Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 285: Transformation Instrument, Talisman Array (the previous chapter title was written, sorr

As soon as this blow passed, the late-stage foundation-building turtle monster that shrank its head into its shell quickly poked its head out and used a spell to fight back, knocking Qin Shi back several feet.

Just when Qin Shi was about to fall behind, the weapon refiner Zhang Chuan took out a long bow and a feather arrow, put the bow on the bow and shot the feather arrow directly.

After the arrow was shot, a large amount of flames erupted from the arrow, transforming into a six-foot-large firebird, which quickly bombarded the body of the late-stage foundation-building turtle demon that was fighting with Qin Shi, knocking the turtle demon away Knocked over directly.

The firebird transformed from the feather arrow was just like the real thing, constantly spitting out flames and using its body to attack the turtle monster.

Xue Chao, the talisman maker on the side, shot twelve talismans with flashes of lightning and the aura of one body, surrounding the late-stage foundation-building turtle demon.

Formation patterns unexpectedly appeared on the twelve spiritual talismans.

In an instant, the twelve spiritual talismans formed a formation, and the power of thunder gradually gathered in the formation, which continuously bombarded the body of the late-stage foundation-building turtle monster in the formation, causing the turtle monster to suffer terribly. Word.

Yan Siyi took out a green stove and continuously injected spiritual power into the stove, causing the green stove to continuously emit large amounts of green spiritual fire, sweeping over the late-stage foundation-building turtle monster.

Ye Yu, who is the weakest, has a lot of offensive power.

She shot out a long purple cone and struck it on the shell of the late-stage foundation-building turtle monster, blasting a huge gap in the shell. Obviously, the power of this long cone was extraordinary.

Under the joint attack of Qin Shi, Zhang Chuan, Xue Chao, Yan Siyi, and Ye Yu, the late-stage foundation-building turtle demon gradually fell into a disadvantageous position, and more and more wounds appeared on the solid turtle shell on its back.

This also aroused the anger of the late-stage foundation-building turtle demon.

It roared angrily, cast water spells, and propped up a magic light curtain around its body.

Then, he exerted force on all four legs and rushed forward. Relying on the magic light curtain around him and resisting the thunders transformed by the twelve spiritual talismans, he rushed out of the range of the formation and kept waving towards the people who were close at hand. Qin Shi was knocked away by the iron rod.

When Qin Shi saw this, his expression condensed, he quickly opened his mouth, and summoned a set of earth-yellow full-body armor from his dantian that was no bigger than a fist.

As soon as this small khaki full-body armor came out of the outside world, it quickly grew in size and was put on Qin Shi's body by itself.

The armor also flashed with light at this moment, holding up a thick earth-yellow light curtain to block the late-stage foundation-building turtle demon's charged attack.

Although the force of the turtle demon's collision was great, Qin Shi's full-body armor was of extremely high grade and could barely block it.

Qin Shi also had a chance to breathe.

He quickly moved back, looking for an opportunity to attack.

Zhang Chuan and others, who cooperated with him, also quickly used their attack methods to entangle the late-stage foundation-building turtle demon again to prevent the turtle demon from attacking Qin Shi again.

Ling Pengyun on the side, while fighting with two other mid-stage foundation-building turtle demons, saw the aura of the magic weapon played by Qin Shi and others emitting, and his eyes trembled.

The magical artifacts used by Qin Shi, Zhang Chuan, Xue Chao, Yan Siyi, and Ye Yu all reached the second-level high-grade level.

There is not even a second-level mid-grade magic weapon.

The long-cone magic weapon that Ye Yu took out was the purple-star long cone that Ling Pengyun was very familiar with.

The long bow used by the weapon refiner Zhang Chuan and the twelve spiritual talismans produced by the talisman maker Xue Chao that can be formed into a formation are rare transformation magic weapons and talisman formations in the world.

Magical weapons that can transform can only be forged using materials from the golden elixir monster and using special refining methods by experienced weapon refiners.

At the same time, the power of the magic weapon of transformation is also several times stronger than the magic weapon of the same level, and the lowest grade of the magic weapon of transformation is the superior second-level high-grade.

As for the talisman array, it is even rarer. It is something that Bailing Sect cannot keep and spread, and it is a powerful method that only the second-level talisman maker of Bailing Sect can master.

The talisman array can be formed by relying on spiritual talismans. Although the power of the formed formation is weaker than that of the same level of formation, it can still exert 80% of the power of the same level of formation.

Regardless of the level of the talisman array, any monk with spiritual power can use it, which is the same as using spiritual talismans.

What's more important is that the talisman array does not require formations, but needs to rely on the power of spiritual veins to form an array.

