Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 375 Little Lingxia is born (3500 words, please subscribe)

The next morning.

After the couple told the good news to Ling Chengping and Ling Xiaoyan who were also in the mountain, they rode Fengyingpeng to Jiaomang Lake together, found their parents, grandfather, cousin and other relatives, and told them one by one about Yan Siyi's pregnancy.

These relatives were very happy about Yan Siyi's pregnancy and sent flattering words.

Even the wealthy Jindan daughter-in-law Yang Siling immediately took out several rare nourishing things from the clan treasury of Lingfu Mansion and gave them to Yan Siyi to eat.

Ling Pengyun's parents and Yan Cang were even more excited.

The three of them only had Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi as descendants. Now that Yan Siyi was pregnant, it meant that their bloodline could continue.

That night, all the relatives gathered in Lingfu Mansion, eating a large table of spiritual food cooked by a royal second-level spiritual chef of Lingfu Mansion, and toasted to Yan Siyi together.

When it was late at night, the relatives also dispersed.

Ling Pengyun, Yan Siyi and his wife, as well as his parents and Yan Cang, all returned to the Cangdao Courtyard.

There were no other outsiders here, and Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi and his wife also told them that they wanted to take them back to Luoxia Mountain for retirement.

Ling Xiaoshun, Yang Qiuyun and his wife, and Yan Cang had already made an agreement with Ling Pengyun and his wife. Now that Yan Siyi was indeed pregnant, they were also very happy about it, so they immediately agreed to retire and take care of their old age.

However, Ling Xiaoshun and his wife, as well as Yan Cang, all had matters to attend to and needed to find someone to take over.

After more than ten days of busy work, Ling Xiaoshun and his wife, as well as Yan Cang, handed over their respective matters.

Ling Pengyun and his wife also took Ling Xiaoshun and his wife, Yan Cang and the other two back to Luoxia Mountain.

And built a cave house for each of these three elders in Luoxia Mountain.

Ling Xiaoshun and Yang Qiuyun lived in "Shunyun Cave Mansion" and Yan Cang lived in "Cangdao Cave Mansion".

Shunyun Cave Mansion was named after the last two characters of Ling Xiaoshun and Yang Qiuyun, and Cangdao Cave Mansion was named after Yan Cang's Cangdao Courtyard on Jiaomang Island.

Ling Xiaoshun and his wife, Yan Cang, and the three of them were not used to it when they first moved to Luoxia Mountain.

After all, they had things to do when they were on Jiaomang Island and Jiaomang Market, and they were busy every day.

Now that they stopped being busy and relaxed, they always felt a little uncomfortable.

But after staying for a few more days, the three of them gradually adapted to this leisurely life.

After breakfast every day, Ling Xiaoshun and Yan Cang would sit on the stone table under the green banyan tree on the top of Luoxia Mountain to play chess.

Yang Qiuyun sat next to them, holding a knitting needle every day to knit some small clothes for the "Ling Xia" who was about to be born in Yan Siyi's belly.

Although Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi practiced hard every day, they would come out of retreat on time for the three meals every day to chat with the elders.

As for Ling Chengping and Ling Xiaoyan, they would occasionally sit beside Ling Pengyun and listen after the three meals.

However, they are still young now and need to break through the foundation-building barrier. They mainly focus on cultivation and spend most of their time practicing hard.

In their spare time, they comprehend the Hundred Arts they have mastered.

Ling Chengping's silkworm breeding has reached the first-level upper grade several years ago.

His cultivation has now entered the eighth level of Qi training.

Ling Xiaoyan does have some talent in spiritual cooking. Now, after three or four years, he has entered the spiritual cooking field and is able to cook the first-level lower-grade spiritual food by himself, and the success rate of cooking the spiritual food he is good at can reach 40% to 50%.

In a short time, he can become a first-level middle-grade spiritual chef.

With the help of high-level spiritual food for three meals a day, his cultivation level has also been raised from the second level of Qi training three or four years ago to the fifth level of Qi training.

The four seasons rotate, and it is the end of winter this year.

The sky is snowing heavily, and countless cold winds blow over the Luoxia Mountain, which is hundreds of feet high, blowing a lot of white snow into the mountain.

