Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 337 Yan Siyi's Commission (3200 words, please subscribe)

Just when Ling Pengyun was watching the battle between the two golden elixirs, a Bailingmen foundation-building cultivator suddenly appeared in a barren mountain a few miles away.

"Everyone who is counterattacking, I am the deacon of the Bailingmen Deacon Hall. Please follow me through the secret passage and enter my Bailingmen. In this way, you can rely on the sect-protecting formation of our sect and the garrisoned cultivators of our sect to slowly strangle the group of Thunder Yuan Dapeng."

"And if we fight head-on, the casualties will be too great."

Ling Pengyun and others were shocked when they heard this. They didn't expect that a large sect like Bailingmen actually had a secret passage and told them about it.

However, at this critical moment, it is understandable that Bailingmen took the initiative to expose the secret passage.

At most, they can destroy the secret passage and rebuild it afterwards, or cancel it directly.

Ling Pengyun and others did not dare to delay, and immediately used their own methods to run towards the barren mountain where the Bailingmen deacon was.

After everyone entered the barren mountain, they immediately noticed that this barren mountain was guarded by a second-grade superior breath-retaining formation.

And in a hidden place in this barren mountain, there was a cave entrance.

The Bailingmen deacon also led everyone into the cave entrance and continued forward along a dark corridor.

When everyone saw the light again, they had entered a hall of the Bailingmen.

Ma Yuan, the head of the "Deacon Hall" who had been waiting here for a long time, looked at the hundreds of foundation builders who came to support him, raised a kind smile on his face, and then said.

"My fellow Taoists, I am Ma Yuan, the head of the Bailingmen Steward Hall. I think you have all heard of my name."

"This time, you have resolved the invasion of monsters in Jingzhou and Ningzhou of my sect. I have learned about it through the communication talisman that Junior Brother Yueshan used to kill two people a few days ago. My sect will definitely reward you according to your merits."

"And because of the counterattack against the monsters, the three family foundation-building cultivators who died in the battle, our sect will also give foundation-building pills to compensate their families."

"Now we are still in a critical moment, please help my Bailingmen to wipe out the group of Lei Yuan Dapeng outside the mountain gate."

When everyone heard that Bailingmen really had rewards for the counterattack, they were immediately overjoyed.

And Ma Yuan compensated the foundation-building cultivators who died in the battle with a foundation-building pill each, which also warmed the hearts of the foundation-building cultivators who participated in the counterattack.

"This Ma Yuan is worthy of being the head of the Steward Hall. He is good at winning people's hearts." Ling Pengyun muttered to himself.

Then, like the others, he expressed his willingness to help Bailingmen destroy the group of Thunder Yuan Dapeng in the sky.

Everyone agreed and left the hall immediately, went to the square outside the hall, and fought with hundreds of surrounding sects to attack the huge group of Thunder Yuan Dapeng in the sky outside the mountain gate.

Yang Siling, Xiao Wuhong and other relatives, and even old friends Yan Siyi and Ye Yu also attacked the Thunder Yuan Dapeng clan outside the mountain in the crowd, but now that they were in the battle, Ling Pengyun just greeted them.

With hundreds of foundation-building cultivators joining the garrison, the strongest false dan realm demon peng of the Thunder Yuan Dapeng clan was blocked by the extraordinary black flame fire phoenix demon spirit.

In a short time, a large number of Thunder Yuan Dapeng were killed.

Even the Thunder Yuan Dapeng in the foundation-building realm could not hold out for long under the joint attack of everyone.

In just half an incense stick of time, half of the demon pengs were destroyed.

Many of the surviving demon rocs also gradually wanted to retreat.

However, due to the presence of the Thunder Yuan Dapeng in the Fake Dan Realm, they did not dare to flee immediately.

The Thunder Yuan Dapeng in the Fake Dan Realm, which was fighting with the Black Flame Fire Phoenix Demon Spirit, was also in a bad situation at this time.

