Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 243 A large number of refugees from the Shen family broke into the Ling family (3300 words,

Ling Pengyun did not hide anything and told Ling Ruxian the reason why Ling Ruda passed away.

"Damn the monster rebellion. I thought the family was strong now and could survive the monster rebellion peacefully, but I didn't expect that there would still be people who died in the war, and it was a person with the cultivation level of my thirteenth brother." Ling Ruxian said angrily.

"Thirteenth brother, did you leave any words before you died?"

"Yes, my thirteenth great-grandfather asked us to avenge him if we have the chance, kill Bai Jiaqian, the head of the Chen Guotong Yangbai family, and help him regain the method of operating the subsequent Earthly Evil Sword Technique." Ling Pengyun said.

"I thought that the Thirteenth Brother had already let it go... But how could he let it go easily after the revenge of the broken arm hindered his path?"

"The affairs of the Bai family need to be dealt with both publicly and privately, but this matter still needs to be considered in the long run. After the monster rebellion is over and the Yunhong family has passed, we will discuss it together."

"No more talk about this matter, take the Thirteenth Brother back to the clan for burial as soon as possible."

"I will also go back to the clan mountain with you to see the Thirteenth Brother off. After seeing him off, I will stay in Huixiazhi Mountain."

"Okay." Ling Pengyun nodded in response, and then returned to the clan mountain with Ling Ruxian.

After the two took Ling Ruda's body back to the clan mountain, they gathered more than 20 old, weak, women and children in the clan outside the ancestral temple.

These clan members were informed of the death of the second elder of the family, Ling Ruda.

At the same time, a funeral was held for Ling Ruda, his body was burned to ashes, put into a small clay jar, and placed under his tablet in the ancestral temple, and was worshipped by the Ling clan members.

After the matter was settled, Ling Pengyun also convened a clan council to elect a replacement for the second elder Ling Ruda who died in the battle, to take charge of the fish pond in the underground cave of Qingshi Lake and take care of the spiritual plants in Qingshi Mountain.

Because now the clan members are either old people whose cultivation is only one tenth of their lifespan, or young people and women with low cultivation.

In the end, everyone could only elect Ling Chengxin, the alchemy seedling cultivated by the family, who had just entered the fourth level of Qi training some time ago and ranked fourth in the Cheng generation, to go to the underground cave of Qingshi Lake to guard.

And Ling Ruda's fairy crane was lent to Ling Chengxin, so that he could escape when he encountered a group of monsters that he could not defeat.


Half a month later.

At noon on this day, many dirty, ragged mortals with families and children came from the northern Bingjiao County with panic on their faces and entered the Ling family's Xiazhi Town.

This situation alarmed Ling Chengxin, who was stationed in the underground cave of Qingshi Lake at the northernmost border of Xiazhi Town.

Ling Chengxin quickly rushed out of Qingshi Lake and looked at the place where the noise came from.

Seeing the mighty noise, which was caused by thousands of mortals, he was relieved immediately. He thought it was a group of monsters.

However, doubts surged in his heart.

"The mortals in my Ling family's territory are all well protected. The place where I am stationed is also the border of the family. These mortals cannot be the mortals of the family."

"Now we are in the period of monster chaos, and the mortals belonging to various forces are also protected by these forces. How come there are so many mortals entering my Ling family's territory from Bingjiao County at this time?"

"The north is Bingjiao County. Could it be that a family in Bingjiao County was destroyed? As a result, the mortals under its command became refugees?"

Thinking of this, Ling Chengxin looked slightly happy.

If those mortals were really refugees, the Ling family would have a chance to get them for free.

Although the number of those mortals was not small, it was better than nothing.

In the eyes of a large foundation-building clan like the Ling family, they were treasures. As long as those thousands of mortals settled in the Ling family, within a few years, they would be assimilated into the Ling family.

With a large number of mortals, the chances of spiritual roots being born in the mortal world would be greater.

Ling Chengxin himself was born a mortal, so he also wanted to see more mortal-born cultivators in the clan.

In this way, the status of his collateral lineage in the clan would also be increased.

He was not stupid. Although the collateral and direct lines of the Ling family were not obvious at present, as the family gradually grew, changes would definitely occur between the two factions.

At that time, if the collateral lineage he was in fell too far behind the direct lineage, it would not be a good thing.

Ling Chengxin waved his hand and patted the beast bag on his waist, summoned a fairy crane from it, rode on the crane, and quickly flew towards the large number of refugees who had entered the Ling family territory in the distance.

At the same time.

The large number of refugees were delighted when they saw a Taoist monk with a Taoist robe riding a huge crane flying in the sky.

Although these refugees were now in tatters, they were mortals under the command of the cultivator family and had seen cultivators before.

Moreover, the white crane in the sky was several times larger than ordinary white cranes.

Therefore, at the first sight of Ling Chengxin riding the crane, the refugees knew that Ling Chengxin was an "immortal".

They stopped their steps as if they had seen a savior, and cried out in pain, begging the immortal "Ling Chengxin" riding the crane to save them.

In less than ten breaths, Ling Chengxin rode the crane and landed on the ground in front of the large number of refugees.

Seeing that the refugees were talking to each other, it was very noisy and he couldn't hear what they were saying at all. He frowned and cast two small spells, amplification and deterrence, and said in a coercive way.

"Silence, who is the leader among you? Let the leader speak."

This voice was not only very loud because of the help of amplification and deterrence, but also sounded like the roar of a tiger in the ears of the thousands of refugees.

They immediately showed fear on their faces and dared not wail anymore.

Many young children even had a trace of mist in their eyes, and were on the verge of being frightened and crying.

