Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 405 The current situation of the family (3000 words, please subscribe)

"I didn't expect that such a small choice would cause such a big disaster."

Ling Pengyun's heart was filled with regret.

For a moment, he was afraid to face Ling Pengxing.

But the already dying Ling Pengxing, who was standing on the top of Lingxiao Mountain and wielding the wooden sword in his hand, relied on his keen senses to detect Ling Pengyun several miles away.

Although he was a mortal, it was difficult to see Ling Pengyun clearly from a distance of several miles, and there was only a black dot in front of him.

But he could feel that the black spot was very familiar.

He also stopped moving and slowly put down the wooden sword in his hand.

Suddenly he thought of something, looked happy, and shouted loudly at the black spot several miles away.

"Eighth brother, is that you?"

Ling Pengyun, who was miles away, trembled when he heard the call.

After a long time, Ling Pengyun finally stabilized his mind, turned into a stream of blue light, and quickly rushed towards Lingxiao Mountain.

When Ling Pengxing, who was on the top of Lingxiao Mountain, saw this scene, his face suddenly became bright with joy.

"Flowing Light Escape Technique."

"The realm of golden elixir!"

"Eighth brother has entered the golden elixir."

"My Ling family is about to be prosperous!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Ling Pengxing, who was already an old man, seemed a little younger. His rickety back even straightened a little, and he laughed and said to himself.

After a few breaths.

When Ling Peng Yun landed on the top of Ling Xiao Mountain, Ling Peng Xing immediately went up to greet him.

"Congratulations, eighth brother, for entering the realm of golden elixir."

"Eighth brother, you said that with you, our family can be regarded as a powerful Jindan family."

"In the future, our Jindan forces in the Yan Kingdom will become the Five Sects and One Clan."


Ling Pengxing, who had lost his foundation, laughed excitedly when he saw Ling Pengyun.

"Third brother...I heard about the family affairs from my father." Ling Pengyun saw this scene, but didn't know how to talk to him.

If Ling Pengxing's foundation is not lacking, Ling Pengxing may also have hope of exploring the golden elixir.

Ling Pengxing also saw Ling Pengyun's thoughts, and the smile on his face gradually faded away, with a look of self-blame.

"Eighth brother, it is absolutely right for me to become what I am now. If my cultivation had been stronger at that time, I would not have fallen into this situation."

"If I could have entered the realm of monster beasts more times in my early years, killed monster beasts to earn more spirit stones, and purchased training resources, maybe everything would not be like this today."

"Five years ago, the dozens of Qi Practitioners who were stationed with me at the Ling Family would not all have died because they continuously cast desperate spells and burned their longevity."

"When the Third Grandfather gave me the responsibility of taking charge of the family, I didn't do it well."

At the end of the sentence, Ling Pengxing, a man with a strong personality, actually had tears in his eyes.

Five years ago, as the temporary head of the family, he was supposed to resist everything in the family, but due to his strength, he could not protect his people from the wind and rain.

As a result, when the Poisonous Blood Demon Sect attacked the mountain gate five years ago, the dozens of people from the Qi-training period who continued to use desperate methods ran out of life and died one after another in front of their eyes.

Ling Pengyun and Ling Pengxing both blamed themselves because they considered the Ling family their home.

"Third brother, you don't need to be like this. You have done a good enough job. The family was able to survive that little devil's chaos because of you."

"Family feud, I will definitely bring back the Poisonous Blood Demon Sect."

Ling Pengyun said in a deep voice.

Ling Pengxing felt better after hearing Ling Pengyun's approval.

However, the fact that dozens of clan members died one after another has become a knot in his heart.

He sighed helplessly and thought no more.

Then, he looked around the sky and saw that Ling Yunhong, who left with Ling Pengyun six years ago, had not returned to his clan. He suddenly asked in confusion.

"By the way, eighth brother, why didn't the Third Grandfather come back?"

"Third Grandfather, he is still looking for opportunities for golden elixir in the world of immortal cultivation in the boundless sea. He will return to his clan in three to five years." Ling Pengyun said simply.

Ling Pengxing had the life card of the clan leader Ling Yunhong and knew that nothing happened to Ling Yunhong. In addition, Ling Pengyun didn't want to talk more about the matter, so he didn't ask any more questions.

Then, he spoke solemnly. "Eighth brother, since you have returned to the clan, my responsibility of protecting the clan will be handed over to you."

Ling Pengyun nodded lightly and answered the matter.

Then, the two of them went to find Ling Penglin, Ling Pengshan, and Ling Pengqiu, who were also old men in the mountains due to burning too much longevity energy.

Ling Penglin, Ling Pengshan, and Ling Pengqiu are in better condition than Ling Pengxing.

The three of them have spent too much lifespan, but their cultivation is still there. However, due to their old bodies, their cultivation and strength can only be about 70% of what they were when they were completely victorious.

If they fight hard, they can also unleash the power of complete victory, but this will shake their foundation and cause them to lose their longevity faster.

It is worth mentioning that none of the three people have given up on their journey of cultivation. Six years have passed, and array master Ling Penglin has moved from the third level of foundation building to the fourth level of foundation building.

Ling Pengshan, who had average qualifications and a stable temperament, also broke through from the fourth level of foundation building to the fifth level.

The fire magic cultivation genius Ling Pengqiu also broke through from the sixth level of foundation building to the seventh level of foundation building.

They also gained more than ten years of life due to the feedback brought about by their breakthrough in cultivation.

This matter made Ling Pengyun look at him differently.

Especially Ling Pengqiu's cultivation speed has slowed down, but he is still not weak. In the last ten years of his life, he still has a lot to do.

At the same time, this also gave Ling Pengyun an idea.

If he could use the primordial energy of Yin and Yang to enhance Ling Pengqiu's cultivation speed.

