Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 396: Setting up a game that will last for decades (3,200 words, please subscribe)

One day later.

Guiling Island, Qian's territory, and a small village called "Hanfeng" in the sky.

Ling Pengyun soared in the air, looking at the small village below where three or four thousand mortals lived, his expression slightly moved.

"The old Taoist Qian Yuan is a smart man. He actually arranged the original direct descendants of the Qian family in this remote place. I just don't know if the descendants of the Qian family arranged by the old Taoist Qian Yuan are still alive."

Then, Ling Pengyun waved his Taoist robe and cast a small spell "Soul Bewitching Technique". Countless white mists emerged in the void, covering the "Hanfeng Village" below.

And the three or four thousand mortals in the village also fell into a coma and lost consciousness because of the effect of the soul-bewitching white mist.

However, these mortals walked on their own with their eyes closed.

After a while, these three or four thousand mortals gathered on a huge flat ground in the center of the village.

Ling Pengyun saw that the task was completed and slowly landed in the center of these mortals.

"The original foundation-building family Qian, who changed his surname to Han, stand on my left, and the rest of the surnames stand on my right."

As soon as these words came out, the three or four thousand mortals who had closed their eyes and were controlled by Ling Pengyun began to move.

After dozens of breaths.

Only dozens of mortals of different ages, but all dressed in gorgeous clothes and looking like they were living a good life, stood on Ling Pengyun's left.

Obviously, these dozens of people were the direct descendants of the original Qian family of the old Taoist Qian Yuan.

The reason why the direct descendants can become the direct descendants is naturally that they have a close relationship with the old Taoist Qian Yuan, and the number of people will naturally not be large.

The remaining three or four thousand people with other surnames all stood on Ling Pengyun's right.

Ling Pengyun also mobilized his spiritual consciousness and directly probed into the bodies of the dozens of direct descendants of the old Taoist Qian Yuan to detect whether they have spiritual roots.

After the cultivator enters the golden elixir, the spiritual consciousness will be sublimated.

Relying on the powerful spiritual consciousness, it can directly detect the spiritual roots in other people's bodies.

Of course, if the spiritual roots in the cultivator's body are directly detected, the cultivator can also resist with his spiritual consciousness, causing the test to fail.

Therefore, this method can only be used on mortals.

But even so, this method is extremely convenient, after all, it can save the test of the spiritual array.

In the end, among the dozens of people, only a little girl who was only about seven or eight years old had spiritual roots, and the rest had no spiritual roots.

This girl's spiritual roots were "wood, water, and earth".

Among the three spiritual roots, the "wood spiritual root" has the highest talent, reaching a height of seven inches.

"This girl is indeed the direct descendant of the Taoist master Qian Yuan. She already has the blood of a cultivator in her body and has good aptitude."

"It's a pity to leave this person here. She is still a woman, young, and has an uncertain mind. If she can be brought back to the Ling family and trained a little, she may be able to build a foundation in the future."

"Even if it can't be done, it can also give my male cultivators in the Ling family a trustworthy female cultivator partner."

Ling Pengyun looked at the cute little girl, his expression slightly moved.

The probability of mortals with cultivator blood giving birth to people with spiritual roots is higher than that of ordinary mortals.

"Has your direct lineage of the Qian family produced anyone with spiritual roots?" Ling Pengyun asked the oldest mortal among the dozens of Qian family mortals.

The oldest Qian family mortal was controlled by the soul-bewitching technique. When he heard the question, he immediately spoke in detail.


"More than ten years ago, there was a child named Qian Feng in my Qian family. The head of the family arranged for our family to change their surnames to Han, so the child was forced to change his name to Han Feng. More than ten years ago, the Zhao family cultivator in charge of Hanfeng Village found that the child had three spiritual roots, and then he was taken to the Zhao family to practice."

"The reason why the direct descendants of the Qian family can eat meat every day in Hanfeng Village is also due to the child with spiritual roots."

Ling Pengyun heard this, his eyes moved slightly, and he muttered to himself.

"It seems that the old Taoist Qian Yuan did not leave any spiritual objects for these descendants to practice or test spiritual roots, otherwise the descendant of the Qian family with spiritual roots would not go to the enemy to practice."

"But it is true, if these mortals have spiritual objects, how can they escape the search of the local Zhao family cultivators, I am afraid that the true identities of these people will also be found out."

Thinking for a while, Ling Pengyun's eyes flashed a little light.

"The three spiritual roots of Han Feng, who joined the Zhao family, are not weak, and he has the opportunity to build a foundation."

"Although the ancestor of the Zhao family at that time was a pseudo-dan realm, his life span did not increase. He only had a life span of 200 years, just like the foundation building."

"Several decades ago, when the Zhao family lost that ancestor."

"The Zhao family is a toothless tiger. Perhaps Han Feng has some chances to destroy the Zhao family..."

"We can try a chess game that lasts for decades."

As for whether Han Feng will be discovered and have the blood of the Qian family, Ling Pengyun did not worry too much.

This area was originally the territory of the Qian family. Most of the mortals are mortals of the Qian family. It is completely normal for Han Feng to have the blood of the Qian family.

At most, Han Feng is not valued in the Zhao family.

Afterwards, Ling Pengyun also relied on the soul-bewitching technique to keep the little girl with spiritual roots and her parents alone, and the rest were dismissed.

When there were no outsiders, Ling Pengyun also waved his hand to wake up the little girl and her parents.

"You two are the direct descendants of the Qian family of Guiling Island, right? I am entrusted by your Qian family's head, Qian Qiuyuan, to help those of you Qian family's descendants with spiritual roots to ascend to the immortal path."