Although it had entered the Jindan Realm, it was only a fake Dan after all. If it had not mastered the powerful thunder-related magical power of the Du'e Divine Thunder.

Otherwise, it would have been difficult to hold on for a few moves in the hands of the Black Flame Fire Phoenix Demon Spirit in the early Jindan period.

Immediately, it cried loudly, signaling the remaining roc monsters in the surrounding area to evacuate.

But at this moment, a huge light curtain of trapping the enemy covered all the monsters, and the hundreds of cultivators stationed in Bailing Gate closed the door and beat the dog.

The Fake Dan Realm Dapeng was entangled again, and the strength of the demon roc group was greatly reduced. It was difficult to break the light curtain of trapping the enemy in a short time.

The remaining roc monsters were also gradually killed by the hundreds of cultivators stationed in Bailing Gate.

After about half an hour, only the fake Dan realm Thunder Yuan Dapeng was still alive in the sky.

The rest of the demon pengs were all killed and fell to the ground.

The free foundation building and Qi training monks also went to help the black flame fire phoenix demon spirit and killed the fake Dan realm Thunder Yuan Dapeng together.

This Thunder Yuan Dapeng was already suppressed by the black flame fire phoenix demon spirit, and now there are two hundred foundation building monks and five hundred Qi training monks to help, and its situation is getting more and more dangerous.

Even if this Peng used all his means, he still couldn't hold on for long, and was shot through the head by a rocket shot by the black flame fire phoenix demon spirit.

The fake Dan realm Thunder Yuan Dapeng also had no life and quickly fell to the ground.

The fire phoenix demon spirit was also a little weak, and quickly returned to the black flame volcano deep in the Bailing Gate to recuperate.

At this moment.

The faces of the monks stationed in the Bailing Gate also showed joy.

Ma Yuan, the head of the Steward Hall who was supervising the battle, also said loudly at this moment.

"Except for the fake Dan realm Thunder Yuan Dapeng, which belongs to our sect alone, you can take 70% of the rest of the demon pengs you killed, and the remaining 30% belongs to our Bailing Sect."

"To make up for the consumption of our sect's mountain protection formation and the black flame spirit fire consumed in the battle with the black flame fire phoenix demon spirit."

"Don't be greedy for ink. Our sect's protective formation has the effect of leaving a lasting impression. Every move you make is under the supervision of our sect."

After saying this, Ma Yuan once again took out the array plate of the sect-protecting array and played a spell on the array plate.

The light curtain of the sect-protecting formation that enveloped the entire Bailing Sect immediately dissipated.

He also took the first step out of the Bailing Gate, quickly went to the corpse of the fake Dan level demon roc, put it directly into the storage bag on his waist, and then went to pick up some of the foundation-building demon rocs he killed, and Some demons in the Qi training period.

Ling Pengyun and others followed closely behind.

After everyone packed up the monsters they killed and divided 30% of the profits to Bailingmen, Ma Yuan, the leader of the Deacon Hall, also called everyone together again.

Yue Shan, the initiator of the counterattack team, stood beside this person, as if he was following this person.

"Now that our sect is out of trouble, it's time to help the other areas of Bailingmen that are still deeply invaded by monsters."

"In one day, you may dare to join me in the battle."

Everyone who benefited from the corpses of many monster beasts through this battle naturally agreed immediately.

When Ma Yuan saw this, he was very happy. Then he called a group of attendants in the Qi training period and arranged for the hundreds of foundation builders who came to support to go and rest.

Ling Pengyun also followed and found his cousin Yang Siling, mother Yang Qiuyun, aunt Zhao Hong'e, and nephew Wu Hong who had just fought together. They walked and chatted with them, and went to Lingfu Mansion to reminisce about the past.

But not long after entering Lingfu Mansion, his two old friends Yan Siyi and Ye Yu came to visit.

After everyone greeted each other, Yang Siling and others left the place knowingly, leaving the space to Ling Pengyun, Yan Siyi, and Ye Yu.

In the reception hall of Lingfu Mansion.

