Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 416 Master Jiamu invites you to hunt monsters (3000 words, please subscribe)

On the top of Lingxiao Mountain.

Among several caves, there is a cave called "Yellow Sand".

Ling Penglin, a second-level formation master who looks like an old lady, is carefully reading a formation book in his hand, muttering a few words from time to time.

"I know how to use the power of the earth veins to strengthen the formation."

"It is the first time I have heard of arranging the formation according to the direction of the earth veins."

"This second-level medium-quality formation inheritance is indeed passed down from the prosperous Wubianhaiyu Xianxian world. Although the grade is not as high as the second-level inheritance of the family, it is more advanced than the second-level inheritance of the family."

Now, the formation inheritance she is comprehending was obtained from "Qianyuan Laodao" when Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong were in Wubianhaiyu Xianxian world.

After Ling Pengyun returned to the clan, he handed this formation book to Ling Penglin, the only second-level formation master in the clan.

After a long time, Ling Penglin finally closed the formation book in her hand.

Then, she left the cave, stood on the top of the clan mountain, closed her eyes, and carefully probed her consciousness into the ground.

After a while, she felt the direction of the earth vein through the small method of the second-level medium-grade formation inheritance of the old Taoist Qianyuan.

She also quickly waved her hand and patted the storage bag on her waist, and summoned the twelve formation flags of the natal formation flag yellow sand erosion formation from it.

These twelve formation flags flashing with golden light were scattered in twelve completely different and irregular directions.

But just like this, it increased the power of this formation by one or two percent.

Ling Penglin looked at everything happening in front of her and couldn't help but sigh.

"It turns out that the formations I set up in the past were just dead formations, without any vitality."

"However, the power of the earth veins is closely related to the formations I have comprehended. I, a second-level formation master, do not have any special methods, so it is okay that I cannot see the direction of the earth veins. However, the Bailing Sect, the Jindan Sect that inherited the second-level formations of my clan, did not see this problem, which is really wrong."

Thinking of this, Ling Penglin's eyes trembled.

"Could it be... that the Bailing Sect did this on purpose to prevent our subordinates from mastering the method of determining the direction of the earth veins that has a bonus to the formation, making it difficult for us to exert the true power of the formation?"

This doubt has been raised, and Ling Penglin is sure.

If she is a high-level member of the Bailing Sect, she will naturally not be willing to see her subordinates have powerful formation protection.

After coming to her senses, Ling Penglin, a formation master who already has some talent in formations, also had other ideas in her mind.

"Since the formation can enhance its power through the direction of the earth veins."

"Then if I directly reverse the direction of the earth veins and turn the earth veins into an attack method, can I destroy a formation?"

With an idea, Ling Penglin did it as soon as she said it.

Immediately, she relied on the power of the yellow sand to erode the formation and went deep into the ground. Unfortunately, she could only borrow the earth veins at most, but it was difficult to control the earth veins.

"Unfortunately, with my current strength, it is difficult to control the earth veins. I am afraid that a formation of level three or above can do this."

"However, I can make good use of the direction of the earth veins."

"If I can build a formation specifically for a place according to the direction of the earth veins, its power will definitely be very strong."

Ling Penglin's face was full of expectation, and he muttered to himself.

In the days that followed, the clan members in the Ling clan mountain could see Ling Penglin, who was in the foundation-building stage, wandering around Lingxiao Mountain all day long, constantly drawing some patterns that were difficult for ordinary cultivators to understand on a drawing.

On the top of the mountain.

In a cave named "Autumn", there was a fire glow.

Ling Pengqiu, the fire genius of the Ling clan, was constantly throwing a pile of first-level fire spirit iron beside him into the refining furnace in front of him that was wrapped in the foundation-building true fire.

When the fire spirit iron beside him was consumed, he waved his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, and summoned the skin of a fire demon python in the perfect foundation-building stage, as well as its inner elixir, and threw it directly into it.

After more than ten days, a dragon roar suddenly came from the refining furnace.

After that, a strong breath belonging to the second-level upper grade spread out from it.

Seeing this, Ling Pengqiu, whose face was pale due to excessive consumption of spiritual power, was overjoyed. He quickly sent out a stream of spiritual power to blow the refining furnace away.

A magic fan with a pattern of a fierce-looking fire dragon with dull eyes flew out and hovered in front of Ling Pengqiu.

Ling Pengqiu looked at the magic fan with a bright light in his eyes.

"Finally, I have refined this magic fan to the level of the second-grade upper-grade."

"Relying on this second-grade upper-grade life magic weapon of the middle level, plus my advantage of being able to cast various fire magic spells in an instant, I am afraid that even the eighth-level foundation-building cultivator is not my enemy."

"If I can find a half-dragon spirit... and integrate it into this magic fan, it will play the role of awakening the spirit and help the quality of this magic fan to be upgraded to the top middle-level magic weapon, my strength will definitely be improved again."

"By then, I can also use my powerful strength to kill monsters and obtain resources, and entrust the golden elixir master, Bage, to find various things to enhance my life span."

"Perhaps... within my remaining life span, I can also improve my cultivation to the perfect foundation-building realm and try to break through the golden elixir."

