Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 414 Peng Qiu encounters a strange event while collecting the elixir recipe (3000 words, plea

The other side.

In the desolate area that stretches for millions of miles outside the Jiao Python Lake and between the Golden Horn Grassland, there is an extremely hidden cave in a desolate valley.

After a while, a young monk who was a little thin and at the ninth level of Qi training walked out of the cave with excitement on his face.

He quickly ran out of the boundless swamp and entered Jiaomanfang City, the largest city nearby.

This person wandered around Fangshi for nearly half a day, asking about the more famous shops in Fangshi.

Check which store is more honest and fair.

After several verifications, he finally stood outside the gate of "Tianfu Jubao Pavilion", the headquarters of Tianfu Chamber of Commerce, which is "one of the two major chambers of commerce" in Bailing Gate and has a weak foundation.

After hesitating for a while, he took steps and stepped into it.

There are a lot of people in the Jubao Pavilion here.

After waiting for a while, a maid from the store came up to her and asked softly.

"Senior, I wonder what you need?"

The young monk at the ninth level of Qi training suppressed his voice and answered to the maid. "I wonder if your store can collect elixirs?"

When the maid heard this, her eyes lit up, and she quickly welcomed the young monk at the ninth level of Qi training into a quiet room in Jubao Pavilion and asked him to wait here for a while.

Afterwards, the maid informed the two shopkeepers of the matter, then entered the backyard of the store and knocked on the door of a quiet room in the backyard.

Not long after, the door was opened.

Ling Chengxin, a second-level low-grade alchemist from the Jubao Pavilion at the headquarters of the chamber of commerce, walked out carrying waves of alchemy incense.

Ling Chengxin is also in his fifties, but because his cultivation has broken through to the realm of foundation building, his body is nourished by spiritual power.

As a result, he still looks like a young man, his skin is fairer, and he looks like a fair-faced scholar.

"Wan Ning, why are you looking for me, girl?"

The maid is the youngest member of the Wanzi generation among the four generations of the Ling family: "Xiao, Peng, Cheng, and Wan". She ranks eighth in the Wanzi generation, is twenty-three years old, and has five spiritual roots.

Because her qualifications were so poor, when she turned eighteen, she went out to the clan mountain to earn spiritual stones by working for her family.

Now, she works as a maid in Jubao Pavilion, the headquarters of Tianfu Chamber of Commerce.

"Uncle Thirteen, someone came to the store to sell a first-level alchemy book. I'm afraid it's fake, and you are the only second-level alchemist in the store, so I wanted to invite you to come out and take a look."

Ling Wanning, who served as the maid, said with excitement.

With the current size of Tianfu Chamber of Commerce, it is enough to have a second-level alchemist at the headquarters in normal times.

During the Chamber of Commerce's five-year auction, the three forces that started the Tianfu Chamber of Commerce, the Ling family, the Yang family, and the Lingfu ancestors will jointly come up with spiritual objects.

"Alchemy spectrum? It's quite rare. You might as well wait for me to take a look."

Ling Chengxin's expression changed slightly.

Alchemy is not something that can be called casually. Only when more than ten kinds of elixirs are gathered together in a book, it can be called an alchemy.

Then, under the leadership of Na Ling Wanning, he entered the quiet room where the young monk who sold the pill book was.

The young monk who was selling elixirs trembled when he saw that the maid brought a Foundation-Building monk who had the power of Foundation-Building.

But he soon returned to normal, and he bowed his hand to Ling Chengxin, who was in the foundation building stage, and called "Senior".

Ling Wanning, who was acting as the maid, left the quiet room knowingly and gave up the space to Ling Chengxin and the young monk who sold pills.

"My dear friend, I am Ling Chengxin, the supreme elder of the Lingxiao Ling clan, and also the alchemist of the Tianfu Chamber of Commerce."

"Since my friend wants to sell the alchemy map, how about taking it out and taking a look?"

"I also need to verify the authenticity."

Ling Chengxin saw that the young monk was a little restrained, so he revealed his identity.

When the young monk heard this, he considered that the Lingxiao Ling clan was now the only Jindan clan in the Yan Kingdom. The Ling clan had always had an excellent reputation, and its treatment of its relatives was even more enviable.

In addition, the Tianfu Chamber of Commerce focuses on justice.

After hesitating for a moment, he also took out the pill book he had found not long ago from a hidden foundation-building monk's cave in the boundless vast swamp.

However, he did not tell the truth about the origin of the elixir spectrum.

But words speak. "This second-level alchemy book is passed down from my ancestors, and there is no way it is fake."

"But senior, you can only read the first ten pages of this alchemy book. Otherwise, with your spiritual knowledge, senior, after you finish reading this alchemy book, you will probably also write down all the contents in that book."

"If the senior doesn't plan to take it after the incident, the junior will suffer a big loss."

Ling Chengxin also understood, nodded lightly, and agreed to the matter. "I can promise you this."

After saying that, he reached out and took down the alchemy book and read it carefully.

The first ten pages of this first-level elixir manual only record the refining of a first-level low-level elixir called "Beast-Breaking Pill".

As a second-level low-level alchemist, Ling Chengxin became excited when he saw the content recorded in this elixir recipe.

