Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 277 Ling Pengyun's first blind date (4400 words, please subscribe)

At this time, among the two foundation-building monks guarding the gate of Bailingmen, an old man with a strong smell of alcohol and a wine gourd hanging from his waist saw Ling Pengyun coming, his eyes flashed with light, and he spoke.

"Brother Ling."

Ling Pengyun heard the call, looked up, and saw that the old man who called his name looked familiar.

The identity of the old man suddenly came to his mind. The old man's name was Yu Fu.

A few years ago, when Ling Pengyun followed Yang Changxing, the supreme elder of the Yang family, to Bailingmen to participate in the hundred-day banquet of his nephew Xiao Wuhong, it was Yu Fu, who was guarding the gate of the sect, who took himself and Yang Changxing to the place where Yang Siling lived.

Ling Pengyun walked up quickly, bowed to the old man, and smiled.

"Brother Yu."

"Brother Ling, are you here because Junior Sister Yang Siling came out of retreat this time?" Yu Fu asked.

"That's right, Brother Yu, can you let me into the sect?" Ling Pengyun said.

"Of course, Junior Sister Yang Siling has already instructed me on this matter. Brother, please mention my name in front of Junior Sister Yang Siling." Yu Fu smiled and took out a storage bag from his arms while speaking, and stuffed it into Ling Pengyun's hand.

Another foundation-building cultivator who was guarding the mountain gate with Yu Fu was quite annoyed by Yu Fu's behavior, but he did not show it too much and pretended not to see it.

"Brother Yu, I'm sorry that I can't accept this gift again." Seeing this, Ling Pengyun frowned and handed the storage bag in his hand back to Yu Fu.

Although Ling Pengyun is Yang Siling's cousin, he himself is somewhat reluctant to ask Yang Siling for help, so as not to make Yang Siling feel disgusted and cut off the connection between the two.

He is only Yang Siling's cousin, and Yang Siling has married Wu Yan, and is already half an outsider.

Not to mention helping Yu Fu, an outsider, to ask Yang Siling.

Ling Pengyun was already satisfied that he could maintain the relationship with Yang Siling and have some interactions with her.

After all, Ling Pengyun had already gained a lot of conveniences just by this identity.

Yu Fu saw Ling Pengyun's attitude and knew that Ling Pengyun really didn't want to accept it.

Helplessly, he had to give up the idea of ​​giving gifts.

However, he was still very enthusiastic about Ling Pengyun and personally sent Ling Pengyun to the "Ling Fu Mansion" where Yang Siling lived.

On the way, the two also chatted for a while.

Ling Pengyun also learned from Yu Fu why Yu Fu gave gifts this time.

Yu Fu was born in the mortal world, and his spiritual roots were detected by Bailingmen and brought into the sect to practice.

He finally entered the foundation-building period, but because he went out to kill a monster, his foundation was damaged, and he could only stop at the early stage of foundation-building for the rest of his life.

Helplessly, he could only marry and have children.

Fortunately, more than ten years ago, he gave birth to a child with three spiritual roots.

But Yu Fu's foundation was damaged, so it was difficult for him to be valued by Bailingmen.

He could only get a simple task like guarding the gate of Bailingmen.

But this task did not earn spiritual stones, so Yu Fu bribed Ling Pengyun and wanted to exchange a more lucrative task through Yang Siling, the daughter-in-law of Jindan Zhenren, to earn more spiritual stones and pave the way for his only son with three spiritual roots.

Ling Pengyun resonated with Yu Fu in this regard.

Yu Fu's behavior towards his son was the same as Ling Pengyun's parents' treatment of him.

However, resonance is resonance, and Ling Pengyun can't help with this.

Yu Fu saw that Ling Pengyun had not given in during the journey, so he sent Ling Pengyun to the gate of Lingfu Mansion and had no choice but to leave.

Ling Pengyun knocked on the gate of Lingfu Mansion after Yu Fu left.

After a while.

A maid in the Qi training period opened the door and walked out, bringing Ling Pengyun into the mansion and into the hall.

Cousin Yang Siling, holding a child as tall as her calf, brother-in-law Wu Yan, Ling Pengyun's mother, and aunt Zhao Hong'e all sat down in the hall.

Apparently, they had heard about Ling Pengyun's arrival.

"Cousin Pengyun, I didn't expect you to come so soon. It seems that you are quite serious about finding a Taoist partner."

Yang Siling, holding the child, joked, and then felt Ling Pengyun's strong aura, frowned, and said with a little surprise.

"Cousin Pengyun, have you entered the middle stage of foundation building?"

"Some time ago, relying on my life spirit implanted in the foundation building, I was lucky enough to enter the middle stage of foundation building. It's hard to enter the hall. Cousin, please don't make fun of me. How is your body recovering?"

Ling Pengyun's consciousness swept over Yang Siling. Although he found that Yang Siling's cultivation had re-entered the foundation building stage, he didn't know why he always felt that Yang Siling was missing something.

"Of course I've recovered." Yang Siling's expression darkened when she heard this, but she soon returned to normal.