"Your daughter has spiritual roots. If you are willing to let her go with me, I can give her a chance."

Ling Pengyun waved his hand and took out the Qian family token left by Qian Yuan, handed it to the girl's parents, and said.

Qian Qiuyuan is the real name of "Qianyuan Lao Tao".

When the girl's parents heard that Ling Pengyun was entrusted by Qian Qiuyuan of the Qian family, and there was a family token as proof, their faces lit up with joy. Obviously, they also knew the true situation of the Qian family.

Naturally, they were unwilling to let their daughter join the Zhao family.

If a man with a different surname and a spiritual root enters the Zhao family, as long as his identity is not discovered, that's fine.

But if a woman with a surname with spiritual roots enters the Zhao family, she will definitely become the wife of the Zhao family in the future.

Naturally, the girl's parents would not want to give birth to a child for their enemy.

Immediately, the two people agreed to give birth to their daughter and go to practice with Ling Pengyun, a monk who was known to use monk skills.

As for Qian Fei, she saw Ling Pengyun's ability to take out the patriarch's token from the storage bag. In addition, she already had a brother who entered the immortal path, and she also heard about the power of some monks from that brother.

She also suddenly looked forward to becoming a monk and mastering the ability to fly to the sky and escape from the earth.

"Immortal Chief, I wonder where the leader of our clan is now?" The girl's father hesitated for a few breaths before speaking.

"Fellow Taoist Qian Qiuyuan has passed away, otherwise it would not be me but him who came here today." Ling Pengyun informed.

When the girl's parents heard this, their faces darkened, they lowered their heads and became silent.

"Early tomorrow morning, I will take your daughter and leave directly. The place I am going to is countless miles away. If your daughter succeeds in cultivating Taoism, I will let her return here to visit you two."

"Tonight, you all have a good gathering."

"In addition, I am entrusted by fellow Taoist Qian Qiuyuan. You'd better not spread the word, otherwise your lives will be in danger."

After Ling Pengyun said these words, he turned into a breeze and disappeared into the cold wind village, and found a barren mountain to sit quietly.

As for the family of three who were still on the wide flat land in Hanfeng Village, the atmosphere became heavy.

The distance of countless thousands of miles is not short, and it is beyond their imagination.

Perhaps today, it is very likely that the three of them will be together for the last time.

After a long while, the family of three finally recovered and returned home.

In a quiet room at home.

The bookish father with bright eyes said to the little girl.

"Fei'er, since you are about to embark on the path to immortality, it's time to tell you something."

"Actually, our family, as well as the rest of your relatives, are not named Han, but Qian. Logically, you should be named Qian Fei."

"And our Qian family has a great origin. Decades ago, the Qian family was one of the five original foundation-building families on Guiling Island. My father, your grandfather, was a major foundation-building cultivator of our Qian family. ”

"But a few decades ago, the Zhao family on Guiling Island where we live saw that my Qian family suffered heavy losses in resisting the sea monsters that rushed into Guiling Island, so they secretly attacked our family."

"Your grandfather lost his life at the hands of the Zhao family. If you follow that immortal leader on the path to immortality and become successful, you will definitely avenge the blood stains of my Qian clan."

"If you don't have any achievements, don't go back to Turtle Island again, lest you lose your life."

"Qian Fei", who was only seven or eight years old, was greatly surprised when she heard these things that she had never heard of before.

She then looked at her mother, and when her mother nodded to confirm that it was indeed the case, she was convinced.

Since she didn't have a grandfather since she was a child, and she wasn't cared for by her family, she didn't pay much attention to avenging her grandfather and her family.

Coupled with my young age, the surprise in my heart soon dissipated, leaving only the sadness of parting with my parents.

"Mom, I want to eat the food you cooked." Qian Fei said with a slightly choked voice.

"Okay, you can eat whatever you want, but is there anything else you want to eat?" Mrs. Qian looked at the look of her precious daughter Qian Fei, feeling distressed.

"I also want to eat the sweetmeats sold by Aunt Niu's house, and those from Uncle Ma's house..." Qian Fei was still a child after all. After hearing what her mother said, she immediately said everything she wanted to eat.

Mother Qian also agreed to all the requests made by her daughter who was about to leave.

She immediately took Qian's father to buy it at night.

That night, the three members of the family did not sleep, but sat together and chatted about something.

The next day, early morning.

Ling Pengyun entered Hanfeng Village as promised and knocked on the door of Qian Fei's house.

The Qian Fei family, who had not slept all night, also opened the door.

"Immortal." Qian's father and Qian's mother bowed their hands to Ling Pengyun.

Qian Fei, who was seven or eight years old, also called Ling Pengyun "Master" very politely under the guidance of his parents.

This was the first time that Ling Pengyun was called master. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he touched Qian Fei's head and said kindly.

"Say goodbye to your parents."

Qian Fei nodded lightly, and immediately knelt down in front of Qian's father and Qian's mother, looking solemn.

"Father, mother, after my daughter leaves, she will definitely practice hard and achieve success as soon as possible. She will return to the island to visit you two."

"Good boy." Qian Fei's parents helped Qian Fei up and said distressedly.

Ling Pengyun waved his hand and took out several pieces of gold and a storage bag and handed them to Qian's father and Qian's mother.

"You keep the gold for your own use, and the bag is for your Qian family, Han Feng, who has entered the Zhao family to practice."

Then, he took Xiao Qian Fei and turned into a shadow and left the place.

Qian Fei's parents looked at the direction where the shadow left, and they were stunned for a long time.

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