Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 4 Earthworms (Please add to favorites and recommend)

It is said that the second elder, Ling Jinxian, was a sword cultivator and had learned a sword formation. He had killed hundreds of monks with the sword formation, and even defeated three perfect Qi cultivation monks with his ninth level of Qi training.

His broken arm was lost during his decades of training. It is said that he killed a descendant of a Foundation Establishment monk and angered a Foundation Establishment monk before it was severed.

After being stunned for a moment, Ling Pengyun came back to his senses and took the two classics floating in the air in front of him with a solemn expression.

This Blue Water Technique is Ling Pengyun's main practice. It can be regarded as an excellent Qigong practice. It is also one of the compulsory exercises for Ling Zhifu of the Ling family. After more than two hundred years of practice, the Ling family has improved this technique, and its other There are also notes on the cultivation experience of many ancestors.

As for the Lingxiao Ripening Technique, it is the secret technique of spiritual plants, which can speed up the growth of spiritual plants. It was gradually improved by dozens of spiritual planters of the Ling family through the "Ripening Technique" of popular spiritual plants. It’s also a lot stronger.

These two classics can be said to be an important part of the Ling family. Once spread, the efforts of the Ling family's ancestors will be in vain. If their efforts are in vain, Ling Pengyun naturally knows the importance of such things.

"Thirteenth great-grandfather, the younger generation will definitely not spread the word about this thing. I, Ling Pengyun, am willing to make an oath of heaven. If the Clear Water Art and the Lingxiao Ripening Technique are spread to the outside world, it will be difficult to improve my cultivation in this life!" Ling Pengyun, in order to reassure the family's senior officials, He made a decisive decision and made an oath of heaven.

The Heavenly Dao Oath has a very strong restraint ability for monks with a Taoist heart and good potential. If they are violated, inner demons will arise, and they may even be suppressed by the Heavenly Dao, causing the progress of their cultivation to be slower.

As for violation, it is just an exaggeration to say that it is really difficult to improve your cultivation level.

Ling Pengyun's actions also won Ling Ruxian's praise, and he spoke coldly again. "You have a good character. I heard that your spiritual consciousness is far superior to that of monks of the same level. After you break through to the late stage of Qi training, come to the Kung Fu Pavilion to find me. I will have the opportunity to give it to you!"

Ling Pengyun felt happy and secretly thought. "It can't be the sword formation that my fifteenth great-grandfather knew!"

When Ling Ruxian went out for training when he was young, he obtained a sword formation. The requirements for practicing this sword formation are extremely high, but it is also extremely powerful. Only three people in the entire Ling family have practiced this sword formation. One of them is Ling Ruxian. Himself, the other two are the clan leader Ling Yunhong, and the first genius of the Peng generation, Ling Pengxing.

Three years ago, Ling Yunhong, the leader of the third-level foundation-building clan, relied on this sword formation to destroy the foundation-level wolf king among the gale-force wolves occupying Lingxiao Mountain.

Ling Pengyun naturally admires things that can enhance strength, and the ability to wave dozens, hundreds, or thousands of sword lights at once is what Ling Pengyun, a fan of fairy novels in his previous life, dreams of.

For Ling Ruxian, this sword formation was the only one that could be regarded as an opportunity.

Apart from this, Ling Pengyun has not heard of any other abilities or legends that Ling Ruxian has.

Ling Yunhong, who was sitting in the main seat, looked slightly moved when he heard what Ling Ruxian said, but he didn't pay much attention to the matter and just called Ling Pengyun back. "Alright Pengyun, let's go down first. We have some important matters to discuss. The next day, you will receive the control array control array for the bluestone mountain at the family general affairs hall, and then go there on your own according to the spiritual vein distribution map. You need a place to stay!”

After receiving the signal, Ling Pengyun naturally did not dare to stay any longer and hurriedly walked down the mountain along the path he came from. On the way, he also met Ling Ruda.

"The eleventh great-grandfather!" Ling Pengyun greeted.

Ling Ruda just sent people down the mountain and was not in the meeting hall, so he did not hear what Ling Pengyun said in the meeting hall just now. Therefore, it was not avoided that Ling Pengyun had some differences in the family arrangement, he explained again.

"Peng Yun, this is a helpless move for the family. Lingzhi is popular in the family. You are the most talented person in the family today. When the clan leader sends you out this time, he actually has plans to train you. My position ...!”

At this point, Ling Ruda stopped speaking and did not finish the sentence.

However, it was not difficult for Ling Pengyun to guess what Ling Ruda said after that. He suddenly became excited. Ling Ruda's position was the elder of the family. Apart from the clan leader, he was the most powerful person. He became a senior member of the family and was the leader of all families. A monk’s small dream, but his big dream is to build a foundation.

Ling Pengyun's dream is naturally the same.

"My great-grandson doesn't think much about it. It's our duty to serve the clan!" Ling Pengyun said.

