Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 296 Black Flame Spirit Fire Talisman (4000 words, please subscribe)

Ling Pengyun and Ling Pengxing fought with the two mid-stage foundation building demon cultivators for about 300 moves.

The two mid-stage foundation building demon cultivators were both short of mana due to the continuous use of their own life instruments to fight.

During this period, both of them also took a recovery-type magic pill to recover some mana.

However, this type of magic pill is relatively precious. Although the two of them have reached the mid-stage foundation building, they only have one each.

On the other hand, Ling Pengyun and Ling Pengxing still have abundant spiritual power.

This is also because the Ling family has Ling Yunhong, a second-level alchemist.

As a result, Ling Pengyun and Ling Pengxing have never lacked various second-level pills, and second-level soul-restoring pills are even more abundant.

Ling Pengyun also seized the opportunity when the demon cultivator he was fighting was short of mana and decisively took ruthless action.

He waved his hand and made a seal, and a seal covered with sword-shaped patterns was born.


A huge sword light rang out, and Ling Pengyun's strongest attack method, the Blue Sea Sky Sword, reappeared.

Ling Pengyun waved his hand, and the ten-foot-long Blue Sea Sky Sword turned into a dazzling sword light and rushed straight to the poisonous blood cover in the sky.

Between Xumi, the Blue Sea Sky Sword and the poisonous blood light curtain condensed by the poisonous blood cover collided with each other, and a deafening roar was heard.

A wave of spiritual power spread around, sweeping away all the surrounding poisonous gas.

After this attack, the remaining power of the Blue Sea Flying Sword was exhausted and dissipated on its own.

The poisonous gas light curtain condensed around the poisonous blood cover in the sky also broke into pieces and scattered.

At this moment, several water snake techniques and Qinggang mother-and-child flying swords that had been blocked by the poisonous gas light curtain also drove straight in and hit the body of the poisonous blood cover, smashing it into pieces.

The dense poisonous gas around also dissipated on its own because the poisonous blood cover was destroyed.

At the same time

The demon cultivator who was refining the poisonous blood shield in the distance also had his blood and qi surge in his body because the poisonous blood shield was destroyed, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

Seeing this, Ling Pengyun did not hold back and waved his hand to blast the several water snakes and green steel mother and daughter flying swords in the sky that still had some power towards the demon cultivator who was seriously injured because his magic weapon was destroyed.

Seeing the attack coming, the seriously injured demon cultivator did not care about suppressing his injuries and quickly sacrificed a second-level medium-quality magic shield.

This magic shield was not a magic weapon, but an ordinary magic weapon.

A magic shield light curtain was propped up by the magic shield, blocking the attacking water snakes and green steel mother and daughter flying swords.

But these attacks were not weak.

The demon cultivator who propped up the magic shield light curtain had poor magic power to begin with, and now he was seriously injured because his life magic weapon was destroyed, so it was difficult for him to exert the true power of the magic shield.

Under the bombardment of Ling Pengyun, the magic cultivator, who used the Water Snake Technique one after another, the magic shield light curtain was gradually shattered.

Ling Pengyun was also decisive in his actions. He urged the Qingling Sword to pick up the defensive magic shield with one sword, and then pierced through the body of the mid-stage foundation building demon cultivator.

"Old Lin."

The mid-stage foundation building demon cultivator on the other side roared when he saw his companion die tragically.

The mid-stage foundation building demon cultivator who was killed was named "Lin Shi", and the surviving mid-stage foundation building demon cultivator was named "He Sha".

The two of them often traveled together since they were independent cultivators, hunting monsters together, and then escaped into the demon sect together. They have been friends for nearly a hundred years, and the two have long been like brothers.

Now, the tragic death of his friend made the demon cultivator named "He Sha" furious.

He waved his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, and took out a magic talisman covered with black lines from it.

This magic talisman is as high as the second-level middle grade, and it is a black blood talisman.

The black blood transformed by this talisman has the effect of corroding magic tools. It was a good method that Hesha bought from a late-stage foundation-building talisman maker of the Demon Sect a few years ago at nearly half of his wealth to deal with righteous monks.

The black blood talisman's magic light appeared, and it strangely turned into a ball of black blood, which quickly stained the gilded sword that was fighting with his life-defining magic weapon, the black blood sword.

The ball of black blood completely wrapped the gilded flying sword inside, and a sizzling sound was heard from the gilded flying sword.

Ling Pengxing, the owner of the gilded flying sword, also felt that his gilded flying sword was being corroded by the black blood at this moment.

Before he could make a move to rescue the gilded flying sword, the gilded flying sword was infected by the ball of black blood and turned into a rotten sword, without a trace of spiritual energy.

The black blood flying sword that was originally blocked by the gilded flying sword also seized the opportunity and bombarded the bronze bell shadow supported by Ling Pengyun's sand and earth bronze bell again, causing the bell to ring.

The flickering spiritual light of the bronze bell shadow also became dimmer.

Ling Pengyun, who had his hands free, panicked suddenly. If the bronze bell shadow was broken, not only he but also Ling Pengxing and Ling Yunhong would be in danger.

