Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 412 Ling Pengxing travels around the world (3600 words, please subscribe)

Lingxiao Mountain, halfway up the mountain, deep in the banquet hall, on a wine table.

Liu Daozhou, the head of the Tiger Roar Liu clan who came to participate in the Golden Elixir Ceremony, had a look of envy on his face, mixed with a bit of regret.

"With two Jindan Zhenren as backers, the Pingyun Yang family is really blessed."

"In the future, the Pingyun Yang family will probably rise to prominence. In the next four or five hundred years, no one will be able to shake the position of the second largest foundation-building family in the Bailingmen territory."

"If I had not been afraid of the demon cultivators during the small demon riot six years ago, but had been like Yang Changxing of the Pingyun Yang family, saving the Ling family at the risk of my life, perhaps my Huxiao Liu family would have married the Ling family today."

"My Huxiao Liu family's future disciples will also have a source of blessing, and my Huxiao Liu family will not worry about the lack of foundation-building cultivators in the family."


Although the Huxiao Liu family now has Liu Daozhou and the family's guardian spirit beast Yanyunhu, two foundation-building combat forces, in the family.

However, the Huxiao Liu family has found two foundation-building spiritual objects for the clan members in the past few decades, but it is still difficult to train a foundation-building cultivator.

This matter also became a matter of annoyance for Liu Daozhou, the head of the Tiger Roar Liu Clan. Perhaps in the near future, the Liu Clan will have no foundation-building cultivators to take over, and eventually disappear from this world of immortal cultivation.

It is precisely because the Tiger Roar Liu Clan has no young foundation-building successors that Liu Daozhou, the head of the Liu Clan, knew that the Ling Clan had encountered a small demon chaos six years ago, but was afraid of his own death, and there was no foundation-building cultivator in the clan, which led to the thieves' attention, and thus missed this opportunity today.

As time reached noon, the hundreds of wine tables on the hillside of Lingxiao Mountain were full again, and the wedding banquet of this Golden Elixir Ceremony officially began.

One by one, the female cultivators of the Ling Clan, who served as maids, continuously brought plates of spiritual food from the back kitchen to those wine tables.

These spiritual foods were cooked by the spiritual chefs that Ling Pengyun borrowed from his cousin Yang Siling when he went to Jiaomang Lake three months ago.

After a while, the hundreds of wine tables at the wedding banquet were filled with spiritual food, the more delicious first-grade lower-grade "spiritual mulberries", and a small jar of spiritual wine made from spiritual mulberries on each table.

Outside the Bailingmen territory, the cultivators who came to participate in the Jindan Grand Ceremony were a little surprised to see the Ling family's wedding banquet of such a scale.

This scale of wedding banquet is not much inferior to the banquets held by those Jindan sects.

At the same time, the scale of this wedding banquet is also a symbol of heritage.

However, the cultivators in the Bailingmen territory who have eaten the wedding banquets of the Ling family's foundation-building cultivators who have formed Taoist couples several times are accustomed to this.

It is precisely for these spiritual foods that appeared at the Jindan Grand Ceremony wedding banquet that they traveled a long distance from the Bailingmen territory.

Because these cultivators knew the details, after the dishes were served, they wolfed down the spiritual food on the wine table one by one, as if they were afraid that others would snatch it.

Seeing this, the cultivators from the outside world did not want to suffer any loss, so they also quickly picked up the dishes and put them into the bowl.

Under such circumstances, the wedding banquet at noon ended quickly.

Thousands of guests also left Lingxiao Mountain.

However, they did not go far, but found a good place outside Lingxiao Mountain, set up camp, and waited for the evening banquet to begin.

When the Golden Elixir Ceremony Banquet started just now, the people of the Ling family said that this banquet would last for three days, and there would be banquets at noon and in the evening.

The night of the first day of the Golden Elixir Ceremony Banquet.

In the meeting hall on the top of Lingxiao Mountain.

Ling Pengyun, Ling Pengshan, Ling Pengxing, Ling Penglin, Ling Pengqiu, Ling Pengliang, Ling Chengqiu, seven core cultivators of the family who were above the foundation-building stage, all gathered here.

Because Ling Pengliang himself was a second-level spiritual plant husband, he and his Taoist partner Wen Nianling stayed in the Rock Scale Snake Cave all year round and rarely returned to the clan.

Ling Chengqiu has been stationed at the Tianfu Chamber of Commerce headquarters in Jiaomangfang City for many years, refining elixirs for the headquarters to maximize profits.

