Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 305 Xu Chongnuo wants Wen Nianling to marry into the Ling family (3400 left, please subscrib

The Bailing Sect is now thriving in the art of refining, and there are many refiners in the sect.

It is precisely because of this that the Bailing Sect has a huge shortage of spiritual iron. In order to gather enough spiritual iron, refine it into magic tools, and earn spiritual stones, the Bailing Sect allows its foundation-building families to exchange spiritual iron for the second-level Hundred Arts inheritance and even the foundation-building skills.

At the beginning, the second-level alchemy inheritance of the Ling family and the "Gengjin Sword Classic" practiced by Ling Pengxing were all exchanged for spiritual iron from the Bailing Sect.

"Thank you very much, fellow Daoist Wen, but my Ling family cannot afford the spiritual stones for the purchase of your Wen family's half-finished sand and soil vein share for the time being. After 20 years, my Ling family will pay it back. I wonder if it's okay?" Ling Yunhong said with a smile.

"Of course." Wen Xianyun's brows darkened a little more, but he had no choice but to agree to Ling Yunhong's move.

"Thank you, Brother Wen, for your help. Brother Wen, I heard recently that Wen Nianling, the weapon-refining genius of your clan who tried to build a foundation a few days ago, has succeeded your Wen clan's great elder. Is this true?"

After Ling Yunhong thanked him, he thought of something and asked.

"I didn't expect that such a small matter would be known by fellow Taoists. Although my granddaughter Nianling has a good talent for weapon-refining, she is still not worthy of the word genius."

"Some time ago, my granddaughter did succeed the position of the great elder of my clan. The former great elder of my clan, like the noble great elder Ling Ruxian, has a short life span. It's time for these old generation of clan members to enjoy a peaceful life."

Wen Xianyun heard this and did not hide it.

"Brother Wen is too modest. The Great Elder is the chief elder of the clan. Brother Wen can let Wen Nianling inherit this position. I think Wen Nianling is quite capable."

"I heard that Wen Nianling of your clan has not found a Taoist partner yet. Coincidentally, I have a clan member of the Qi training stage of the grandson generation. He still has no Taoist partner. His talent is not bad. He is a little younger than Wen Nianling of your clan, but the difference is not much."

"I wonder if Brother Wen is willing to marry your granddaughter Wen Nianling to my Ling family?" Ling Yunhong said with a smile.

"Fellow Daoist Ling, the most important thing about the matter of Taoist partners is that both parties have the intention. The young man of your clan and my granddaughter Nianling have not met yet. It is too frivolous for you and me to directly decide on the marriage."

Hearing this, Wen Xianyun immediately refused.

Wen Nianling is the only good seedling of the younger generation of his Wen family.

Although she failed in her first foundation building, her meridians were not injured. She was only in her early forties, so she still had a chance to try to build a foundation.

Wen Xianyun also planned to find some relatives and friends in recent years, borrow some spiritual stones, and then buy some spiritual objects for Wen Nianling to help her build a foundation.

Once Wen Nianling can enter the foundation building stage, the Wen family will have some confidence in the future when facing the increasingly powerful Ling family, and will not be manipulated by the Ling family as it is now.

Under such circumstances, Wen Xianyun would naturally not let Wen Nianling, a good seedling for foundation building, marry out of the family casually. Even if Wen Nianling wanted to find a Taoist partner, the man should marry into the family to avoid losing Wen Nianling, a talent.

Ling Pengyun, who was standing aside, was also somewhat puzzled by Ling Yunhong's behavior at this time.

This time, he and Ling Yunhong came to the Wen family together, and their original intention was just to blackmail the "relatives" Wen family for half of the share of the mineral vein.

As for the marriage, Ling Yunhong never told him.

"Brother Wen, don't rush to refuse."

"If Brother Wen agrees to this, our clan is willing to prepare spiritual objects for Wen Nianling to build her foundation before she turns 60 to assist her in building her foundation."

"In addition, our clan is also willing to form a three-hundred-year friendship with the nobles. Within three hundred years, our two clans will advance and retreat together."

"I can also guarantee that within three hundred years, the nobles' territory will not be reduced by a single cent."

Ling Yunhong saw Wen Xianyun's refusal, but he didn't care. He put down the great benefits and said.

