Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 395 Yin Yang Hua Xuan Jing (4100 words, please subscribe)

"With this orb in hand, coupled with my spiritual consciousness and spiritual strength that are comparable to the third level of the Golden Core, and my physical fitness that is comparable to the first level of the Golden Core, my strength is at the early stage of the Golden Core. It should be pretty good.”

Ling Pengyun looked at the bright blue orb in front of him with a smile on his face.

At the same time, Ling Yunhong, Wang Ying, and Zhenren Bishui, who lived together on Bishui Island, were all alarmed by the noise caused by Ling Pengyun's test of the magic weapon. They all came out to take a look and asked Ling Pengyun what happened.

When they learned that Ling Pengyun was testing the magic weapon that had just been sacrificed, everyone felt relieved.

Taking this opportunity, Ling Pengyun also revealed his intention to leave.

"Master, Third Grandfather, and Senior Sister Wang Ying, I have now recast the magic weapon, and I plan to return to the family first."

Master Bishui's spiritual consciousness swept across Ling Pengyun's body, and when he saw that Ling Pengyun's aura was only 10% similar to the spiritual aura cultivated by Canglan Bihai Jue, he looked slightly startled and said. "Be careful on the way back."

"Disciples of the Holy Demon Sect have special methods of searching for the Canglan Blue Sea Technique, the core inheritance of our sect. Although the Blue Sea Manual you practiced has been modified by you and Ling Zhu, the spiritual power and atmosphere you cultivated are not the same as those of our sect. The law is very different, but don’t be careless.”

"If you see a disciple of the Holy Demon Sect, avoid it if you can."

Three years ago, when she went out to Canglan Secret Realm, Wang Ying, who had encountered a disciple of the Holy Demon Sect, said at this moment with a hint of fear.

"What the master said makes sense. There are many monks in the world of immortality in the boundless sea, and there are not a few demon cultivators who have escaped from the demonic path and taken evil paths. The Holy Demon Sect is the number one demon sect in the boundless sea, and it has attracted countless demon cultivators to join the sect."

"It is rumored that the number of disciples under the Holy Demon Sect is in the hundreds of thousands."

"Three years ago, when I went out to the sect to look for mortals with spiritual roots, I met a disciple of the Holy Demon Sect who was in the foundation-building stage. Fortunately, the technique I practiced was a wood-attribute technique. That person That’s why I didn’t realize that I was a disciple of the sect.”

"Otherwise, I'm afraid there will be a tough battle between me and him."

Ling Pengyun nodded. "I understand, Master and Senior Sister, the next time I come to this secret realm, which may be decades or even hundreds of years later, I will congratulate Master in advance for entering the realm of perfecting the golden elixir."

"Senior sister has made some small achievements in Dao Dao. After recovering from the injury in Dantian, she successfully attacked the golden elixir."

These words were quite endearing, and the corners of Bishui's mouth, which rarely smiled, could not help but rise slightly.

Wang Ying, who had some friendship with Ling Pengyun, even laughed. "Borrow my junior brother's good words."

"Peng Yun, the family depends on you."

Ling Yunhong, who had never spoken at the side, also solemnly entrusted him at this moment.

"Okay, my grandson will definitely live up to my grandfather's expectations. When my grandfather comes back with success, my grandson will definitely let my grandfather see another scene of the family." Ling Pengyun said with a smile.

"By the way, Grandpa, this is the Golden elixir chapter of the Blue Sea Scripture that I modified, so I will give it to you first."

Ling Yunhong and Ling Pengyun had already made an agreement. After Ling Pengyun broke through the golden elixir, no matter whether he succeeded or not, he would return to the family in advance and take charge of the family. After all, they had been away from the family for four years.

It took half a year to travel, three years to wait for the golden elixir in Canglan Secret Realm, and Ling Pengyun spent about half a year to recast the natal magic weapon.

