Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 29 Earthly Evil Sword Formation (Please collect and recommend)

Ling Jin nodded lightly and then asked. "How is the strength of your consciousness?"

"Spread the spiritual consciousness with all your strength, covering a distance of sixty-five feet around you!" Ling Pengyun looked at Ling Ruxian's inexplicable inquiry about the strength of his spiritual consciousness, and immediately thought of the man Ling Ruxian had killed when he left the family. He was told that because of his strong spiritual consciousness, there would be an opportunity to give it to him, so he told the truth.

Ling Jin heard the words first, looked slightly happy, and spoke carefully. "Yes, this level of spiritual consciousness is much stronger than when I was at the fifth level of Qi training. I'm afraid that when your cultivation reaches the sixth level of Qi training, the intensity of your spiritual consciousness will be comparable to that in the later stage of Qi training. "Monk!"

"The reason why I promised you the opportunity was to teach you the sword formation that I know. That sword formation is called the Disha Sword Formation. There are two difficulties in using this sword formation. One is that it is difficult for the monks to use it. The requirements for spiritual consciousness are extremely high. For ordinary monks who are not in the advanced stage of Qi training, it is impossible for ordinary monks to use their spiritual consciousness to control multiple flying swords to attack at the same time, let alone control multiple flying swords to form a sword formation and attack at the same time! "

"Secondly, the sword art of forming a sword formation is extremely difficult to understand! If you don't understand the sword art, even if you can control multiple flying swords at the same time with your spiritual consciousness, you will have no soul and it will be difficult to form a real sword formation!"

"Your consciousness is now close to the minimum requirement for practicing this sword formation. You have also made great contributions to the family this time. I will give you the method of understanding the sword tactics first. As for the method of commanding the sword formation, I will wait for you. Only after I have the talent to comprehend this sword art can I hand it over to you!"

"However, after receiving my sword technique, no matter whether you can master it or not, you must uphold my intention to protect the clan for the rest of your life! Protect the clan for the rest of my life instead of me!"

While talking, Ling Ru first took out a classic book from the storage bag on his waist and handed it to Ling Pengyun.

Ling Pengyun was ecstatic in his heart. This was the core sword technique of the sword formation. Once he understood it, he would master a powerful attack method.

Increased strength is what any monk wants.

He did not hesitate at all. He had the heart to protect the family long before. He and his family have long been one and inseparable. This is true for most family monks.

"Even if there is no sword formation given by my great-grandfather, my great-grandson will definitely protect the clan throughout his life. This is my obligation as a member of the Ling clan!" Ling Pengyun said solemnly, and then took the sword technique handed to him.

Although Ling Ruxian did not speak, a rare smile appeared on his cold face, which was enough to express his mood at the moment.

"Take me to the Xuanshui iron ore vein in Qingshi Lake!"

Ling Pengyun's mind has already drifted to the sky, imagining that he has become a swordsman, wielding the Three Yang Sword Formation, and fighting against the enemy across ranks.

Hearing Ling Ruxian's call, he recovered and led Ling Ruxian to avoid the eyes of the villagers of Qingshi Village and sneak into the Xuanshui vein in the underground river of Qingshi Lake.

Avoiding the eyes of the villagers in Qingshi Village is also because they are afraid that those villagers will become suspicious.

In the past, Ling Pengyun, the "immortal", in the eyes of the villagers of Qingshi Village, was always in seclusion every day and rarely came out of the mountain.

Nowadays, he often sneaks into Qingshi Lake, which will definitely make the villagers of Qingshi Village suspicious.

If such unusual movements were observed by spies from other families hidden among the villagers of Qingshi Village, and if these unusual movements were reported to the outside world, it would be a big deal.

The matter of spies is very likely. Even the monks in the Ling clan are scum who have been bribed by other families.

When Ling Pengyun led Ling Jinxian into the mineral veins in the underground river of Qingshi Lake, Ling Jinxian told Ling Pengyun to learn the sword skills carefully before calling Ling Pengyun away.

