Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 388 Ling Pengxing's obsession (4000 words, please subscribe)

On the top of Lingxiao Mountain.

Ling Pengxing saw that the situation was not good, and his sharp blood-red eyes flashed with countless memories.

"I have been practicing Taoism for more than 70 years, and my family has given me countless help."

"Today's battle... I must protect my family."

The next moment, Ling Pengxing waved his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, took out the only second-grade top-grade "Explosive Spirit Pill" in the family, and swallowed it into his stomach.

At the same time, he was constantly reciting a series of magic formulas in his mouth.

Then, his aura rose.

But surprisingly, his full head of black hair turned snow-white at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The Explosive Spirit Pill has no such side effects. It is obvious that Ling Pengxing has also used other means to enhance his cultivation, or the powerful and desperate means of consuming lifespan.

"You rats of the Poisonous Blood Demon Sect, today I will make you die with me."

Ling Pengxing roared, and his cultivation soared to the state of perfect foundation building in just a few breaths.

He made a hand seal, and the twenty-zhang sword light carried by the Gengjin Purple Star Flying Sword flashed and increased again, reaching a full twenty-five zhang in length.

This sword fiercely slammed on the magic weapon cone-shaped "Poison Blood Skeleton Flying Sword" that was fighting with it, and with one blow, it was directly knocked several zhang away.

Then the Gengjin Purple Star Flying Sword, carrying the twenty-five-zhang sword light, turned into a stream of purple stars, and directly slammed on the dark green cover supported by the magic weapon cone-shaped "Poison Blood Skeleton Cover".

In a short moment, this sword hit three times in succession, and actually directly hit a huge gap in the Poison Blood Skeleton Cover.

The Gengjin Purple Star Flying Sword also drove in, turned into a stream of light, and directly killed a mid-stage foundation building demon cultivator.

Then, this sword killed another mid-stage foundation building demon cultivator.

Although the demon cultivator used various means to prop up the defensive light curtains, he was unable to resist the "Genjin Purple Star Flying Sword" that was far more powerful than the attack power of ordinary foundation-building perfect cultivators.

In just half a breath, the second demon cultivator in the middle stage of foundation-building was killed.

At this time, the magic weapon cone-shaped "Poison Blood Skeleton Flying Sword" that was previously knocked away by the Gengjin Purple Star Flying Sword came to support and blocked the Gengjin Purple Star Flying Sword.

But even so, the aftermath of the fierce battle between the Gengjin Purple Star Flying Sword and the Poison Blood Skeleton Flying Sword also shocked the Qi training demon cultivators in the Poison Blood Skeleton Cover.

Even the Gengjin Purple Star Flying Sword would emit sword beams to kill those Qi training demon cultivators.

For a moment, the poison shield transformed by the extremely safe Poison Blood Skeleton Cover was like a sword domain.

One by one, the Qi training demon cultivators died under the sword beams of the Gengjin Purple Star Flying Sword.

The Qi-training demon cultivators who survived in the cover, seeing the power of the Gengjin Purple Star Flying Sword, did not dare to stay any longer and quickly ran out of the protection of the Poison Blood Skull Cover.

But this move was exactly what Ling Pengxing had planned.

He waved his Taoist robe and sacrificed a second-grade upper-grade Purple Star Miasma-Breaking Cone.

This Miasma-Breaking Cone turned into a purple starlight, constantly harvesting the lives of those Qi-training demon cultivators who were no longer protected by the Poison Blood Skull Cover.

In just five breaths, dozens of Qi-training demon cultivators died at the hands of Ling Pengxing.

The Qi-training cultivators of the Ling family in the mountain also took the opportunity to kill a hundred Qi-training demon cultivators.

At this point, the number of Qi-training demon cultivators was also halved. There were originally 700 Qi-training demon cultivators, but now there are only more than 300.

This situation also aroused the anger of the leader of the Demon Cult.

He quickly rearranged the defensive magic weapon cone-shaped "Poison Blood Skull Cover" to build a defense and cover the remaining 300 or so Qi training period demon cultivators.

Then, he did not hold back and used all his strength to drive the "Poison Blood Skull Flying Sword" to fight with the Gengjin Purple Star Flying Sword.

Under such attention, the leader of the demon cult finally blocked the Gengjin Purple Star Flying Sword.

At the same time, on the top of Lingxiao Mountain.

Ling Pengxing, who was surrounded by sword energy and looked like a contemporary swordsman, had half of his black hair white.

Seeing that his own methods were still blocked, the fierce light in his eyes became stronger.

"Is it still not enough?"

"Then come with another blood explosion technique!"

Ling Pengxing shouted.

A blood-red luster burst out from his body, and the blood in his body was like magma, constantly burning, and his breath also surged.

The liquid spiritual power in his dantian was compressed crazily and gradually turned into a solid state.