Two years ago, Ling Yunhong was transferred into the primordial energy of Yin and Yang by Ling Pengyun, which changed his qualifications.

However, Ling Yunhong wasted some time in practicing this method in the first year, which also made him only comprehend the "Explosion God Forging Technique" to the sixth level.

However, in about two years, he will be able to comprehend the seventh level and reach the level of the golden elixir with the intensity of his consciousness, and then he will try to break through the golden elixir.

"I'm waiting for that day." Ling Yunhong said with a smile.

"That's all, I will leave first." Ling Pengyun said goodbye to Master Bishui, Wang Ying, and Ling Yunhong.

"Let me see you out of the mountain gate." Master Bishui waved a magic gourd and said with a hint of meaning.

When Ling Pengyun heard this, his eyes moved slightly, he nodded lightly, and sat on the magic gourd of Master Bishui.

Master Bishui also used the gourd to fly away from the Bishui Island and towards the mountain gate.

on the way.

Master Bishui took out a classic called "Yin Yang Transformation Mysterious Scripture" from his storage bag and handed it to Ling Pengyun.

"This technique is the one I promised you to practice with Water and Fire. This technique is profound and cannot be taught to anyone else. Except for your only son, this technique cannot be revealed to anyone else."

"For this matter, you need to make an oath of heaven."

Ling Pengyun's eyes shone slightly, and he probably looked through the "Yin Yang Transformation Mysterious Sutra".

Just by looking at it, he felt the subtlety of this technique, which was several times more subtle than the Water and Fire Practitioner's "Liangyi Zhenxuan Jue" that he had found from Bailing Gate.

This method uses water as yin and fire as yang. It adopts the world's exquisite method of harmonizing yin and yang, and cultivates the two spiritual roots of water and fire.

This technique can even make the two spiritual roots of water and fire complementary to each other.

The spiritual purity and cultivation speed of the monks are far twice as high as those of monks of the same level.

At the same time, this foundation building chapter records two excellent natal magic weapons.

They are the Xuan Shui Mirror and the Xuan Fire Realm.

When the two mirrors are combined into one, they can be combined into the realm of yin and yang.

The Yin-Yang Transformation Mysterious Mirror can accumulate the power of the first yang and moonlight in the world, and shoot out a powerful yin-yang annihilating light, making it extremely easy to kill enemies across levels.

It can be said that this Yin-Yang Huaxuan Sutra is only one level weaker than Canglan Bihai Jue, and it can be regarded as a superior practice. Its subsequent practice must be not weak.

"With the help of this practice, as long as Xia'er has a chance, there is hope for the Golden Elixir Road in the future." Ling Pengyun was overjoyed.

Then, he also thanked Bishui Zhenren.

Soon, Bishui Zhenren sent Ling Pengyun to the mountain gate.

After explaining the matter of leaving the sect to the two fake Danjing Zhenren guarding the mountain gate, the two fake Danjing Zhenren also took out a token together, combined the two into one, and used the secret method to open the entrance and exit of the small passage in the Longlin Sea when Ling Pengyun came to the secret realm.

"Take care, Master." Ling Pengyun bowed to Bihai Zhenren and stepped into the entrance.

When Ling Pengyun opened his eyes again, he had arrived in the secret valley of Longlin Sea.

His arrival also alarmed the beautiful Kuiyuan Zhenren stationed there.

When True Man Kui Yuan saw Ling Pengyun exuding a strong pressure of the Golden Core, his eyes were startled.

"The Golden Core Realm."

"I didn't expect that this person could actually enter the Golden Core Realm."

After she came to her senses, she immediately went to meet him and said with a smile.

"I haven't seen you for three years. I didn't expect that when we meet again, you and I have become fellow Taoists."

Ling Pengyun said with a smile. "I can enter the Golden Core Realm thanks to the guidance of the senior. If the senior hadn't brought me into the sect, I would have had a hard time."