The formation must be above the spiritual veins in order to exert its full power.

Except for the natal formation flags of some formation masters, even if the formation masters do not arrange formations based on spiritual veins but only rely on their own spiritual power to arrange formations, they can only exert 80% to 90% of the power of the formations.

Ordinary monks use their own spiritual power to arrange formations, and it is good to be able to exert 70% of the power of the formation.

"These five people are indeed descendants of the top brass of Bailingmen."

"There are even rare things like transformation magic weapons and talisman formations."

"No wonder, among Daoist Fellow Qin, Fairy Yan and others, there is only one monk who is in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment. The rest are only in the early stage of Foundation Establishment. They are confident that they can kill the black-armored turtle demon in the late stage of Foundation Establishment." Ling Pengyun was secretly shocked. Ichiban.

Because he was still in the middle of the battle, Ling Pengyun did not dare to be too distracted and returned his mind to the battle. He used the set of blue steel flying swords and the two water snakes to try his best to stop the other two mid-stage foundation-building turtle monsters.

Although he still had some remaining power, he did not use it.

The two mid-stage foundation-building turtle monsters he resisted were not weak. Even if he tried his best, he might not be able to make much of a difference.

Furthermore, Qin Shi, Yan Siyi and others only entrusted him with stopping the two mid-stage foundation-building turtle demons, and the reward was only one mid-stage foundation-building turtle demon inner elixir.

Ling Pengyun was not willing to fight for this mid-stage foundation-building turtle demon inner elixir.

Instead of doing this, it is better to be a leisurely person.

At the same time, some spiritual power is left to avoid some accidents.

However, it was Ling Pengyun who held back the two mid-stage foundation-building turtle monsters that allowed Qin Shi, Yan Siyi and others to join forces to attack the late-stage foundation-building turtle monster with peace of mind.

The five of them relied on their own extraordinary magical weapons to force out the body-protecting Yuan Gang of the late-stage foundation-building turtle demon in less than a hundred moves.

Although the turtle demon's body-protecting Yuan Gang had amazing defensive power, it was shattered under the fierce attack of Ye Yu's second-level high-grade purple star long cone, which was the best at breaking the gang.

The attacks from Qin and Shi's five men also went straight in, hitting the body of the turtle demon in the late stage of foundation building one after another, killing it.

As a result, they were freed up and turned to help Ling Pengyun, joining forces to attack the remaining two black-armored turtles in the middle stage of foundation building.

The powerful late-stage foundation-building turtle monsters all died at the hands of Qin Shi and others. The mid-stage foundation-building turtle monster naturally didn't last long and was killed by everyone's combined efforts.

After the war, Qin Shi, the body cultivator, dragged the three three-headed turtle monsters on the ice of the lake to the shore. He used the long stick in his hand to directly break open the body of a turtle monster in the middle stage of foundation building, took out its inner elixir, and threw it away. To Ling Pengyun.

Then he used the long stick in his hand to divide the three huge turtle monster corpses into several pieces, and told Yan Siyi and others to put them into storage bags respectively.

After the battlefield was cleaned, Qin Shi looked in front of him at the depths of the lake where all the flowers turned into ice. His eyes flashed and he asked Ling Pengyun.

"Fellow Daoist Ling, there is a second-level spiritual vein in this lake, and it is also the nest of the black-armored turtle clan. There may be treasures there. Do you want to go searching for it with us?"

Ling Pengyun nodded lightly and said. "Of course, I just don't know if the five of you plan to return to Tuyuanfang City after searching the turtle monster's lair, or continue to kill monsters in the python lake?"

Qin Shi did not respond immediately, but turned to look at Yan Siyi, Zhang Chuan and others behind him.

"Senior Brother Qin, the cultivation of the three turtle monsters I obtained this time has reached the middle stage of foundation construction and above. The spiritual energy contained in their flesh and blood is very strong, which will help me cook spiritual food."

"In addition, the corpses of the three turtle monsters weigh at least three to four thousand kilograms of flesh and blood."

"Relying on this batch of turtle demon flesh and blood, I have some confidence that I can cook second-level spiritual food, so I propose to return to Tuyuanfang City first." Yan Siyi estimated the three foundation-building heads that were killed this time. The turtle demon's body was heavy with flesh and blood, and he spoke with a bit of excitement in his expression.

"I agree with Junior Sister Yan's proposal. I also plan to rely on the turtle shells of the three turtle monsters I obtained this time to try to refine the second-level low-grade defensive magic weapon. If it can be done... I can also step into the second-level weapon refining process. The realm of inferiority.”