Ling Pengyun noticed the change in Yang Siling's expression and guessed that there was something else going on, but Yang Siling didn't want to say it, so he didn't dwell on it too much.

He then greeted his mother Yang Qiuyun and others, and handed a first-class middle-grade protective jade pendant that he had deliberately kept for the family to refine some time ago to the little nephew Wu Hong in Yang Siling's arms.

Everyone chatted for a while, and Yang Qiuyun, who was sitting on a seat on the left side of the hall, looked at Yang Siling and coughed twice.

Yang Siling, who was sitting in the main seat, also immediately understood and smiled back at Yang Qiuyun.

Then, she took out three photo discs from the storage bag and handed them to Ling Pengyun.

"Cousin Pengyun, these three photo discs record the images of three female cultivators of the right age, whose cultivation level is at the foundation building stage, born in the mortal world, and whose bodies are pure, that my aunt, my mother, and I have recently found in Bailingmen."

"See if you like them."

"If you do, tell me and I'll have them come here to meet you."

Ling Pengyun had the idea of ​​getting married. He took the three photo discs handed over by Yang Siling and transferred his spiritual power into them, triggering the three photo discs.

Three female cultivators with different looks and temperaments suddenly appeared on the surface of the three photo discs, their appearances and figures.

After watching them, Ling Pengyun did not feel moved, after all, they were not real people.

However, the appearances of the three female cultivators recorded in the three photo discs were not bad.

In addition, the three female cultivators had the foundation building stage, which added to their points.

For a moment, Ling Pengyun didn't know how to choose, so he spoke out.

"Cousin, these three fairies are all excellent. Can we meet them all? Then make a choice?"

Yang Siling and the others present were all delighted when they heard this.

The happiest ones were Ling Pengyun's mother Yang Qiuyun and aunt Zhao Honge.

They had been staying in Bailingmen since Xiao Wuhong's Hundred Days Banquet ended a few years ago for Ling Pengyun to find a Taoist partner, waiting for Yang Siling to come out of retreat.

They spent a lot of time to select female cultivators in Bailingmen who were of the right age and not hostile to the Lingfu Zhenren faction with Yang Siling.

Only then did they select the three female cultivators recorded in the three photo disks.

Now, seeing that Ling Pengyun was willing to meet the three female cultivators, Yang Qiuyun and Zhao Honge, the two female relatives, also felt that their efforts were worthwhile.

Yang Siling also played a communication talisman afterwards.

Not long after, a female foundation-building cultivator with a heroic look and a cold face came riding on a flying sword, surrounded by a fairy aura.

When the female cultivator landed on the ground, she also greeted Wu Yan, Yang Siling and his wife, Yang Qiuyun, and Zhao Honge, who were sitting on the main seat in the hall.

"Brother Wu, Sister Yang!"

"Madam Yang, Madam Zhao."

Some time ago, Yang Siling had brought Yang Qiuyun and Zhao Honge to her and told her about introducing a Taoist couple to her.

That day, she also met Yang Qiuyun and Zhao Honge.

Then, she looked at Ling Pengyun, who was unfamiliar to her, and guessed that Yang Siling had called her here for this person.

Her cheeks suddenly turned red, and she bowed slightly to Ling Pengyun. Her expression returned to normal, and she still had that cold face.

Yang Siling, who was sitting on the main seat in the hall, also smiled and introduced Ling Pengyun at this moment.

"Cousin Pengyun, this fairy is called Pei Xue, she is my junior sister from the same sect, she has three spiritual roots, her cultivation speed is quite good, she just entered the foundation building not long ago, she was born in a mortal village in the territory of my Bailing Sect, and she has been in my Bailing Sect since she entered the Tao."

"Cousin Pengyun, Junior Sister Pei, you guys have a good chat, I have something to discuss with your brother-in-law, aunt, and my mother."

After saying this, Yang Siling winked at Ling Pengyun, then stood up and walked away.

Yang Qiuyun and others also smiled mysteriously at Ling Pengyun one after another, gave him encouraging eyes, and followed Yang Siling's steps.

After a while, only Pei Xue and Ling Pengyun were left in this spacious hall.

The air was immersed for a while, and Ling Pengyun broke the calm.

"Fairy Pei, my name is Ling Pengyun, and I was born in the Lingxiao Ling family of Huaishui County in Jingzhou."

"Just now I saw that the fairy came on a sword, and the ice sword intent was very obvious. I wonder if the fairy is a sword cultivator who practices ice-attributed skills?"

Pei Xue replied coldly, revealing her true feelings. "That's right, Master Ling, I won't hide it from you. This time I agreed to meet you because I was able to build my foundation, all thanks to your help some time ago."

"Without your help, with my own wealth, it would be impossible for me to reach this level now."

"I have heard from Senior Sister Yang about Master Ling's situation. He is a good Taoist and is indeed a good choice for a Taoist partner."

"As long as you like me, I can marry you, support you, and give birth to children for you."

"But Master Ling, I am from Bailingmen, I am not yet sixty years old, and I have some prospects. "

"Therefore, if I marry you, I hope you can allow me to stay in Bailingmen and find a way."

