Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 379 The Angry Blood Spirit Whale Clan Attacks the Market City (3200 words, please subscribe)

Time passed slowly, half a month later.

In the Haiyun Immortal Sect's Teleportation Hall in Bolan Market, the three hundred cultivators heading to the Coral Sea Coral Market finally gathered.

Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong were also able to pass through this formation, and in a flash, they blocked the Coral Sea.

Then, the two of them did the same thing again, spending spirit stones to use the teleportation formation to hurry on their way.

However, in just three months, after spending two thousand spirit stones, the two successfully arrived at the "Angry Whale Sea" in the "Angry Whale Market" adjacent to the Boundless Demon Sea in the human territory.

The Angry Whale Sea where the Angry Whale Market is located is one of the several seas adjacent to the Boundless Demon Sea, which makes it attract many cultivators who have killed monsters for a living.

These cultivators also made the Angry Whale Market into a large market.

Naturally, there are more spiritual objects in large markets than in medium-sized markets, and the quality is better.

Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong even saw from the manuals distributed by the steward of the Transmission Hall of the Wrathful Whale Market that there were even spiritual objects that could help cultivators break through the Golden Core Realm in this market.

And they would appear once every thirty years.

Although this made Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong very excited, it was a pity that they did not have the spiritual stones needed to buy a Golden Core spiritual object.

After sighing for a while, the two of them also left the Transmission Hall and walked into a large-scale martial arts shop called "Mu Yuan" in the Wrathful Whale Market.

"Dear guests, what kind of martial arts are you planning to buy?"

Inside the counter of the shop, a white-haired, skinny old monk who was lying on a reclining chair and reading a book noticed that there were customers coming, but he was too lazy to even look at them and said weakly.

"We are not here to buy martial arts. Does your store have a map of the distribution of the monsters in the boundless monster sea?"

said the clan leader Ling Yunhong.

The white-haired old man's expression slightly moved, and he was actually interested.

He put down the book in his hand, looked at Ling Yunhong and Ling Pengyun, and then spoke.

"Of course, my shop has maps of the boundless sea, but they are divided into ten grades. The first is a sea map that goes deep into the boundless sea for 10 million miles, and 100 spiritual stones."

"The second is a sea map that goes deep into the boundless sea for 20 million miles, and 200 spiritual stones."

"The third is a sea map that goes deep into the boundless sea for 30 million miles, and 300 spiritual stones."

"And so on."

"The contents recorded on these ten maps are quite detailed. As long as there are Jindan realm demon kings and Yuanying demon kings, they are carefully marked, and even the number of Jindan and Yuanying stage demon beasts, the size of the islands, whether there are spiritual veins in the islands, etc. are recorded."

"What grade do you want, two guests?"

Clan leader Ling Yunhong thought about it and said.

"Give me a map that records the 30 million li of the Boundless Demon Sea."

"But I need to see if the map is authentic before paying the spirit stones."

The Dragon Scale Sea where he and Ling Pengyun were going to, where the Dragon Scale Shark Clan lived, needed to go more than 20 million li deep into the Boundless Sea, and a map of 30 million li was just enough.

The white-haired old man heard this, his eyes trembled slightly, and a smile gradually appeared on his face.

"Of course, of course."

After saying this, he waved his hand and took out a book from his storage bag and handed it to Ling Yunhong.

Ling Yunhong looked through it carefully, and after thinking that there was nothing wrong, he planned to pay the spirit stones.

But at this moment, three loud sounds of bronze bells suddenly came out, resounding throughout the Angry Whale Market.

Immediately afterwards, a huge green light curtain was propped up at the core of the Angry Whale Market, covering the entire market.

At the same time, there were thousands of monks in green Taoist robes in the depths of the market, rushing towards the entrance and exit of the market.

"Daoyou, what's going on outside?"

Ling Pengyun saw this scene, and asked the white-haired shop owner with curiosity in his eyes.

