Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 40: Training with a large sum of money (Please collect and recommend)

Although his confidence was not affected, Ling Pengyun felt a little sorry for the material he had just wasted. The four-foot-long green bamboo and one pound of green iron were both worth ten spirit stones on the market.

This was equivalent to his salary for a month when he was stationed in Qingshi Mountain. One month's salary was gone just like that.

Ling Pengyun sighed lightly, closed his eyes and meditated, thinking about the reason for his failure in the refining process just now.

When he felt that he had some confidence, he started to try again.

Every time he refined the green bamboo sword twice, his spiritual power would be exhausted. At this time, he would stop and meditate to recover.

And Ling Yunhong, who had been paying attention to Ling Pengyun's refining, would also give some advice.

Just like that, failure, summary, failure, summary, recovery of spiritual energy, failure...

After experiencing forty-three failures, Ling Pengyun was already a little annoyed. He glanced at the ground and saw that there were only seven refining materials left, and he was even more confused.

After a long calm, he calmed down, cheered up, and started to refine the weapon again.

He still melted the green bamboo and green iron into water, purified the impurities, and melted them together using the melting technique.

After the two waters merged with each other under the action of the technique, and turned into one, and turned into the shape of a green bamboo sword, Ling Pengyun frowned, pinched his fingers with both hands, and cast a seal in the refining furnace, melting it into the iron water green bamboo sword.

"Sharp spiritual pattern melt."

The water-shaped green bamboo sword flashed with spiritual light, and spiritual charm appeared on its surface.

Ling Pengyun noticed the situation in the refining furnace, changed his fingers with both hands, and said in a deep voice.

"Condensate the weapon."

The next moment, the iron water flying sword made an inexplicable "sizzling" burning sound.

Within three breaths, the water-shaped green bamboo sword turned into a solid body, and a flashing spiritual charm appeared on the sword body, which was the characteristic of the magic weapon.

Ling Pengyun realized through his spiritual sense that the magic weapon had been made, and he was ecstatic.


He hurriedly opened the cover of the refining furnace, took out the newly refined green bamboo sword, and looked at it carefully, looking like he couldn't let it go.

A sense of pride also arose spontaneously.

He was not a professional refiner, but a mid-career master. He only made up for his knowledge in half a year and refined this magic weapon.

Ling Yunhong, who had been paying attention to Ling Pengyun's refining, also breathed a sigh of relief at this time. He was more afraid than Ling Pengyun himself that Ling Pengyun would not be able to use the fifty refining materials to refine the green bamboo sword.

For Ling Pengyun, the worst thing was that he would waste the six months of time to comprehend the refining.

But for the Ling family, if Ling Pengyun failed, the Ling family would be left with no one to refine magic weapons for the clan members in 20 years, and the family finances would be allocated a large amount to purchase magic weapons from outside to equip the clan members. This was not a good thing for a large foundation-building clan.

As the head of the Ling family, he naturally didn't want to see the family in trouble. Moreover, the future of the Ling family could be said to be built by him alone. How could he see it decline?

After being happy for a long time, Ling Pengyun remembered that there was another person next to him. He handed the green bamboo sword in his hand to Ling Yunhong who was standing beside him and said.

"Third Ancestor, what do you think of my green bamboo sword?"

Ling Yunhong took it, looked at the green bamboo sword carefully, smiled, and said carefully.

"After half a year of preparation and forty-three failures, you have successfully refined a green bamboo sword. This shows that you have a good understanding. However, you have not refined many magic weapons after all, and your control of the fire is not enough. This also caused a lot of impurities in the bamboo water and iron water to remain when you purified them. You need to comprehend the fire control technique more. The process of melting the bamboo water and iron water into the iron water flying sword is too long. This green bamboo sword can barely be used for fighting, but it will definitely break after multiple battles."

"The two aspects of melting the weapon and the spiritual pattern are not bad, but they still need to be improved."

