Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 231 Taking the Soul-Restoring Pills Continuously to Change the Situation of the Battle (3500

A few days later.

On this day, Ling Pengyun rode Feng Yingpeng to patrol the territory of the Yunwu Wen clan.

When passing through a dense forest, a thousand evil ghosts wearing thick armor and above the advanced stage of Qi training suddenly flew out of the dense forest below and attacked Ling Pengyun.

Ling Pengyun, who was sitting on Fengying Peng, frowned when he saw such a number of evil spirits coming.

He quickly used his spiritual consciousness to scan the attacking evil spirits, and realized that there were no Foundation Establishment evil spirits among them, and his frown dropped a bit.

"Fortunately, among these thousand evil ghosts, there is no foundation-building evil ghost. However, now that Old Devil Li, who is famous for controlling ghosts in Huaishui County, has been killed, how can there be any one who can control thousands of evil ghosts alone?" people?"

Although he didn't notice the demonic cultivator who summoned the thousand-headed evil spirits, he was not stupid either.

The auras of the thousand evil ghosts that rushed toward him were of the same origin, and they all obviously came from the same magic weapon.

Because he was in a crisis, he did not dare to be distracted too much, so he immediately used Yuan Shui Technique and arranged a Yuan Shui light curtain to cover the surrounding area.

Then, he waved his hand and took out the mixed rock shield from the storage bag, and propped up a mixed rock light curtain.

As soon as this light curtain was completed, thousands of evil ghosts in the late stage of Qi training that came from the dense forest below also bit the outermost Yuanshui light curtain.

Because there are too many evil ghosts, and their strength is above the late stage of Qi training.

In just one breath, the outermost Yuan Shui light curtain was shattered.

The thousands of evil ghosts also attacked the strong shield of light.

After all, this light curtain is supported by a second-order low-grade magic shield and has strong defensive power.

In a short period of time, even if the thousands of evil ghosts at the advanced stage of Qi training and above attack at the same time, it will be difficult to crush them.

However, in order to maintain the mixed rock shield to hold up the light curtain, the liquid spiritual power in Ling Pengyun's dantian was also rapidly consumed.

This situation is not a good thing for Ling Pengyun. If it drags on any longer, his spiritual power will be exhausted.

Without spiritual power, he, a foundation-building monk, is only physically stronger.

"Evil spirits are afraid of fire."

Ling Pengyun had an idea. He waved his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, summoning a talisman covered with red flame talismans.

This talisman is called the Firebird Talisman, and it was given by Wu Yan, a descendant of Jindan, Ling Pengyun's cousin-in-law in his early years.

As soon as the talisman was taken out, Ling Pengyun injected spiritual power into it and struck it out.

The spiritual talisman flashed and turned into a large fire.

These flames quickly gathered and gradually formed a five-foot-large flame bird.

Once the fire bird was formed, it rushed into the group of evil spirits.

Any evil spirit that was hit by the fire bird was directly knocked into ashes.

The evil spirits touched by it will also be contaminated by the fire, and will be ignited and burned to ashes by the fire.

Those thousands of evil ghosts had no way to deal with the fire bird that transformed into flames.

When the remaining power of the fire bird was exhausted, a full 150 or 60 evil ghosts were destroyed.

Ling Pengyun also got a breather as a result, and he made another series of secrets, and used three yuan water light curtains to protect his whole body.

Then, he took out eighteen Qingling swords and formed a sword formation.

Once the sword formation was completed, a two-foot-long sword light burst out from the tip of each flying sword.

The eighteen flying swords also emitted more than ten inch-long small sword lights all over the body.


The eighteen flying swords carried a torrent of sword light and quickly rushed into the group of evil ghosts.

The layer of demonic armor transformed by demonic energy on the bodies of those evil spirits in the late stage of Qi training and above has extremely good defensive power.

In addition, the eighteen Qingling swords formed into the sword formation were only first-class high-quality swords after all.

For a while, it was difficult for the sword formation to achieve much success.

In one round trip, only a dozen evil ghosts were destroyed.

Seeing this, Ling Pengyun's expression condensed slightly, and he did not worry about consuming the spiritual power of his Dantian, and changed the fingering techniques in his hands.

"Rong Zi Sword Jue."


The eighteen Qingling Swords that entered the group of evil ghosts shook the air, quickly merged, and finally merged into one.

It turned into a flying sword covered with sword patterns. On the tip of this flying sword, there was a sword light that was three feet long.