"You guys and I are still playing this nonsense. There are three earth-covering earthworms in this beast-controlling bag. They were taken from the high-level spiritual field area on the top of the mountain. It can be regarded as giving you a future to take care of. The first-level mid-grade spiritual vein from the outside world has added a helper!" Although Ling Ruda was quite satisfied with what Ling Pengyun said, he still laughed and cursed, took out a beast control bag from his arms, and handed it to Ling Pengyun.

Ever since Ling Pengyun was discovered by his family as a talent for spiritual cultivation, Ling Ruda had taken him with him and taught him how to cultivate spiritual cultivation. Therefore, the two of them were very familiar with each other and had a close relationship.

"Earthworm?" Ling Pengyun looked at the beast-control bag in his hand with some disbelief.

"Yes, these three items were carefully selected by me for you. They all have relatively good qualifications and have the opportunity to break through to the realm of Qi training. Okay, I have to go to the council hall to discuss matters. Don't forget to do this when you are out of the Clan Mountain. I read the family copy of "Ling Xiao Ling Zhi Jing" every day, and when you come back in five years, I will test you again!" After Ling Ruda said this, he left quickly.

Ling Pengyun watched Ling Ruda's leaving figure disappear, and then lowered his head, looking at the storage bag in his hand, with a slightly happy look on his face, and thought of another meaning.

"Earthworms have always been precious. Even if the family has inherited them for more than two hundred years, they have only reproduced nearly a hundred of them. They are extremely precious and have been kept for personal use. Now the eleventh great-grandfather has given away three of the earthworms that have reached the innate perfection state. I must have received the clan leader’s understanding!”

Inside the meeting hall.

Ling Yunhong, who was in the main seat, looked at Ling Ruda who was returning from sending someone away, and said with a solemn expression. "Everyone, my Ling family has now become a foundation-building family, and the number of spiritual veins it occupies has been increased ten times. If I were a Qi-training family and only relied on planting spiritual plants for a living, it would be difficult to support the family. The best it can do is to provide food and clothing for my Ling family, but our Ling family will also stop moving forward!”

"Now there are two paths before us, the Ling clan. One is to rely on our own responsibilities to plant a path, plant sword star grass, promote the spiritual talisman that my Ling clan is good at, increase the training of spiritual talisman masters in the clan, and search for The second-level talisman maker inherits and makes a living by using spiritual talismans. After a hundred years, he will become a famous spiritual talisman family!"

"Second, plant the main herbs for refining elixirs such as qi-training grass, yellow bud grass, and green spirit grass, find the alchemy inheritance, and train alchemists! A hundred years later, we will become a famous alchemy family!"

"Everyone, everyone knows the pros and cons of these two paths!"

"As for the spiritual talismans, among the five major foundation-building families in Huaishui County, there is already a spiritual talisman family, and that spiritual talisman family is much stronger than our Ling family. Once our Ling family also focuses on spiritual talismans, we will definitely conflict with them! And I The spiritual talisman that Ling will draw in the future may not be as good as that of the spiritual talisman family with a second-level talisman master!"

"Although you can earn a lot of spiritual stones by making alchemy, among the five foundation-building families in Huaishui County, there is no family that focuses on this method. But the problem is that my Ling family only has the inheritance of first-level low-level and middle-level alchemy! With this inheritance, it is impossible to strengthen our Ling family’s alchemy masters, let alone become an alchemy family that mainly focuses on alchemy.”

"Everyone, how do you think you should choose between these two options?"

Ling Yunhong has clearly analyzed the pros and cons of the two paths. Not only did he not know how to choose, but the other three elders present also hesitated for a moment. They had both pros and cons, and they frowned and thought carefully.

The meeting hall had been immersed in a cup of tea for half a minute. Ling Ruda, the eldest elder who was in charge of family chores and resource mobilization on weekdays, suddenly spoke with firm words.

"I have an idea. I want to find the Yang family of Pingyunshan, a family of my Ling clan, in Yunshui County, to purchase a set of second-level alchemy master inheritance. At the same time, I will also increase the cultivation of spiritual talisman masters in the clan!"

"Cultivation in two ways at the same time!"

"This will consume a lot of family resources!" Fifth Elder Ling Yunxi was the first to object.

"There is one course for alchemy and one for making talismans. Our family can grow the required main medicine and talisman-making grass by ourselves. We have also planted them in previous years. There is still a lot of what was harvested at the end of last year and has not been sold!"

"As for the talisman-making ink, the family can form a team of demons, go out to hunt demon beasts, and refine them with the blood of demon beasts! The auxiliary drugs required for refining the elixir can be purchased with a few spirit stones! "

"The family only needs to spend more spiritual stones on the alchemy furnace and talisman pens, that's all!" Ling Jinxian, who has been in charge of the family's finances for many years, already had a plan to deal with it and said.

"It's feasible, let's do it like this!" The clan leader Ling Yunhong thought for a while and agreed with Ling Ruda's words.

The clan leader agreed, and no one dared to object.

Later, in the second half of the meeting, they began to discuss in detail which tribesmen should focus on cultivating spiritual talismans and alchemy.

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