Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 31 Winter has arrived!!! (Please add this to your collection and recommend)

Beginning of winter.

The temperature dropped, and the villagers of Qingshi Village also burned the charcoal prepared during the summer farming off-season.

Except for going out sometimes to work in the vegetable fields, these villagers stayed at home to keep warm.

This special opportunity also made the young couple in Qingshi Village who had nothing to do indulge in carnal desires all day long to kill time, and at the same time, it was inevitable that many small lives were bred.

The spiritual plants planted in the six acres of spiritual fields in Qingshi Mountain also matured one after another during this period in the biting cold wind.

On the top of Qingshi Mountain.

"One grain, two grains... forty-three grains!"

Ling Pengyun squatted beside the two acres of yellow jade spiritual rice, squinting his eyes, and carefully counted how many grains of spiritual rice there were on each ear of yellow jade spiritual rice.

Ling Pengyun selected the ears of ten yellow jade spiritual rice from the two acres of yellow jade spiritual rice and counted them.

He found that there were at least forty full spiritual grains on the twenty ears of yellow jade spiritual rice.

Normally, the number of grains in a yellow jade spiritual rice ear is only about 30. Only when the yield increases can the number of spiritual rice in the ear increase.

The number of spiritual grains on each ear of rice has increased by about 30%, which also makes Ling Pengyun smile.

"These two acres of yellow jade spiritual rice, after removing the husk, each acre is worth 900 kilograms of spiritual rice, I'm afraid it won't run away!"

"After the end of the year, when the elders of the clan come to harvest these spiritual rice, I can share the spiritual rice as a dividend!"

"When the time comes, I will sell the spiritual rice as a dividend, and I will definitely buy a few more spiritual fruits to take, so as to enhance my cultivation progress!"

Thinking of the spiritual grain dividend, Ling Pengyun inevitably thought of the Xuanshui iron ore vein dividend.

Although the vein will be sold to Bailingmen by the family with part of the profit, his share of the dividend should not run away.

If the clan breaches the contract, this dishonesty hat will be worn on the Ling family for life.

In the future, I am afraid that not many clansmen will dare to trust the family.

The Ling family will also fall apart because of this little bit of benefit, and they will not trust each other. It is possible that after a hundred years, there will be no Ling family in the world of immortal cultivation, but a group of independent cultivators with the surname Ling.

"According to what the third ancestor said at the beginning, the mine can at least mine nearly 100,000 kilograms of Xuanshui iron ore! According to the quenching ratio of ore to Xuanshui iron is ten to one, in the end, nearly 8,000 to 9,000 kilograms of Xuanshui iron should be obtained, which is enough to be worth 40,000 to 50,000 spiritual stones."

"I can get 10%, and 4,000 spiritual stones should be available, but if I want to get all these 4,000 spiritual stones, I am afraid it will take a long time!" Ling Pengyun calculated and muttered to himself.

Mining a mine is not something that can be completed overnight. The spiritual iron ore is extremely hard and cannot be mined by mortals. Only by recruiting cultivators can the spiritual iron ore be mined.

It is common in the world of immortal cultivation that a small spiritual iron mine is mined for hundreds of years.

If calculated in this way, the 4,000 spiritual stones Ling Pengyun received will be distributed in 100 years, 40 spiritual stones a year.

"Calculated in this way, I want to rely on the dividends of this mine and invest with the family to buy a second-rate foundation-building spiritual object before I turn 60, but I'm afraid it's impossible!"

"I need to think of other ways to earn spiritual stones!" Ling Pengyun secretly thought.

The transaction price of a second-rate foundation-building spiritual object on the market is at least 7,000 or 8,000 spiritual stones.

Ling Pengyun and the family will jointly pay half, which means that both sides will get at least 4,000 spiritual stones.

"It's too dangerous to earn spiritual stones by hunting monsters. I might die in the mouth of monsters before I'm sixty. It's safer to earn spiritual stones by being a spiritual plant husband!"

