Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 272 The scale of the sandy soil vein (4200 words, please subscribe)

At the same time, on the other side.

At the top of Pingyun Mountain, the Yang clan mountain, in the meeting hall.

The four foundation-building cultivators of the Yang clan all gathered here.

When everyone arrived, Yang Mingtian, the patriarch of the Yang clan, also informed the other three people about the discovery of a small, ownerless sand and soil vein in a barren land in Huaishui County.

Then he turned his head and looked at Yang Changxing, the most senior and the ninth-level foundation-building elder of the Yang clan, and asked.

"Fifth uncle, should we, the Yang clan, go and rob the ownerless sand and soil vein in Huaishui County this time?"

Yang Changxing felt a little complicated when he heard this question.

He knew how much a small sand and soil vein was worth. If his family could get this vein, it would be an extra help.

But the vein was within the scope of Huaishui County after all, not in Yunshui County where his Yang clan was.

Once the Yang family crosses the border and seizes the spiritual vein that originally belonged to Huaishui County, it is likely to cause dissatisfaction among the five foundation-building families in Huaishui County, and the five families will jointly take action to stop the Yang family.

Although the Yang family is strong now, it does not have the strength to fight the five foundation-building families alone.

"The sand and soil vein is not something that my Yang family can touch. Besides, my Yang family mainly practices alchemy, and the family is not strong in refining weapons. It will not be of much use to come to the sand and soil vein in a short time."

"All dispersed, practice with peace of mind, improve your cultivation as soon as possible, and prepare to destroy the remaining three foundation-building families in Yunshui County." Yang Changxing said in a deep voice with a lot of thoughts.

The other three foundation-building cultivators in the conference room heard this and understood the reason. They did not stay in the conference room for long and left one after another.


Seven days later.

A huge crane landed outside the Rock Scale Snake Cave.

From then on, a hunchbacked old man with a bit of death on his face jumped off the crane.

This hunchbacked old man was Ling Ruxian, the last great elder of the Ling family, whose life span was about to run out.

"Pengyun, come out and see me. I have something important to discuss with you."

Ling Pengyun, who was stationed in the Rock Scale Snake Cave, heard the familiar voice coming from outside the snake cave and immediately walked out of the snake cave.

"Eleventh Great-grandfather, why are you here?" Ling Pengyun saw Ling Ruxian coming and was very confused, so he asked.

Ling Ruxian did not delay and told Ling Pengyun that a sand vein was found in a deserted and ownerless land between the Luoxia Luo family and the Huxiao Liu family, and the family sent clansmen to rob the sand vein.

And told Ling Pengyun to take the foundation-building initial stage fairy crane king who was stationed with him in the snake cave as soon as possible to the place where the sand vein was located to support Ling Yunhong and others.

By the way, he gave Ling Pengyun a map of the location of the sand vein.

"Okay, eleventh great-grandfather, I will go right away and leave this place to you."

"This token was given by Senior Zhang Yan, the deputy head of the General Affairs Hall of Bailing Sect, who has perfected the foundation building. If you encounter any accidents while stationed here, crush this token immediately."

"When the time comes, Senior Zhang Yan should come to support immediately." Ling Pengyun took out a piece of token from his arms, handed it to Ling Ruxian, and immediately called the initial foundation building fairy crane king and Feng Yingpeng who were stationed with him in the Rock Scale Snake Cave to leave here.

Ling Ruxian looked at the token given by Ling Pengyun in his hand and fell into deep thought.


Three days later.

Ling Pengyun rode on the fairy crane king and followed the map of the mineral vein given by Ling Ruxian. He flew six or seven thousand miles day and night, and finally arrived at the desolate land between Luoxia Luo and Huxiao Liu, and finally found the vicinity of the sand and soil mineral vein.

The sand and soil vein is located in a mountain several dozen feet high. Five groups of monks are stationed around the mountain.

Each group of monks is stationed far away from each other, and each group has a long flag with the emblems of the five major families in Huaishui County.

Ling Pengyun took a quick look and soon found a long flag with the three jade series of spiritual rice patterns that were the foundation of the Ling family in the past.

The three jade series of spiritual rice patterns are the symbol of the Ling family.

After finding the place where his family members were stationed, Ling Pengyun quickly rode the Fairy Crane King and landed there.

When he jumped from the back of the Fairy Crane King to the ground, more than 20 Ling family members stationed there heard the noise, and all came out of their wooden houses and surrounded him.

Ling Yunhong, another foundation-building cultivator of the Ling family, and the supreme elder Ling Pengxing were also among them.

Ling Yunhong, whose cultivation reached the sixth level of foundation building, subtly noticed that Ling Pengyun's aura was several times stronger than a year ago, and had reached the strength of the fourth level of foundation building. A hint of surprise flashed between his eyebrows.

After thinking about it carefully, his expression was suddenly shocked, his face suddenly became ecstatic, and his eyes were filled with expectation. He asked excitedly.

