Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 332: The war situation in Ziyue County is dangerous (4200 words, please subscribe)

Jingzhou is one of the four major states under Bailingmen, the other three states are Ningzhou, Jiaozhou, and Yuanzhou.

There are five counties in Jingzhou, namely Huaishui County, Yunshui County, Qingping County, Tianhe County, and Ziyue County.

Ling Pengyun and others all agreed to this proposal.

Everyone agreed and immediately set off to help the four foundation-building families in Yunshui County and kill the purple star demon wolves in their families.

Ling Pengyun and others were so powerful that the purple star demon wolves they encountered had no ability to resist at all, so they were killed together by everyone.

More and more foundation-building monks joined their counterattack.

As the snowball grew bigger and bigger, in just three days, the entire pack of purple star demon wolves in Yunshui County were killed by Ling Pengyun and others.

The number of monks in Ling Pengyun and others' counterattack team also increased by four, bringing the total foundation-building strength to ten.

If it weren't for Yang Siqi, the alchemy genius of the Pingyun Yang family who had just entered the middle stage of foundation building, and Ling Pengxing of the Ling family, they would have been left in Yunshui County and Huaishui County.

Otherwise, the counterattack team could have two more base-building combatants.

The monsters in Yunshui County were cleaned up, and everyone also went to Qingping County next to Yunshui County to kill them.

What everyone didn't expect was that the six established foundation-building families in Qingping County and the seven purple star wolf packs in Qingpingfang City were all very powerful.

Not only is there a late-stage foundation-building purple star wolf demon, but the number of foundation-building wolf demons in each large group of wolves will not be less than five.

It's a pity that this group of wolf monsters met ten foundation-building monks from Huaishui County and Pingyun County.

No matter how powerful the wolves were, they were all killed by Ling Pengyun and other ten foundation-building monks in a single fight.

The six major families in Qingping County and the foundation-building monks stationed in Qingpingfang City also escaped.

This county is an old county town and has been developed by Bailingmen for nearly a thousand years.

Therefore, the six major families in Qingping County are all relatively strong and have several foundation-building monks.

At this time, the six families also have foundation-building monks staying in their clans.

In particular, the "Yueying" Feng family, the strongest in Qingping County, has two foundation-building monks in charge of the family.

Therefore, except for one of the two foundation-building monks from the Feng family, he stayed in Qingping County.

The other six foundation-building monks from the six major families, as well as the two Bailingmen foundation-building monks stationed in Qingpingfang City, also joined the counterattack team of Ling Pengyun and others.

As a result, the base-building strength of the counterattack team also expanded to sixteen.

Five days later, the counterattack team relied on the strong combat power of sixteen foundation-building monks.

In addition, the demon beast groups in their respective counties were destroyed extremely quickly, and no information was leaked. They still successfully annihilated the purple star wolf demon clan that invaded Tianhe County.

Ten foundation-building monks from the seven major foundation-building families in Tianhe County and the eight major forces in Tianhefang City also joined the counterattack team.

Among these ten foundation-building monks, two foundation-building monks from the Jiang family of Ziyue Mountain, the strongest in Tianhe County, and one Jiang family foundation-building monk was left to take charge of Tianhe County.

The other six major families each have one foundation builder, and Tianhefang City also has two foundation builders.

As a result, the number of foundation builders in the counterattack team also reached twenty-six.

But just when the morale of these twenty-six foundation-building warriors was high and they planned to wipe out the Purple Star Demonic Wolf Clan that invaded the last county in Jingzhou, "Ziyue County", something unexpected happened.

They had just entered the territory of Ziyue County, and they planned to give priority to helping the nearest "Fuyang Zhang Family" and exterminate the wolf monsters in their territory, but they failed.

Not only is the Zhang family's original foundation building left behind by the family gone, but there are also not many qi practicing monks left in the Zhang family's mountain, with only a few old qi practicing monks left in charge.

However, everyone also learned from an elder of the Zhang family who was in the Qi training period of the Zhang family in Fuyang that the eight purple star demon wolves that invaded the Zhang family and even the entire Ziyue County had temporarily stopped attacking various places in Ziyue County. power.

Moreover, in the past two days, under the call of the most powerful pair of foundation-building Purple Star Demonic Wolves that invaded Ziyue County, Ziyuefang City was destroyed first.

Then they gathered on the first-order spiritual veins on the boundary of the Feng family in "Fengxi" and attacked the Feng family.

Because of this, the two foundation builders of the Zhang family in Fuyang were asked for help by the Feng family of "Fengxi" and went to help.

As for the rest of the Zhang family's qi-training monks, they all took advantage of the wolves to attack the Feng family's territory in Fengxi and fled the Zhang family together.

After hearing the news, the faces of the twenty-six foundation-building monks in the counterattack team all darkened.

"I think the two Perfect Purple Star Demonic Wolfs that invaded Ziyue County were aware of the fact that we had destroyed the monsters in Huaishui, Yunshui, Qingping, and Tianhe counties."

"Those two Purple Star Demonic Wolfs who have reached the stage of Perfect Foundation Establishment are worthy of possessing the Golden Core bloodline. To be able to respond so quickly must be quite intelligent."

