Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 403 Changes in Relatives Yan Cang's Tomb (3000 words, please subscribe)

After a few breaths, the group met in the sky.


"Dad, Mom."

"Xiaoxia, Cheng Ping, Uncle Xiaoyan."

Ling Pengyun looked at the people in front of him, and his eyes first looked at his Taoist partner "Yan Siyi", and called out to her, and then greeted the rest of his relatives.

But looking around at everyone, he still couldn't see the figure of his grandfather Yan Cang.

There was no trace of Yan Cang in Luoxia Mountain.

Only under the green banyan tree in the mountain, in front of a grave, there was a tombstone engraved with "Yan Cang", leaving traces of Yan Cang.

Seeing this scene, Ling Pengyun couldn't help feeling a little sad.

Although Yan Cang was not his real grandfather, he had been dealing with Yan Cang for a longer time than with his Taoist partner Yan Siyi.

It can be said that Yan Cang is his grandfather and his best friend.

The two have established a very deep relationship.

"Congratulations to my husband for achieving the Golden Elixir Road." Yan Siyi's face was full of smiles, and she congratulated Ling Pengyun.

The rest of the people also congratulated him.

Seeing that everyone was congratulating him, Ling Pengyun didn't want to interrupt the atmosphere, so he could only suppress the sadness in his heart temporarily.

Then, a smile appeared on his face.

He fixed his eyes on the face of his Taoist partner Yan Siyi, which was full of bright smiles, and a soft color appeared on his face, and he said softly.

"It's been six years since we last met, Madam, you are still as good as when we first met."

Then, Ling Pengyun also looked at the rest of his relatives.

His parents Ling Xiaoshun and Yang Qiuyun, six years later, Ling Xiaoshun and Yang Qiuyun, who are already over 100 years old, have taken many things to increase their lifespan, and have increased their lifespan by 20 or 30 years, but some white hair still grows at the temples.

There are also wrinkles on their faces.

The erosion of time has already shown on them.

Ling Chengxia, who has a very good talent and has practiced a water and fire cultivation method, has a very fast cultivation speed. Six years have passed.

He has cultivated from the second level of Qi training to the peak of the fifth level of Qi training. In a short time, he will be able to break through to the sixth level of Qi training.

At the same time, he has grown from an eight-year-old child to a six-foot tall and elegant young man.

"This child has not been lazy in practicing for nearly six years." Ling Pengyun muttered to himself and then moved his eyes again.

Ling Chengping, who was still a little girl in her teens six years ago, has now grown into a big girl.

She is now only half a head shorter than Ling Chengxia, and has a tall figure. She can also be regarded as a beauty.

In addition, her cultivation has also broken through from the eighth level of Qi training to the ninth level of Qi training, and now she is tempering her spiritual power to reach the perfection of Qi training.

Ling Xiaoyan, who was a little chubby, has changed a lot in appearance in the past six years. His big belly is gone, and he has become a handsome young man.

His cultivation has also been improved from the middle stage of Qi training to the seventh level of Qi training.

Obviously, in the past six years, Ling Xiaoyan has eaten a lot of high-level spiritual food cooked by Yan Siyi to improve his cultivation.

Otherwise, with Ling Xiaoyan's three spiritual roots, it would be impossible for him to achieve such an achievement in his twenties.

Seeing that his relatives have all changed, Ling Pengyun also felt a little melancholy.

After coming to his senses, Ling Pengyun also took out all the spiritual objects prepared for his relatives and handed them to everyone one by one.

"Madam, this is a ten-jin piece of explosive iron. You can integrate it into your life magic weapon, the Mandarin Duck Fire Cloud Pot. In this way, your life magic weapon also has the potential to be upgraded to a magic weapon cone or even a third-level magic weapon."

"And this storage spirit bead string, which is filled with the flesh and blood of foundation-building monsters, weighing tens of thousands of kilograms."

"With these monster meats, I think it will be enough to help your spirit kitchen from the second-level middle grade to the second-level upper grade."

"This is for my parents, a total of six longevity spirit shells that can increase lifespan, each of which can increase lifespan by six years. Each person can take up to three, which can increase lifespan by eighteen years."

"Xiao Xia, I have brought back the high-level water and fire cultivation method that your father promised to find for you. You must practice well in the future. "

"Cheng Ping, this is a rare thunder spirit turtle egg. Its parents are both in the foundation building stage. Although this turtle has not hatched yet, I am very sensitive to vitality. This turtle has a very strong vitality. I think its potential will not be weaker than the thunder rabbit I gave you. You like spirit beasts, so I give this to you."

"Uncle Xiaoyan, this storage string contains the flesh and blood of Qi training monsters, which is also tens of thousands of pounds, which can help you cook spirit food."

The explosive flame iron was obtained by killing the fake pill realm old demon, and the Shoulingbei was purchased by Ling Pengyun in Muyuan Market.

The thunder spirit turtle egg, as well as tens of thousands of pounds of foundation building monster flesh and blood, Qi training monster flesh and blood, are all monsters that Ling Pengyun killed on the way from Longlin Sea to Muyuan Market.

He had prepared three longevity spirit shells for Yan Cang, but since Yan Cang was dead, he did not take them out.

The relatives were already delighted that Ling Pengyun had entered the Golden Elixir Realm, and now that they saw Ling Pengyun bringing gifts back, their faces were even happier.

Everyone liked the gifts Ling Pengyun gave them, as they were what they were looking for and the most suitable for them.