Ling Yunhong also looked at the white-haired shop owner at this moment.

The white-haired shop owner saw the appearance of Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong, and immediately understood that these two people were not cultivators from the Whale Sea.

He was distracted for a moment, and then he explained.

"It is the Nascent Soul Demon Clan Angry Blood Spirit Whales in the Boundless Demon Sea that were driven out of the Angry Whale Sea by my Mu Yuan Xian Zong. They are planning to invade the Angry Whale Sea occupied by my sect again and want to take back this sea area."

"The Angry Whale Market where we are now is located on Angry Whale Island, which is the front line of the Angry Whale Sea."

"This also means that as long as the Angry Blood Spirit Whales intend to invade our Angry Whale Sea, the first stop is to capture the Angry Whale Market where we are."

"But don't be surprised, my two Taoist friends. The Angry Blood Spirit Whales basically summon other sea monsters every few years to attack the Angry Whale Market opened by my Mu Yuan Xian Zong."

"Now it has been hundreds of years. , the Wrathful Whale Market opened by our sect has never been attacked. "

"Moreover, the green light curtain protecting the market is formed by a fourth-level lower-grade Qingmu Yantian formation. In addition, there are five Jindan Zhenren from our sect stationed in this market all year round, which is very safe. "

"If the two Taoist friends want to go out, wait a few more days until the monsters attacking our Wrathful Whale Market are repelled, then you can go out safely. "

Hundreds of years ago, the lord of this Wrathful Whale Sea was still the Wrathful Blood Spirit Whale Group, but hundreds of years ago, the Muyuan Immortal Sect in the Muyuan Sea launched a war, seized this Wrathful Whale Sea, and drove the Wrathful Blood Spirit Whale Clan out of this sea area.

As soon as these words fell, a huge roar came from the outside world.

Ling Pengyun glanced over and immediately saw seven blood-red giant horns that were tens of feet long and one blood-red giant horn that was three hundred feet long flying from the distant sky and hitting the green light curtain that protected the market.

Although the seven blood-red giant horns were powerful, they only slightly shook the light curtain that protected the market.

But the three-hundred-foot-long blood-red giant horn caused the green light curtain to ripple, and even cracks appeared around the bombardment.

"This momentum is probably a fourth-level magic weapon."

Ling Pengyun was shocked.

A fourth-level magic weapon corresponds to the Nascent Soul Realm.

The white-haired shop owner who was in the same shop was also shocked.

"I didn't expect that the only remaining Whale King of the Nascent Soul stage in the Wrathful Blood Spirit Whale Clan, which has not appeared for hundreds of years, has also come."

"My two Taoist friends, you have come at a good time."

"It's just that I have to work hard again. I finally asked the sect for this leisurely job of watching the shop. I didn't expect that I would encounter such a large-scale group of monsters attacking the market before I had a few years of peace."

The next moment, a deafening voice spread throughout the market.

"The group of monsters attacking the market is very large. There is a Nascent Soul Demon King. All the cultivators in the market have followed the disciples of my Muyuan Immortal Sect to the walls of the market to participate in the battle. If there are those who disobey, they will be killed without mercy."

Then, the green light curtain protecting the market trembled slightly.

A pair of green scissors with a flashing spiritual light appeared out of thin air, and actually blocked the fourth-level magic weapon Blood Spirit Giant Horn that the Nascent Soul Wrathful Blood Spirit Whale King hit.

This green scissors is called Qinglong Scissors, which is also an extremely powerful fourth-level magic weapon.

After a few more breaths, the four Jindan Zhenren from the Muyuan Immortal Sect who were stationed in this market rose into the air, each using their own methods to jointly block the three-level magic weapons launched by the other seven Jindan-stage whale monsters that attacked the green light curtain.

The white-haired old shop owner also took Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong to the north wall of the Wrathful Whale Market.

