Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 275: First in Fighting (4000 words, please subscribe)

Ling Pengyun was quite happy when he saw this.

"I can't kill you today, but I must destroy your natal formation flag."

Luo Qiuming was protected by Luo Minghui, who was in the late stage of Foundation Establishment. Unless Ling Pengyun was as powerful as the Purple Star Long Cone and could instantly kill the Foundation Establishment monks, there would be no chance of killing Luo Qiuming.

However, it is feasible to destroy Luo Qiuming's natal formation flag.

After all, Luo Qiuming still hasn't given up yet.

After another three breaths, Ling Pengyun followed the method just now and used the six-foot-long Earth Demon Sword Light and the Qinggang Zimu Flying Sword to kill an formation flag.

Luo Qiu Ming, who was already suffering from the destruction of a natal formation flag, qi and blood boiling, and pain in the sea of ​​​​consciousness, became even more uncomfortable. His breath became even more depressed, and he seemed to have fallen to the next level.

Just when Ling Pengyun was about to kill the third flag of the yellow sand-eroded formation, Luo Minghui, who was watching the battle at the foot of the mountain, became anxious and surrendered on behalf of his son Luo Qiuming.

"We admit defeat and don't destroy my son's natal formation flag."

Ling Pengyun on the battlefield didn't care about this. As long as Luo Minghui didn't take action, he would not call back the attack.

At the next moment, another yellow sand-eroded formation flag was destroyed by Ling Pengyun's attack.

Luo Minghui, who was watching the battle from a distance, could no longer sit still and roared angrily.

"Bastard, if you don't stop, I will take action."

The natal formation flag is also a natal magic weapon. If the damage to the natal magic weapon is too serious, the monk will not only experience a decline in cultivation, but also damage the foundation and affect the path.

Luo Qiu Ming is Luo's most talented person and also Luo's hope.

If because of this battle, too many natal formation flags were destroyed, causing damage to the foundation, it would be extremely unworthy.

"How dare you!" Not far away, Ling Yunhong was filled with anger. He felt very comfortable when he saw his grandson Ling Pengyun venting his anger on him and deliberately destroying Luo Qiu Ming's formation flag.

But when he heard Luo Minghui being so arrogant again, he suddenly felt a protective heart and retorted loudly.

As soon as he said this, he quickly took out his natal magical weapon, the Blue Sea Ice Flying Sword.

Among the onlookers, the foundation-building monks from the other three families were very dissatisfied when Luo Minghui, a bystander, admitted defeat on behalf of his son and threatened Ling Pengyun.

During the fight between Luo Minghui and Ling Yunhong just now, Luo Minghui wanted to kill Ling Yunhong, which could be said to have nothing to do with the three of them.

But Luo Minghui directly intervened in the fighting this time, but his relationship with them was serious.

After all, who knows if Luo Minghui will also threaten them during their fight.

This move threatened the interests of the three of them.

"Fellow Daoist Luo, your son Luo Qiu Ming has not admitted defeat himself, but you still threaten him, which is a loss of your identity." Liu Daozhou, the leader of the Huxiao Liu clan who was already at odds with the Luo clan, said meaningfully.

When Luo Minghui heard this, he saw that the other four foundation-building monks in the surrounding area were all dissatisfied with what he had just done, and he also realized that he had provoked everyone's anger.

He also restrained himself a little and turned to the technique of sound transmission to make his son Luo Qiuming admit defeat, so as not to lose too much of the natal formation flag and damage the foundation.

In the battlefield.

When Luo Qiuming heard his father's message, he felt angry that Ling Pengyun had destroyed three of his natal formation flags, but because he was weak, he had no choice but to obey his father's words and surrender.

"Fellow Daoist Ling, I admit defeat."

Ling Pengyun, who was activating the Earthly Evil Sword Light and the Green Steel Flying Sword, intending to destroy a yellow sand-eroded formation flag, stopped his attack when he saw Luo Qiuming himself surrendering.

He did not dare to break the martial arts rules set by the five major families in Huaishui County.

"Fellow Daoist Ling, I have written down what happened today. Don't let me find an opportunity." Luo Qiuming looked at Ling Pengyun and said fiercely.

After saying this, he quickly withdrew, leaving only the large formation of nine formation flags, and collected the nine formation flags into his Dantian to warm up.

He picked up the long purple star cone that was previously knocked away by Ling Pengyun, and then left this place and returned to the crowd watching the battle.

Ling Pengyun, who was still at the top of the mountain, frowned slightly at the cruel words Luo Qiuming left just now and thought to himself.

"If there is an opportunity in the future, and I find this person alone, I must kill him to avoid other incidents in the future."

He also left the battlefield one step later and returned to the team of Ling monks who were watching at the foot of the mountain.

"Peng Yun, you did a good job." Ling Yunhong laughed.

