Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 371 The efficacy of the Purple Moon Spirit Tree (3600 words, please subscribe)

After saying this, Ling Pengyun waved his Taoist robe and threw out five hundred thorn vines to plant on the ground.

After these seeds entered the ground, they all grew countless roots deep into the ground, absorbing the rich wood vein power deep under the grassland.

Although there were no trees on this grassland, there were countless tender grasses.

These tender grasses all contained weak Yi wood power. When the Yi wood power of countless tender grasses gathered, a huge wood vein was formed under this grassland.

With the help of this wood vein power, the five hundred thorn vine seeds grew rapidly.

In just half a breath, those seeds all turned into a giant thorn vine that was five feet long, thick-faced, and covered with thorns.

Ling Pengyun also sacrificed the thorn vine that was his life spirit plant.

This thorn vine has been in the foundation-building state for more than ten years. In the past ten years, relying on Ling Pengyun's nurturing and the help of various spiritual waters, this vine has been promoted to the fifth level of foundation-building, and is not far from the sixth level of foundation-building.

Ling Pengyun changed his finger method and performed a joint attack with this vine.

In the Xumi, the thorn vines transformed from more than 500 seeds quickly wrapped around the thorn vine itself, turning into a thorny giant python that was twenty feet long.

This thorny giant python was covered with thorn barbs and looked extremely ferocious, and its aura had reached the state of perfect foundation-building.

It was like a living thing, opening its mouth and roaring at the large group of bull monsters rushing towards the valley, and then swinging its body to meet the leading bull monster with perfect foundation-building.

In less than half a breath, the extremely fast thorny giant python collided with the bull monster with perfect foundation-building.

A dull loud sound was heard.

The thorny giant python contained a huge force of tens of thousands of pounds, and its body was huge. Even the bull demon with perfect foundation building, which was famous for its strength, could not resist it and was knocked back by the thorny giant python.

The other ten bull demons in the foundation building period in the surrounding area attacked in time to support the bull demon with perfect foundation building.

But they were blocked by the attacks of Ling Pengxing, Wu Hong, Xianling Crane King, Fengyingpeng, Ling Pengshan, and Ling Penglin.

Ling Pengxing relied on the set of eighteen second-level middle-grade flying swords to perform the sixth level of the Earthly Evil Sword Formation, forming a huge sword formation to block the only bull demon in the late foundation building period.

Wu Hong summoned the black wind wolf that Ling Pengyun had sent in his early years.

More than twenty years later, this black wind wolf with good qualifications has reached the third level of foundation building under the cultivation of his mother at all costs.

Then, Wu Hong used his life-defining magic weapon "Wind Blade" and the black wind transformed by the Black Wind Wolf with the effect of erosion, together blocked three bull monsters in the middle stage of foundation building.

The Immortal Crane King, who was at the peak of the sixth level of foundation building, blocked a bull monster in the middle stage of foundation building alone.

Feng Yingpeng, who was at the fifth level of foundation building, cooperated with Ling Pengshan, who was at the peak of the second level of foundation building, to block the five bull monsters in the early stage of foundation building in the herd.

Although Ling Penglin did not fight with the foundation building monsters, she relied on the yellow sand erosion formation to surround the entire herd of cattle, and transformed countless erosion yellow sands to sweep over the cattle in the formation.

It greatly limited the strength of the herd of cattle, and even the bull monster in the late stage of foundation building and the perfect foundation building was affected by the erosion yellow sand, resulting in the need to support the defensive magic "Golden Spirit Tiangang Cover" defense.

After several moves between the two sides, the strongest bull monster in the herd of cattle, the perfect foundation building bull monster, was beaten back by the thorny python, and was extremely angry, and it no longer hid its strength.

It opened its mouth and spit out a second-grade, top-grade horn flying sword made of the same kind of horn, and slashed it on the body of the thorny python in front of it.

The horn flying sword was extremely powerful. With one sword, it actually chopped off dozens of tough thorn vines on the thorny python.

Ling Pengyun, who was far away, frowned when he saw this.

He quickly used his fingers to make a spell, and the huge thorny python flashed with green light, and countless roots were differentiated and penetrated deep into the ground, absorbing the power of the Yimu spiritual vein deep underground in this grassland.

With the help of the endless Yimu power, the dozens of thorn vines on the thorny python that were cut off quickly recovered.