And he himself is sitting in the vein of minerals.

Not long after, after Ling Pengyun quietly returned to the cave in Qingshi Mountain, he quickly sat cross-legged on the ground and looked through the sword art book given by Ling Ruxian.

At the beginning, this book briefly describes the information about the Earthly Evil Sword Formation.

The Earthly Evil Sword Formation is a sword formation created from the seventy-two Earthly Evil Stars in the sky. With full force, the seventy-two flying swords can be activated to form an Earthly Evil Sword Formation to attack the enemy.

According to the records in the classics, with the spiritual consciousness of the Qi training realm, up to nine flying swords can be activated to form a small earth evil sword array.

The divine consciousness in the foundation-building realm can activate up to thirty-six flying swords to form a medium-sized earth evil sword array.

Only when one's cultivation reaches the perfection of the Golden Core, one can display the Earthly Evil Sword Formation at the complete victory stage, combining the seventy-two flying swords into a huge sword formation, which is enough to defeat the powerful Nascent Soul.

This sword formation is also divided into nine levels, with three levels each for Qi training, foundation building, and golden elixir.

"I don't know how talented people are to create such a powerful sword formation. It's really amazing!"

Ling Pengyun simply looked at that sentence. The perfect realm of golden elixir can be combined with seventy-two flying swords to cross the level and compete with the powerful Yuanying realm in one or two moves. His heart was very excited. He didn't need to think too much to understand that this earth evil sword The formation is so powerful.

This sword art book does not record who created this Earth Evil Sword Formation.

"It's just a pity that the thirteenth great-grandfather recorded in this classic that the sword formation he got was incomplete, with only the first four levels of sword techniques! It could only activate twelve flying swords to gather the sword formation!"

Ling Pengyun sighed helplessly.

"But that's right, if I, the Ling clan, possess the full set of sword techniques for this Earthly Evil Sword Formation, I'm afraid I won't be able to protect this Earthly Evil Sword Formation. If I don't protect it all, I will face the disaster of annihilation because of this sword formation!"

It is a crime for an ordinary man to carry a jade without any guilt!

As a sword cultivator with the most powerful offensive power in the world, the sword formation is equipped with secret techniques, so it is naturally very popular among the world.

Even if you are not a swordsman, you can still exert more than 80% of the power of this sword array to achieve the effect of overcoming enemies.

There are only a few introductions to the Disha Sword Formation, and then there is the cultivation method of the "Disha Sword Technique".

Ling Pengyun just looked through the Earthly Evil Sword Art and felt a headache. He thought it would be very difficult to comprehend this sword art.

"It's so obscure and difficult to understand!"

Despite this, Ling Pengyun did not intend to give up comprehending the sword art.

This sword formation can increase his combat power by several times, achieving the effect of fighting against enemies of higher levels.

Looking at the sword art formula in his hand, Ling Pengyun thought of something.

"According to the thirteenth great-grandfather, if you want to comprehend this sword art, you need a strong spiritual consciousness."

"From this point of view, it seems that the spiritual consciousness of the third brother is far beyond that of ordinary people, and his comprehension is also excellent. Otherwise, it would be difficult for him to fully master the Earthly Evil Sword Formation a few years ago when he was still in the fifth or sixth level of Qi training!" Ling Pengyun muttered to himself.

"My comprehension and spiritual awareness are not that great compared to my third brother."

"The only thing I can rely on that makes me stronger than my third brother is the nameless Dao Sutra in my sea of ​​consciousness and my natal spiritual plant, the thorn vine. With these two advantages, I shouldn't be left too far behind my third brother when I reach the Qi training stage!"

The thorn vine can be his reliance, in addition to the fact that it can be transformed into wooden armor to protect Ling Pengyun and assist in combat, it also has another advantage: the spiritual plant of the spiritual plant husband will feed back a large amount of spiritual power to the owner after breaking through the realm.

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