The two returned to the clan this time to participate in Ling Pengyun's Golden Elixir Ceremony.

As for Ling Pengliang's foundation-building Taoist partner Wen Nianling, he was still stationed at the Yanlin Snake Cave to prevent any scoundrels from causing trouble.

"Now that everyone is here, it's time to start calculating the number of gifts received for today's ceremony."

Ling Pengyun raised a smile on his face and said to Ling Pengshan, the temporary master.

Ling Pengshan nodded, took out several storage bags from his arms, and tilted out thousands of spiritual objects and a gift list from them.

As Ling Pengshan read out the gift givers and the spiritual objects given, the others on the side would read out the prices of those spiritual objects according to the market price.

Finally, after everyone counted.

The value of the one or two thousand spiritual objects collected by the Ling family at this Golden Elixir Ceremony was as high as more than 40,000 spiritual stones.

Even if we ignore the many cooking expenses of the Ling family for the Golden Elixir Ceremony; the spiritual food such as monster meat, spiritual mulberry fruit, spiritual mulberry wine and other spiritual objects worth 10,000 spiritual stones, the Ling family can earn at least 30,000 spiritual stones this time.

This made everyone very happy. More than 30,000 spiritual stones are not a small number. Even if the Ling family wants to save this amount of spiritual stones, it will take about two years.

Everyone was happy for a while, and Ling Pengyun also said.

"The gifts we received this time were all given by visitors. It would be bad to sell them. If the people who gave the gifts saw us, they would probably curse us behind our backs."

"I see that among this batch of spiritual objects, except for those sent by the five major sects of Yan State, the rest are some common spiritual objects, either elixirs or spiritual fruits, which can be used by the members of our clan."

"This batch of spiritual objects, except for the gifts sent by the five major golden elixir sects of Yan State, the rest will be placed in the clan treasury of the family, and they can be recorded in my account according to the same proportion of contribution points."

"In the future, if I need to use the spiritual stones of the clan, you can deduct them from the contribution points in my account."

"This way, the clan's capital chain will not be broken."

Ling Pengshan and others naturally agreed with this proposal.

Just when everyone had discussed this matter and were about to leave, a communication talisman suddenly flew in from the door of the meeting hall and landed in front of Ling Pengshan, the host.

Ling Pengshan curiously opened the communication talisman and looked at it, and his expression changed slightly.

Then he said to Ling Pengyun.

"My dear brother, Liu Nian, the disciple of Wanshou Zhenren sent by Wanshou Sect for your Jindan Ceremony, wants to see you."

Ling Pengyun raised his eyebrows, considering that the gift Liu Nian sent before the Bairi Jindan Ceremony was worth 5,000 spiritual stones.

He also agreed to meet Liu Nian.

Ling Pengshan saw Ling Pengyun's statement and quickly went to make arrangements.

Not half a while later.

Ling Pengshan brought "Liu Nian" to the top of Lingxiao Mountain.

Ling Pengyun had been waiting there for a long time.

"Senior Ling!"

Liu Nian bowed to Ling Pengyun with respect when he saw him.

Ling Pengshan stepped aside tactfully.

"Just say what you want to say, no need to beat around the bush." ​​Ling Pengyun said indifferently.

"Then I'll make it short. This time I came here to ask you to help my Wanshou Sect resist the monsters that invaded my territory."

"If you agree, my sect is willing to give you 30,000 kilograms of first-grade inferior water spirit iron." Liu Nian's expression changed slightly, and he put away his polite words and spoke in detail.

"I heard about the alliance between the Poison Blood Demon Sect and the Purple Scorpion Mountain, a gathering place for monsters next to your sect. The Poison Blood Demon Sect has the Jindan ancestor, and the Purple Scorpion Mountain monsters have a scorpion monster in the middle Jindan stage and a scorpion monster in the early Jindan stage. In this way, your sect will have to face three Jindan warriors."

"I have just entered the Jindan stage, and it is quite dangerous to participate in such a battle."

"Besides, I am not strong. Even if I join, it is difficult to help your sect resolve this difficulty."

"I can't help you with this matter anymore."

Although Ling Pengyun was tempted by the 30,000 jin first-grade low-grade water spirit iron, 30,000 jin of water spirit iron is only worth 60,000 spirit stones.

He didn't want to go to such a dangerous place for these 60,000 spirit stones.

Because this "Liu Nian" is the direct disciple of Wanshou Zhenren, the master of Wanshou Sect, Ling Pengyun's tone was also quite polite when he refused.

