Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 347: The Bai Family is Destroyed, Micro Spirit Stone Mine (4000 words, please subscribe)

He roared unwillingly and took out a set of eighteen second-level low-grade flying swords one after another, forming a formation of Earthly Evil Swords.

But this Earthly Sword Formation composed of eighteen flying swords was several times weaker than Ling's sword formation.

This is all because the Earthly Evil Sword Formation is the foundation of the Bai family. The first half of the Earthly Evil Sword Formation was deduced by itself through the second half of the Earthly Evil Sword Formation. It can only be regarded as a semi-finished sword formation.

Of course, even if this sword array is a semi-finished product, it is not weak in power. When used in Bai Jiaqian's hands, it is equivalent to the attack of a monk in the late stage of foundation building.

Unfortunately, today he met Ling Pengyun and others.

As soon as the half-finished sword array flew out, it was directly scattered by countless powerful attacks.

The leader of the clan, Ling Yunhong, also took the opportunity to activate his magical weapon, the Ice Blue Sea Flying Sword, and cut his enemy Bai Jiaqian in two, who had cut off Ling Jinxian's arm.

"Uncle Ruxian, Bai Jiaqian is dead, and I have avenged your revenge."

The patriarch, Ling Yunhong, laughed loudly and shouted.

The morale of the Ling family was also high due to the death of the "enemy" Bai Jiaqian, the head of the Bai family.

Bai Yutian, the cautious early-stage foundation-building monk of the Bai family, and the dozens of other Qi-training monks of the Bai family were unable to stop Ling Pengyun and others, and were quickly killed by Ling Pengyun and others.

Ling Pengyun and others also reached the top of Tongyang Mountain.

"In this battle, we only killed two of the Bai family's foundation builders. According to the information that the clan members have inquired about, there is still one more foundation builder from the Bai family."

"I don't know where the other Bai family foundation builder went?"

"If the surviving Bai family builds its foundation and knows that it was us who attacked the Bai family, I am afraid that I, the Ling family, will also face a retaliation."

The clan leader, Ling Yunhong, looked at the corpses of Bai Jiaqian and Bai Yutian who were the founders of the Bai family on the ground on the top of the mountain, with a hint of fear in his eyes.

If the foundation-building monks were sneaking in the dark, intercepting and killing Ling's Qi-training monks every day, even if they were powerful, it would be difficult to find and kill them immediately.

And the low-level monks of the Ling family will also suffer heavy losses.

"Grandpa, you and I are the strongest among the few of us. You need to refine the elixir, and it is difficult to leave the family for a long time. If we don't find the last foundation builder of the Bai family afterwards, can I stay?" Come down, search for traces of the Bai Family Foundation Builder, and then kill him?"

Ling Pengyun also knew that if the Bai family built a foundation and survived, it would be harmful to the Ling family, so he immediately suggested.

"This is the only way." Ling Yunhong greeted after sighing.

"Peng Yun, Peng Xing, and Peng Qiu, you take the fairy spirits and go to defeat the defensive formations protecting the Bai family treasury and the three caves on the top of the mountain, and then capture the spiritual objects in them."

"I will dismantle the Bai family's mountain-protecting formation and bring it back to the family."

Clan leader Ling Yunhong gave an order.

Ling Pengyun and others nodded one after another and immediately followed the instructions, each performing their duties.

Because the formations used to protect the Bai family treasury and those caves were not of high quality, only the first-level high-grade formations, it didn't take long before they were breached by Ling Pengyun's foundation-building forces.

The Bai family makes a living by making talismans, and the spiritual objects in the family's library are mostly blank talisman paper or talisman-making materials such as talisman-making grass.

Of course, there are also many rare spiritual objects in this family library, such as monster eggs and so on.

After all, the Bai family can be regarded as an old foundation-building family.

But when everyone reached the depths of the clan treasury, they saw five large boxes for refining the spirit-locking jade placed here.

After everyone opened the five boxes out of curiosity, everyone immediately saw five large boxes of spiritual stones.

Everyone looked at it and quickly scanned it with their spiritual consciousness. When they discovered that each of the five boxes contained 5,000 spiritual stones, and there were as many as 25,000 spiritual stones in this place, everyone was suddenly shocked.

Twenty-five thousand spiritual stones is a lot. This amount of spiritual stones can be enough to buy three bottles of Bailing Water. Even if you add a few thousand spiritual stones, you can buy a foundation-building pill.

With the size of the Bai family, it would take at least dozens or even hundreds of years to save enough spiritual stones.

Even if the Ling family had double the number of spiritual veins of an ordinary foundation-building family, it would take two or three years to save this amount of spiritual stones.

Ling Pengyun looked overjoyed at this.