The whole Luoxia Mountain is like a layer of silver frost.

This night.

Yan Siyi, who has been pregnant for ten months, suddenly felt a sharp pain in her abdomen when she was using her skills to mobilize her spiritual power to nourish the fetus in her bulging belly.

A large amount of blood flowed out of her lower body, staining a large area of ​​the ground red.

Her face gradually showed a look of pain, her hands unconsciously hugged her abdomen, and she kept making painful sounds.


Yan Siyi endured the pain in her abdomen and shouted weakly to Ling Pengyun, who was closing his eyes and regulating his breathing beside him.

Hearing the shout, Ling Pengyun quickly opened his eyes.

When he saw Yan Siyi's appearance and the bleeding from her lower body, he felt distressed.

Of course, he also understood that Yan Siyi was about to give birth. He did not dare to delay. He immediately pinched his hands and performed the fetal protection technique he had specially comprehended a few days ago. He condensed a green seal and hit it into Yan Siyi's abdomen.

Under the effect of the fetal protection technique, the fetus in Yan Siyi's abdomen gradually stabilized, the pain in Yan Siyi's abdomen gradually weakened, and the pain on her face also decreased a little.

Yan Siyi also took the opportunity to raise her hand to take off her underwear on the lower body, opened her legs, and pushed the fetus out of her abdomen with spiritual power.

Ling Pengyun on the side was not idle either. He sacrificed the thorny vine of his life spirit plant, allowing the vine to continuously transfer the essence of Yi wood into Yan Siyi's body, nourishing Yan Siyi, whose qi and blood were constantly flowing.

After a while, a white and tender little boy with a crying mouth was born by Yan Siyi.

She then held the crying child in her arms, patted the boy's back, and transferred spiritual power into the boy's body to comfort the child.

The boy's crying became smaller and smaller, and he even gradually opened his eyes and looked at Yan Siyi and laughed "hehe".

Seeing this, Yan Siyi raised a kind smile on her face.

"Husband, Xia'er smiled at me!"

Ling Pengyun saw that Yan Siyi's smiling face was extremely pale, without a trace of blood, and her breath was extremely weak, as if she was seriously injured, and he felt even more distressed.

But this is what female cultivators will encounter after giving birth to children.

Ling Pengyun waved his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, took out a dozen items to replenish blood and handed them to Yan Siyi.

"Madam, you are in such a state now, so don't look at Xia'er anymore."

"Quickly refine these blood and qi supplements, so that the blood and qi you lost when giving birth to Xia'er can be quickly replenished."

"To prevent the blood and qi loss from being delayed for a long time and shaking the foundation."

Nearly half of these blood and qi supplements were prepared by Ling Pengyun and Yan Cang in their early years.

The other half were sent by the foundation-building or high-level people in the clan in the past year after they learned that Yan Siyi was pregnant.

Yan Siyi knew the seriousness of blood and qi loss. After giving birth, many female cultivators lost blood and qi that was not replenished in time, which led to the shaking of the foundation and the slowing down of cultivation.

She nodded lightly, took all the blood and qi supplements, tidied up her clothes, and then said.

"My husband, I'll leave it to you to inform my parents and grandfather."

"Okay, you should take the spiritual things quickly and don't worry about these tedious things." Ling Pengyun nodded.

Yan Siyi did not hesitate, picked up a blood-replenishing item and put it into her mouth, then closed her eyes and practiced the technique to refine it.

Ling Pengyun saw that Yan Siyi's face was getting better due to refining the spiritual item, and his worries were put down.

He also sent a spiritual power to Xiao Lingxia, removing all the stains on his body.

Then, he patted the storage bag on his waist, took out a small piece of clothing that fit Xiao Lingxia quite well, put it on Xiao Lingxia, and covered his naked body.

After doing all this, Ling Pengyun also carried the newborn Xiao Lingxia in his arms out of the cave, and told Ling Xiaoshun, Yang Qiuyun, Yan Cang, Ling Chengping, and Ling Xiaoyan, who were also in Luoxia Mountain, about Yan Siyi giving birth to Xiao Lingxia.

After the five of them learned about this, they were all overjoyed, hugged Xiao Lingxia, teased Xiao Lingxia, and then stopped.