Ling Pengyun did not dare to delay and immediately pinched his fingers and performed the water snake technique.

A huge water snake was born, opened its bloody mouth, and bit the black blood flying sword directly, knocking it away.

At the same time, he waved the sand and earth bronze bell that supported the bronze bell shadow above his head, turning it into a yellow stream of light, quickly covering the black blood demon sword and trapping it in the bronze bell.

This sand and earth bronze bell is not just a defensive magic weapon, but also a trapping magic weapon, or even an offensive magic weapon, which is a more versatile magic weapon.

If Luo Qiuming, the original owner of this bronze bell, had not had a low level of cultivation, it would have been difficult for him to unleash the power of this bronze bell. Otherwise, Ling Pengyun would have had to spend a lot of effort to kill Luo Qiuming.

The black blood demon sword trapped in the sandy bronze bell was only of the second-grade lower grade, but its power was extraordinary enough to be comparable to a second-grade middle-grade magic weapon.

Even Ling Pengyun had to use all his strength to activate the sandy bronze bell to trap this demon sword.

In desperation, Ling Pengyun said.

"Third brother, I can trap that demonic sword and quickly destroy the demonic cultivator in the middle stage of foundation building."

The destruction of the gilded flying sword caused Ling Pengxing, who had a surge of energy and blood in his body, to hear this. He relied on his strong spiritual power to suppress the energy, quickly made a hand seal with his hands, and cast the natal spell "Geng" included in the Geng Jin Sword Code. "Golden Cloud Sword".

A bright golden sword shadow quickly formed and blasted towards the mid-stage Foundation Establishment demon cultivator.

The demon cultivator in the middle stage of foundation building also took action in time and cast his natal spell "Black Blood Demonic Qi".

A black cloud appeared in the sky, trapping the Gengjin Cloud-Splitting Sword.

Seeing this, Ling Pengxing patted his waist and took out eighteen first-order high-grade green spirit swords.

Rely on this set of Qingling Sword Jue to perform the Earthly Evil Sword Formation "Rongzi Sword Jue".

An eight-foot-long cyan sword light quickly formed.

Then, Ling Pengxing mobilized the Geng Gold Sword Seed in his body, stimulating the huge sword energy to flow into the eight-foot-long sword light, causing the eight-foot-long sword light to grow a bit larger again, reaching ten feet in length.


This earth evil sword light turned into an earth evil stream of light, and the demonic energy was dispersed with one stroke of the sword.

Help the Gengjin Cloud-Splitting Sword to get out of trouble, and use this sword to kill the middle-stage foundation-building demon cultivator named "River Sand".

Although Hesha took out a second-level mid-level defensive magic weapon in time to resist, he was a tiger without teeth after all. The offensive black blood sword was trapped, so he could only support the defensive magic weapon to resist. .

"I am one of the twelve guardian elders of the Black Blood Demon Sect. This time, I was deceived by Luo Minghui to intercept and kill you all. I also asked two fellow Taoists of the Ling family to show their support."

When Na Hesha saw that he would not be able to save his life, his desire to take revenge for his "good brother" Lin Shi immediately dissipated, and he was left with only thoughts of how to escape.

Ling Pengyun and Ling Pengxing wouldn't care so much. If they hadn't relied on several spirit-gathering pills to survive until now, I'm afraid they would be in crisis at this time.

And once they die, the entire Ling family will also face disaster.

Under such circumstances, how could the two of them stop fighting?

After ten moves, the light curtain held up by the defensive magic weapon on Hesha's side was shattered, and he was cut into two pieces by the Earthly Evil Sword.

As soon as this person died, the black-blood demon sword trapped by the sandy copper bell lost its spiritual power, and its spiritual light dimmed and fell to the ground.

Ling Pengyun and Ling Pengxing both got away and went to help Ling Yunhong and Xian Linghe King. They used their attack methods to attack the remaining Luo Minghui and Li Xia together.

Under the joint bombardment of four foundation-building forces, the situation of Luo Minghui and Li Xia was already in danger.

Luo Minghui cursed "trash" in his heart when he saw that the two powerful middle-stage foundation-building demon cultivators who had spent a lot of spiritual materials to find them were so easily killed by Ling Pengyun and Ling Penghing.

After about ten moves, Luo Minghui and Li Xia gradually fell into a disadvantage.

Luo Minghui even took out the set of small flame-burning formation flags with only six formation flags left. Relying on this set of formation flags, he formed a formation and transformed into a red defensive light curtain to resist the attacks of Ling Yunhong and the others.

The change of situation made Luo Minghui's face turn extremely dark.

"We can't let this go on any longer, otherwise my wife and I will definitely lose."

At this moment, Luo Minghui took out a magic talisman from his storage bag.

As soon as this spiritual talisman was sacrificed out of the air, a large black fire burst out from the talisman and started to burn.

Seeing the appearance of this talisman, both Ling Yunhong, who had been fighting with Luo Minghui for a long time, and Ling Pengyun and Ling Pengliang, all showed a look of horror on their faces.

"Black Flame Spirit Fire Talisman."