Thinking of this, Ling Pengqiu's eyes became hot again.

Although he has a short life span, the golden elixir realm is the realm that every foundation-building cultivator wants to reach.

Even though his body is already old and his energy and blood have been greatly depleted, there is not much hope even if he tries to break through the golden elixir in the future.

But he doesn't have much life left, and even if he lives, he will just survive. He might as well go for it vigorously and give it a try, which is what Ling Pengqiu wants.

"It is rumored that there is a black dragon in the Golden Core realm in the Baiyun Mountains in our country of Yan."

"This black dragon has survived for hundreds of years, and I think it has left many blood descendants. Among them, the dragon bloodline is strong and has some dragon characteristics. There must be many who have transformed into half dragon bodies."

"When Bago returns from this trip to the boundless sea and goes to the Baiyun Mountains to open up territory for the family, I will definitely follow him on a journey to find the half-dragon monster."

"At the same time, I can also contribute to the family and be worthy of the family's cultivation over the years."

Ling Pengqiu secretly made up his mind.

The other side.

Tens of days later.

Ling Pengyun finally rode Feng Yingpeng into the "Yuanyang Kingdom", the largest immortal cultivation country in the Northern Wasteland, and within Haiyunfang City under the command of "Haiyun Immortal Sect", one of the three major Yuanying sects.

After spending 500 spirit stones and passing through the teleportation formation in this city, Ling Pengyun also crossed more than 90 million miles between Sumeru and entered the world of immortal cultivation in the boundless sea.

Afterwards, they passed through the teleportation formations in various medium-sized and large-scale cities.

Ling Pengyun, who had been away from home for four months, finally arrived at the destination of his trip, Muyuanfang City.

After walking out of the Teleportation Hall in Muyuanfang City, he approached the steward of the Teleportation Hall and expressed his intention to find the master of the Muyuan Teleportation Hall, Jiamu Zhenren.

Because Ling Pengyun's cultivation was as high as the golden elixir realm, the steward of the Teleportation Hall did not dare to delay the matter, and immediately informed Ling Pengyun's request for a meeting to Master Jiamu.

When Master Jiamu heard the news, he took it very seriously and immediately left the country to find Ling Pengyun.

In a quiet room in Mu Yuan Teleport Hall.

"We haven't seen you for half a year, but Taoist friend Jiamu's aura has become stronger."

"It seems that fellow Taoist disciples will be able to break through to the late stage of the Golden Elixir in a short period of time."

Ling Pengyun relied on his powerful spiritual consciousness to feel the change in the aura of Master Jiamu, his expression moved slightly, and he said congratulations with a smile.

"This is also thanks to the golden elixir of the fake elixir realm demon cultivator half a year ago. The golden elixir of the fake elixir realm demon cultivator was a monster golden elixir. Although the original power in it was lost a lot, but... But it’s still enough for me to refine a batch of third-level low-grade body-building pills.”

"That furnace of elixirs produced a lot of elixirs. With that furnace of elixirs, I have improved a bit, but I am still a little far away from the late stage of the golden elixir."

Master Jiamu was also very happy about his improvement in cultivation. In addition, he and Ling Pengyun also had some friendship with Ling Pengyun because they killed the fake alchemy realm demon cultivator together, so he smiled carefully.

"Fellow Taoist is a third-level alchemist?" Ling Pengyun asked in shock.

"Yes, if I were not an alchemist, it would be difficult for me to achieve the level of cultivation I am now."

"Fellow Taoist, you don't know. Every time I achieve a breakthrough in physical cultivation, I need an extremely huge amount of spiritual treasures." When Master Jiamu saw Ling Pengyun take the bait, his face became even more joyful and he said with a smile.

Just now, he took the opportunity to reveal his identity as a third-level alchemist just because he wanted Ling Pengyun to know.

In this way, if Ling Pengyun wants to refine third-level elixirs in the future, he will also be a third-level alchemist among the candidates.

He can also earn some resources by helping Ling Pengyun refine elixirs.

After hearing this, Ling Pengyun agreed.

Although the strength of physical cultivation is somewhat stronger than that of ordinary monks, the resources required are about three or more than three times that of ordinary monks of the same level.

Afterwards, Ling Pengyun chatted with Master Jiamu for a few more words.

"By the way, Fellow Daoist Ling, have you been busy lately? If not, do you want to go out to the market to find the golden elixir monster and kill it?"

"With the strength of fellow Taoist, and working with me, there should be no problem in killing monsters on the first and second levels of the Golden Core."

When Master Jiamu saw that Ling Pengyun had never mentioned entrusting him with elixir refining, he changed his mind and asked with a smile.

Ling Pengyun was quite interested in killing the golden elixir monster. Whether it was his second-level low-grade "Ghost Control Changbanner" or the prototype-level magic weapon "Burning Yuan Dharma Lamp", if there was a golden elixir realm With the help of the souls of monsters and beasts, the power can be greatly enhanced.

What's more, the Golden Core Demonic Beast's whole body is full of treasures. Generally, the body of a Golden Core Demonic Beast and its Golden Core together are worth at least about 50,000 spiritual stones.

If it has a natal magic weapon, its value will be even higher.

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