The weapon refiner Zhang Chuan said this with an unstoppable look of anticipation on his face.

"Senior Brother Qin, my injuries are not fully healed, and I don't have many second-level spiritual talismans left on my body. I also want to go back to Tuyuanfang City first, and rely on the turtle skins of the three turtle monsters I obtained this time to refine Make a batch of second-level defensive talismans and recover from the injuries so that you can be safer when killing the foundation-building monsters in the future."

Talisman maker Xue Chao saw that both Yan Siyi and Zhang Chuan were planning to return to Fang City, so he also spoke out.

"Senior Brother Qin, I also plan to return to Tuyuanfang City first." Among the five, another female cultivator, Ye Yu, also said when she saw that her good sister Yan Siyi planned to return to Tuyuanfang City.

Qin Shi, who originally wanted to take advantage of Ling Pengyun, an extraordinary person in the team, to hunt down more foundation-building monsters to earn spirit stones, saw that Yan Siyi and others were unwilling to take the risk of killing them in the realm of Jiao Python Lake. Killing the monster beast, I felt a little helpless.

He is not comparable to Yan Siyi and others. They are all descendants of high-ranking Bailingmen, and they can also make money in various arts.

Although Ye Yu, who is the weakest in cultivation, is just like him and has no skills, Ye Yu's father is not only a second-level high-grade alchemist, but also the deputy master of the Bailingmen Alchemy Hall. He is very rich. It is the best of all.

Although Qin Shi himself had Zhang Yan, the deputy head of the Deacon Hall of Bailingmen who had perfected his cultivation base, as his backer, he was only Zhang Yan's apprentice after all.

Although Qin Shi was Zhang Yan's close disciple, and Zhang Yan had no descendants, he always treated Qin Shi as his own heir and gave Qin Shi many spiritual objects.

The long stick magic weapon in Qin Shi's hand now, and even the full-body armor natal magic weapon were all made by Zhang Yan.

However, physical cultivation consumes a lot of spiritual things.

Even with Zhang Yan's support, Qin Shi still has a big gap in cultivating spiritual objects.

Therefore, he is extremely short of spiritual stones.

However, he, Yan Siyi and others are a team. After everyone formed this team, the five people have agreed that the minority must obey the majority.

Furthermore, since he has his heart set on Yan Siyi, he will naturally not go against Yan Siyi's wishes and force her to stay with him in the realm of Jiao Python Lake to kill the monsters.

And it is somewhat dangerous for him to hunt monsters here alone.

"In that case, after we finish searching for the Black Armored Turtle's nest, we will return to Tuyuanfang City first." Qin Shi nodded.

Ling Pengyun on the side couldn't help but look happy after hearing that Yan Siyi was confident of refining the second-level spiritual food based on the flesh and blood of the three turtle demons obtained this time.

Yan Siyi still owed him two second-level spiritual food feasts.

A big banquet is not just one or two courses of second-level spiritual food. It needs at least one table to be considered a big banquet.

The spiritual energy contained in the second-level spiritual food is several times stronger than the spiritual energy contained in the first-level spiritual food.

According to rumors, the taste of second-level spiritual food is several times better than that of first-level spiritual food.

Ling Pengyun, who loves food, has been coveting the second-level spiritual food for a long time. Unfortunately, even in the Bailing Restaurant opened by Bailingmen in the largest Tuyuanfang Market, the second-level spiritual food is only sold at a certain time and for a limited time.

It is a good thing that you can't buy even if you have spiritual stones.

Yan Siyi also noticed that Ling Pengyun was staring at her with a happy face.

She also understood where Ling Pengyun's joy came from, and she thanked him.

"Thank you for helping us kill the three foundation-building turtle monsters this time. What I promised at the beginning is still true."

"As long as my spiritual chef can enter the second level, I will make two second-level spiritual food banquets for you when you come to me in the future."

After saying this, Yan Siyi added another sentence.

"I also want to thank all the senior brothers and junior sister Ye. During the days of hunting monsters, you gave me the blood and flesh of the foundation-building beasts you killed to help me cook the second-level spiritual food. After my spiritual chef enters the second level, I will also prepare a second-level spiritual food feast for all the senior brothers and junior sisters to express my gratitude."

Everyone was quite satisfied with Yan Siyi's good manners, so they stopped talking and stopped.

After Qin Shi used the white jade bottle to remove the ice mist that froze the lake, the ice that stretched for hundreds of feet in the lake turned into lake water again.

Qin Shi also took the lead, performed a water shield technique, blessed his body, and dived into the lake first.

Ling Pengyun, Yan Siyi and others did the same and followed closely.

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