The giant sword light is extremely powerful, and it can break the demonic armor that has been transformed into demonic energy on the bodies of evil spirits with just a touch.

The situation changed instantly, in just ten moves.

The giant sword light killed more than two hundred evil ghosts.

But just when Ling Pengyun was overjoyed at such achievements, a large amount of spiritually rich demonic energy suddenly poured out of the dense forest below, filling the bodies of the more than 600 evil ghosts.

With the influx of demonic energy, the strength of the more than 600 evil ghosts increased rapidly.

The magic armor on them is also thicker.

The giant sword light bombarded those thick magic armors, and it couldn't help but pause for a moment.

It is precisely because of this that the number of evil ghosts killed by the giant sword light gradually decreased.

The speed at which it consumes spiritual power is also increasing.

When Ling Pengyun saw this scene, he narrowed his eyes and quickly scanned the dense forest below.

Finally, on top of a tree, a monk was found who gathered his breath, wore a black robe, and had a black gauze covering his face.

The black-robed monk also held a magic flag in his hand.

The demonic energy injected into the bodies of the more than six hundred evil spirits gushes out from the demonic flags.

Without this move, Ling Pengyun would have had difficulty discovering this person.

"Thousand Ghost Banners? It is indeed this thing."

"The Yan country where our Huaishui County is located is too far away from the main demon sect. Apart from the original demon cultivator of the old Mo Li lineage, there is no one left in the Yan country to control ghosts?"

"Nine times out of ten, this person is a remnant of Old Demon Li's command."

"Thinking about it like this, it's no wonder that this person can summon so many evil spirits. I think this person is the demon cultivator who has recently caused harm to the Yunwu Wen family, the Qingzhu Wang family, and the six foundation-building families in Bingjiao County. "

"Judging from his aura, he is only at the first level of foundation building. It is estimated that he has just broken through the foundation building stable cultivation not long ago, and his aura is not strong."

"If you want to break the situation, you can only start with the foundation building demon cultivator."

Ling Pengyun secretly planned for a while, quickly pinched the formula, and used the strongest attack method.

In the Xumi, a six-zhang long brilliant blue flying sword turned into a blue long rainbow, quickly slashing dozens of evil ghosts with greatly increased strength, breaking the evil ghost encirclement, and directly killing the foundation building demon cultivator holding the magic banner below.

However, the demon cultivator was not a vegetarian. Relying on the Thousand Ghost Banner, he temporarily supported a black defense light curtain with a defense power that was a few points stronger than the light curtain supported by the Mixed Rock Shield, temporarily resisting the brilliant long rainbow.

But the next moment, another blue sword light bombarded the black light curtain.

The two swords worked together to directly shatter the black light curtain.

As soon as the light curtain was broken, the two blue flying swords drove straight in and slashed the foundation building demon cultivator.

The foundation-building demon cultivator was Tian Yuan. Seeing the crisis, Tian Yuan panicked. Without thinking too much, he relied on his blood essence to perform the magic secret technique "Blood Source Shield".

In an instant, a thick blood-red light curtain appeared, blocking the two blue flying generals.

The two Azure Sky Swords had just shattered the black light curtain supported by the long banner, which had consumed 60% to 70% of their power. Now there was not much power left.

After three breaths of stalemate with the red light curtain, the two Azure Sky Swords also ran out of power and dissipated.

The flashing blood light of the red light curtain protecting Tian Yuan also dimmed a little. It was obvious that it consumed a lot of energy to resist the two Azure Sky Swords.


Ling Pengyun, who was riding Fengyingpeng, saw that he had played two killing moves but did not kill the foundation-building demon cultivator, and he felt helpless.

The two Azure Sky Swords just now consumed 60% of his spiritual power condensed in his dantian.

Now, there is only 20% of spiritual power left in his Dantian, and it is difficult to use the Azure Sea Sky Sword, which consumes a lot of spiritual power.

"I can only take the Soul Returning Pill."

Ling Pengyun quickly took out a second-level inferior Soul Returning Pill from the storage bag and swallowed it.

As soon as the pill entered the stomach, the medicinal power quickly spread, filling all the meridians of Ling Pengyun, making the meridians bulge.

Ling Pengyun's meridian strength is already good, so he can barely withstand the impact of this kind of medicinal power.

In just a short breath of time, the spiritual power in Ling Pengyun's body increased by 70%, plus the original 20% spiritual power, a total of 90% spiritual power.

