Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 253 Sending Spiritual Objects for Sale (3000 words, please subscribe)

These cultivators came for the same purpose as Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong, all of whom came to the auction to bid for spiritual objects, hoping to sell them at a high price.

Because Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong both had the cultivation base of the foundation-building stage, an auction house manager came to greet them as soon as they entered the auction house.

After Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong explained their purpose, the auction house manager took them to a quiet room in the auction house.

In the quiet room.

"Daoyou, I wonder if there are any rules for auction houses to bid for spiritual objects?" Ling Pengyun asked the auction house manager.

"Two seniors, this once-in-a-century auction held by our Bailingmen is open to the entire Bailingmen territory, and the monster beast chaos has not been over for long. At least 70% of the scattered cultivators in our Bailingmen territory are still left in the market."

"Therefore, in this auction, as long as the spiritual objects are of the first-level medium quality or above, they can be put on the auction, but they must be of the same level and of better quality." The manager said carefully.

Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong were both delighted when they heard this.

Ling Pengyun summoned out more than 80 first-grade medium-quality magic tools, more than 30 first-grade high-quality magic tools, and some materials from foundation-building monsters from his storage bag.

These magic tools he summoned were all made from materials obtained from killing Qi-cultivating monsters during the monster rebellion.

Ling Yunhong summoned out more than 30 bottles of first-grade high-quality cultivation elixirs, including Qingling Pill, 10 bottles of Juling Pill, 3 bottles of Huiling Pill, and 3 bottles of Huichun Pill, from his storage bag.

Most of these elixirs were stocks from the Ling family.

The Ling family used to be a spiritual plant family, and there were many main materials for refining elixirs in the family. Ling Yunhong had a high success rate in refining elixirs, and he had spent a lot of time on refining elixirs in the past ten years.

This also meant that in addition to the elixirs supplied to the Ling family members and the elixirs supplied to the major shops in the market, there were still a large number of elixirs in the Ling family warehouse.

Now that the Ling family's finances are empty, Ling Yunhong took out most of the remaining elixirs in the clan treasury, hoping to quickly convert them into spiritual stones to supplement the family's finances.

The auction house manager saw so many spiritual objects appearing on the ground, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he immediately walked forward and looked at the quality of those spiritual objects one by one.

Although there are hundreds of magic weapons taken out by Ling Pengyun, there are more than 40 or 50 first-level medium-grade attack magic weapons among them, which are mediocre and unqualified.

Although the quality of the other magic weapons is not superior, they can be regarded as good among the medium quality, which is qualified.

As for the cultivation elixirs that Ling Yunhong took out, they are all in great demand on the market and are qualified.

"Two seniors, the various spiritual objects you sent for auction this time are carefully marked on this voucher."

"During the auction, as long as the spiritual objects you sent for auction are auctioned, the spiritual stones obtained will be immediately delivered to the two seniors."

"However, two seniors, 10% of the spiritual stones obtained from the spiritual objects you sent for auction this time will be used as the handling fee for Bailingmen to help you auction."

"In order to attract more cultivators to participate in this auction, our sect has also taken out a lot of good things, including even numbers of foundation-building spiritual objects."

The steward wrote the names of the spiritual objects sent by Ling Yunhong and Ling Pengyun on two pieces of paper, handed them to Ling Yunhong and Ling Pengyun respectively, and then said carefully.

"Yes." Ling Yunhong knew the rules of the auction. After answering, he took Ling Pengyun away from here and went to Lingxiao Alchemy Hall, the shop opened by the Ling family in Xiyangfang City, and chatted with the fourth elder Ling Yunfu who managed the shop for a while.

During the chat, the two also learned from Ling Yunfu that Ling Pengxing had gone deep into the Jiaomang Lake to kill the foundation-building monsters and raise spirit stones.

Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong were shocked to hear this.

When they learned that Ling Pengxing had returned safely a few days ago, Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong couldn't help but sweat for Ling Pengxing.

Afterwards, Ling Yunhong found Ling Pengxing who was practicing in a quiet room in the backyard of the Alchemy Hall alone and talked to him.

The main content was that Ling Pengxing was too reckless, and at the same time, he also expressed that the family would provide him with practice resources as much as possible.

One day passed very quickly, and in a blink of an eye it was the time for the Xiyang Auction.

Early in the morning of this day, Ling Pengyun and Ling Pengxing followed Ling Yunhong to the Xiyang Auction House.

Because the monster rebellion had just ended, the cultivators summoned by the Bailing Sect did not leave because of the grand auction that would only happen once a century.

As a result, the Xiyang Auction Hall was overcrowded, with tens of thousands of cultivators of various realms queuing outside the Xiyang Auction Hall to hand in spirit stones and buy tickets to enter the auction house.

If Ling Pengyun and the other two were not all foundation-building cultivators, they could have cut in line to enter the auction house. Otherwise, if they had queued up honestly, they would probably have to wait until noon.

As soon as Ling Pengyun and the other two entered the auction house, a maid with an extremely good appearance came up to greet them and asked them.

"Are the three seniors from the Ling Xiaoling family in Huaishui County?"