"Take a break, there are still six materials left, and we will continue to refine the weapon later."

Ling Pengyun remembered these words in his heart and nodded. "Okay."

Then Ling Pengyun closed his eyes and carefully recalled the process of refining the weapon just now, so as to find out his own shortcomings and make up for them.

A quarter of an hour later, he opened his eyes and continued to refine the weapon with the remaining materials.

In the next six times of refining, Ling Pengyun refined another green bamboo sword, but the quality was still so poor, at most it could only be regarded as the lowest grade of magic weapon.

If it were put on the market, I am afraid no one would buy it. Even if someone would buy it, it would only sell for the cost price of ten spirit stones at most, which is far less than the value of an ordinary green bamboo sword.

But even so, Ling Pengyun was still happy.

Being successful twice out of fifty times of refining was beyond his expectations.

He believed that as long as there were enough materials to help, he would be able to refine a relatively good middle grade green bamboo sword.

"Yes, fifty pieces of refining materials, two successful attempts, enough to be the family's refining seedling. I didn't misjudge you at the beginning."

"Since you majored in spiritual plants and are the family's spiritual plants seedling, the family does not intend to send you back to the family, but intends to let you continue to stay in Qingshi Mountain, so that you can rely on spiritual plants to earn spiritual stones in Qingshi Mountain, and also comprehend refining."

"There are a total of 100 pieces of Qingzhu Sword refining materials in this storage bag, which is your amount for this year. At the end of this year, I will let Uncle Fifteen, who came to Qingshi Mountain to collect mature spiritual plants, bring you 100 pieces of Qingzhu Sword refining materials."

"It's a total of two years, a total of 200 pieces of Qingzhu Sword refining materials."

"The family can only afford two hundred pieces of Qingzhu Sword refining materials to support you."

"With these refining materials, the Qingzhu Swords that are successfully refined will belong to you."

"I have been in Qingshi Mountain for twenty-five days, and it is time to return to the family."

"In the future, you can read more about the insights of the Ling family's successive refiners in the Lingxiao Refining Manual. It will be of great benefit to you."

After leaving these words, Ling Yunhong rode on the Fairy Crane King and flew away from the cave.

Ling Pengyun looked at the bulging storage bag that he had just received from Ling Yunhong, and felt inexplicably heavy.

The one hundred pieces of Qingzhu Sword refining materials in this storage bag are worth a thousand spirit stones.

Even if the Ling family has planted a lot of Qingling Bamboo, one of the two spiritual objects for refining Qingzhu Sword, these Qingling Bamboos can still be sold at this price if they are sold. They are all family wealth.

One thousand spiritual stones are enough for a talented three-spiritual root cultivator to advance from the first level of Qi training to the late stage of Qi training.

Not to mention, there will be one hundred materials for refining the Green Bamboo Sword next year.

"It seems that the family really intends to invest heavily in me and train me to become a weapon refiner to succeed the Eighth Ancestor."

Thinking about this clearly also makes Ling Pengyun more stressed.

If these one hundred materials do not increase his success rate in refining the Green Bamboo Sword, how can he live up to the family's training.

"I don't know how much I can increase the probability of refining the Green Bamboo Sword with the help of these one hundred materials."

Ling Pengyun sighed lightly.

For the spiritual plant he majored in, he was confident enough to become a first-class high-quality spiritual plant husband and succeed the family's great elder Ling Ruxian.

But he was just a beginner in weapon refining after all, and he was valued by the family, which was a lot of pressure.

Taking a long breath, Ling Pengyun pulled himself together, forced the pressure into motivation, closed his eyes, practiced the technique, refined the remaining Huangya Dan medicinal power in his body, and restored the spiritual power consumed by refining the magic weapon.

Thanks: Yishou Zhenai for the monthly ticket and 100 points of reward

Thanks: The rat who steals food, the world in the dream, the God King of Rain Wolf, the working man Huang Ge, for the monthly ticket

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