He found many things that can increase his life span to buy him some time, and things that can increase his blood and qi to make up for Ling Pengqiu's broken body.

Perhaps, he can help Ling Pengqiu, who has little life left, to break through to the perfect foundation.

Even if he can successfully improve the "Holy Demon Renewal Technique" recorded in the Holy Demon Art, so that the righteous cultivators can also use this superior secret method that can increase the number of years for the cultivators to break through, Ling Pengqiu will also have the opportunity to try to break through the golden elixir.

However, this risk is a bit high. If Ling Pengqiu is in good health, passing on the yin and yang primordial qi to him is also in Ling Pengyun's plan.

But Ling Pengqiu is now an old body, and things that increase his life span and things that increase his blood and qi are all expensive.

If Ling Pengqiu is not competitive and it is difficult for him to break through to the golden elixir realm, Ling Pengqiu, who already has a short life span, will die soon due to the exhaustion of his life span, and all the investment will be in vain.

Ling Pengyun was thinking a lot, so he suppressed this idea first and waited to see how Ling Pengqiu performed.

After all, the last time he condensed the Yin-Yang Taichu Qi was seven years ago, and it would take another two years for him to condense the Yin-Yang Taichu Qi again.

As for Ling Penglin, Ling Pengshan, and Ling Pengxing, they were still far from the perfection of building a foundation, especially Ling Pengxing. Even if the Yin-Yang Taichu Qi could help him recover his foundation, he still had to start practicing from the beginning.

And his life span was not much, so it could be basically determined that he had no chance to become an immortal.

The Yin-Yang Taichu Qi was extremely precious, and it was not in abundance, so it was naturally passed on to the most suitable person.

Moreover, Ling Pengyun had a Taoist companion Yan Siyi, and his only son Ling Chengxia who had not yet passed on the Yin-Yang Taichu Qi.

If Ling Pengyun had not felt guilty towards Ling Pengqiu and the others, he would not have thought of passing on the Yin-Yang Taichu Qi that would come two years later to Ling Pengqiu.

During the time when Ling Pengyun was distracted, Ling Penglin, Ling Pengshan, and Ling Pengqiu were all very surprised and excited because Ling Pengyun could enter the Golden Core stage.

This also made the old age in them dissipate a lot, and their faces looked better.

The three of them also congratulated Ling Pengyun.

Ling Pengyun also talked about the past with Ling Penglin and others.

After half an hour, when everyone had finished talking about the past, Ling Pengyun also said.

"Tell me about the changes in the family in the past six years."

In the past six years, although it was the main family of Ling Pengxing, since the end of the battle of the Little Demon Rebellion five years ago, the management of the tedious affairs of the family was handed over to Ling Pengshan, who had no skills, a steady temperament, and a slow cultivation speed.

Ling Pengshan also took out the family account book from the storage bag and read it carefully.

"During these six years, the biggest change in the family is the number of family cultivators. In the small demon rebellion five years ago, a total of 53 family members died in the war, including 15 Yun generation, 5 Xiao generation, 3 Peng generation, 5 Cheng generation, and the youngest 17 Wan generation."

"The oldest Yun generation and the youngest Wan generation accounted for the largest number of deaths."

"The Yun generation is the older generation, all of whom returned to the tribe to live in old age. After the small demon rebellion, the only Yun generation left is Grandpa Yun Hong."

"And the 17 Wan generation members who died are still young, and they are the pillars of the family in the future. If they die, the family will be in trouble." There are more than 400,000 ordinary clan members, but at least in the past ten years, the family has not had any talented Wanzi generation clan members. "

"The family has also entered a state of lack of successors."

"However, fortunately, Cheng Xin, the alchemy seedling that the family has focused on cultivating, was at the Tianfu Chamber of Commerce headquarters in Jiaomangfang City to make pills, and escaped. Four years ago, he has successfully entered the foundation-building realm, and his alchemy has now been upgraded to the second-level lower grade, which is a good thing. "

"Over the years, I was afraid that the family would encounter an invasion of demon cultivators, so I didn't let Cheng Xin return to the family, but let him stay at the Tianfu Chamber of Commerce headquarters to make pills. "

"And at present, the family has five generations of Yun, Xiao, Peng, Cheng, and Wan. There are 211 clan members, including those in the Qi training stage... "

"Another big change is the territory of my Ling family. During the small demonic turmoil, not only did our family suffer from the invasion of those demon cults, but the Qingzhu Wang family and Yunwu Wen family, which are adjacent to our territory, were also invaded by the Poison Blood Demon Cult."

"The strength of these two clans is not as strong as ours. The Yunwu Wen family and Qingzhu Wang family monks who stayed in these two clans were all killed, and the mortals under their command also died. "

"Without the foundation-building monks, nearly half of the first-level spirit veins in the territory of Qingzhu Wang family have been rented to our family at a very low price, including the only second-level spirit vein of Qingzhu Wang family. "

"Relying on Qingzhu Wang's spiritual veins plant spiritual plants, and the family can harvest about 2,000 spiritual stones of spiritual medicine every year. "

"Yunwu Wen's family did not give up, and borrowed two second-rate foundation-building spiritual objects from the family to assist the family in building the foundation, but it was unsuccessful. "

"Because I was concerned that the family and the Yunwu Wen's family still had a kinship agreement, I did not encroach on the Wen's spiritual veins. "

"However, the Wen's family is also tactful, and they will send at least 2,000 spiritual stones worth of spiritual medicine every year, which is nearly half of the profit of the spiritual objects planted in the Wen's territory spiritual veins. "

"The rest of the family's income, as six years ago, mainly comes from planting spiritual plants, refining pills, refining tools, making talismans, raising earth-bearded silkworms, spiritual fish, and brewing spiritual wine. "

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