"That's right, I wonder what you mean by asking this?" The leader Ling Yunhong nodded with a little doubt and answered.

"Three seniors, the auction house has recently expanded the space of the auction house several times in order to cope with the large number of cultivators coming to the once-in-a-century auction."

"Therefore, people from the foundation-building family forces, and even casual foundation-building cultivators, can get an independent private room protected by the God-Separating Array in the private room area on the second floor." The maid explained.

"Three seniors, please follow me."

After saying that, she took a step ahead and took Ling Yunhong, Ling Pengxing, and Ling Pengyun to a private room on the second floor of the auction house.

Although the private room was not big, it had everything it needed, with a table and chairs.

There was also a plate of very delicious and cheap spiritual fruits on the small table for free.

There was also a huge transparent glass in the front of the private room. From inside the private room, you could see outside, but from outside, it was difficult to see inside the private room.

"Three seniors, the private room has been taken. I will leave first. There are other seniors participating in this auction who need me to lead them to their respective private rooms. If the three seniors have something to do, you can open the door and call them." After the maid finished speaking, she left the private room.

Ling Pengyun and the other two did not care. They found a chair and sat down one after another, waiting for the auction to start.

This Xiyang auction house also has three floors. In the center of the first floor hall, there is a round platform nearly ten feet high, and around the round platform are thousands of wooden chairs.

The second and third floors are all private rooms, but the number of private rooms is different.

The former has nearly 300 private rooms, while the latter has only 10.

It was noon.

The ten thousand chairs in the first floor hall of the auction house were all filled with monks, and the once-in-a-century auction officially began.

A female foundation-building cultivator wearing a Bailing Sect Taoist robe, who was quite beautiful and had an excellent figure, slowly walked up to the round platform in the center of the auction venue, bowed slightly to the people present, smiled slightly, and said softly.

"My name is Chen Yue, and I am the steward of Bailing Sect. Welcome to the grand auction held by Bailing Sect once every 100 years."

"A total of 9,853 spiritual objects will be auctioned at this once-a-century auction. These spiritual objects are all first-level medium-quality spiritual objects or above. The auction will last for seven days because there are many spiritual objects to be auctioned."

"As for the rules of this auction, they are the same as those of other auction venues. The highest bidder wins. I will not say much. This auction officially begins."

After that, a maid walked onto the round platform with a tray covered with red cloth and came to Chen Yue's side.

Chen Yue waved his hand to lift the red cloth, and a green flying sword floated up from the tray and hovered beside Chen Yue.

"This flying sword is called Liufeng Sword. Although the grade of this sword is not high, it is only the first-grade middle grade, but the attack speed of this sword is far higher than the same-grade magic weapon, and it is one or two points faster than the speed of the general first-grade upper-grade attack magic weapon."

"If a cultivator in the middle stage of Qi training can get this item, he can also take the lead when fighting with the same level, and have a greater advantage."

"In terms of sneak attacks, this extremely fast Liufeng Sword is even more useful."

"The reserve price of this flying sword is fifty spirit stones, and each bid cannot be less than five spirit stones."

As soon as Chen Yue finished speaking, many cultivators in the early and middle stages of Qi training came out to bid for this item.

There are more than ten thousand cultivators who came to participate in this auction, and more than 90% of them are cultivators of Qi training.

Although most of these cultivators of Qi training are casual cultivators, the monster beast rebellion has just ended not long ago. During the period of stationing in Xiyang Market, these casual cultivators have more or less killed some monster beasts of Qi training and earned some wealth.

In addition, the effect of the Liufeng Sword is really good, so naturally it attracted many Qi training cultivators to compete for the auction.

After several price increases, the Liufeng Sword was finally bought by a Qi training mid-stage cultivator at a price of 120 spirit stones.

On the second floor of the auction venue.

Ling Pengyun, who was in one of the private rooms, saw that the first auction item, the Liufeng Sword, was sold for 120 spirit stones, and his expression was slightly happy.

The Liufeng Sword was one of the many magic weapons that Ling Pengyun had put on the auction a day ago.

The higher the price of the magic weapon, the more spirit stones Ling Pengyun could get.

"The auction venue is really different. I thought this Liufeng Sword was only worth about 100 spirit stones at most, but I didn't expect it to be overpriced by 20 spirit stones. This group of casual cultivators are really rich." Ling Pengyun sighed.

The price of an ordinary first-level mid-grade magic weapon is between 80 and 100 spirit stones. A first-level mid-grade flying sword with other effects or superior quality will be overpriced.

Next, various spiritual objects such as elixirs, talismans, and young spiritual beasts appeared.

The quality of these spiritual objects is all of the best among the same grade. In addition, the monks participating in the auction have all had some wealth because the monster beast chaos has just ended. Those spiritual objects have also been auctioned off, and there are no spiritual objects that have not been auctioned off yet.

As time goes by, the grade of the spiritual objects auctioned is getting higher and higher, and the atmosphere of the auction is getting higher and higher.

In the evening, this auction was temporarily suspended.

The monks participating in the auction can leave on their own or stay in the auction and wait for the auction the next day.

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