Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 349 Proposal to open a chamber of commerce (added for reward)

The Python Lake is extremely vast, and even though Feng Yingpeng flies extremely fast, it still took him an hour or two to reach the Python Island and land in a hall called "Spirit Talisman Mansion".

This is where Yang Siling lives.

The maids in the mansion were all brought over by Yang Siling from the Lingfu Mansion in Bailingmen. They are all old people and they all know Ling Pengyun.

Soon Ling Pengyun found Yang Siling in the main hall of the mansion through the maid in the mansion.

After explaining that he was here to borrow the mining puppet, Yang Siling's eyes were slightly happy.

"Peng Yun, did your Ling family discover a mineral vein?"

"Exactly, I, Ling, have discovered a miniature spirit stone vein." Ling Pengyun did not hide anything and said bluntly.

"What's the mineral content?" Yang Siling heard that it was just a miniature spirit stone mine, not a spirit iron vein, and the light in his eyes suddenly dissipated.

"There are only thirty to forty thousand spiritual stones." Ling Pengyun said.

Hearing this, Yang Silington suddenly lost his desire to get involved.

If it were a vein of spiritual iron containing thirty or forty thousand spiritual stones, she might want to get involved.

In this way, she can also get a batch of spiritual iron, and then hand it over to the weapon refiner in the sect to refine it into a magic weapon, and then she can get doubled benefits.

But spiritual stones are spiritual stones, and they are also spiritual stones when they are mined.

Thirty to forty thousand spiritual stones are not too much for her, the daughter-in-law of the Jin Dan Patriarch.

As for what Ling Pengyun said, Yang Siling did not think it was false.

If the spirit stone vein contains a lot of minerals, why would the Ling family send Ling Pengyun to borrow the mining puppet to spread the word about the Ling family's discovery of the mineral vein.

"You, Ling, have a good chance. You can even find the spirit stone mine."

"It's easy to borrow mining puppets, but I can only borrow ten first-level mining puppets for you at most. If there are more, I can't borrow them."

Yang Siling thought about it carefully and said.

"Thank you, cousin." When Ling Pengyun heard that Yang Siling had borrowed ten statues, his face suddenly lit up with joy and he thanked her.

"It's just a small thing. You haven't come to see me for three or four years this time, and you don't come to see me often."

"When you come here now, you are looking for me to do something. Those who don't know better think you are here to collect debts." Yang Siling complained.

"My little brother has been making breakthroughs in cultivation in recent years. That's why I delayed visiting my cousin."

"But my little brother came this time and brought something good. Cousin, please take a look at this."

Ling Pengyun also knew that he was in the wrong, so he took out a glass bottle filled with second-level fruit flower honey from his arms and handed it to Yang Siling.

Seeing this, Yang Siling curiously opened the cap of the glass bottle.

Suddenly, a strong spiritual energy spread out from it.

"Second-level fruit flower honey?" Yang Siling looked delighted and exclaimed.

"Peng Yun, your Fruit Flower Queen Bee has entered the realm of foundation building?"

"Yes, I just broke through last year." Ling Pengyun nodded.

"You brat, you finally got something good. You were thinking of your cousin and me." Yang Siling looked even happier. After blaming it, he immediately poured out a mouthful of second-level fruit flower honey and put it into his mouth, tasting it.

When she felt that the taste of the second-level fruit flower honey was several times better than the first-level fruit flower honey, she could clearly feel that as soon as this second-level fruit flower honey entered her stomach, a pure essence spread out. , swimming toward her face, constantly moisturizing her facial skin.

"It is really a good product for beauty. If you drink it every day in the future, your husband will be obsessed with it."

Yang Siling sighed secretly.

After coming back to his senses, Yang Siling said with great satisfaction.

"This second-level fruit flower honey is good, I really like it."

"It's fine if my cousin likes it. From now on, I will send someone half a catty of fruit flower honey for you to eat, cousin. In this way, I won't be considered a debt collector." Ling Pengyun joked.

"Of course not, my good cousin." Yang Siling laughed.

"By the way, where are my mother and aunt, brother-in-law Wu Yan, cousin Sitong, and little Wu Hong?"

Ling Pengyunjian was a little surprised that even after chatting with Yang Siling for half a while, her mother Yang Qiuyun and others who had always lived here were still missing.

"Isn't that right? My uncle and my father were sent by your family and my mother's family to run a shop in Jiaomanfang City outside Jiaomang Lake. Xiaohong is now twelve years old. As early as a few years ago, I often followed my fellow disciples to hunt monsters in other areas of Jiaomang Lake, rarely in the mansion."

"My aunt and my mother will go to Jiaomanfang City to stay every few days."