"It's a pity that the old thief Luo Minghui was supervising the battle, otherwise the battle just now would not have only destroyed Luo Qiu Ming's natal formation flag." Ling Pengyun said with a bit of pity.

"It doesn't matter, there will be plenty of opportunities to destroy Luo Qiu Ming in the future." After Ling Yunhong replied with a smile, he looked at Ling Pengxing who was full of fighting spirit and told him.

"Peng Xing, now in the competition between our Ling family and the Luo family, each of us has a winner, and the final decision is up to you."

"But when you fight with the last Luo family to participate in the battle, Li Xia, who is the foundation builder, you need to be careful, lest Li Xia also brings out a very powerful treasure."

"I understand, Third Patriarch, I will definitely live up to your expectations and return victorious." Ling Pengxing nodded solemnly, replied, then walked out of the team and said something to Li Xia.

"Mrs. Li, it's time for us to compete."

Li Xia did not delay, she nodded lightly, stepped lightly on the ground, and lightly and lightly climbed to the top of the mountain where the sand veins were located with Ling Pengxing to fight.

Although Ling Pengxing's cultivation level was lower than Li Xia's, and he only reached the peak of the second level of foundation building, Ling Pengxing had practiced sword cultivation techniques, and the gilded sword he used was of the gold element and matched his kung fu. The power of the Ling family's powerful Earthly Evil Sword Formation was even stronger, and it was even enough to suppress Li Xia, who was at the third level of foundation building.

During the battle, although Li Xia did not take out the precious magic weapon such as the Purple Star Long Awl, she also took out several valuable second-level spiritual talismans and a second-level medium-grade flying needle magic weapon to launch a sneak attack.

However, all of these were resolved one by one by Ling Pengxing, who was full of combat experience.

Ling Pengxing also relied on a wonderful sword formation to slightly beat Li Xia. He fought with Li Xia for about an incense stick and forced Li Xia to surrender.

Because of Ling Pengxing's victory, the Ling family won two games in the duel with the Luo family, defeated the Luo family, and won the duel with the Luo family this time.

Afterwards, Ling Yunhong, the head of the Ling family, asked the other three foundation-building families that had not yet participated in the duel whether they wanted to fight with the Ling family.

The heads of the Liu, Wang, and Wen families were not stupid. They had seen the battle between the three foundation-building cultivators of the Ling family and the three foundation-building cultivators of the Luo family.

Although Ling Yunhong, the head of the Ling family, had his defensive magic weapon destroyed and had taken the Explosive Spirit Pill, he was injured. It was a good time to defeat him.

However, the strength of the other two foundation-building cultivators of the Ling family, Ling Pengyun and Ling Pengxing, was extraordinary, and they were not injured and had strong combat power.

The heads of the three families also expressed their unwillingness to fight.

Therefore, the Ling family won the first share of the mineral vein this time.

The Luo family, which was defeated by the Ling family, also did not touch the bad luck because the number of foundation-building cultivators reached three, and there was also Luo Minghui, the head of the Luo family, who was a late-stage foundation-building strongman, to keep the scene.

Therefore, the Luo family won the second place in this martial arts competition.

The Huxiao Liu family has two mid-stage foundation-building warriors, whose strength is inferior to that of the Ling family and the Luo family, and they are firmly in the third place.

The two heads of the Wang family and the Wen family, each with only one early-stage foundation-building warrior, are both at the third level of foundation-building. After fighting for half an hour, Wang Changming, the head of the Wang family, defeated Wen Xianyun, the head of the Wen family, with several second-level spiritual talismans.

Afterwards, the two Qi-training perfect cultivators from the two families also fought each other.

The Qi-training cultivators of the Wang family, who still had many spiritual talismans, had the upper hand, and the Wang family also won the battle with the Wen family and won the fourth place in this martial arts competition.

The Wen family was the weakest, the last in the martial arts competition, and ranked fifth.

As the martial arts competition came to an end, the cultivators of the five families also dispersed and returned to the temporary residences built by each of them in the sand and soil veins, waiting for the second-level formation master of Bailingmen to arrive and set up formations on the sand and soil veins here.

The temporary residence of the Ling family.

In a wooden house, the senior leaders of the Ling family, including the clan leader Ling Yunhong, the supreme elders Ling Pengyun, Ling Pengxing, and the sixth elder Ling Yunqian, all gathered here.

When everyone arrived, the clan leader Ling Yunhong was delighted and said to Ling Pengyun and Ling Pengxing in the small house with a smile.

"This time, our Ling family won the first place in the martial arts competition. In the future, we can at least get 30,000 kilograms of sand and soil ore from the sand and soil vein. This is a great joy."

"If nothing unexpected happens, the Bailingmen monks who will set up formations to protect the sand and soil veins here will bring a lot of mining puppets."

"With the help of mining puppets, I am afraid that within ten years, this sand and soil vein here will be dug out, and the sand and soil ore that belongs to our Ling family will also be in our hands."