With enough spiritual power, Ling Pengyun used the Azure Sea Sky Sword again.

The extremely powerful Azure Sea Sky Sword quickly transformed.

But Tian Yuan in the dense forest below, after seeing the power of the Azure Sea Sky Sword, was also on guard.

When he saw the Jade Sea Sky Sword coming again, he waved the Thousand Ghost Banner in his hand and commanded the remaining six hundred or more evil ghosts in the late stage of Qi training to pounce on the attacking Jade Sea Sky Sword.

Under the obstruction of the huge number of evil ghosts, the power of the Jade Sea Sky Sword was immediately consumed.

However, this Jade Sea Sky Sword was not without effect. It killed more than one hundred and fifty evil ghosts and created a gap.

Then two more Jade Sea Sky Swords were shot out in succession, directly shattering the obstruction of hundreds of evil ghosts and bombarding the blood source light curtain that protected Tian Yuan.

Just now, this blood source light curtain had already lost a lot of power due to resisting the attacks of the first two Jade Sea Sky Swords.

Now it was bombarded by two Jade Sea Sky Swords with more than 70% of their power remaining, and it shook for a while.

Its spiritual light also dimmed rapidly.

But at this moment, Tian Yuan forced out a mouthful of blood on the blood-red light curtain.

With the blessing of spiritual power, the power of the blood-red light curtain gradually recovered.

The light curtain and the two Azure Sea Sky Swords were in a stalemate for three breaths, and all of them consumed all their power. The remaining power was exhausted and dissipated in this world.

Because Ling Pengyun continuously activated three Azure Sea Sky Swords, only a few strands of spiritual power were left in his body.

His expression became fierce, and he took out another Huiling Pill from the storage bag and swallowed it.

Perhaps because his meridians were already strong, after swallowing the second Huiling Pill, the meridians were impacted by the power of this pill, and he only felt some soreness in his meridians, and there was no situation like ordinary cultivators who swallowed two Huiling Pills in a row and suffered meridian damage.

This made Ling Pengyun very happy.

But this moment was not the time to be happy.

He quickly condensed a Azure Sea Sky Sword and directly flattened the remaining more than 100 evil ghosts.

Then he directly controlled the huge sword light of three feet long transformed by the sword formation and slashed towards Tian Yuan in the dense forest below.

Tian Yuan saw Ling Pengyun take out two Huiling Pills in a row and change the situation, and he was furious.

If Ling Pengyun didn't have the two Huiling Pills, he would definitely rely on the evil spirits to besiege Ling Pengyun to death.

But at this point, another giant flying sword attacked, he didn't dare to stay any longer, relying on the little remaining blood in his body, he performed the blood escape technique, turned into a blood-red shield light, and quickly escaped.

The attack of the giant flying sword also failed.

Ling Pengyun still had 40% of his spiritual power left in his body, and because of the strength of his meridians, he was sure that he could take another Huiling Pill to restore his spiritual power.

Moreover, the two Huiling Pills he took this time were worth at least 300 spirit stones each on the market.

Two pills are 600 yuan, and there is still no market for them. It is difficult to buy them except during the auctions in major markets.

If the Ling family didn't have Ling Yunhong, a second-level lower-grade alchemist, Ling Pengyun would not have such a number of Huiling Pills.

Having consumed two soul-restoring pills worth six hundred spirit stones, Ling Pengyun naturally could not let the demon cultivator escape in vain.

What’s more, all the evil ghosts in the Thousand Ghost Banner in the demon cultivator’s hand were killed, and the demon cultivator’s combat power was also affected.

If he didn’t kill him now, when would he?

Ling Pengyun made a prompt decision and rode Fengyingpeng to chase him.

Although the blood source escape technique was fast, it directly left Ling Pengyun more than ten miles away in a short time.

But the foundation-building demon cultivator Tian Yuan had just used up a lot of blood and essence when he performed the blood source shield technique. There was not much blood and essence left in his body, so it was difficult to maintain the blood source escape technique for a long time.

Ling Pengyun also took this opportunity to chase him and cut him into two pieces with the giant sword light transformed by the sword formation.

After collecting the spiritual objects on the body of the foundation-building demon cultivator Tian Yuan, Ling Pengyun burned his body, and then rode Fengyingpeng to leave this place and return to his family to avoid other changes.

After several hours, Ling Pengyun returned safely to the cave on the top of Lingxiao Mountain, and his hanging heart was relieved.

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