Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 233 Aura containing the energy of ice? (3100 words, please subscribe)

After a while, Ling Pengliang returned to the General Affairs Hall from the clan treasury on the top of the mountain and handed three bulging storage bags to Ling Chengxin.

"Chengxin, these three storage bags contain spiritual materials for refining the Bigu Pill, Rejuvenation Powder, and Qi Rejuvenation Pill."

"The three extra first-grade medium-grade stone spirit walnuts were given to you by your Sixteenth Uncle. Your cultivation has not improved for two years. Make good use of the three first-grade medium-grade stone spirit walnuts to improve your cultivation and strive to break through from the third level of Qi training to the fourth level of Qi training."

Ling Chengxin said with gratitude. "Thank you, Sixteenth Uncle."

Although he entered the third level of Qi training two years ago and had no shortage of cultivation resources on weekdays, because he spent too much time on refining pills, his realm was always stuck at the third level of Qi training and his progress was slow.

"Okay, go back. It's time for me to practice." Ling Pengliang waved his hand and said.

Seeing this, Ling Chengxin didn't say anything more. He put the three bulging storage bags in his hands into his arms, bowed to Ling Pengliang, and then he left the General Affairs Hall.

After Ling Chengxin left, Ling Pengliang looked at Ling Chengxin's back and muttered to himself.

"This kid knows his position in the clan, and his character is good."

After coming to his senses, Ling Pengliang returned to the counter again, sat cross-legged on a cushion, closed his eyes, and practiced the exercises.

Some time ago, he had broken through to the eighth level of Qi training and was the leader of the Qi training clan members of the Peng generation.

However, such a level of cultivation is not enough for him now. He must enter the Qi training perfection as soon as possible to be valued by the family and be given the small Bailing water obtained from the Yang family and the pulse protection pill promised by the family.

With these two spiritual objects, he also has a chance to impact the foundation.

On the other side

After leaving the General Affairs Hall, Ling Chengxin returned to his courtyard and entered the quiet room.

Sitting cross-legged on the futon, he secretly planned.

"My cultivation has indeed fallen behind in the past two years. I have to keep this in mind in the future."

He first sat in meditation for a while, and when his body recovered to its best, he swallowed the flesh of a first-level medium-grade stone spirit walnut, refined it, and turned it into pure spiritual power to fill it into the dantian.

In the following twenty days, Ling Chengxin successively took two first-level medium-grade stone spirit walnuts, and also filled the remaining 20% ​​of the space in the dantian with spiritual power, reaching the peak of the third level of Qi training.

After all, he did not practice in the past two years, but his cultivation progress was slow.

After reaching the peak of the third level of Qi training, he did not hold on, and directly swallowed the flesh of the last stone spirit walnut in his hand, relying on the power of the flesh to break through the bottleneck.

Perhaps it was because of his accumulation in the third level of Qi training in the past two years that made his foundation extremely solid, and the characteristics of the spiritual power he cultivated were relatively strong.

Half a day later, when he stopped practicing, his cultivation level also broke through to the fourth level of Qi training.

He felt the benefits brought by his own breakthrough in cultivation level, and his expression was overjoyed.

"My spiritual consciousness has been enhanced by nearly 50%. With the help of such a powerful spiritual consciousness, I will definitely benefit greatly from refining pills."

The stronger the spiritual consciousness of a cultivator, the greater the help it will have when refining pills.

When he calmed down, he also took a Qi training pill he had made to refine the medicinal power of the Qi training pill and consolidate his cultivation.


A few days later.

When Ling Pengyun was chasing a group of monsters that broke into his own territory, attacked his own spiritual veins, and escaped, he accidentally entered the territory of the Qingzhu Wang family.

The Ling family's territory only borders two families, one is the Yunwu Wen family, and the other is the Qingzhu Wang family.

After catching up with the group of Qi training monsters and killing them, Ling Pengyun rode Fengyingpeng back on his way, but remembered something.

He summoned a book called "Bailingmen Terrain Map" and a fragmentary map from his storage bag.

These two items were obtained from a Qingzhu Wang family cultivator when he left his family to guard Lingyun Mountain.

Although the fragmentary map was incomplete, the Qingzhu Wang family cultivator relied on the approximate appearance of the fragmentary map and roughly marked two sections similar to those on the fragmentary map in the "Bailingmen Terrain Map".

Both sections are in the Huaishui River that runs across the entire Huaishui County.

One section of the river is in the territory of the Qingzhu Wang family.

The other section of the river is in the territory of the Huxiao Liu family.

"It has been twelve years since I got this item. In the past, I was stationed in Lingyun Mountain, broke through the foundation building, and stationed in the Rock Scale Snake Cave, so I never had time to search for the two places marked on the map."

"Now I have come to the territory of Qingzhu Wang Clan, so I can go and search for it."

"Otherwise, if I miss this opportunity, I don't know when I will have another chance to come here."

After making up his mind, Ling Pengyun ordered Feng Yingpeng to change the direction of flight and not return to the family. He identified the direction and compared the current location with the Bailingmen terrain map, and then ordered Feng Yingpeng to fly towards the river section in the territory of Qingzhu Wang Clan marked on the map.

After flying for about half an hour, Ling Pengyun referred to the Bailingmen terrain map and came to a huge river with a width of more than ten feet.