The Beast-Breaking Pill is a rather rare pill that can help monsters break through their bottlenecks.

The first-level low-grade beast-breaking pill can help monsters in the early stages of Qi training break through small bottlenecks, or increase their probability of reaching the fourth level of Qi training.

"The family currently does not have a recipe for refining this kind of elixir. If I can get this recipe, in the future, those members of the family who have tamed the monster cubs produced in the clan's spirit beast garden will become spirit beasts. There is no need to worry about the slow progression of spiritual beast levels.”

Ling Chengxin, with the experience of a second-level alchemist, verified that the recipe was genuine, and a glimmer of light appeared in his eyes.

The Ling family established the Spirit Beast Garden more than 20 years ago because there were many captive monsters.

In addition, the Ling family has been cultivating for more than 20 years, and has captured them in recent years.

Now there are nearly 100 spirit beasts in the Spirit Beast Garden, which also means that the Spirit Beast Garden will produce two or three spirit beast cubs every year.

Among the two or three monster cubs, there are always some with better qualifications. Such spirit beast cubs with better qualifications are also deeply loved by the Ling family.

Basically, such spirit beast cubs with better qualifications are in short supply, and as soon as they appear, they will be exchanged by the clan members.

Under such circumstances, among the more than 200 cultivators of the Ling family, nearly 30% to 40% of the clan members have spirit beasts.

However, the cultivation speed of demon beasts is generally very slow. It takes several years or even more than ten years to reach a small realm. This also worries many Ling family cultivators who have spirit beasts.

They can only spend a lot of money to buy spirit fruits and other spirit objects to speed up the cultivation speed of their own spirit beasts.

That's what Ling Pengyun did back then.

It can be said that the "Beast Breaking Pill" alone is of great help to the Ling family.

Ling Chengxin also asked the young cultivator who was selling the pill book.

"My friend, how much do you plan to ask for this pill book?"

The young cultivator who was selling the pill book saw Ling Chengxin asking for the price, and his mouth corners slightly raised, with a hint of joy.

"My alchemy book contains 36 first-grade recipes and 12 different second-grade recipes. On the market, a first-grade low-grade recipe costs at least 500 spirit stones, a first-grade medium-grade recipe costs 100, a first-grade high-grade recipe costs 150, and a second-grade low-grade recipe costs at least 500 spirit stones..."

"Considering that the recipes in my alchemy book may overlap with the recipes you have, if you really want to buy them, I will sell them to you at a price of 5,000 spirit stones."

"If you don't want to, the recipe for the first-grade low-grade beast-breaking pill that you have seen will be considered as a gift from me to you."

Ling Chengxin saw that the young man selling the alchemy book asked for a relatively fair price and showed goodwill, so he was quite satisfied with the young cultivator.

After thinking for a while, he stepped out of the quiet room, took 5,000 spirit stones from the counter of the store, and handed them to the young cultivator selling the alchemy book.

The young cultivator was also very happy because of this.

"Now, I have enough spiritual stones to buy a second-rate spiritual item for foundation building."

He was about to stand up and leave, but was stopped by Ling Chengxin.

"Wait a minute, you have the spirit stones, I still need to look at the subsequent recipes of this elixir. If there is a fake one, you will have less spirit stones until I verify the authenticity of all the subsequent recipes."

"But don't worry, as long as the things you take out are real, I, Tianfu Shang, will never touch a single cent of your spirit stones."

"In addition, I can also assure you that no one knows about what happened today except me."

"If you need to buy something of higher value, you can also go directly through my hands to ensure the safety of your transaction. This matter can be guaranteed by the reputation of my Tianfu Shanghui."

"Also, I don't know if you have a backup of the elixir recipe. You must have cultivated and sworn to the heaven that you will not pass this elixir recipe outside."

This management concept of "the customer is God" was given by Ling Pengyun when Ling Chengxin returned to the family to participate in Ling Pengyun's Golden Elixir Ceremony some time ago.

It is precisely relying on this excellent after-sales service management method that the business of Tianfu Chamber of Commerce has been about 10% to 20% better than before in recent days.

The young man who sells spiritual objects heard the words and immediately followed them. He had already made a heavenly oath not to pass on the recipe.

Then, he had an idea.

The reputation of Tianfu Chamber of Commerce is very great. It is one of the only two chambers of commerce in the entire Bailingmen area.

It is said that the number of spiritual stones circulated in this chamber of commerce every year is only as high as hundreds of thousands.

For such a huge chamber of commerce, its reputation is naturally very important.

Once its reputation is lost, this Tianfu Chamber of Commerce will not be in business. Even if the spiritual objects of this chamber of commerce are good, I am afraid that not many cultivators dare to come to buy them, so as not to die because of buying spiritual objects.

This is not uncommon. Many small shops with poor management have cheated those casual cultivators in this way.

"Senior, I wonder if you can help me get a second-rate foundation-building spiritual object?"

The young cultivator asked with a lot of thoughts.

"If the thirty-six first-level recipes and twelve second-level recipes in your recipe book are all true, I can naturally help you find second-rate spiritual objects for foundation building. Currently, my Ling family only has two second-rate spiritual objects for foundation building, namely, Xiaobai Lingshui and Humai Dan. I wonder which one you want?"

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