Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 43 Wen Xianren's Jealousy (Please collect and recommend)

"Fifteen great-grandfather, thank you!" Ling Pengyun thanked him, then waved his hand and put the thirty-two jade boxes containing spiritual fruits suspended in front of him, as well as the shimmering green leaf into the storage bag.

"It doesn't matter, just like last year, let's stay for one day and then leave!" Ling Rushui asked with a bit of expectation in his eyes.

"Okay!" Ling Pengyun naturally understood Ling Rushui's thoughts and agreed with a smile.

That night, Ling Rushui and Ling Pengyun were still chatting all night as usual.

Ling Pengyun told the lonely old man Ling Ruishui everything about the Moyun poisonous snake, the blue-scaled demonic python, and the Xuanshui iron ore vein that he had encountered recently.

As an audience member, Ling Ruishui was frightened when he heard about the Moyun poisonous snake and the blue-scaled demonic python. He sweated for Ling Pengyun. When he heard the detailed process of discovering the Xuanshui iron ore vein, he felt sad again. He was happy and secretly sighed that Xiao Pengyun had such a great opportunity.

During chatting, time is always short.

In the early morning, while Ling Ruishui was making breakfast, Ling Pengyun took the opportunity to absorb the power of the early sun for a while. After breakfast, he also went to the Green Bamboo Talisman Pavilion to replenish the talismans consumed some time ago.

A total of five rocket talismans and five shield talismans were purchased, and forty spiritual stones were spent.

This also caused Ling Pengyun's bulging storage bag to lose a large amount of spiritual stones again, and it seemed that it was about to bottom out, which really made Ling Pengyun feel distressed for a while.

After returning to Mi Tang and saying goodbye to Ling Rushui, Ling Pengyun took advantage of the early morning and quietly left the Yunwu Market where there were only a few casual cultivators walking around.

Ling Rushui, on the other hand, stood alone at the door of Lingxiao Rice Hall, staring blankly at the entrance and exit of the market.

After a long time, he finally came back to his senses, looking lonely and muttering to himself.

"After letting Xiao Pengyun accompany me for three years, when his five-year mission of stationing at Qingshi Mountain is over, it's time for me, an old man, to return to Clan Mountain and enjoy peace and happiness!"

After saying this, he returned to the shop.

Shen Hu was born in the ordinary world. Because he had spiritual roots, by chance, he was found by a mid-level Qi-training practitioner who was nearly a hundred years old.

This hundred-year-old casual cultivator had the idea to accept Shen Hu as his disciple and gave Shen Hu a copy of the Qi training method "Golden Spirit Art".

And in the following days, he taught Shen Hu how to practice in detail.

When Shen Hu was twenty years old, when Shen Hu was practicing the second level of qi, his master's life span was exhausted.

Shen Hu thus became a single person. He was in a powerful position, so naturally he was not willing to return to ordinary life. With his master's long-cherished wish when he was about to die, Shen Hu began to wander into the world of immortality alone.

As a casual cultivator with a low cultivation level, he was naturally targeted by many casual cultivators and even demon cultivators.

Fortunately, when his master died, he left many powerful magic weapons and talismans to Shen Hu.

With the help of these spiritual objects, Shen Hu also safely resolved the crisis time and time again, and even killed those who wanted to attack him.

After enjoying the wealth obtained by killing a monk, Shen Hu also realized the meaning of "golden belt of murder and arson".

Gradually, he often started to engage in the "interception and killing" business.

Over the years of wandering alone in the world of immortality, not thirty but twenty casual cultivators died at his hands.

The wealth gained from killing these monks also pushed his cultivation to the sixth level of Qi training, and he was stuck in front of the most difficult bottleneck in the Qi training realm, the "seventh level of Qi training".

In order to break through this bottleneck as soon as possible, Shen Hu also came from other counties in the past few years to Huaishui County, where Bailingmen was newly developed and there were many monsters. He relied on hunting monsters or intercepting monks to earn wealth and raise funds. Purchase the spirit stone of "Barrier Breaking Pill".