"Pengyun, you can enter the fourth level of foundation building, but is it because your life spirit plant thorn vine has entered the second-level triggered spiritual power feedback?"

He knew Ling Pengyun's situation very clearly, and he was also familiar with the approximate amount of spiritual water in Ling Pengyun's hand.

The spiritual water in Ling Pengyun's hand alone could not support Ling Pengyun's breakthrough from the second level of foundation building to the fourth level of foundation building.

"That's right." Ling Pengyun did not hide anything, after all, his cultivation had been seen by Ling Yunhong.

He first bowed to the more than 20 Ling clan members present to express his greetings, and then replied.

After Ling Yunhong got the answer, the smile on his face became even brighter, and he said with a smile.

"This is a great thing. In the future, our family will have you, a second-level spiritual plant husband. The spiritual plants planted in the Rock Scale Snake Cave where you are stationed will also benefit our Ling family."

"In addition, your ability to enter the fourth floor of the Foundation Establishment will also be of great help to the family in their fight to seize the share of the mineral vein. Maybe my Ling family will have a chance to compete with the Luoxia Luo family for the top spot in the fight."

On the side, Ling Pengxing, who was standing next to Ling Yunhong, heard a hint of envy and frustration in his heart.

During the qi training period, he had always been the fastest person in Pengzi's generation.

But now, he has been surpassed in cultivation by his clan brother who he has always suppressed.

With a sigh, Ling Pengxing once again had the idea of ​​​​earning a large amount of spiritual stones by killing monsters and buying spiritual resources that were better than the spiritual gathering pills distributed by the family, so as to speed up the progress of cultivation.

After returning to his thoughts, he also congratulated Ling Pengyun.

He and Ling Pengyun are from the same clan, and Ling Pengyun's increased combat power can actually be regarded as his confidence.

In the future, if he is not strong enough and encounters difficulties, he can also seek help from his clan brother Ling Pengyun.

"Third Ancestor, what is martial arts?" At this moment, Ling Pengyun heard the word "martial arts" from Ling Yunhong, and was immediately confused and asked.

"More than ten days ago, the five major foundation-building families in Huaishui County gathered here together. No one was willing to give up the ownerless and valuable sand vein to the other. No one was willing to lose a point. I want to gain an extra point.”

"In the following days, the five of us had several minor frictions with each other."

"There have been some minor casualties among the qi-training monks from various schools."

"In order to prevent the Qi-training tribesmen brought by each family this time, the conflicts in the sandy soil veins caused too many casualties, which caused the strength of each family to be greatly reduced."

"In addition, we later discovered the mineral content of the sandy soil vein here, and learned that the sandy soil vein here is extremely large, and it is difficult for any of our tribes in Huaishui County to occupy it alone."

"The patriarchs of our five families discussed together and each family sent three monks to jointly divide this small ownerless sand vein in the form of a best-of-three battle."

"The top player in this fight will get 2.5% of the mineral vein, while the next four companies will only get 20%, 10%, 10% and half of the mineral vein respectively."

"The remaining 30% share of the mine, the five heads of our families have jointly discussed and planned to sell it to Bailingmen in exchange for spirit stones. We will take this opportunity to involve Bailingmen in this mine to frighten Xiao Xiao and avoid Bailingmen's displeasure. "

"As for the spiritual stones obtained from the 30% share of the sand ore sold to Bailingmen, it will be divided equally among the five families in Huaishui County."

Ling Yunhong explained in detail.

Bailingmen's current main skill is weapon refining, so it requires a large amount of ore.

It is for this reason that the major forces in Bailingmen's territory, no matter what mineral veins are discovered, will basically pay some share of the mineral veins to Bailingmen to avoid causing Bailingmen's displeasure.

Of course, Bailingmen will not treat the forces that pay tribute to the mineral vein share badly, and will purchase the mineral vein share according to the market price.

After listening to the explanation, Ling Pengyun quite agreed with the martial arts incident.

In the world of immortal cultivation, fists have always been respected.

This approach is indeed very suitable when applied to the division of interests in this unowned mineral vein.

After thinking carefully, Ling Pengyun looked at the more than 20 tribesmen in the Qi-training period around him, and saw that several tribesmen were indeed low in breath, their faces were pale, and they looked injured.

Ling Pengyun suddenly became worried, and he followed suit and asked Ling Yunhong.

"Third Grandfather, some time ago, during the conflict between the Qi-training clan members and the monks from four other families, were there any deaths among the clan members?"

"No, after all, it was just a small fight with the qi-training monks from the other four major families, and no one was killed. When the clan members were in danger, Peng Xing and I also took action to save them, and the injured were also Relying on the healing pills given by the family during the expedition, he quickly recovered." Ling Yunhong said.

After hearing this, Ling Pengyun felt relieved.

Every member of the family is the wealth of the family.

