Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 25 The true scale of the mineral vein (please collect and recommend)

Because he traveled day and night in a hurry, Ling Pengyun traveled more than 2,000 miles in just two days and rushed back to Lingxiao Mountain.

As soon as he returned to Lingxiao Mountain, Ling Pengyun went to the General Affairs Hall halfway up the mountain and found Ling Ruda, the head of the General Affairs Hall and the elder of the family.

Not long after Ling Pengyun found Ling Ruda, Ling Ruda was excited and hurriedly led Ling Pengyun to the top of Lingxiao Mountain where the elders of the family entered, and found Ling Yunhong who was in seclusion in the only cave on the top of the mountain, "Lingxiao Cave Mansion".

Ling Yunhong, who had just left Lingxiao Cave Mansion, saw Ling Ruda's excited face and Ling Pengyun, who was supposed to be stationed in the low-level spiritual mountain outside, returned to the mountain at this time and found him. He was immediately puzzled and asked.

"Pengyun, aren't you stationed at Qingshi Mountain? What are you two doing?"

"Yunhong, the cave says that this place is not safe!" Ling Ruda looked around, somewhat alert, and said to Ling Yunhong mysteriously.

Ling Yunhong has been the head of the Ling family for decades, and has a close relationship with Ling Ruda. Naturally, he knows what Ling Ruda meant by that.

Ling Ruda is afraid that what he said will be heard by others, even his own family members.

This means that what Ling Ruda wants to say must be extremely important.

"Come in!" Ling Yunhong nodded seriously.

The three of them sat at a small table in the hall of Lingxiao Cave Mansion. Ling Yunhong waved his hand to set up a soundproof ban around Lingxiao Cave Mansion, and then asked Ling Ruda curiously.

"Eleventh Uncle, what do you and Pengyun have to say?"

"Pengyun, tell me!" Ling Ruda looked at Ling Pengyun and said.

Ling Pengyun nodded slightly, and then roughly told about his finding a Xuanshui iron ore vein that was at least of a miniature scale.

"Is this true?" Even though Ling Yunhong had the foundation-building cultivation, he was shocked when he heard that a Xuanshui iron ore vein had appeared in the territory. He stood up directly from the stool and asked Ling Pengyun anxiously.

"Third Grandfather, everything my grandson said is true! Please look at this ore!" Ling Pengyun patted his storage bag, summoned a Xuanshui iron ore he had collected before, and handed it to Ling Yunhong solemnly.

Ling Yunhong saw that the ore handed over by Ling Pengyun was indeed the original Xuanshui iron ore, and he immediately believed in the matter of the ore vein.

The matter of the ore vein was serious, and Ling Pengyun had no reason to lie. He would know the truth after checking it out later.

"I didn't expect that there is a black iron vein in the dark river in the big lake next to Qingshi Mountain. When I led my people to wipe out the snake demon tribe in the mountain, I also entered the dark river in the lake to explore, but I didn't see the blue-scaled water python's nest. I think the blue-scaled water python also found the vein when Peng Yun was stationed in Qingshi Mountain! If it weren't for this demon python, I'm afraid that even if my Ling family has a vein, it would be difficult to find such an opportunity. In this way, the family has inherited your opportunity!" Ling Yunhong smiled at Ling Pengyun.

No matter what kind of vein it is, there will be a special rock layer on its surface to cover the breath of the vein.

Generally speaking, veins are extremely difficult to find, unless the vein is exposed on the ground, it is possible to be discovered by cultivators.

As for the Xuanshui iron ore vein in the dark river, Ling Yunhong, a foundation-building cultivator with a strong spiritual sense, did not find it, but was found by the blue-scaled water python with a very low spiritual sense, which might also be its opportunity.

According to Ling Pengyun's own guess, it might be that the demon python coincidentally opened a nest at that location, accidentally shattered the rock layer covering the Xuanshui iron ore vein that concealed the breath, and was attracted by the pure water spirit of the ore vein, so it opened another passage in the nest and went deep into the ore vein.

"Third Ancestor, you are too kind. As a member of the Ling family, I was born by the family. Without the family, there would be no me. My opportunity is no different from the family's opportunity!"

Ling Yunhong was very satisfied when he heard Ling Pengyun's answer. He secretly praised Ling Pengyun in his heart and said with a smile. "Pengyun, you have made great contributions this time. We will talk about the rewards and dividends for discovering the mineral veins later. Now, exploring the scale of the Xuanshui iron vein is the top priority! Come with me and lead the way for me!"

"Okay!" Ling Pengyun replied.

Seeing Ling Pengyun's response, Ling Yunhong immediately called Ling Pengyun out of Lingxiao Cave and called a fairy crane that was resting in the back mountain of Lingxiao and had reached the perfect Qi training realm.

The Ling family has been a family for more than 200 years, which is longer than the time of ordinary foundation-building families. Naturally, there are some foundations.

The fairy crane with perfect Qi training is the king of the small group of twelve fairy cranes that the Ling family has raised for more than 100 years.

The fairy crane is a demon beast with a beautiful body and strong combat power. It is also famous among the demon beasts of the same level, especially in terms of speed, which is enough to be called the top level of the same level.

According to the strength of the fairy crane king with perfect Qi training, it is no problem to travel 5,000 miles a day.

Ling Yunhong and Ling Pengyun rode on the Fairy Crane King and headed towards Qingshi Mountain.

In less than half a day, the two arrived at the Qingshi Lake. Under Ling Pengyun's leadership, they entered the dark river at the bottom of the lake, entered the lair of the demon python, and found the Xuanshui iron ore vein.

Ling Yunhong looked at the large area of ​​Xuanshui iron ore around the small passage, and was ecstatic. Even though he noticed that the ground of the passage was extremely clean and extremely abnormal, he guessed that Ling Pengyun might have picked up some ore fragments, but he didn't say much.

Even if Ling Pengyun took it, it was what he deserved.

In his heart, there is only this Xuanshui iron ore vein now.

For a newly established foundation-building family, one more ore vein can play a huge role.

He suppressed his joy and mobilized the powerful consciousness of the foundation-building realm to explore along the direction of the vein.

Ten breaths later, after Ling Yunhong explored the overall scale of this Xuanshui iron vein, he could no longer suppress his joy and laughed out loud.

"My Ling family is so happy! Ha! Ha! Ha!"

It took a long time before he returned to normal.

And Ling Pengyun, who was standing by, also guessed a little based on Ling Yunhong's expression. This Xuanshui vein might be larger than the "micro scale" he originally guessed, otherwise why would Ling Yunhong have such an expression.

He asked curiously. "Third Ancestor, how big is the scale of this Xuanshui vein!"

Ling Yunhong did not hide it. Ling Pengyun was the discoverer of this vein and should know the true situation of this vein.

"The Xuanshui vein extends eastward for more than 480 feet, and the mineral deposits are extremely rich. It can be called a good small Xuanshui iron vein. If all of this vein is mined, at least nearly 100,000 kilograms of Xuanshui iron ore can be excavated. After quenching it into Xuanshui iron, at least 8,000 to 9,000 kilograms."

"This vein is so large!" Ling Pengyun exclaimed, with a smile on his face, and he began to calculate how many spiritual stones he could get from this vein.

After some calculations, Ling Pengyun was very happy.

"Pengyun, you have made a great contribution this time. I think when you reported this vein to the family, you had already thought about the family organizing people to mine this vein, and you will get a share of the income from this vein!" Ling Yunhong said with a smile.

Ling Pengyun did not say anything, but nodded in agreement.

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