This river is the iconic river of Huaishui County, the Huaishui River.

The river section where Ling Pengyun is now is at the foot of a mountain, from south to north, bypassing this mountain, and the river water gradually flows to the south.

Ling Pengyun once again took out the incomplete map and the Bailingmen terrain map from the storage bag and compared them. After confirming that this was the section of the river, he mobilized his spiritual sense and scanned the surroundings, but did not find anything unusual.

After thinking for a while, Ling Pengyun looked at the Huaishui River, which was more than ten feet wide, and murmured.

"I have to go to the bottom of this river to take a look."

Thinking of this, he immediately cast a water shield spell around his body, ordered Feng Yingpeng to go to the sky to warn the surroundings, and then jumped into the Huaishui River.

With the light curtain created by the water shield spell to isolate the water source, and with spiritual power as the driving force, Ling Pengyun's speed in the turbulent river was not slow at all.

In just a few breaths, he dived dozens of feet and reached the riverbed of this river.

However, there was no difference in the riverbed. Apart from water plants, there was silt.

He used his spiritual sense to explore the surroundings and found nothing. He then left the deep bottom of the river and returned to the river bank, looking at the direction of the territory of Huxiao Liu's family.

The territory of Qingzhu Wang's family is at the junction of Luoxia Luo's family and Huxiao Liu's family.

"This place is only about three or four thousand miles away from the river section marked in the territory of Huxiao Liu Clan on the Bailing Topography Map, which is not far."

Thinking of this, Ling Pengyun immediately made up his mind.

He called the Fengying Peng in the sky to land on the ground, and rode the bird to fly quickly to the Huai River section marked in the territory of Huxiao Liu Clan on the Bailingmen Topography Map.

The Fengying Peng was very fast. In just four hours, he flew three or four thousand miles and arrived at the bank of the Huai River section.

Ling Pengyun looked around the river section and saw that there was nothing unusual, so he jumped into the river and dived into the depths of this river section.

After searching for a while, Ling Pengyun found a two-foot-wide deep hole in the land covered with large areas of water plants in this river section.

He quickly stepped forward and probed into it with his spiritual sense. He found that the depth of this deep hole exceeded the range of his spiritual sense, and he immediately became suspicious.

"Dark river."

Ling Pengyun cast two Yuanshui spells on himself, and after transforming into a Yuanshui light curtain, he went deep into the deep cave on the riverbed.

He went down the dark river for nearly a thousand feet before reaching the bottom.

The two banks at the deepest part of the dark river were higher and not in the water.

Ling Pengyun jumped ashore and looked around, and found that he was in an underground cave.

This underground cave also has a deliberately dug passage, and the four sides of the passage are extremely smooth.

"Ordinary mortals, even warriors, can hardly use iron tools to dig out a passage with such a smooth surface."

"It must be a cultivator who used a magic weapon to dig this passage."

Seeing this scene, Ling Pengyun's curiosity suddenly rose in his heart, and he gradually went deeper along the passage.

After walking about a few dozen feet, a bronze door about ten feet high and two feet wide appeared in front of Ling Pengyun.

Because he was in an unfamiliar environment, he did not directly reach out to open the bronze door, but used the art of controlling objects to push the bronze door.

But the bronze door weighed nearly 5,000 kilograms, and Ling Pengyun's control of objects was only an auxiliary spell after all, and it barely moved the bronze door a little bit.

But at this moment, blue array patterns appeared around the bronze door, gathering the rich water vapor here, blending with each other, forming a blue light curtain, protecting the huge bronze door.

Ling Pengyun was shocked when he saw the scene in front of him.

"It's strange that there is a first-level medium-grade water storage array protecting this place."

"First, the passage was dug out by the cultivator using magic tools, and then this level of medium-grade water storage array."

"It seems that the place recorded on the map of the broken body is here."

"I don't know what is behind this bronze door."

Ling Pengyun's curiosity became even stronger.

In order to break the defensive light curtain transformed by the water storage array as soon as possible, Ling Pengyun directly used the water snake technique, which transformed into a huge water snake three meters long, and bombarded the defensive light curtain, causing a huge wave.

But the defensive light curtain was transformed by the first-level medium-grade water storage array after all, and its defense was not weak. The three-meter-long water snake could not break it for a while.

However, under the bombardment of the three-meter-long water snake, the flashing spiritual light of the defensive light curtain became dim at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it was shaking extremely, as if it would be blown away at the next moment.

After about a hundred breaths, the blue light curtain was covered with cracks.

As the three-meter-long water snake bombarded the light curtain again.

The light curtain also shattered, turned into fragments, and disappeared.

After the three-meter-long water snake had achieved its goal, the remaining power was also consumed by nearly 70%.

Seeing this, Ling Pengyun used his spiritual sense to control the snake and hit the bronze door directly.


A sound of iron and steel suddenly rang out, and the bronze door weighing five thousand pounds was hit by the water snake and flew backwards and broke into several pieces.

As soon as the bronze door was broken, a large amount of rich spiritual energy rushed towards it.

Ling Pengyun inhaled it through his nose, and his mind became much clearer for a while.

"There is such a pure spiritual energy here."

"But why is there an extremely cold air in this spiritual energy."

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