Then, Ling Pengyun successively sacrificed the Frost Flying Sword and the Blue Sea Heavy Yuan Pearl to block the powerful second-grade, top-grade horn flying sword.

Both the Frost Flying Sword and the Jade Sea Heavy Yuan Pearl were powerful. When used alone, they were enough to compete with the ox-horn flying sword.

Now, with the combined power of the two, the ox-horn flying sword was suppressed.

At the same time, Ling Pengyun also sacrificed the second-grade superior Frost Ice Dragon Jade Bottle, which transformed a large amount of extreme frost and condensed a huge 18-zhang Frost Ice Dragon, which directly bombarded the bull monster with perfect foundation.

The bull monster with perfect foundation had some difficulty dealing with the thorny giant python, and now there was another Frost Ice Dragon that was stronger than the average ninth-level foundation cultivator.

Its eyes condensed, and it immediately used the strongest attack magic "Golden Spirit Destruction Light."

The several-foot-long golden bull horn on its head suddenly flashed with golden light.

A golden spiritual light with the meaning of destruction suddenly gushed out from the bull horn and quickly shot towards the Frost Ice Dragon, and actually broke the 18-zhang-long Frost Ice Dragon with one blow.

Moreover, the golden light still had some strength left, and it struck the thorny python's body, creating a huge wound.

But the frost dragon was not a physical entity, but a transformation of frost. As long as the frost was not completely destroyed, it could transform into a dragon again.

The frost that was broken up also transformed into a frost dragon again, but it was a little smaller than before, only about 15 feet long.

Obviously, the frost that gathered into the ice dragon was also damaged, but the damage was not great.

As for the huge wound on the thorny python, it was not worth mentioning. After a moment, it recovered as before with the help of the Yimu power deep under the grassland.

Seeing this scene, the bull demon with perfect foundation building suddenly showed panic.

You know, it has already used its strongest means, but it has not succeeded.

In desperation, it had to summon the second life magic weapon "Golden Armor Full Body Armor" and put it on its body to enhance its defense.

This armor is also a second-grade upper grade, and is also made with a large amount of liquid gold spirit iron.

However, this set of armor is several times stronger than the liquid gold shield.

Just when the golden armor full body armor appeared, the frost ice dragon also hit the body of the bull demon with perfect foundation building, and directly knocked it several feet away.

The giant thorn python and the frost ice dragon also took advantage of the victory and used their bodies to wrap around the body of the perfect foundation bull demon, strangling it tightly.

At the same time, they kept opening their bloody mouths and biting the golden full body armor on the perfect foundation bull demon.

Even though this set of golden full body armor is extraordinary, it is difficult to resist the simultaneous attack of the frost ice dragon and the giant thorn python.

Every moment, the flashing spiritual light of the golden full body armor will become a little dim.

However, in just a hundred breaths, the golden full body armor was severely damaged and became dim.

Ling Pengyun also seized this good opportunity, waved his hand and slapped the storage bag on his waist, and sacrificed a second-level upper-grade purple star miasma cone.

The purple star miasma cone turned into a purple starlight, and quickly bombarded the severely damaged golden full body armor, piercing through the armor and piercing into the body of the perfect foundation bull monster, bringing out a line of blood.

The bull monster roared in pain.

Then, the Frost Ice Dragon and the Thorn Python also tore the full body armor of the bull monster into pieces along the broken place.

The bull monster's blood and qi surged and his consciousness was in pain because his life weapon was destroyed.

The Thorn Python also took the opportunity to bite the bull monster's neck directly and performed the death roll technique that it was best at.

It actually bit off the head of the perfect foundation bull monster.

When the perfect foundation bull monster died, the surrounding cattle began to panic and wailed.

Fortunately, the yellow sand erosion formation had a soundproof effect, which isolated the wailing of these bull monsters.

Ling Pengyun, who had his hands free, also controlled his attack methods and went to help the others.

With the help of Ling Pengyun, a powerful cultivator, in just half an incense stick of time, the remaining foundation-building bull monsters and the thousand Qi training bull monsters in the yellow sand erosion formation were all killed.

After everyone picked up the bodies of the foundation-building bull monsters they had killed, Ling Pengyun arranged Ling Penglin to continue to maintain the yellow sand erosion formation to prevent the blood and qi produced by the thousand bull monsters from leaking out and attracting surrounding monsters.