From this, it was not difficult for everyone to guess that Ling Pengyun had put a lot of thought into finding the gifts.

Especially Yan Siyi, who had not seen her husband for six years, was somewhat happy to see that Ling Pengyun had only given her two different spiritual objects.

Her tender eyes looking at Ling Pengyun were also full of affection.

Seeing this, Ling Pengyun stepped forward in the air and took Yan Siyi's soft and boneless little hands to show his concern.

At this time, the young man Ling Chengxia suppressed the urge to look through the "Yin Yang Hua Xuan Jing" in his hand, and quickly took out several glass bottles filled with fruit flower honey from the storage bag and handed them to Ling Pengyun.

"Thank you, Dad. This is the fruit flower honey I saved. Come and try it."

Ling Pengyun glanced at the fruit flower honey and saw that there were dozens of kilograms of fruit flower honey, and a smile appeared on his face.

His only son was as greedy as he was, and the fruit flower honey tasted great, so it was naturally Ling Chengxia's favorite food.

It was not easy for Ling Chengxia to save so much fruit flower honey in just six years.

"Xiaoxia, you are thoughtful." After Ling Pengyun reached out to take it, he touched Ling Chengxia's head and praised him.

Seeing that his father liked it, Ling Chengxia smiled again.

Then, he looked at the seven or eight-year-old girl who looked like a doll next to Ling Pengyun.

He could feel that the girl did not have the blood of the Ling family, was not a member of the Ling family, and had not yet practiced.

For a moment, he was a little curious, so he asked Ling Pengyun.

"Dad, who is this?"

Ling Pengyun introduced. "This child's name is Qian Fei, and she is my disciple. She is considered your junior sister."

Hearing this, Ling Chengxia became more curious and kept looking at the little Qian Fei.

His father has entered the Jindan realm. The disciple who can be favored by the Jindan realm must be extraordinary.

The others on the side also thought so.

Little Qian Fei was stared at by everyone, a little shy, and her cheeks blushed slightly.

However, she was still very polite and greeted everyone.

"Hello, elders, I am Qian Fei."

Everyone was also quite satisfied with the attitude of little Qian Fei.

Ling Chengxia, who was about the same age as little Qian Fei, asked "little Qian Fei" curiously.

"Junior Sister Qian, what are your spiritual roots?"

"I have three spiritual roots, wood, water, and earth." Qian Fei answered honestly.

Ling Chengxia was a little confused as to why his father Ling Pengyun wanted to accept this person as his apprentice.

Although three spiritual roots are good, the Ling family is not without them, and they are not special.

He looked at Ling Pengyun with doubt.

The rest of the relatives were the same.

Ling Pengyun also noticed the curiosity of the relatives and explained briefly.

"I have an old relationship with this little girl's elders. Her elders are now dead, so I accepted her as my apprentice."

After hearing this, everyone withdrew their curiosity.

Then they also greeted little Qian Fei enthusiastically and chatted with Ling Pengyun.

After reminiscing about the past for a long time in the sky, the group returned to Luoxia Mountain.

Ling Pengyun also followed and paid tribute to Yan Cang's grave in Luoxia Mountain.

After asking everyone, they learned that Yan Cang had died three years ago due to exhaustion of his lifespan.

When talking about Yan Cang's death, Yan Siyi, the granddaughter, was also very sad.

Ling Pengyun comforted her for a long time, and Yan Siyi finally calmed down.

Because it was noon now, Ling Pengyun had entered the Jindan realm again, which was worth celebrating. Yan Siyi, a veteran second-level middle-grade spiritual chef, also cooked a large table of spiritual food with the blood and flesh of the foundation-building monsters sent by Ling Pengyun.

Everyone sat at the table together, and it was also a reunion dinner together.

At the reunion dinner, everyone talked a lot.

However, what the relatives were most curious about was where Ling Pengyun had been in the past six years and how he had broken through the Jindan.

For these two inquiries, Ling Pengyun only explained that he had left the Beihuang Xiuxian world for six years and went to the boundless sea. He was lucky to find a Jindan spiritual object and broke through the Jindan.

The matter of Canglan Bihai Sect was not revealed.

When Ling Pengyun left the sect, his master, Bishui Zhenren, who had reached the ninth level of the Golden Core, had already set up a restriction in his sea of ​​consciousness.

Once he told the story about the Canglan Bihai Sect, the restriction in his sea of ​​consciousness would break it.

Of course, this restriction only had this effect.

It was difficult for Bishui Zhenren to get through this restriction and attack Ling Pengyun directly.

After all, Ling Pengyun was not stupid and would not entrust his life to others in vain.

Therefore, when Bishui Zhenren set up this restriction, he also set up a small restriction inside the restriction.

This restriction was not very restrictive for Ling Pengyun, but only served to keep the Canglan Bihai Sect secret.

All the relatives also understood that Ling Pengyun did not want to talk more about breaking through the Golden Core, so they did not ask too much.

"By the way, Pengyun, how is the clan leader?" The old father Ling Xiaoshun looked at Ling Pengyun with expectation and asked.

"The clan leader has not yet tried to break through the golden elixir, but he already has a golden elixir spiritual object in his hand. He is now in a secluded place trying to break through the golden elixir realm. It is estimated that within three to five years, the result of whether the clan leader can break through the golden elixir will be known, and he will return to the family."

"I returned to the family in advance because I was entrusted by the clan leader to return to the family first to take care of the family."

Ling Pengyun explained.

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