A few days later, Yan Siyi refined a few things to replenish her blood and qi, and her body got better. She came out of retreat early because she missed little Lingxia.

Ling Xiaoshun and others came to greet her when they saw this.

"Siyi, why did you come out of retreat early? You've worked hard to give birth to Xiaoxia. You should rest assured to retreat and recover your blood and qi in the next few days. Xiaoxia will be taken care of by us."

"Also, don't walk around, stay in the house. Although we cultivators have better physiques, it's better for female cultivators to rest more or recuperate after giving birth."

"Otherwise, if the root of the disease is left, it will be troublesome."

Yang Qiuyun, who was holding little Lingxia, saw Yan Siyi come out of retreat early, her face was still a little pale, and she looked distressed, and she said carefully.

"Madam is right. Madam also recuperated for a long time after giving birth to Pengyun." Ling Xiaoshun agreed.

"Yes, Siyi, you should focus on recuperation now." Yan Cang also said with a worried look.

"Thank you, three elders, for your concern for Siyi's health." Yan Siyi felt very warm in her heart when she saw that the three elders were so concerned about her.

Then, everyone chatted for a while, and Yan Siyi held little Lingxia for a while before returning to the cave to retreat.

With the help of a large number of spiritual objects that replenished qi and blood, Yan Siyi made up for the qi and blood lost by giving birth to little Lingxia in just half a year.

In the autumn of the same year, Yan Siyi first followed Ling Pengyun, Ling Xiaoshun and others back to the Ling clan mountain to hold a full moon banquet.

After hearing the news, many Ling clan members who were tens of thousands of miles away, and even relatives such as Yang Siling and Yang Sitong who were in Jiaomang Lake, rushed to the Ling clan mountain, asked for a glass of wedding wine, and presented a generous gift.

Because of the support of these clan members and relatives, the full moon banquet was quite lively.

After the full moon wine was over, Ling Pengyun accompanied his only son Xiao Lingxia and his relatives, and then took Yan Siyi, who had entered the seventh level of foundation building for a long time, and called his nephew Wu Hong, as well as Ling Pengxing, Ling Pengshan, and Ling Penglin, to go deep into the Golden Horn Grassland to hunt foundation building period monsters.

Everyone was already quite strong, especially Ling Pengyun, Yan Siyi, Wu Hong, and Ling Pengxing.

Ling Pengyun relied on various means in his hands, and because of his skills, his consciousness and spiritual power were enough to be comparable to those of a perfect foundation building cultivator. His strength was extremely strong, and even a perfect foundation building monster could hardly survive a hundred moves in his hands.

Although Yan Siyi was a spiritual chef and rarely participated in killing monsters, this did not mean that she was weak.

On the contrary, relying on the superior second-grade upper-grade black ghost fire furnace in her hand, her strength was enough to be comparable to that of a ninth-level foundation building strongman.

Two years later, Wu Hong's cultivation level also broke through to the fifth level of foundation building. His strength was further enhanced. Relying on the second-grade superior life-definition magic weapon Fengming Flying Knife in his hand, it was very easy to cross the level and kill the seventh-level monster of foundation building.

Ling Pengxing was originally a sword cultivator known for his strong strength, and he also mastered the Earth Demon Sword Formation.

In addition, with the help of the purple moon spirit fruit obtained several years ago, he broke through from the seventh level of foundation building to the eighth level of foundation building.

His strength has reached the top level of the late stage of foundation building. Even if it is a ninth-level monster beast, he can fight it once or twice and remain invincible.

Although Ling Pengshan and Ling Penglin are weaker, they can fight those mid-stage monster beasts without inheritance and life magic weapons with the high-level magic weapons in their hands.

With such a strong gathering, they can kill the foundation-building monster beasts very quickly.

In just one month, the six people killed more than 40 foundation-building monster beasts with their combined efforts.

The six people also left the Golden Horn Grassland with satisfaction.

The materials on the more than 40 foundation-building monster beasts were all handed over to Ling Pengyun, a high-level weapon refiner, to be refined into magic weapons, bringing more benefits.

It is precisely under this situation that Ling Pengyun's weapon refining level continues to improve, and his wealth is also increasing.

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