"Since Sitong became a disciple of Ye Mu Hall, who presides over the Jiaomang Lake alchemy branch, his alchemy level has greatly improved, and he is now close to a second-level mid-level alchemist."

"It is precisely because of this that Si Si often stays in his cave, refining elixirs for his fellow disciples, in order to improve his alchemy level by refining elixirs."

"My husband is still in seclusion and practicing hard as before. He only comes out of seclusion a few days a month."

"Xiao Hong, this kid, is not good at all kinds of arts, but he is very aggressive. A few days ago, he and several of his sect members went to the remaining monster gathering places in the Jiao Python Lake area to hunt monster beasts."

Yang Siling said with a hint of loneliness and a hint of helplessness in her words.

After all, she was the only one left free in this huge Lingfu Mansion.

If she was still on the path, maybe she wouldn't feel this way. After all, she could also cultivate and become a person who always followed the path.

However, due to the use of special secret techniques to conceive Xiao Wu Hong, her foundation was completely damaged, and even if she practiced, it would be difficult to enhance her cultivation.

This also made her have nothing to do all day.

However, in order to kill time, she would comprehend some arts, but she had no heart to seek the Tao, and her progress in comprehending those arts was not good. Recently, she was thinking about going out with Xiao Wuhong to hunt monsters, so that she would not be bored.

She could also protect Xiao Wuhong to prevent him from getting into danger.

Hearing this, Ling Pengyun felt sorry for this good cousin.

"I don't know if the Yin-Yang Taichu Qi condensed by the Yin-Yang Taichu Sutra in my sea of ​​consciousness can help with the foundation injury."

"I don't need the Yin-Yang Taichu Qi now. After eight years, when I condense the sixth Yin-Yang Taichu Qi, I can try it." Ling Pengyun thought to himself.

The main reason why this idea came up now was that Xiao Wuhong was still young, Yang Siling had to take care of the child, and Yang Qiuyun and Zhao Hong'e, two elders, and her husband accompanied Yang Siling.

In addition, the Yin-Yang Taichu Qi that Ling Pengyun condensed at that time also had other uses, so he didn't think of this.

As for not giving the Yin-Yang Taichu Qi to his parents, it was because his parents were too old.

When Ling Pengyun was born, they were already in their forties or fifties. At this age, even if the Yin-Yang Taichu Qi was passed to the two of them, it would be difficult to help them build their foundation.

Without building a foundation, the life span cannot be improved. If the life span cannot be improved, the precious Yin-Yang Taichu Qi will be wasted.

Therefore, Ling Pengyun's current focus is on finding spiritual objects to enhance the life span of his parents.

Yang Siling is different. She is not old and has a long life span. As long as the foundation is repaired, with Yang Siling's spiritual root qualifications, she has a chance to impact the golden elixir.

This is also the point that Ling Pengyun feels sorry for Yang Siling. After all, Yang Siling was also a genius before she used the secret method to give birth to Xiao Wu Hong.

Considering that it will take eight years for the Yin-Yang Taichu Qi to condense in the next moment, Ling Pengyun made a suggestion.

"Cousin, why don't you go out and open a shop, or even a chamber of commerce spread all over the country? Recruit soldiers and start a big business."

"This way you can earn a lot of spiritual stones, pave the way for Xiao Hong, and you can also have something to do, cousin."

Yang Siling was immediately interested when she heard this.

Opening one or two shops would not bring much profit, and she didn't care about it.

But if she could open a chamber of commerce that spread throughout the Yan Kingdom and even several other major immortal cultivation countries, it would be profitable.

The Bailing Gate has the Bailing Chamber of Commerce. In the entire Yan Kingdom, any market, any shop named "Bailing", including auctions held in various markets, are arranged by the Bailing Chamber of Commerce.

And the Bailing Gate can also rely on the Bailing Chamber of Commerce to earn a lot of spiritual stones every year.

It's just that earning spiritual stones is earning spiritual stones. There is only one large chamber of commerce, the Bailing Chamber of Commerce, in the territory of the Bailing Gate, and other businessmen are just retail investors.

The difficulty of opening a chamber of commerce is self-evident.

Yang Siling is also a smart person. After thinking about it carefully, he said helplessly.

"Opening a chamber of commerce that combines many shops, even if I rely on the identity of my father-in-law, the ancestor of Lingfu, I am afraid that I can only do business in the territory of Bailingmen."

"I don't have any special skills or skills. If I use the power of the sect to collect treasures and put them in the chamber of commerce I opened myself, it will definitely make the sect have some opinions."

"In this way, even if the chamber of commerce is successfully opened, the spiritual objects sold in the shops under the sect are nothing special, and I guess the business will not be very good."