Once a few clan members are lost, it will be extremely serious for the Ling family, which has only a small number of monks.

It will even delay Ling's development.

Once this worry dissipated, Ling Pengyun couldn't help but be a little curious about what Ling Yunhong had just said: "The mine veins here are too large, and it is difficult for any clan in Huaishui County to occupy them."

He was suddenly curious and asked.

"Third Grandfather, I wonder how big the sand vein here is?"

Ling Yunhong did not speak immediately, but dismissed the more than twenty Ling clan members in the middle stage of Qi training who had gathered around, and set up a soundproof ban around the area before speaking.

"The scale of the sand and soil vein here is much larger than the small first-order medium-grade Xuanshui iron ore vein that our Ling family discovered. It stretches for more than 580 feet and contains sand and soil. The ore is at least 120,000 kilograms."

"It is precisely because that vein contains a large amount of ore that we, the five foundation-building monks of Huaishui County, have made an agreement with each other since we discovered the mineral content of that sandy soil vein not to inform our family members about it. , so as not to attract the greed of the foundation-building families in other counties and cities."

When Ling Pengyun heard the size of the mine, his heart suddenly trembled.

Ten kilograms of sand ore can be used to extract one kilogram of first-grade high-grade sand.

A pound of sand is worth ten spiritual stones on the market.

This vein contains a reserve of 120,000 kilograms of first-grade high-grade sand and soil ore, and is worth at least 120,000 spiritual stones.

"It's so big, do the monks in Bailingmen know about it?" Ling Pengyun exclaimed, but he was a little uneasy.

A vein with such a large range is not all good.

If there is not enough strength, the vein can also become a death warrant.

"As early as a month ago, when the Luo family discovered the sand vein here alone, the Luo family planned to play a trick and reported it to Bailingmen in advance."

"Therefore, within two days of our five families in Huaishui County planning to fight and jointly develop the vein here, the foundation-building monks of Bailingmen came here to explore the mineral content of the vein."

"After the foundation-building monks of Bailingmen who came here learned about the mineral content of the vein here, they just said that the five families in Huaishui County must pay 30% of the mineral vein to Bailingmen, and Bailingmen will not care about the rest."

"After expressing this intention, the Bailingmen The foundation-building cultivator left this place and returned to the sect to ask the second-level formation master to come here to set up the formation and protect the mineral veins here. "

"As for why Bailingmen is like this, it should be because they are afraid of the identity of the foundation-building families gathered here."

"After all, the territory of Bailingmen is not only occupied by the five major families of Huaishui County, but dozens of foundation-building families."

"Once Bailingmen forcibly occupies the mineral veins here, it will inevitably cause dissatisfaction in the hearts of the other foundation-building families, causing the relationship between the other foundation-building families and Bailingmen to fall apart."

Ling Yunhong understood what Ling Pengyun was worried about, so he explained it.

"That's good." Ling Pengyun was relieved and said.

Afterwards, Ling Pengyun discussed with Ling Yunhong and Ling Pengxing about the order of fighting with the other four major families in five days, as well as the enemies they would fight against. Then he said goodbye to the two of them, and built a small wooden house alone in the place where the Ling family gathered using wood magic, and entered it to practice quietly, waiting for the battle to begin five days later.

Five days passed quickly, and the day of the martial arts competition came in a blink of an eye.

At noon.

The people of the five major foundation-building families in Huaishui County all gathered on a piece of open flat land.

At this moment, the candidates for the cultivators of the other four major foundation-building families to participate in this martial arts competition were also clear.

The three cultivators of Luoxia Luo family who participated in the martial arts competition were Luo Minghui, the strongest in Huaishui County with a ninth-level foundation-building cultivation, his Taoist partner Li Xia with a third-level foundation-building cultivation, and his son Luo Qiuming with a third-level foundation-building cultivation.

The number of foundation-building cultivators in the other three families did not reach three, and only the strength of Huxiao Liu family was not bad.

The participants were Liu Daozhou, the patriarch of the Liu family, who was in the middle stage of foundation-building, and the Liu family's guardian spirit beast Yanyunhu, who was in the middle stage of foundation-building, and an elder of the Liu family who had perfected Qi training.

The three cultivators participating in this martial arts competition of Qingzhu Wang family and Yunwu Wen family, except for their own family heads, were all perfect Qi training cultivators to make up the number.

All the five families are here, and the fight officially begins.

Ling Yunhong, the head of the Ling family, wanted to compete with Luoxia Luo family for the first place because Ling Pengyun entered the middle stage of foundation building. So he took the lead and walked out of his own cultivator team when the fight began.

Thanks to: My Dish of Family Cultivation, Wolf Group OP, Book Friend 20220722212021979, Top Ten Universe Cups, Baidu Buhui, Book Friend 20221015074411125, God Killer***666, I am not a big non-African, soulTOme for the monthly ticket.

Thanks to everyone

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