When the surge of breath stopped, nearly half of the liquid spiritual power in his dantian had reached a solid state.

And his aura was far beyond the general state of perfect foundation building, and could barely be called the "pseudo-dan state".

The side effects of this improvement were also painful. The blood in Ling Pengxing's body was burned at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his face turned pale in an instant.

The speed at which the black hair on his head turned white also accelerated.

Wrinkles began to appear on his face.

However... Ling Pengxing didn't care about these.

He now had only one thought, which was to save the Ling family at all costs.

Perhaps it was because of this idea of ​​seeing death as home that he reached a higher level in the sword.

The sword energy surrounding him was like a swimming dragon, rolling up countless gusts of wind.

Even his eyes were filled with Gengjin sword energy.

A gleam of light flashed through his eyes, and a smile he had never had before appeared on his pale face.

"So... this is the sword way."

After he finished speaking, his sword energy soared into the sky, and the surrounding momentum helped his sword energy become more fierce.

Even the bright moon in the dark night was attracted by the sword energy.

Countless moonlight powers merged into the endless sword energy, sublimating it.

Then, Ling Pengxing sacrificed his own sword core "Gengjin Sword Seed".

This Gengjin sword seed turned into a foot-long small sword and flew into the highest sky, and the power of the endless moonlight merged into its body.

After absorbing enough endless moonlight power, this pure gold Gengjin small sword also turned into platinum.

Then, this platinum small sword flew into the "Gengjin Purple Star Flying Sword" with a sword light of 25 feet in the outside world.

"Star Gold Style."

"Bright Moon!"

The Gengjin Purple Star Flying Sword trembled slightly, shining with dazzling platinum light.

The whole flying sword also turned into platinum.

However, the sword light supported by this sword did not increase but shrank.

After a while, the sword light of 25 feet returned to the body of the sword.

The body of the sword seemed to be unable to bear the huge power in the body, and cracks appeared on the surface of the sword.


This platinum sword carried a mortal blow, breaking through countless demonic energy around it, like a trace of a bright moon, sliding across the night, and bombarding the 25-zhang sword light that was entangled with the "Poison Blood Skeleton Flying Sword".


A crisp sound resounded in the air.

The 25-zhang sword light supported by the Poison Blood Skeleton Flying Sword was directly crushed, and even the tip of the sword was directly broken by the "Platinum Sword".

You must know that this Poison Blood Skeleton Flying Sword is a precious magic weapon cone, which was created by the blood of hundreds of thousands of mortals by the successive masters of the Poison Blood Demon Cult.

Now, although the flying sword has not been destroyed, the tip of the sword has been broken, and the power of this sword is less than 50%.

And the platinum sword that made a success in that blow still has spare power, knocking the Poison Blood Skeleton Flying Sword without a sword tip several feet away, and directly killing the Demon Cult leader who has completed the foundation.

The leader's face showed a trace of fear when he saw the situation.

He quickly mobilized another magic weapon, the cone-shaped "Poison Blood Skull Cover", to prop up a cover to protect him.

But this cover was broken by Ling Pengxing just now, and now its power is less than 70%.

The cover was shattered before it lasted for half a breath, and the platinum flying sword also drove straight in, directly cutting the body of the demon leader in two.

The platinum flying sword also ran out of power, turned into fragments, fell to the ground, and no longer had a trace of luster.

The Gengjin sword seed, Gengjin Broken Cloud Sword, and eighteen purple star flying swords that were previously integrated into this sword were all gone.

But what was surprising was that after spending so much energy, the body of the demon leader who was cut into two did not show any blood, but turned into countless demonic energy and dissipated naturally.

The body of the demon leader had appeared several feet away.

The leader who escaped was not feeling well either. His demonic energy was extremely low, and his face was pale under the black veil.

This was all because of the "substitute technique" he had just used.

Although this technique was powerful and could avoid death, the price was equally high. It required 70% of the cultivator's blood and qi to condense a substitute with the same aura as the cultivator.

"Damn it, how could this sword cultivator hit such a strong blow."

The leader of the demon cult cursed inwardly.

In Lingxiao Mountain.

Ling Pengxing, who was just like a sword saint, had now become a hunchbacked old man with wrinkles all over his face, and his sharp eyes had become turbid.

The sword energy had long since dissipated, and his vitality was also dissipating at an extremely fast speed.

"If I could be stronger, if I could practice harder in my early years, if my magic weapon could be better... this person would die today!"

"It's a pity that now... everything has become empty talk."

"Third Ancestor, Eighth Brother... don't blame me... for not protecting... the family."

Ling Pengxing's eyes darkened, and two hot tears fell to the ground.

He also fell to the ground, with only one breath left. Perhaps he would... in the next moment.

"Third Brother."

Ling Penglin, who was standing aside, saw Ling Pengxing's appearance and was horrified. He hurriedly stepped forward at the critical moment of the enemy to find out.