"The Bai family's decades of savings have given me, the Ling family, another advantage. With these twenty-five thousand spiritual stones, the family's other three foundation-building seeds, that boy from Pengshan, the Penglin clan sister, and Cheng Xin The three boys also have all the foundation-building spiritual objects they need.”

Ling Pengxing and Ling Pengqiu both agreed with this and smiled.

The three of them immediately put all the spiritual stones into storage bags, and collected all the spiritual objects in the Bai Family Treasury before leaving the Bai Family Treasury.

But just when everyone left the Bai family's treasury and told the news to Ling Yunhong, the patriarch who had dismantled the Bai family's formation, Ling Yunhong's expression was shocked, revealing a look of surprise and confusion.

Ling Pengyun was slightly aware of this scene and asked. "Third Grandfather, what is this...?"

"In the past few years, people from the clan have inquired about the Bai family's information. It is recorded that the Bai family purchased a foundation-building pill a few years ago to assist a Qi Perfect monk from the Bai family to build the foundation. Unfortunately, the monk failed to build the foundation."

"A Foundation Establishment Pill requires a lot of spirit stones, and the Bai family has no mineral veins or other industries. How is it possible that after purchasing a Foundation Establishment Pill, there is still such a huge number of spirit stones?"

"Furthermore, several years have passed, and the Qi Practitioner from the Bai family who failed to build the foundation should have already recovered from the injury to his meridians. With this spiritual stone, the Bai family can completely purchase the foundation-building spiritual items to assist that clan member in building the foundation." ”

"Now it is abnormal. Keeping this amount can only show that the Bai family does not dare to use this spiritual stone."

"Under such circumstances, it can only mean that the Bai family has...a secret!"

"I dare not use this amount of spiritual stones, for fear that someone will find out about this secret."

Ling Yunhong's eyes flashed with a sharp light, and he analyzed it carefully.

Ling Pengyun, Ling Pengxing, and Ling Pengqiu were all delighted when they heard this.

This secret is a good thing, which means that their Ling family can get more benefits.

"Pengyun, the three of you should carefully count the Bai family's magic tools and skills to see if you can find any clues among these spiritual objects. If I had known earlier, I would have left a few Bai family cultivators behind."

Ling Yunhong sighed.

Ling Pengyun, Ling Pengxing, and Ling Pengqiu also knew that they were very likely to miss this "secret" on this trip.

But even so, they were full of energy and immediately went to search for the skills stored in the three caves on the top of the mountain and the Bai family's skills pavilion.

It was a pity that they only found two foundation-building techniques and the route of the second half of the Earthly Evil Sword Formation that they were looking for during their trip to the Bai Family.

Apart from that, there were no other precious techniques.

"Since there is nothing to gain, we should leave this place."

Ling Yunhong sighed helplessly and left the Tongyang Mountain of the Bai Family with Ling Pengyun and others.

But before leaving, he split the entire Tongyang Mountain in half with a sword, destroying all traces of the battle, leaving only a ruin.

Then, they scattered and searched for the last foundation-building cultivator of the Bai Family in the Bai Family territory.

Finally, Ling Yunhong found something unusual in a deserted valley in the Bai Family territory and found that there was a formation in the deserted valley.

He did not alarm the enemy, but gathered Ling Pengyun and others here, and then attacked the valley together.

To their surprise, this desolate valley was not only guarded by several late-stage Qi-training cultivators of the Bai family, but also by the surviving foundation-building cultivator of the Bai family.

However, the cultivator of the Bai family was only at the initial stage of foundation-building.

Ling Pengyun and his companions killed him effortlessly.

This time, Ling Pengyun and his companions were smart and kept the rest of the late-stage Qi-training cultivators of the Bai family in the valley.

Afterwards, they cast a special illusion on the cultivators of the Bai family and asked them why they were stationed here.

Under the effect of the illusion, the cultivators of the Bai family quickly revealed the secret of this desolate valley.

Ling Pengyun and his companions also followed the guidance of the cultivators of the Bai family and found a deep cave extending downwards in a hidden place deep in the valley.

They also jumped into the deep cave.

The deep cave extended downwards for a full hundred feet, and the more it extended downwards, the richer the spiritual energy became.

The spiritual energy at the bottom is comparable to the spiritual energy produced by the second-level spiritual vein, but there is no spiritual vein here, only a piece of white ore.

These ores look like the currency "spiritual stones" used by cultivators, but now these spiritual stones are larger in size.

When everyone saw this scene, they were overjoyed and hurriedly used their spiritual sense to explore the reserves of this spiritual stone vein.

In the end, it was found that the depth of this spiritual stone vein was about two or three feet, and it extended to the north for about seventy or eighty feet, which was a "micro vein".

However, this micro spiritual stone vein has been excavated by nearly half.

There are only about 30,000 or 40,000 spiritual stones left at most.