"It's just that I didn't expect that we would be discovered at such a fast speed."

The initiator of the counterattack team, "Yue Shan", a physical practitioner with an eighth level of foundation building and originally stationed in Yunshuifang City, sighed helplessly.

This is also true. The pair of purple star wolf demons with the highest cultivation level who invaded Ziyue County, not only have high cultivation level themselves, but the male wolf among them is also a direct descendant of a golden core purple star demon wolf.

He is a pure "little wolf king".

This little wolf king was also entrusted with an important task by his father, serving as the leader of the purple star demon wolf clan that invaded the entire Jingzhou territory.

According to its order before invading Jingzhou, the foundation-building wolf monsters under its command were to report the battle situation to it every five days.

But now, ten days have passed, and there is no news from the wolf packs that invaded Huaishui and Yunshui counties in Jingzhou.

There has been no news from the wolf packs that invaded Qingping County for five days, as if the wolf packs that invaded these three counties had disappeared directly.

This made the little wolf king, whose intelligence was no worse than that of ordinary cultivators, alert.

Because he was worried about the wolf packs in Huaishui, Yunshui and Qingping counties, the little wolf king immediately gathered all the eight wolf packs that invaded Ziyue County in one place when he realized something was wrong, and took the lead in destroying Ziyue Market.

Killed the two Bailingmen foundation builders stationed in this market.

Then, attacked the Fengxi Feng family, the second biggest threat to Ziyue County.

The little wolf king did this to avoid the help of powerful cultivators in Jingzhou, which led to the eight wolf packs in Ziyue County being defeated one by one.

At the same time, the little wolf king also sent three foundation-building wolf monsters to Huaishui, Yunshui and Qingping counties to inquire about the situation.

As for the little wolf king who supervised the battle of the entire Jingzhou and his companion, the wolf demon who had completed the foundation building, they would appear together in Ziyue County.

It was also because the eight foundation building families in Ziyue County were extremely powerful, and each of them had more than two foundation building cultivators staying in the family.

And they were all old foundation building families that had been established for at least 500 years, and there were many Qi training clan members.

In particular, the strongest Feng family in Ziyue County, "Fengxi Mountain", had a "Fire Cloud Phoenix" who was a guardian spirit beast with a cultivation level as high as the perfect foundation building realm.

In addition, the Feng family had three cultivators in the early and middle stages of foundation building staying in the family.

Under such circumstances, how dare the Purple Star Demon Wolf clan despise Ziyue County.

Thinking back, Yue Shan asked the Qi training elder of the Zhang family in front of him.

"Elder Zhang, do you know how big the eight groups of Purple Star Demon Wolf clans that gathered in Fengxi Feng's territory are?"

"How many foundation-building cultivators are there supporting Fengxi Feng's family?"

This question was also what the other 25 foundation-building cultivators in the counterattack team wanted to ask. They immediately looked at the Qi training elder of the Fuyang Zhang family.

When the Zhang family Qi training elder heard this, his eyes trembled and he showed a trace of fear.

"According to the communication talisman sent by Fengxi Feng family for help two days ago, there are as many as 10,000 Qi-cultivating wolf monsters in the eight-part purple star demon wolf clan, and as many as 60 foundation-building wolf monsters."

"Among them, there are 35 in the early stage of foundation-building, 17 in the middle stage of foundation-building, 8 in the late stage of foundation-building, and the pair of perfect foundation-building wolf monsters."

"The eight major foundation-building families in my Ziyue County, including the two late-stage foundation-building cultivators stationed in Ziyue Market, all gathered in the territory of Fengxi Feng family in two days. Otherwise, if Fengxi Feng family was destroyed, the rest of us would not survive for long."

"Now, there should be 19 foundation-building cultivators in the territory of Fengxi Feng family."

"Among them, Fengxi Feng family has three early and middle stage foundation-building cultivators, and the other seven major families each have two early and middle stage foundation-building cultivators."

"In addition, the eight clans in my Ziyue County all have a foundation-building guardian spirit beast, and they all went to participate in the war."

"But , except for the Fengxi Feng family's Fire Cloud Phoenix, which has completed its foundation, the other seven clans' guardian spirit beasts are only in the middle stage of foundation building. "

"So, now, the Fengxi Feng family has gathered a total of 27 foundation building combat forces. "

"My fellow elders, our county is now facing a difficult situation. The Fengxi Feng family's superior second-level top-grade guardian clan has persisted for two days under the siege of tens of thousands of monsters. I'm afraid it won't last for another day or two. The Feng family's formation will be broken. Once that The formation was broken. "

"The foundation-building cultivators of my Ziyue County have lost their advantages, and the only outcome is probably... death."

"I would like to ask all the seniors to help my Ziyue County overcome this difficulty."

"Afterwards, my Zhang family, and even the other seven families in the entire Ziyue County, will definitely repay us with heavy gifts."

The Purple Star Demon Wolf clan has been entrenched in the boundless vast swamp for thousands of years, with hundreds of thousands of clansmen. The Purple Star Demon Wolf clan that invaded the territory of Jingzhou this time is still a small part.