"It is extremely unprofitable to sell that batch of sand and soil ore directly. If you want to maximize the profit of that batch of sand and soil, you have to refine it into a magic weapon."

"Besides me, the best weapon refiner in the clan, Brother Yun'an, who is also your grandfather, is in seclusion now, so it is difficult for him to refine magic weapons in a short time."

"In addition, Brother Yun'an is not young anymore. When he comes out of seclusion, he needs to refine other kinds of magic weapons for the family, so he doesn't have much time."

"I also need to refine pills for the family, so it is difficult to spare time to refine weapons."

"Therefore, at least half of the sand and soil ore that the family will get will be handed over to you, the weapon refiner, Pengyun, to refine."

"I wonder if you are willing to accept this commission?"

Ling Pengyun said helplessly. "Of course I am willing, but grandfather, I am not good at refining magic shields."

"What's more, the grade of the sand and soil ore here can be the first-grade upper grade. If I rely on this ore, the success rate of refining the first-grade upper grade magic shield will probably be lower."

Ling Yunhong also knows about this matter. Every weapon refiner has magic weapons that he is not good at refining.

After all, a cultivator's energy is limited.

"Refining requires more practice. If you don't practice more, how can the success rate be high?"

"Besides, you are the successor of Brother Yun'an, and the family's future refinement will also be on you."

"If you can't grow up in the ten or twenty years of Brother Yun'an's life left, and master a few more methods of refining other magical instruments, how can you support the family's refinement?"

"If you are an ordinary refiner, it's fine to be good at refining one or two magical instruments, but you are a family refiner. You are facing the entire family, and the family also needs you to refine various magical instruments, sell them, and occupy the market for refining on the market." Ling Yunhong said in a deep voice.

"I understand, Third Ancestor." Ling Pengyun felt pressured when he heard it.

"By the way, when the formation master of Bailingmen arrives, I think he will bring 40,000 spirit stones from the five families in Huaishui County who sold 30% of the sand and soil vein of Bailingmen."

"This amount of spiritual stones will be divided equally among the five families in Huaishui County, and our Ling family can get 8,000 spiritual stones."

"Pengyun, do you have a way to raise 8,000 spiritual stones in a short period of time, and add them to the 8,000 spiritual stones that the family got this time, a total of 16,000 spiritual stones, to buy the 80 kilograms of second-level upper-grade Xuanyuan heavy iron in the hands of your brother-in-law Wu Yan, and refine the life magic weapon?" Ling Yunhong asked.

At the beginning, Ling Yunhong promised Ling Pengyun that the family would give half of the spiritual stones to help Ling Pengyun buy the 80 kilograms of second-level upper-grade Xuanyuan heavy iron in Wu Yan's hands.

"Third Ancestor, I don't have much money on me now. If I want to collect my 8,000 spiritual stones, I'm afraid it will take at least several years, or even more than ten years." Ling Pengyun said helplessly.

"In that case, I plan to use the eight thousand spiritual stones that I can get from the ore vein to buy a second-level medium or high-quality defensive magic weapon at the Tuyuanfang City's three-year auction in two years, and buy a batch of first- and second-level spiritual irons with water attributes to integrate into my life magic weapon and upgrade the grade of my Ice Blue Sea Flying Sword."

"Then, improve my combat power to deal with the Luo family who are enemies with my Ling family during this martial arts fight."

"I don't know, do you agree to this?" Ling Yunhong asked.

The number of eight thousand spiritual stones is not small, and it belongs to the family.

Although Ling Yunhong is the patriarch, if he wants to use it, he also needs to ask the opinions of other senior members of the family.

As for the upgrade of the grade of the life magic weapon, there are two ways.

The first is to store the life magic weapon in the dantian for warming.

The second is to integrate spiritual iron of the same attribute into the life magic weapon to enhance the power of the life magic weapon.

The former improves the life magic weapon at a slower speed.

The latter can improve the life magic weapon faster, but the resources consumed will be very large.

"I agree with this. It is difficult for me to raise the 8,000 spiritual stones I need in a short time. If the 8,000 spiritual stones are handed over to me, they will just be put in the storage bag and gather dust, without any use."

"Third Ancestor, you are the strongest person in the family. If you have the help of high-grade magic weapons, your combat power can be quickly improved. If there are minor frictions between my Ling family and the Luo family, who have made enemies this time, the family will be more confident." Ling Pengyun was the first to agree.

The two elders Ling Pengxing and Ling Yunqian, the sixth elder, who were in the wooden house, saw that Ling Pengyun had no objection, and they also agreed one after another.

"For the sake of the family's righteousness, I am very pleased that you can agree to this."

"But I did take more this time. In the future, the family resources will be provided to Pengyun and Pengxing first." Ling Yunhong said with satisfaction.

"Third Ancestor, you are too kind." Ling Pengyun said.

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