Liu Nian frowned when he heard this.

However, if he had just entered the Jindan stage and had a long life span, he would certainly not agree to such a dangerous thing.

After a helpless sigh, Liu Nian did not say much, but bowed and left, following Ling Pengshan to leave the top of Lingxiao Mountain.

Ling Pengyun looked at the figure of Liu Nian leaving and muttered to himself.

"Judging from the fact that this person's aura is several times stronger than that of a cultivator who has completed the foundation building, I'm afraid that this person has solidified the spiritual power in his dantian by about 70%."

"Pseudo-dan realm?"

"It seems that this person has tried to break through the Jindan once, but failed."

"However, according to the degree of solidification of the spiritual power in his dantian, if this person tries to break through the Jindan again in the future, I'm afraid that he will have a success rate of about 10% to 20% by himself."


The third day of the Jindan Ceremony.

That night, all the guests who came to attend the ceremony dispersed after the dinner.

Those members of the Ling family who had other things to do and returned to the family temporarily to congratulate Ling Pengyun also left the family overnight and returned to their own garrisons to avoid chaos.

The bustling Lingxiao Mountain also returned to its peaceful state.

The top of Lingxiao Mountain.

Ling Pengyun, Ling Pengxing, Ling Penglin, Ling Pengshan, and Ling Pengqiu, five peers, all stood here and looked into the distance, without speaking for a long time.

It was not until a cold night wind blew that Ling Pengyun broke the peace.

He turned his head and looked at Ling Pengxing beside him, with a little worry in his eyes.

"Third brother, can the rumor about the trip really not be changed?"

As soon as these words came out, Ling Penglin, Ling Pengshan, and Ling Pengqiu also looked at Ling Pengxing.

Ling Pengxing, who was already in his twilight years, heard this, and a firm look appeared on his face full of traces of time.

He looked at the bright full moon in the sky and said in a deep voice.

"Five years ago, when I fought against Xiao Mo Luan, I created the Star Gold Sword Art. Now, I only have the Huiyue move."

"This move can only be used at night to maximize its power. On weekdays, its power is not strong and too limited."

"Being in the family, it is difficult for me to make progress in the sword art."

"If my life span is exhausted... I can complete the Star Sword Art, which is not in vain."

Ling Pengyun can understand Ling Pengxing's feelings.

At the beginning, as a spiritual plant husband, he regarded improving a kind of spiritual rice as his lifelong wish.

And the long-cherished wish of a sword cultivator is to be able to master swordsmanship and create a sword art of his own.

What's more, Ling Pengxing's life span is not much now.

Under such circumstances, if Ling Pengyun deliberately stopped it, it would be tantamount to letting Ling Pengxing die with regret.

Thinking back, Ling Pengyun did not persuade him anymore.

He waved his hand and took out a dozen spiritual objects from his storage bag and handed them to Ling Pengxing.

"Since you insist on doing this, I will not persuade you any more. Take these ten protective magic tools and these three second-level low-grade life shells. The three life shells can increase your lifespan by nine years."

"I hope that these extra... nine years can help you go further in the sword art."

Ling Pengxing saw that the things Ling Pengyun handed over were all of extraordinary quality.

The value of more than a dozen spiritual objects added up to tens of thousands was enough to reach tens of thousands, and his heart suddenly warmed up.

He was just an ordinary person, and it was indeed dangerous to go out for training.

In addition, what he lacked most now was life span.

He did not refuse the ten protective magic tools and the three life shells, and took them.

"Thank you, eighth brother."

"If I can really complete the sword art, I will return to the clan one day."

"And if I can't..., maybe I won't have this life..."

"Eighth brother, tenth sister, twenty-third brother, twenty-seventh brother,... take care!"

Ling Pengxing bowed to Ling Pengyun, Ling Penglin and others, and then slowly stepped along a small path in the mountain and walked down the mountain.

Ling Pengyun looked at Ling Pengxing's hunched figure going away, and his body trembled.

Perhaps today was the last time he and Ling Pengxing would see each other.

In his mind, he could not help but recall the past when he and his brother Ling Pengxing fought against monsters together.

After a long time, he came to his senses, and Ling Pengxing's figure was already several miles away in the north.

"Third brother, take care!"

Ling Pengyun muttered to himself.

This sentence might be a response to Ling Pengxing's words just now, or it might be a blessing for Ling Pengxing to have a smooth journey.

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