Wen Xianyun was quite tempted when he heard this.

The benefits given by Ling Yunhong are a life-saving talisman for the Wen family, which is adjacent to the Ling family's territory, for three hundred years.

A few years ago, he took the initiative to let the young female cultivators in the clan marry the Ling family and marry the Ling family, just to keep the Wen family peaceful and not be invaded by the neighboring Ling family.

And he expected Wen Nianling to build his foundation, and he also hoped to have more confidence when facing the invasion of the Ling family.

Now Ling Yunhong has made an agreement that he will not attack the Wen family within three hundred years, which perfectly solves the dilemma faced by the Wen family.

Three hundred years is not a short time, and it is enough to change the situation of a family.

Maybe, after three hundred years, the prosperous Ling family will weaken, while the Wen family will rise. This is an uncertain thing. After all, the life span of a foundation-building cultivator is only about two hundred years.

And the Wen family does not need to borrow spirit stones to prepare the foundation-building spiritual objects needed for Wen Nianling's second foundation-building, which can save a lot of spirit stones and reduce the family's debt burden.

Previously, in order to assist Wen Nianling in the first foundation-building, the Wen family had already borrowed some foreign debts.

"Brother Ling is so sincere, I naturally can't refuse, but the elder's engagement is not a good thing after all. I need to ask my Nianling granddaughter's opinion first."

"In addition, I don't know which noble and talented person Brother Ling plans to marry my Nianling granddaughter?"

Wen Xianyun hesitated for a long time before making up his mind and asked.

"Just like Wen Nianling of your clan, my grandson also serves as the grand elder in my Ling family. He is Ling Pengliang, the fifteenth of the Peng generation of the Ling family." Ling Yunhong said with a smile on his face.

Wen Xianyun had heard about the young elder of the Ling family, "Ling Pengliang". He had already reached the stage of perfect Qi training at the age of just over thirty, and was still more than twenty years away from the end of foundation building.

This person was born into the prosperous family of the Ling family, and he held a high position. He was even the leader among the monks in the Ling family's Qi training period.

Based on all this, Wen Xianyun could easily guess that this person would definitely be trained by the Ling family, and the probability of building a foundation was extremely high.

"It turns out he is the great elder of the noble family, but I still need to talk to Nian Ling about this marriage. If Nian Ling agrees, I will bring Nian Ling to visit you some day." Wen Xianyun said.

Ling Yunhong nodded lightly, said no more, and left with Ling Pengyun riding the Fairy Crane King, returning to his family.

on the way.

"Third Grandfather, why have I never heard of finding a Taoist companion for the Pengliang clan members? Furthermore, for the sake of Wen Nianling, wouldn't it be too good to give the Wen family such preferential treatment?"

"The territory of the Luo clan will be digested by me, the Ling clan, within a few decades. Although the Bailing Sect has made a rule not to destroy other foundation-building clans at will, in the future, our clan will invade some of the Wen clan's territory that is close to our clan's territory. Something as small as spiritual veins is doable.”

"Now, Third Grandfather, you have promised not to touch the Wen family's territory in the next three hundred years. This is too..."

Ling Pengyun asked with some confusion.

"Pengliang really has no intention of getting married. I raised this matter suddenly this time because my clan was about to rely on the sand ore to exchange for a set of second-level weapon refining inheritance from Bailing Gate."

"The Wen family's weapon-refining genius Wen Nianling has inherited the Wen family's weapon-refining inheritance, and his weapon-refining talent is also very good. He is not inferior to you and me. He is now an extremely advanced first-level weapon refiner. "

"Now that the family has obtained Luo's more than twenty spiritual veins and Luo's wealth, the family is extremely wealthy. It will only take three or four years to gather the spiritual stones needed by Wen Nianling to purchase foundation-building spiritual objects."

"As long as this person marries into our clan and our clan trains him to the point of building a foundation, there is a high probability that this person will become a second-level weapon refiner."

"Under such circumstances, with the help of this person, it will be easier for you and me to refine the weapon."

"The clan can also add a second-level weapon refiner who can refine second-level magic weapons. The gold content of a second-level weapon refiner cannot be matched by a few spiritual veins."