But even so, the Ling family and their group were still very happy.

After all, they had previously collected a full 25,000 spiritual stones from the Bai family.

"I didn't expect that the Bai family had such an opportunity. I think the 25,000 spiritual stones in the Bai family's treasury also came from here."

"It's just a pity that the Bai family has great opportunities, but unfortunately they are unlucky and ran into my Ling family."


"Today is indeed an auspicious day for my Ling family. We have not only conquered the Bai family, obtained the second half of the Earthly Evil Sword Formation, helped my uncle Ruxian to avenge, and obtained a miniature spiritual stone vein."

"Really, three good things have come together."

"As long as the remaining spiritual stone ore in this vein is mined, the family can also get 30,000 to 40,000 spiritual stones."

"Adding the 25,000 spiritual stones we got from the Bai family before, this time our Bai family can get at least 50,000 to 60,000 spiritual stones alone."

"Now, the second-level inferior spiritual vein in the clan mountain can finally be upgraded."

The clan leader Ling Yunhong sighed happily, and then added another sentence.

"However, our destruction of the Bai family has caused too much trouble. In all likelihood, people from the Qianxing Pavilion, the Jindan Sect, the Bai family's superior power, will come to investigate the situation."

"The original spiritual stone ore is relatively solid. Even if we, the foundation-building cultivators, rely on sharp second-level magic tools, it is difficult to mine this spiritual stone mine in a short time."

"Under such circumstances, we can only mine this spiritual stone vein after destroying the Bai family mountain. Then we can send cultivators or borrow mining puppets from Bailingmen to mine the spiritual stone vein here."

"Otherwise, if the people from the Qianxing Pavilion, the superior power of the Bai family, find out that we are mining here, they will definitely associate the destruction of the Bai family with our Ling family."

"By then, our Ling family will be in danger."

Ling Pengyun, Ling Pengxing, and Ling Pengqiu also agreed with this arrangement.

Then the four of them did not linger here, and followed the mine channel, left the mine, went up to the original desolate valley, and killed the Bai family's Qi training cultivators in the Qi training period.

Ling Pengyun looked around and proposed to the clan leader Ling Yunhong.

"Third Grandfather, the second-grade lower-grade breath-retaining formation set up in this valley is too conspicuous for cultivators above the middle stage of foundation building."

"The Bai family's superior force, Qianxing Pavilion, is also a sect that specializes in formations. It has countless formation masters. Even we can easily see through the second-grade lower-grade breath-retaining formation here. When Qianxing Pavilion sends people to the Bai family's territory to investigate the situation in the future, nine out of ten times, they can also find out that the valley is abnormal through the second-grade lower-grade breath-retaining formation set up in this valley."

"In my grandson's opinion, it is better to directly remove the second-grade lower-grade breath-retaining formation set up here. This The mine cave was also directly backfilled, so that we can also use the material on the ore vein that can block the leakage of spiritual energy to block the leakage of spiritual energy in this spiritual stone vein. "

"At that time, as long as you don't use your spiritual sense to carefully explore the depths of the ground here, it will be difficult to find the spiritual stone vein here."

"Furthermore, as long as there is no second-level lower-grade breath-retaining formation, and no one is mining here to cause spiritual energy leakage, noise, etc., this place is just a wasteland in the eyes of outsiders, and there is nothing special about it."

"On the contrary, it can serve as a cover."

Ling Yunhong heard that what Ling Pengyun said made some sense, and then nodded. "Let's do it."

Then Ling Pengyun and others removed the second-level lower-grade breath-retaining formation arranged in this wasteland valley, backfilled the ore vein channel, and concealed the location, turning it into the same as other places in the wasteland valley.

After handling everything, Ling Pengyun and others also sneaked away from the Bai family's territory.

After leaving Wanhe County where the Bai family came from, Ling Pengyun and others summoned the Fairy Crane King and rode on the crane to fly.

As for the Qigong members of the Bai family who survived outside, Ling Pengyun and others did not care much.

After all, the purpose of their attack on the Bai Family Mountain was to take revenge and the subsequent operation route of the Earthly Evil Sword Formation.

The attack on the Bai Family Mountain was very smooth, and the "shielding talisman" was used to block the cultivators in the Bai Family Mountain from sending out messages.

Afterwards, the Bai Family Mountain was split in half and destroyed.

No matter how the Bai family left messages, it would probably have been destroyed by Ling Pengyun and others.

Under such circumstances, how could the ordinary cultivators of the Bai family who survived know that the Bai Family Mountain was destroyed by the Ling family.

Moreover, the surviving Bai family Qigong members were scattered, and it would be too difficult to kill them one by one.

This place is not Huaishui County where the Ling family is located, but Wanhe County of Chen State.

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