Ling Pengyun secretly said.

The black flame spiritual fire talisman needs to be refined with the unique black flame earth fire of Bailing Sect. It is a very superior second-order high-grade spiritual fire unique to Bailing Sect. It is about 30 to 50% more powerful than the ordinary second-order high-grade spiritual fire.

This talisman fell into the hands of Luo Minghui, who was on the eighth level of Foundation Establishment, and its power increased a bit again. Even the monks on the ninth level of Foundation Establishment did not dare to take it hard when they encountered this fire.

However, in order to expand the effect of this talisman, Luo Minghui quickly called out to his Taoist companion Li Xia, and at the same time used attack methods to entangle Ling Yunhong's extremely powerful natal magic weapon, the Ice Blue Sea Flying Sword.

This also makes it difficult for Ling Yunhong to activate the Ice Blue Sea Flying Sword in time to resist the Black Flame Spiritual Fire.

This also made Ling Yunhong curse Na Luo Minghui countless times in his heart.

Fortunately, Ling Pengyun and Ling Pengxing on the side were not weak in strength and reacted very quickly.

Ling Pengyun immediately hit Qinggang Zimu Feijian.

Although the Qinggang Zimu Flying Sword is only a second-order low-grade magical weapon, Ling Pengyun's true energy is strong, and the power of this sword is comparable to the power of an ordinary second-order mid-grade magical weapon.

This set of flying swords also broke through a large area of ​​black flame spiritual fire, scattering nearly 20% of the black flame spiritual fire.

Then, he formed a blue sea sky sword and dispersed 30% of the black flame spirit fire.

Ling Pengxing on the side also relied on the ten-foot-long sword light condensed from the set of Qingling swords to disperse 30% of the black flame spirit fire.

The remaining 20% ​​of the black flame spirit fire was blocked by the phantom of the bronze bell held up by Ling Pengyun.

However, the power of the bronze bell phantom was greatly reduced due to the battle with the two mid-stage foundation-building demon cultivators.

Even if the black flame spiritual fire only has 20% of its power left, it is still not weak.

In just half a breath, the black flame spirit fire burned the phantom of the bronze bell into ashes.

The sandy bronze bell was also broken due to the phantom of the bronze bell being propped up. The aura dimmed and it became impossible to use within a short period of time.

Ling Pengyun was afraid that this powerful defensive magic weapon would be damaged, so he quickly put it back into his storage bag, and then quickly took out the second-level inferior mixed rock shield from his early years, and propped up a magic shield light curtain to protect everyone.

The remaining black flame spirit fire was no longer powerful enough, and was finally blocked by the light curtain propped up by the mixed rock shield.

Luo Minghui and Li Xia had planned to take advantage of this opportunity to escape, but they were entangled by Ling Yunhong's powerful strength at the peak of the eighth level of foundation building.

"Pengyun, Pengxing, attack with all your strength and leave these two behind."

Ling Yunhong shouted.

Ling Pengyun and Ling Pengxing also began to counterattack.

The attacks of the crowd were like a storm, constantly bombarding the defensive light curtain of Luo Minghui's natal formation flag.

The flashing spiritual light of the formation flag light curtain gradually became dim.

After dozens of breaths, the formation flag light curtain was shattered by the nine-bend long needle sacrificed by Ling Yunhong.

At this time, Li Xia, who had just entered the fourth level of foundation building, silently recited a special spell, and her aura continued to rise.

In just half a breath, her aura crossed three small realms and climbed to the seventh level of foundation building.

But for this, she also paid a heavy price.

Her black hair was turning white at a speed visible to the naked eye, and wrinkles appeared on her delicate face.

Obviously, Li Xia used the secret method of exchanging life for cultivation.

The effect of this secret method is the same as that of the Explosive Spirit Pill, and it is even stronger than that of the Explosive Spirit Pill. Otherwise, Li Xia, who was at the fourth level of foundation building, would not have directly reached the seventh level of foundation building.

She also took out a second-level middle-grade magic shield and propped up a defensive light curtain to replace the formation flag light curtain to block the attacks of Ling Pengyun and others.

"My husband, hurry up and leave. I'll hold them back."

"If we all die, the Luo family will be finished."

"Li Ming, the third child in the family, has three spiritual roots, but his comprehension is excellent. In the past few years when you were in seclusion, this child has shown some talent for formations. No matter what, my husband, you must protect Li Ming and leave a glimmer of hope for our family."

Li Xia anxiously sent a message to Luo Minghui beside her.

After hearing this, Luo Minghui was unwilling to escape, but what his Taoist partner Li Xia said was indeed true.

In the current situation, it is difficult for the couple to hold on until the effect of Lingyun Hongbao Lingdan ends.

The Luo family was established by the couple, and the descendants of the family are all their blood relatives.

At this critical moment, Li Xia performed the secret technique of consuming lifespan to increase cultivation. Obviously, she will not live long and will enter a dead end.

Thanks: Xiantian Grandmaster, Sanmeng Haishi Nanxiaoshi, Yan Mo for their monthly tickets.

Thank you all

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