"Furthermore, among the younger generation of the family, apart from Peng Liang, only you and Peng Xing can beat Wen Nianling. Wen Nianling may not look down on ordinary people."

"I had no choice but to push Pengliang out."

"Peng Liang has always understood the general situation. He should agree to this matter."

"If this can happen, you and I will owe Peng Liang a favor. We can repay it when we find an opportunity in the future."

"And if I didn't give the Wen family such great preferential treatment, how could the Wen family easily marry the weapon-refining genius Fang Wen Nianling into our clan." Ling Yunhong explained.

"Third Patriarch, you have learned the lesson." Ling Pengyun suddenly realized what he said.

However, he couldn't help but feel sad that Ling Pengliang had an extra marriage inexplicably.

The marriage between Ling Pengliang and Wen Nianling is basically a sure thing.

After all, this is a major matter between the two races.

And Ling Pengliang, a man with good qualifications, will also become a victim of the family's prosperity.

However, this kind of thing is extremely common among families.

Ling Pengyun didn't think much about it.

at the same time.

On the top of the cloudy mountain top, there are two figures.

One of them is Wen Xianyun, the patriarch of the Wen clan, and the other is Wen Nianling, the eldest elder of the Wen clan.

"Nian Ling, I think you heard the words I just exchanged with Ling Yunhong, the leader of the Ling clan. I wonder what you think about the marriage with Ling Pengliang, the great elder of the Ling clan?"

Wen Xianyun asked Wen Nianling, the elder of the Wen family in front of him.

When Wen Nianling heard this, he felt extremely helpless.

When Wen Xianyun asked her about this, she understood that the marriage between her and Ling Pengliang, the elder of the Ling family whom she had never met before, was difficult to refuse.

Now, when Wen Xianyun asked her, he only said a few polite words.

Of course, she also understood that if she married Ling Pengliang, the family would also receive great benefits.

After all, the Ling family promised not to touch the Wen family for three hundred years.

"Grandpa Xian Yun, I was raised by the family, and I agree with the marriage with Ling Pengliang of the Ling family." Wen Nianling lowered his head, his eyes slightly dull, and said in a deep voice.

When Wen Xianyun saw this, he was quite satisfied.

However, in order to prevent Wen Nianling from having opinions about the family due to this matter, he also enlightened him.

"Nian Ling, don't blame your grandfather and me. The conditions offered by the Ling family this time are too generous, and the Ling family has a bad reputation recently."

"In the past few years, I relied on five female Qi practitioners in my clan to marry into the Ling clan and get married with the Ling clan. I only managed to gain a hundred years of stability."

"If I don't agree to this today, I will definitely anger Ling Yunhong."

"After the Ling family destroyed the Luo family this time, judging from the spiritual veins of the Luo family, the Ling family and the Jindan master of Bailingmen may have been connected."

"When the hundred-year agreement between our clan and the Ling family is over, I'm afraid that the Ling family will also look for the Jindan master to cover up the evidence and forcefully attack me, the Wen family."

"By then, even if you join Foundation Establishment, it will be difficult for our clan to resist the prosperous Ling clan."

"I hope you can understand, but don't worry, I will prepare a generous dowry for you, and I will also train your brother named Nian Si more, so that he can at least be guaranteed to be one of the elders of the clan. Bit."

Wen Nianling, who was in a bad mood, heard these words, and a few rays of light appeared in her lifeless eyes.

"Thank you, Grandpa Xianyun." Wen Nianling thanked her from the bottom of her heart.

Wen Xianyun should not have compensated her like this, and he obviously felt guilty about her.

"At the beginning of next month, I will take you to Ling's company, so that you can meet Ling Pengliang of Ling's company. Okay, leave." Wen Xianyun didn't want to say more and waved his hand.

Wen Nianling's legs trembled, her expression changed slightly, nodded slightly, bowed and said goodbye, and then left here.

Wen Xianyun looked at the back of Wen Nianling, who was of the granddaughter generation, and felt helpless in his heart, muttering to himself.

"This child is wronged, it's all because the family's strength is too weak."

"This time in seclusion, I will definitely break through to the middle stage of foundation building."

The next moment, Wen Xianyun's figure also disappeared here.


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