Ling Pengyun, Ling Pengxing, Ling Pengshan, and Wu Hong entered the second-level spiritual valley occupied by the group of bull monsters before.

The space in this spiritual valley is very large, at least several miles.

And because there is a second-level upper-grade spiritual vein deep in the valley, the spiritual energy in this valley is also extremely rich.

As everyone gradually went deeper into the valley, the surrounding spiritual energy became more and more rich.

Some immature spiritual plants gradually appeared on the ground. It was obvious that the group of bull monsters deliberately left them behind and planned to cultivate them to maturity before taking them.

In addition, in the place where the spiritual energy in this valley is the most concentrated, there is a three-meter-high purple-leaf spiritual tree with a somewhat strange appearance and a breath as high as the second-grade upper grade.

The abnormal movement of the spiritual energy in the valley was caused by this purple-leaf spiritual tree.

This purple-leaf spiritual tree continuously absorbs the surrounding spiritual energy into its body, and then continuously pours it into the nine second-grade medium-grade purple spiritual fruits on the branches.

As the spiritual energy is continuously poured into the nine spiritual fruits, the breath exuded by the nine purple spiritual fruits becomes stronger and stronger, getting closer and closer to the second-grade upper-grade spiritual fruits.

Ling Pengyun saw the appearance of the purple-leaf spiritual tree, his eyes trembled, and a touch of ecstasy appeared on his face.

"I didn't expect that this second-grade upper-grade spiritual fruit tree in this valley is actually a purple moon spiritual tree!"

"With this tree, when the foundation-building cultivators of the family encounter bottlenecks in the future, they will also have a way to break through the realm."

The purple moon spiritual tree is a rare spiritual fruit tree, and its fruit can increase the probability of the same-level cultivators breaking through the small realm by 30%.

At the same time, this fruit can also be used as the main material for the Purple Moon Spirit Water to improve the cultivation of the cultivators.

If this tree can enter the "third level realm", the second-level superior Purple Moon Spirit Fruit produced by this tree can also have a trace of good fortune effect, and can be used to refine the foundation-building spiritual object Purple Moon Water.

The effect of Purple Moon Water is the same as that of Bailing Water, which can increase the probability of cultivators breaking through the foundation by 10%.

Ling Pengxing, Ling Pengshan, and Wu Hong are all from famous families and have a lot of experience. When they saw the appearance of the spirit tree, they also recognized that it was the Purple Moon Spirit Tree.

They all showed joy on their faces.

But in a flash, Ling Pengxing and Ling Pengshan's expressions changed, and they looked at Wu Hong, the only outsider here, with a trace of weirdness in their eyes.

Then, Ling Pengxing sent a message to Ling Pengyun.

"Eighth brother, although Wu Hong is your nephew, he is not from my Ling family. The second-grade purple moon spirit tree is of great value and high grade. I am afraid that even if Bailingmen knows about it, they will be greedy and snatch the tree."

"What do you plan to do with Wu Hong?"

Ling Pengyun heard the sudden voice in his mind, looked at Ling Pengxing, and immediately understood what Ling Pengxing meant.

He frowned and spoke to Ling Pengxing.

"Third brother, Xiao Hong is the only grandson of the ancestor of Ling Fu. Not to mention the two of you, even if I are included, I'm afraid I won't be able to keep Xiao Hong."

"As for the Purple Moon Spiritual Tree, I will discuss it with Xiao Hong."

Ling Pengxing got a reply and agreed with this.

He was also worried that it would be difficult to kill Wu Hong immediately, which would cause Wu Hong to escape and cause trouble, so he never took action.

If it was an ordinary foundation building, I'm afraid he would have killed it with one sword to prevent the news of the Purple Moon Spiritual Tree from being exposed.

Ling Pengshan on the side also returned to normal under Ling Pengxing's gesture.

Although Wu Hong is young, he is not a newbie. Under the guidance of his mother Yang Siling, he has a deep grasp of the art of observing words and expressions. He also noticed the change in the expressions of Ling Pengxing and Ling Pengshan before, and he also knows the reason.

Now he saw that these two people seemed to have communicated with his uncle Ling Pengyun, and their expressions returned to normal, and he sighed lightly.

Although he was confident of escaping from these two people and even killing them, doing so would require consuming his trump card, and he was not willing to use such life-saving tools at will.

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