"However, please rest assured, after my way is broken, I will definitely follow you to your Ling family."

"Except for this matter, I will listen to you in everything. If you need me for something, I will definitely help you as long as I can do it."

"Sir, can you agree to this?"

Ling Pengyun was shocked when he heard this.

He didn't expect Pei Xue to be so straightforward, nor did he expect that there was another hidden story in this matter.

Ling Pengyun was a little dissatisfied with Pei Xue's request.

As a family cultivator, it is difficult for him to stay in Bailingmen for a long time.

Pei Xue was determined to stay in Bailingmen.

Bailingmen is hundreds of thousands of miles away from Ling family.

If I become a Taoist couple with Pei Xue in the future, the couple will be separated by distance and their feelings will definitely be very weak. If they encounter some major events, their relationship will probably be broken up. It is not as simple as Pei Xue said.

Moreover, according to Pei Xue's words, even if she will marry Ling Pengyun in the future, it is probably just because of Yang Siling's kindness, and there is no real feeling between them.

Pei Xue saw that Ling Pengyun did not speak, and spoke again.

"Master Ling, if you were not a monk from the family, but a monk from Bailingmen, would you leave Bailingmen, which is rich in spiritual things, for the sake of your Taoist companion?"

Ling Pengyun somewhat agreed with Pei Xue's words.

The monks who have no worries are not as worried as the family monks, and their only thought is to embark on a higher path.

Even if he is a cultivator of Bailing Sect, is young and has good potential, he probably will not give up his path and leave Bailing Sect for the sake of a Taoist monk who has no deep feelings.

"Since Fairy Pei has said so, I think even if we continue chatting, nothing will come of it. I won't force it again. Cousin Siling, I will make an agreement and won't cause any trouble for you." Ling Pengyun sighed. In one breath, the words spoke.

"Master Ling, I owe you a favor this time, thank you very much." Pei Xue also understood what Ling Pengyun meant, nodded lightly, and said thanks.

After saying that, she looked for Yang Siling who was leaving the hall, said a few words to him, and left with her sword.

Ling Pengyun looked at Pei Xue's leaving figure with a hint of bitterness on his face.

However, his expression quickly returned to normal, and a failed blind date was nothing to him.

Anyway, he has foundation-building skills. If he can't find a suitable Taoist partner, there is no problem in finding a female Qi practitioner to reproduce.

Not long after Pei Xue left, Yang Siling and others returned to the hall again.

Because Pei Xue had just communicated with Yang Siling and the others, Yang Siling and the others also knew the reason, so they didn't say much.

"Cousin Siling, the matter between me and Fairy Pei has not yet come to fruition, so I hope Fairy Pei will not be blamed." Ling Pengyun said to Pei Xueyun.

"I know about this, cousin Pengyun, do you want to see the other two female cultivators?" Yang Siling said.

"Forget it, maybe the next two foundation-building female cultivators will choose like Fairy Pei."

"As for the matter of finding a suitable Taoist companion for me, elders, please stop now. I would like to thank you for this, junior. This matter of a Taoist companion cannot be rushed."

"My search for a Taoist companion depends on chance."

Ling Pengyun waved his hand, a little afraid that the two female cultivators who were about to go on a blind date would go on a blind date with him because of the kindness of Yang Siling, the daughter-in-law of Jindan Zhenren, so he refused.

Upon seeing this, Yang Siling and others wanted to persuade him, but through this incident, they also understood that the blind date was somewhat unreliable, so they stopped mentioning it and nodded in acquiescence.

Afterwards, everyone chatted for a while, and Ling Pengyun also moved into a guest room in Lingfu Mansion under Yang Siling's arrangement.

Night, hour.

Ling Pengyun was a little worried because she noticed changes in Yang Siling's body during the day, so she went to find her cousin Yang Siling, took her into an unoccupied room, and asked about it.

"Cousin, I noticed something strange about your body today, but I didn't see any problems with your vitality or cultivation, cousin. I wonder if your foundation is damaged?" Ling Pengyun asked Yang Siling with a little worry.

"Yes, in the future, my cultivation will probably remain at the early stage of foundation building for the rest of my life, and it will be difficult to improve." Yang Siling said with a gloomy expression.

When Ling Pengyun heard this, he was immediately shocked.

Yang Siling has dual spiritual roots and is no weaker than Ling Yunhong, the leader of the Ling clan.

In addition, Yang Siling is the daughter-in-law of Jindan Zhenren. With such qualifications, not only after cultivating to the completion of foundation building, but also in the later stage of foundation building, it is a certainty.

But now, it is a pity that Ling Pengyun has fallen into this situation because she used a secret fertility technique when she was pregnant with little Wu Hong.


Yang Siling waved her hands. "Cousin Pengyun, I am talking to you about this matter as if you are one of my own. I hope you will not tell your mother or my mother about this matter, otherwise it will only increase their worries."

"Although it is a pity that my cultivation foundation has been damaged, it is also a blessing for me to be able to give birth to Xiaohong with wind spirit roots."

Afterwards, the two cousins ​​chatted for a while before saying goodbye to each other.

A night of silence.

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