These words of senior made True Man Kui Yuan feel quite comfortable. After all, Ling Pengyun had already entered the Golden Core Realm.

"You are too kind. Are you planning to return to your family in the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World when you leave the sect this time?" True Man Kui Yuan asked.

"That's right." Ling Pengyun nodded.

"Then I won't stay any longer. The journey is long and boundless. Take care." True Man Kui Yuan bowed.

Ling Pengyun nodded slightly, and then he patted the storage bag on his waist to summon the black-armored turtle, and sat on the turtle's several-foot-long back.

"Black turtle, sneak to the south." Ling Pengyun patted the head of the black-armored turtle and said.

The black-armored turtle also took action immediately, performing the water control technique and quickly moving south.

For more than three years, the black-armored turtle has been sitting in the third-level water vein Bishui Lake. Relying on that water vein, this black-armored turtle with good potential has cultivated very quickly.

In addition, during these three years, Ling Pengyun also gave several late-stage foundation-building demon beast inner pills to help the black-armored turtle.

This has made the turtle's cultivation level rise to the peak of the seventh level of foundation-building, and its water control speed has also increased by one or two points.


After two or three hundred days.

Relying on the powerful breath-holding technique of the black-armored turtle, Ling Pengyun crossed 30 million miles and smoothly left the boundless sea of ​​monsters of the demon race and entered the "Angry Whale Sea" of the thirty-six seas of the human race.

However, as soon as he entered this sea, the black-armored turtle noticed that the monsters in this sea appeared too frequently.

Because of its extraordinary qualifications, this turtle is several times smarter than monsters of the same level, and its brain is not worse than that of a cultivator.

It also noticed that there was a change in this sea, and then it woke up Ling Pengyun who was sitting on its back to comprehend the blue sea breath-holding technique, and told Ling Pengyun about the strange things it saw.

After Ling Pengyun learned about it, his brows immediately frowned.

"Could it be that the Angry Whale Market was besieged by sea monsters again?"

He waved his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, took out the thick map that he had bought in the Angry Whale Market, and looked through it carefully.

After recognizing the current location, he moved his eyes to the location of the "Muyuan Sea" marked on the map.

"My current location is just the beginning of the Whale Sea. Even though the Muyuan Sea, the hometown of Taoist Qianyuan, is adjacent to the Whale Sea, the two places are still a full 10 million miles away. If I use the black-armored turtle to travel, it may take a hundred days."

A hundred days is too long, Ling Pengyun is unwilling to wait, and he also plans to rush back to the family as soon as possible to avoid any changes in the family.

If you use the teleportation array in the "Whale Market" in the Whale Sea, it will only take a moment to go to the Muyuan Sea thousands of miles away.

Although the Whale Sea is tens of millions of miles wide and there are countless spiritual veins in the territory, only the Whale Market is a large market with a teleportation array. The rest of the markets in this sea area are all small markets, and there are no precious teleportation arrays.

After all, the lowest grade of the teleportation array is also the third-grade inferior, and the materials for arranging the teleportation array are even more expensive.

Even if a third-level inferior teleportation array is set up, the price of setting up a third-level superior array must be paid.

As for going to the Muyuan Sea, it is to resolve the cause and effect of him and Ling Yunhong obtaining the second-level intermediate array and the first-level complete puppet inheritance of "Qianyuan Laodao".

Thinking back, Ling Pengyun commanded the black-armored turtle to dive into the deep sea and lurk on a seabed covered with reefs, intending to wait for the sea monsters that attacked the Whale Market to retreat.

But Ling Pengyun waited for ten days, but he did not wait for the Whale Sea to return to peace. Instead, he saw more and more monsters pouring into the Whale Sea from the boundless monster sea.

Even Ling Pengyun saw a Jindan-stage octopus monster, with tens of thousands of its kind, rushing towards the Whale Market.

"Three or four years ago, when my third grandfather and I first arrived at the Wrath of Whales Market, the beast tide we encountered was resolved in just a few hours."