Most of the Purple Star Demon Wolves followed the Purple Star Demon Wolf King in the late Jindan period to encircle Jiaomang Lake.

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the 26 foundation-building cultivators in the four counties of Huaishui, Yunshui, Qingping, and Tianhe trembled.

At least half of the foundation-building cultivators had the idea of ​​giving up the counterattack and going home.

The counterattack team they organized focused on "speed". With extremely fast speed, they defeated the purple star wolf packs that invaded the major forces one by one in a short period of time.

But now, the purple star demon wolf clan of Ziyue County has gathered in one place, and there are many foundation-building monsters among them.

In the past, they have always relied on the advantage of the number of foundation-building cultivators to wipe out the purple star demon wolf clan in Huaishui, Yunshui, Qingping, and Tianhe counties.

Now, there are only 27 foundation-building cultivators in Ziyue County, plus the 26 people in their counterattack team, there are only 53 foundation-building cultivators.

But the monster side has 60 foundation-building monsters.

What's more, on the side of Ziyue County, only the Fire Cloud Phoenix, the guardian spirit beast of Fengxi Feng Clan, has reached the late stage of foundation-building.

The rest of the foundation-building combat power is only in the early and middle stages of foundation-building.

In their counterattack team, most of the foundation-building cultivators are only in the early and middle stages of foundation-building.

The only cultivators who had reached the late stage of foundation building or had combat power were Yue Shan, Meng Yao and his wife, and Ling Pengyun.

They were already at a disadvantage in terms of the number of foundation building cultivators, not to mention the foundation building cultivators were also at a disadvantage in terms of their cultivation.

They were already at a disadvantage before the battle even started.

The leader of the counterattack team, Yue Shan, also wanted to retreat.

Fighting against such a huge group of monsters, even he, an eighth-level physical cultivator, was afraid that he would be killed.

But then he thought of his senior brother, the deputy hall master of the Deacon Hall, Zhang Yan, who personally asked Ling Fu Zhenren several times in order to increase his and his Taoist partner Meng Yao's status in the Ling Fu Zhenren faction and have the possibility of breaking through to a higher realm.

This is how he and Meng Yao got the opportunity to stay in Yunshui Market during the beast tide, and then have the opportunity to counterattack the monsters that invaded Jingzhou, so as to establish great merit.

Instead of going to Jiaomang Lake to guard it like the other late-stage foundation cultivators of Bailing Sect, they either retreated to the sect and guarded the sect.

It is not bad to guard these two positions. It may be possible to earn some benefits, but it is difficult to establish great merit.

If he had not made great achievements, even if he was promoted by his senior brother Zhang Yan, with his physical cultivation aptitude, he could only break through to the ninth level of foundation building at most, and his position at most would be the elder of the Deacon Hall.

But if he made great achievements, was valued by Ling Fu Zhenren, and was rewarded with rare treasures in the world, he would have a chance to break through to the perfection of foundation building.

He could even serve as the deputy head of the Deacon Hall, which has a lot of benefits, like his senior brother.

Thinking of this, Yue Shan's retreating intention disappeared immediately, and his eyes became firm.

He glanced at the other 25 foundation building cultivators around him and threatened.

"Everyone, the counterattack order issued by my sect to me is to let us quickly eliminate the invading monsters from various states, and then gather at my Bailingmen base to eliminate the huge group of monsters that besieged my Bailingmen base."

"Then, combine the forces to counterattack and eliminate the monsters in Jiaomang Lake."

"This matter is of great importance, and it may even affect the survival of my Bailingmen and even your respective families."

"Once the front-line Jiaomang Lake is destroyed, we can't escape."

"But if the counterattack is successful, my Bailingmen can gather at least a hundred foundation-building people in the four states."

"With these hundred foundation-building people, go to Jiaomang Lake for support, not to mention that we can definitely station Defending Jiaomang Lake can at least increase the probability of stationing at Jiaomang Lake by more than 30%. "

"We can't retreat in this battle... We can only fight."

"Although we are at a disadvantage now, we have many means of cultivation. With the help of the formations arranged by the spirit veins, our strength is probably stronger than the huge wolf pack that invaded Fengxi Feng's territory."

"If there are those who are afraid to retreat, our sect will definitely investigate them afterwards."

"And the consequences of being investigated by our sect... you all naturally understand."

This matter is naturally false. This counterattack was only his idea, and he just wanted to use the name of Bailingmen to force everyone to submit.

Of course, this statement also makes some sense.

As soon as this was said, Meng Yao, who was a Taoist partner with Yue Shan, and "Ouyang Qun", "Li Xiang" and other Bailingmen disciples who were sent by Bailingmen to garrison in various markets, successively expressed their willingness to continue to participate in the war.

These foundation-building monks from Bailing Sect were not stupid. They were able to stay in various markets during the beast tide because they were assigned by the higher-ups.

Naturally, they had the same plan as Yue Shan, and wanted to take advantage of the counterattack to establish merit and give it a try.

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