When she realized that Ling Pengxing's breath was only a trace left, his dantian and meridians were all broken by the burst of solid spiritual power, his foundation was broken, and his life was only a trace left.

She was suddenly sad.

"Third Brother..."

Fortunately, there was an item in the family treasury that could enhance life span. She quickly took it and stuffed it into the mouth of Ling Pengxing, who was already in a coma.

With the help of the life-enhancing item, Ling Pengxing finally managed to hold on to his last breath.

Ling Penglin, who had always been weak, now had a determined look on her face.

"Fellow mountain people, the demon cultivators outside are powerful, and my third brother has fallen. The powerful demon cult leader has no one to resist, and our mountain protection array will be broken faster."

"It will be difficult for the other families to support us in a short time."

"Follow me and use the desperate method. Once the mountain of our clan is broken, we will have no choice but to die."

"Instead of doing this... it's better to follow me and take the lives of a few demon cultivators."

As soon as these words fell, Ling Penglin took a Explosive Spirit Pill and directly performed the two desperate methods of "Burning Blood Technique and Explosive Spirit Technique".

In an instant, her cultivation level directly broke through from the third level of foundation building to the sixth level of foundation building.

With her powerful cultivation level, the power of the clan protection array she controlled became several times stronger.

The temperature within ten miles of the entire Lingxiao Mountain dropped rapidly. In the empty dark night, countless goose feathers of white snow fell inexplicably and merged into the Ling family's protective formation.

The protective formation flashed with cold light and sprayed out countless long ice arrows, causing the demon cultivators outside the mountain to scream continuously.

Even the leader of the Demon Cult, who had completed the foundation building, had consumed too much blood and qi by performing the "Substitute Technique", and his strength was greatly reduced. He had to avoid the sharp edge and use all his strength to support the "Poison Blood Skull Cover" with half the power to block the ice arrow.

At the same time, the other two foundation building Ling Pengqiu and Ling Pengshan in Lingxiao Mountain saw the miserable state of Ling Pengxing and Ling Penglin's desperate act, and their hearts were burning with blood.

They also knew that the situation was critical now. Once their offensive fell, the demon cultivators from the outside world would attack the protective formation.

Once the formation was broken, they would all die.

Immediately, the two of them became ruthless in their hearts and also used desperate means.

The rest of the Ling family's Qi training cultivators were all like this. None of those who could become cultivators were fools. Everyone understood that in this battle, either the demon cultivators outside the mountain would die, or they would die.

If they died and the clan mountain was broken, it would not only be them who died in the Ling family.

The entire Ling family territory will become a dead zone because of that group of demon cultivators.

And they will also become the sinners of the Ling family.

It was precisely because of the desperate efforts of the Ling family cultivators guarding the mountain that the demon cultivators outside the mountain suffered heavy casualties.

Only a hundred demon cultivators in the Qi training stage were killed.

There were originally five demon cultivator elders in the middle stage of foundation building, but two were killed, leaving only three.

The demon leader of the foundation building perfect stage, whose strength was greatly reduced due to the loss of qi and blood, was attacked by the Ling family. The poisonous blood skull cover was shattered again, and the leader was beaten into a mess.

But this advantage did not last long.

However, in just a hundred breaths, the dozens of Ling family cultivators who used various desperate methods, Ling Penglin, Ling Pengshan, and Ling Pengqiu, all fell into the side effects of desperate methods, with their lifespans exhausted and meridians painful, etc.

There were even a dozen or so old Yun-generation cultivators who were already old. Because of this desperate method, they consumed their last vitality and passed away directly.

Although the remaining Ling family cultivators were not dead, they only had half of their breath left, and they all turned into old people.

They also had no strength to fight again.

Only the group of monsters raised by the Ling family in the mountain and the Fairy Crane King were still desperately casting spells to bombard the demon cultivators outside the mountain.

But among this group of monsters, only the Fairy Crane King was at the foundation building stage, and most of the other monsters were even only at the initial and middle stages of Qi training.

With the power of these monsters alone, it was difficult to entangle with the demon cultivators outside the mountain.

For a while, the more than 200 Qi training demon cultivators outside the mountain, the three demon cultivator elders in the middle stage of foundation building, and the leader of the demon sect all launched attacks to bombard the Ling family's protective formation, causing the formation to shake continuously, and even being blown away.

And the Ling family members who were still in the mountain could only watch everything outside the mountain helplessly.

Thanks: Yebi Dada for the 200-point reward.

Thanks: Book friend 20220420194911456, Book friend 20190112142426272, Black Ice 135, Book friend 533****855, Starry Sky Ant, Book friend 160415010834562, White Shadow Light Song, Book friend 20220622105234464, Shiwen Duanzijun for the monthly ticket.

Thank you all

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