Although this Wrathful Whale Market is a market, it is a majestic city that dominates the Wrathful Whale Island. It has a very large area and the walls on all four sides are also hundreds of feet high.

However, now on the flat land outside the market, countless deep sea waters have emerged, directly flooding the market wall for more than 80 feet.

And in those countless deep sea waters, at least nearly a million fish-shaped monsters, turtle monsters, crab monsters with countless legs, octopus monsters, etc. can be seen with the naked eye, constantly swimming towards the market.

Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong, who participated in the beast tide of the immortal world in the boundless sea for the first time, felt insignificant when they saw such a huge group of monsters.

In addition, there were at least 200,000 cultivators standing on the city wall.

After a while, the group of monsters coming from the endless sea also arrived one or two miles away from the market.

The millions of monsters also launched countless magic attacks.

For a moment, the entire sky was blocked by magic attacks flashing with various colors of spiritual light.

The next moment, these attacks all fell on the blue light curtain held up by the market.

The blue light curtain was hit so brightly that it even shook a little.

Fortunately, this blue light curtain was supported by a fourth-level formation with strong defense, and there was a Jindan realm formation master presiding over the formation. It was difficult for the group of monsters from the outside world to break the formation in a short time.

"Everyone from the Whale Market, follow me and attack together."

"After the battle, our Muyuan Immortal Sect will decide on the merits and rewards."

On the north wall, a middle-aged cultivator wearing Muyuan Immortal Sect's clothes and with an aura close to the Golden Core Realm, shouted loudly.

Many of the other 200,000 cultivators stationed in the market on the north wall of the Whale Market knew this person.

Seeing this person's gesture, everyone was quite convinced, and they immediately attacked one after another.

Seeing this, Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong were quite curious about what rewards the Muyuan Immortal Sect would give.

Then, the two of them looked at the white-haired old shop owner who was leisurely attacking the monsters in the endless deep sea outside, and asked him a question.

The white-haired old shop owner may be old, but he is also more talkative. This may be a common problem for every cultivator after old age.

Immediately, the white-haired old shop owner said in detail.

"Our sect has brought out a lot of spiritual objects. A few years ago, a Nascent Soul crab demon king led a group of demon beasts of this scale to attack the Angry Sea Market. Our sect brought out hundreds of various foundation-building spiritual objects, and even three magic weapons in a cone."

"However, these spiritual objects require a lot of military merits. Even if a Jindan strongman does not stay in this market all year round, it is difficult to exchange for those spiritual objects."

"Of course, there are also many spiritual objects that require less military merits, but they are not valuable."

Then, the old man introduced the middle-aged foundation-building perfect cultivator who had just commanded everyone.

The middle-aged cultivator was named "Zhang Qingxuan" and was a Jindan Zhenren disciple of the Muyuan Immortal Sect. Because he stayed in the Angry Whale Market all year round and served as the master of the market law enforcement hall, he was very famous in the Angry Whale Market.

In addition, this person had tried to break through the Jindan once more than ten years ago, but unfortunately, he failed.

However, the spiritual power in this person's Dantian has solidified for the most part, and half of the Dantian has formed a golden elixir, which can be regarded as a "pseudo-dan realm" strongman.

Pseudo-dan is different from fake elixir, and even fake elixir is not as good as fake elixir. The strong man in the pseudo-dan realm has only solidified the spiritual power in the Dantian, and his strength is stronger than the perfect foundation building, and he can use some golden elixir methods.

It is precisely because of this that the strong man in the pseudo-dan realm is not worthy of the word "real person".

But even so, the Pseudo-Dan Realm experts have far more power than the Perfect Foundation Establishment Experts.

In the past, there were many Perfect Foundation Establishment Experts who caused chaos in the Whale Market, and they were all suppressed by this person.

"As expected of a Yuanying Sect, it is indeed a big deal." Ling Pengyun was secretly surprised.

Then, he and Ling Yunhong attacked the group of monsters outside the market.

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