"Fairy Yan, Fairy Ye, we haven't seen each other for a long time, why don't we see Brother Qin and the others?" Ling Pengyun was a little confused when he remembered that when he just resisted the Lei Yuan Dapeng clan, he didn't see Qin Shi, Zhang Chuan, and Xue Chao.

"Senior Brother Qin and the others went to the front line to garrison at Jiaomang Lake to earn merit. Junior Sister Ye and I, due to the instructions of our elders, had no choice but to stay within the sect and stay away from the more dangerous Jiaomang Lake. "Yan Siyi answered.

Hearing this, Ling Pengyun probably understood in his heart that Qin Shi, Zhang Chuan, and Xue Chao were planning to gain benefits by garrisoning Jiaomang Lake this time.

This is exactly the same as his idea.

"By the way, Fairy Yan, I wonder if Senior Yan is within the sect?" Ling Pengyun asked Yan Siyi again.

"No, grandpa also went to the front line, Jiaomang Lake." After Yan Siyi replied, she spoke again with a hint of worry.

"I don't know if the sect can defend the Dragon Python Lake this time. If not, I'm afraid grandpa... they will be in danger."

These words resonated with Ye Yu on the side, and a look of worry appeared on her face. Apparently her elders had also gone to Jiao Python Lake.

"Fairy Yan, don't think too much. Since the three golden elixirs of your sect dare to occupy the python lake, they must be sure to block the hordes of monsters and beasts that break out from the boundless vast swamp." Ling Pengyun comforted.

"Fellow Daoist Ling, relying on those second-level high-grade magic weapons and the technique of combined attack, your strength is comparable to that of a ninth-level foundation-building monk. This kind of strength is rare in our sect."

"According to my colleagues, one day later, fellow Taoist will follow the leader of our sect's Deacon Hall to station at Jiaomang Lake. After you go to Jiaomang Lake, if there is an accident, please try your best to help my grandfather."

"Although my grandfather has reached the ninth level of foundation building, his lifespan is short, and his energy and blood are depleted. If he uses forceful attacks, his lifespan will definitely speed up."

Yan Siyi sighed helplessly and then begged.

If she had not been weak in strength, even if she went to the front line of Jiaomang Lake, if something unexpected happened, she would only become Yan Cang's hindrance, otherwise she would definitely stay with her only relative, Yan Cang.

"Senior Yan is kind to me. If something unexpected happens to Jiaomang Lake, I will do my best to help."

When Ling Pengyun heard this, his expression moved slightly and he agreed.

Yan Siyi is a rare second-level spiritual chef. Being able to deal with this person has many benefits.

And his grandfather Yan Cang had not yet helped him find the spiritual seed of the second natal spiritual plant, Renshui Blue Cloud Grass, and he did not want Yan Cang to pass away so soon.

Furthermore, Yan Canggui is the master of Lingzhi Hall and belongs to Master Bai Ling. If Yan Cang is in trouble, Master Bai Ling will definitely save him.

Ling Pengyun didn't need to spend much effort at all.

"Thank you very much. When we meet again in the future, I will cook a feast of spiritual food for free for fellow Taoists." Seeing Ling Pengyun agree, Yan Siyi's face became less worried.

The spiritual food feast was exactly what Ling Pengyun wanted.

A hint of joy suddenly appeared on his face, and he said immediately.

"Fairy, you're welcome.

Afterwards, he chatted with Yan Siyi and Ye Yu for a few more words.

When Yan Siyi and Ye Yu were about to leave.

Yan Siyi remembered something and asked Ling Pengyun.

"Fellow Daoist Ling, do you carry fruit flower honey with you?"

Ling Pengyun was slightly startled, but when he thought of Yan Siyi protecting him when he broke through to the fifth level of foundation building some time ago, he had given a bottle of first-grade top-grade fruit flower honey to Yan Siyi to express his gratitude, and he felt relieved in his heart. Clearly.

Although the quality of fruit flower honey is not high, it tastes very good and has beautifying effects. It is normal for female nuns like Yan Siyi to like it.

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