just a few dozen days, a huge flying boat inexplicably appeared in the void outside.

There were tens of thousands of cultivators standing on it, and those cultivators were all very high, at least in the late stage of Qi training, and there were nearly a thousand foundation-building cultivators, and more than ten golden elixir cultivators.

There was even a mysterious and powerful person who just raised his hand, and the sky and the earth changed color. A colorful thunder appeared in the void, and directly killed the demon king in the golden elixir perfection realm.

But strangely, the body of this demon king was not damaged at all, only his soul was destroyed.

It can be said to be extremely strange.

"Superior magical power, Pure Yang Five Elements Mysterious Thunder?"

"And judging from the situation, that person must have comprehended this move to the extreme, otherwise it would be difficult to directly smash the demon king's soul with such a powerful method alone."

"But why does this person look a bit like the... Yuanying ancestor of the main family?"

Han Qianhua, the nominal patriarch of the Han family, was surprised when he saw the mysterious strong man's method. Then he looked at the face of the mysterious strong man, and felt a little familiar, and his body was shocked.

Then, he looked at Ling Chengshi on the side.

"Chengshi ancestor, that mysterious strong man is the one of the main family."

Ling Chengshi did not answer, but his face was full of surprise. (End of this chapter)

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