"But according to the spiritual grain harvest dividends I can get from spiritual plant husbands every year, I can earn about thirty spiritual stones, plus the annual dividends of forty spiritual stones from the mines, it's still a long way to get four thousand spiritual stones before I'm sixty!"

"I have to speed up the improvement of the spiritual plant grade, and then get the family's attention, so that the family can send me to manage more spiritual veins in the spiritual field, and I can also earn more spiritual stones!"

With this idea, Ling Pengyun also increased the spiritual power of warming the thorn vines for a period of time, so that it can recover the injuries caused by the Moyun poisonous snake as soon as possible, and then improve the thorn vines and enter the middle stage of Qi training.

If a spiritual plant husband wants to upgrade the grade, there are two hard requirements, one is that the spiritual plant secret technique reaches the corresponding level, and the other is that the natal spiritual plant reaches the corresponding level.

If Ling Pengyun wants to advance to the first-level middle-grade spiritual plant husband, he needs to comprehend the Lingxiao Ripening Technique to the second level, and his life spiritual plant thorn vines will enter the middle stage of Qi training.

At the end of the year, winter has been here for more than a month.

The biting cold wind blew over the falling snow, and a thick layer of snow covered the ground.

As the temperature dropped, the villagers of Qingshi Village went out less often. Except for a few cold-resistant vegetables, all the vegetables in the vegetable garden had been picked, so there was no need to go out to water the vegetable garden frequently.

And the only activity in winter, "making babies", was getting more and more intense.

The villagers of Qingshi Village were very enthusiastic about making babies. If one of the children born had spiritual roots, they would have a worry-free life and be prosperous and wealthy.

On the day of "Winter Solstice".

Ling Ruguo, who was already 110 years old, braved the flying snow and rode a fairy crane to the top of Qingshi Mountain.

Ling Pengyun, wearing the Ling family's loose Taoist robe with fluffy winter fur, had already heard the cry of the fairy crane and was waiting on the top of the mountain.

His eyes fell on Ling Ruguo's face, and he saw that the death on his face was even stronger, and his aura had completely fallen from the late stage of Qi training to the middle stage of Qi training. He couldn't help feeling a little depressed.

"I'm afraid my third great-grandfather's time is running out!"

Ling Ruguo, who is already 110 years old, now relies on his own cultivation to support his lifespan. Once his cultivation is exhausted, he will not have a few days left to live.

"Peng Yun, you are not living up to your reputation as a spiritual planter. The spiritual plants managed by Peng Cheng and others who are out of the family to guard the spiritual veins at the same time as you still need nearly a month to mature!" Ling Ruguo followed. The fairy crane jumped on the ground on its back and saw that the three spiritual plants in the six acres of spiritual fields in Qingshi Mountain were all mature, and these spiritual plants were surrounded by spiritual energy. Without guessing, he knew that these spiritual plants were probably mature. After a while, the look on his face improved a lot, and he smiled.

Ling Pengyun frowned, but he was not complacent, but looked worried as he spoke. "Third great-grandfather, your cultivation has dropped to the middle stage of Qi training. Now it's the cold winter. Why are you still responsible for harvesting spiritual plants! If you encounter danger, you can..."

Ling Ruguo also knew Ling Pengyun's good intentions and said kindly. "The family is short of manpower. None of the clan members who can get far in the family are in the late stage of Qi training. Those boys in the middle stage of Qi training are not as strong as me. I just plan to come and see me before the Chinese New Year. The unlucky grandson Lingdong took the job!"

Hearing this, Ling Pengyun sighed helplessly.

There are not many people and the territory is large, although this also makes the family treat the clan members very well. Looking at the monthly salary of the clan members, we can see how the Ling clan members are treated.

But the shortcoming of insufficient manpower is often a drawback.

Thanks to: Zhuji Qingfeng’s monthly ticket

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