"It is too difficult to open a chamber of commerce."

Ling Pengyun had already thought of a way to deal with it, and said with a smile.

"It's actually okay. The Ling family where my cousin belongs is a spiritual plant family. There are many spiritual fruit trees in the family. We also have many other low-level spiritual objects."

"Once the Chamber of Commerce is established, our Ling family can fully provide various spiritual fruits, Blue Moon Spirit Fish, Fruit Flower Honey, Earth Beard Spirit Silk, and other rare but highly sought after items by cultivators to support the Chamber of Commerce opened by your cousin."

"Your mother's family has Uncle Changxing in charge, and can also provide foundation-building spiritual objects such as Vein Protection Pills and Little Bailing Water."

"With these spiritual objects, it is completely enough to support the shops under the Chamber of Commerce."

"With your status, it is no problem for you to open a Chamber of Commerce with many shops. It is even possible to expand the Chamber of Commerce's business beyond the Bailingmen territory."

When Yang Siling heard this, the fighting spirit in her heart was rekindled.

"According to your idea, this is possible."

"However, Pengyun, do you mean that I, your Ling family, and Yang family will jointly open a chamber of commerce?" Yang Siling was not stupid. He heard Ling Pengyun's meaning and said shrewdly.

"That's right." Ling Pengyun replied.

"This is a good idea. With the alchemy level of Grandpa Changxing, as long as there are materials, he can refine foundation-building spiritual objects such as the Vein Protection Pill and the Little Bailing Water."

"But can your Ling family's spiritual fruits, fruit flower honey and other rare spiritual objects be supplied? If you want to form a chamber of commerce, the business will definitely be huge, and at least the shops opened must be spread across half of the Bailingmen territory."

"In such a vast territory, there are many markets and bazaars, and the number of shops that need to be opened will not be small." Yang Siling expressed his last concern.

"After the development of the land of the Luo family and Jiaomang Lake in recent years, the number of Ling's spiritual fruit trees has increased to more than 40."

"Two years ago, my Ling's established a first-level spiritual plant garden. As long as the spiritual fruit trees are transplanted into the spiritual plant garden, I, a second-level spiritual plant husband, will help."

"It is no problem to produce a thousand first-level spiritual fruits a year."

"Spirit fish is even simpler. Now my Ling family has hundreds of Blue Moon Spirit fish, and we already have a beastmaster. It is no problem to produce more than two or three hundred spirit fish a year."

"The queen bee in the fruit flower bee colony has broken through to the foundation-building stage, and the number of bee colonies can also grow to two or three hundred, which will be enough to produce five or six hundred kilograms of fruit flower honey of various grades every year in the future."

"The earth beard spirit silkworm colony has the help of a silkworm breeder from my Ling family. As long as there are enough spiritual mulberry leaves, it is no problem to produce four or five hundred kilograms of spiritual silk of various grades a year."

"With such a foundation, it is no problem to support a chamber of commerce." Ling Pengyun said confidently.

Although Ling Pengyun has been stationed in Luoxia Mountain for these years, Luoxia Mountain is only one or two hours away from the clan mountain.

Therefore, he would return to the clan at the end of each year to participate in the annual meeting summary. He is very clear about the situation of the family.

This time, he proposed that Yang Siling, the daughter-in-law of the Golden Core, open a chamber of commerce, also to integrate the advantages of the Yang family and Yang Siling, so as to drive the spiritual objects that the Ling family could not sell on weekdays to be sold better and create greater profits.

Yang Siling, who was standing aside, was shocked after hearing about the background of the Ling family.

She did not expect that the background of the Ling family, which was only established for 40 or 50 years, was so strong, much stronger than the old foundation-building families.

In fact, in terms of background alone, the Ling family is even better than her mother's Yang family, the foundation-building family.

It took a long time for her to react, and she smiled and said.

"Your Ling family's background is enough to support a small chamber of commerce to sell some spiritual objects."

"I won't hide it from you. After listening to what you said, I do intend to open a chamber of commerce. However, this matter is important and I need to ask my father-in-law. Without my father-in-law's nod, I have no confidence to open a chamber of commerce."

Ling Pengyun was delighted to hear this heartfelt talk.

As long as Yang Siling is interested in opening a chamber of commerce, there is a 50% chance that it will succeed.

"Cousin, wait for your good news."

After Yang Siling nodded lightly, she left the hall and went to the back of the Lingfu Mansion, a cave called "Lingfu", to meet Lingfu Zhenren who was in seclusion there.

After Yang Siling detailed the matter of opening a chamber of commerce with the Ling and Yang families, Lingfu Zhenren was somewhat moved.

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