For a moment, the place fell silent.

Among the crowd of thousands of refugees, a sturdy middle-aged man who was holding a child and dressed relatively neatly. When he heard the words of the immortal riding the crane, he immediately handed the child in his hand to a dignified-looking woman next to him.

"Madam, hold Ye'er for a while."

After the lady took the child, she looked at the majestic young immortal leader riding a crane at the front of the refugee team, and then looked at her husband, with a worried look on her face, and spoke softly in a suppressed voice.

"Ms. sir, will this immortal of the Ling family take us in?"

The upright woman also had some insight. Seeing Ling Chengxin's Taoist robe, she also guessed Ling Chengxin's identity as Ling's Xiushui.

"It should be possible, don't worry." The sturdy middle-aged man was not sure whether the Immortal of the Ling Family would take them in, but in order to prevent his wife from worrying too much, he comforted her.

After saying that, he quickly walked out of the crowd and walked to the front of the refugee team, in front of Ling Chengxin who was riding on the back of the fairy crane. He looked respectful and asked with his hands raised.

"Chang Immortal, we are from Jiyun County, Bingjiao County. My name is Shen Qi. I am a member of the Shen family of the Ji-building family in Jiyun County. I am a citizen of Jiyun Town. I can barely be considered one of these people. The leader."

"More than ten days ago, a large number of monsters broke into the boundary of my Shen family and attacked near Jiyun Town where we and others live. Due to the attack of the monsters, we, the mortals, could only enter the small town where I and Shen were. The fairy mountain where the immortals are stationed, Jiyun Mountain is safe from the attacks of monsters."

"But after only a few days of holding on, even if other immortals from the Shen Family Mountain came to support me, we could only manage to defend Jiyun Mountain. But then a wave of monsters joined us, causing Jiyun Mountain to be breached. "

"Thousands of us mortals also took advantage of the gap between the Shen clan's battles with the monsters and beasts to escape and survive until now."

"This time I rashly entered the Ling family's territory where the Immortal Chief belongs, in order to avoid the pursuit of those monster beasts. Our Shen family's territory has become unavoidable. Monster beasts are rampant. The other small towns in the territory are all occupied by monsters. Therefore, we are waiting for you. I want to find a refuge in your family’s territory.”

"As long as the Immortal Chief is willing to give me a safe place with fields to cultivate, we will definitely not leave in the future. From then on, we are all members of the Ling family and will all change our surnames to Ling."

Ling Cheng News said that he was quite satisfied.

He originally thought that it would take some effort to keep these refugees in the family, but he didn't expect it to be so easy.

However, Shen Qi's approach made Ling Chengxin somewhat look down upon.

Changing your name to save your life is a great shame for the family monks.

"Aren't you afraid that after you, the monks of the Shen family, suppressed the monsters in the territory, they came to find you and blamed you for rashly changing your surname to survive?" Ling Chengxin said solemnly.

"Although I am a mortal, I have heard of some of the names of the Ling family. I think the immortals of the Shen family will not provoke the immortals of your family because of me."

"To be fair, I don't have the blood of the Shen family. Including the thousand people behind me, there are only a few people who have the blood of the Shen family, and their surname is not Shen."

"Those thousands of people and I were all bought by the Shen family from the Bailing Sect to expand the number of ordinary people under their command. Our surnames were also changed at that time."

"For people like us who are being bought and sold, if we can use our last name to save our lives, we are very willing." Shen Qi, a sturdy middle-aged man, said with a look of helplessness.

"Such a situation is understandable." Ling Cheng suddenly realized, and the doubts in his heart suddenly disappeared like smoke.

More than twenty years ago, when the Ling family first became the Foundation Building Family and occupied a large area of ​​Anyang County, they also bought tens of thousands of mortals from Bailingmen to expand the number of mortals in the family and lay the foundation.

Now more than twenty years have passed, and most of the purchased mortals have been assimilated by the Ling family mortals.

Even those who have not yet assimilated will definitely be assimilated in dozens, hundreds, or several generations, and their hearts will belong to the Ling family from then on.

The Shen family had the same idea as the Ling family when they purchased Shen Qi.

But the Shen family was invaded by monsters and lost to them, resulting in such a situation.

"I can take you in, but I, the Ling family, are not as kind as the Shen family. You need to sign a contract with me, the Ling family, and promise not to leave my Ling family's territory. Once you leave, I, the Ling family, will kill you and others." Ling Cheng Xin Weiyan said.

"Chang Immortal, this is natural." Shen Qi said respectfully.

"Take this map and follow it. Keep heading north until you reach a small town called Xia Zhi Town of my Ling family. After entering the town, tell the monks where you came from and where you will be stationed. The monks shouldn’t make it difficult for you to wait.”

Ling Chengxin took out a map from his storage bag, handed it to Shen Qi, and said something.

However, thinking that Shen Qi and his group of refugees were too numerous and without the protection of monks, they might encounter danger during the several-day journey to Xia Zhi Mountain, which was hundreds of miles away, so he ordered himself to sit down in the late stage of Qi training. The fairy crane escorted Shen Qi and his party to Xia Zhi Mountain.

Now is the period of monster chaos, and monsters often appear even in the Ling clan.

As for himself, he needs to sit here and take care of the underground caves of Qingshi Lake and the spiritual plants in Qingshi Mountain. It is difficult to get away.

After all, Shen Qi and his group of mortals were not traveling very fast, and it would take at least several days to resist Xia Zhi Town.

After handling the matter, Ling Chengxin watched Shen Qi and others for a while, then returned to the underground cave of Qingshi Lake to refine the elixir.

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