"Now, the beast tide attacking the Wrath of Whales Market has lasted for a full ten days."

"Could it be that there are more Yuanying Demon Kings attacking the Wrath of Whales Market than three or four years ago? Is the scale of the beast tide even larger?"

"If this is true, this battle will probably be a protracted one. I wonder if the owner of this Whale Market, Mu Yuan Xian Zong, can survive this counterattack by the beast tide in the sea."

After Ling Pengyun muttered to himself for a few words, he no longer waited for the beasts attacking Whale Market to retreat, and had no choice but to drive the black-armored turtle to hurry on.

After more than a hundred days.

Ling Pengyun finally entered the Mu Yuan Sea area adjacent to the Whale Sea area, and spent more than ten days on the journey, and finally stopped near a large island with a shape like a turtle and a vast range.

"According to the travel notes left by Taoist Qianyuan, after the demise of the Qian family, the island only has four foundation-building families left: Zhao, Han, Li, and Bai."

"If the pattern of the four foundation-building families on the island has not changed in the decades since Taoist Qianyuan passed away, the direct descendants of the Qian family, where Taoist Qianyuan was, should be in the territory of the most powerful Bai family."

Ling Pengyun looked at the large turtle-shaped island in front of him, his eyes flickering slightly.

The four major families on this Guiling Island can be said to be the culprits for the destruction of the Qian family, where Taoist Qianyuan was. These four major families now occupy many of the Qian family's spiritual veins.

Among these four major families, the one that benefited the most was the Zhao family, which not only occupied a second-level spiritual vein of the Qian family, where Taoist Qianyuan was, but also nearly half of the first-level spiritual veins of the Qian family.

Of course, the Zhao family is extremely powerful to be able to gain such a big benefit.

There is a foundation-building person in this clan who tried to break through the golden elixir several decades ago. Although the breakthrough failed, it also allowed the Zhao family to achieve the "pseudo-elixir realm" in the foundation-building.

It was because of the confidence of the ancestor of the fake elixir realm that the Zhao family dared to destroy the Qian family, which suffered heavy losses in resisting the attack of the sea monsters on Guiling Island, and then occupied the Qian family's spiritual veins.

"I am in the golden elixir realm. If I enter the island openly, I am afraid that I will attract the attention of the ancestor of the fake elixir realm of the Zhao family. For me, the fake elixir realm can be destroyed with a wave of my hand."

"But this move has too much impact."

"It is not good for those direct mortal relatives of me, Xun Qianyuan Laodao."

As soon as the thought came to mind, the slightly exuded aura of the cultivator on Ling Pengyun's body dissipated immediately.

Judging from the aura alone, Ling Pengyun is just like an ordinary person.

For this reason, Ling Pengyun performed the advanced breath-retaining technique "Bi Hai Breath-Retaining Technique" recorded in the golden elixir chapter of "Bi Hai Zhen Jing".

This breath-retaining technique has twelve levels, but only eight levels are recorded in the true scriptures, and it can only be cultivated to the middle stage of the golden elixir.

During the more than four hundred days that Ling Pengyun rode the black-armored turtle on the road, he had been comprehending this breath-retaining technique.

After more than four hundred days, coupled with his strong comprehension, he has comprehended it to the seventh level.

With his first-level golden elixir cultivation, he can use this method, and even a strong man in the middle stage of the golden elixir may not be able to see through his true cultivation.

Then, Ling Pengyun waved his hand to put away the black-armored turtle under his seat, and turned into a phantom and entered the Guiling Island.

Thanks to: Aida Yi Xiaoda, book friend 1604190824071 book friend 20220806123339405, sweet weird uncle, happy to send, just because I am too handsome, poisonous valley viper, book friend 20220507214243291 for the monthly ticket.

Thanks: Xiaomai from Shigatse for 1000 points.

Thanks: Xinmingjing for 100 points

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