However, the price of this barrier-breaking pill is too expensive.

In addition, since he was originally engaged in hunting monsters, he was often injured, and it was inevitable that he would need to buy some healing pills.

This means that he has not saved many spiritual stones at all over the years, barely enough for normal cultivation.

On this day, Shen Hu came to Yunwu Market early, wanting to sell the flesh and blood of a middle-stage Qi-training demon beast that he killed not long ago to earn some spirit stones, but a good thing happened to him.

A communication talisman flew from outside the market to Shen Hu, who had just set up stalls on both sides of the Yunwu Market Avenue.

Shen Hu saw the sudden appearance of the summons talisman and was very confused. What kind of friends did he have in this Yunwu Market? Who would send him a summons?

He waved his hand and took the communication talisman in his hand. He carefully looked at what was written on the communication talisman, and his heart was shocked.

This communication talisman details Ling Pengyun who just left the Yunwu Market, the various spiritual objects purchased in the Yunwu Market, and Ling Pengyun's identity as a member of the Ling clan.

The communication talisman appeared suddenly. Shen Hu, who had been in the world of immortality for a long time and knew that the world of immortality was dangerous, naturally could not believe it easily.

But when these suspected "fat sheep" people appeared next to him, he was not going to miss it.

In order to verify whether what was written on the communication talisman was correct, he collected the flesh and blood of a middle-stage Qi-training demon beast that had just been placed on the stall, and then went to five shops in the market, pretending to buy spiritual fruits, And went to the Yunwu Artifact Refining Hall to buy green leaves, but found out that there were none.

And then he remembered that Ling Pengyun who had just left the market was indeed from Lingxiao Rice Hall, which also made Shen Hu believe that what was written in the communication talisman was true.

"Then Ling Pengyun actually has a fat sheep. It's thanks to this communication talisman. I don't know who ordered it."

"But if I can kill Ling Pengyun this time and get the property from this person, I will be able to save enough spiritual stones to buy the barrier-breaking pill, and then rely on this pill to break through to the later stage of Qi training."

"At that time, whether I become a guest of those shitty families or continue to live a life of casual cultivation, it will be much better!"

Shen Hu was secretly delighted, and quickly ran out of the Yunwu Market, chasing in the direction where Ling Pengyun left.

The entrance of Yunwu Market.

"Wen Xianren", a late-stage Qi training cultivator who has been stationed here for many years, saw Shen Hu leaving the market and chasing in the direction of Ling Pengyun, and a sneer appeared on his face.

"This Ling family kid, it's fine that he came to my Wen family's Yunwu Market to buy spiritual objects for the first time, but he bought so many spiritual objects for the second time! He wants to use my Wen family to buy spiritual objects to improve his cultivation, it's really a dream!"

"This Ling Pengyun... It's good to die. There are more potential members of the Ling family now!"

A touch of jealousy appeared on his face.

Just now, the communication talisman in Shen Hu's hand was sent out by him.

And Shen Hu will also become a weapon for him to achieve his goal.

The Yunwu Wen Clan, which lacks young members, is obviously different from the Lingxiao Ling Clan, which has Ling Pengxing, a dual spiritual root.

The Ling Clan even discovered a small Xuanshui iron ore vein some time ago, which strengthened the family's foundation. There is also a young member Ling Pengxing in the clan who has a high success rate in breaking through the foundation building.

No matter how you look at it, the Ling Clan will go further and further in this world of immortal cultivation.

On the other hand, the Wen Clan is in a terrible state, and there is no obvious genius in the cultivation of the first path.

Anyang County, where the Ling Clan is located, is next to Ping'an County, where the Yunwu Wen Clan is located. It is possible that in a hundred years, the Yunwu Wen Clan will decline and no foundation building will appear. The Ling Clan, which has another foundation building cultivator, will be the first to attack the neighboring Wen Clan.

Wen Xianren will naturally not let go of the opportunity to kill some talented members of the Ling Clan.

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