Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 425: The tribesmen help Peng Qiu to seek the truth (added for last month’s monthly ticket)

After being stunned for a few breaths, the steward Yan Qing came to his senses and turned around with a smile on his face.

In his heart, he regarded Ling Pengyun as a lucky star.

Just because, as the steward of the Mu Yuan Jubao Pavilion, whenever spiritual objects are sold, he can get a 3% commission.

Of the 236,000 spiritual stones Ling Pengyun spent this time, he could get a full 7,080 spiritual stones.

This amount of spiritual stones is quite a lot for him, enough to be equivalent to his commission from managing this store for several years.

"Of course it's enough, of course it's enough. The large first-order medium-grade water-bearing iron ore vein our sect occupies in the Raging Whale Sea has been developed one-fifth, and hundreds of thousands of kilograms of water-bearing iron have flowed into our sect."

"The quantity of this batch of water-type spiritual iron is too large, and it will be difficult for our sect to digest this ore within a short period of time."

"In addition, the large first-level medium-grade water-bearing iron ore vein in Nujingfang City is still under siege by monsters in the sea."

"In order to guard that place, our sect has deployed a fourth-level formation there. The spiritual energy in the veins alone can barely keep the fourth-level formation open."

"Whenever we are under a large-scale siege by monsters in the sea, we even need the help of a large amount of spiritual stones to maintain the fourth-level formation."

"This also means that our sect is in urgent need of a large amount of spiritual stones as war preparation materials."

"Because of this situation, our sect also directly took out a lot of first-order middle-grade water-containing spiritual iron and planned to sell it."

"The Jubao Pavilion that I manage now is located in Muyuanfang City, on the same Muyuan Island as the Muyuan Mountains where my sect is based. Therefore, my store stores a hundred thousand kilograms of water-rich spiritual iron all year round."

"As I said before, as long as the seniors have spiritual stones and water-containing iron pipes, it will be enough."

"Senior, please wait a moment. I'm going to get the first-order mid-grade water-containing spiritual iron that senior wants."

Steward Yan Qing smiled and said something, then left the quiet room.

When he returned, he already had two storage spirit bead strings in his hands.

"Senior, according to our original agreement, if the amount of spiritual iron you purchase exceeds 10,000 kilograms, it must be sold at the rate of four spiritual stones per kilogram. At the same time, I can also give you a 15% discount."

"This time, with your 230,000 pieces of spiritual stone, you can purchase a total of 61,000 kilograms of first-grade middle-grade water-containing spiritual iron."

"This batch of water-containing iron and the six second-order low-grade longevity shells you want are all in it. Senior can compare the numbers."

Steward Yan Qing handed the storage bag of spirit beads to Ling Pengyun and said carefully.

Ling Pengyun's spiritual consciousness entered the storage spirit bead string that was not imprinted with spiritual consciousness and took inventory. He found that the number was correct, and he was very happy in his heart.

"Except for the 11,000 kilograms of water-based spiritual iron distributed to the family, I still have 50,000 kilograms of water-based spiritual iron left."

"With the help of this water-based spiritual iron, my Blue Sea Heavy Yuan Orb, which is the prototype of a magic weapon, will be one step closer to the level of a third-level low-grade magic weapon."

"By then, the trip to the Baiyun Mountains that I will be going to soon will be safer."

After coming back to his senses, Ling Pengyun said to Yan Qing with a serious expression.

"Young friend Yan, the spiritual objects we traded today are of great value. I hope you will not spread the word about what happened today."

Yan Qing also knew what Ling Pengyun was worried about, and he immediately said.

"Senior, please rest assured that our Muyuan Immortal Sect relies on integrity to do business. No matter what visitors purchase in our sect's shop, we and other sect disciples will definitely not spread the word. This matter has been arranged by the sect for a long time. When I was in this shop, I had already cultivated myself and made the oath of heaven.”

"Half a year ago, it was revealed that senior purchased spiritual iron in my shop. The reception maids who came here were arranged by our sect and are not disciples of our sect. From now on, whenever senior comes to my shop, I will entertain you."

"I will definitely not reveal the news that senior purchased any spiritual objects."

After saying that, he also made an oath of heaven to express his loyalty based on his cultivation.

Ling Pengyun was very satisfied when he saw this.

He also valued the integrity of the stores under the Mu Yuan Immortal Sect, so he dared to bring such a large amount of spiritual stones and go directly to the Mu Yuan Jubao Pavilion to buy spiritual iron.

"That's fine. As long as I can keep the news from leaking out, if I want to buy spiritual objects, I will give priority to finding you." Ling Pengyun said.

Yan Qing's face became even more joyful. In his eyes, he regarded Ling Pengyun as a rich man.

"This is about to be released!"

Following that, Ling Pengyun also left the store.

Yan Qing, on the other hand, sent Ling Pengyun out of the Treasure Pavilion with a smile on his face.

Afterwards, Yan Qing took stock of the situation in the store and went up to the third floor of Jubao Pavilion without anyone noticing.

This third floor is Yan Qing's residence.

As soon as he entered the place, a female cultivator with a hot figure, very young, and excellent appearance, wearing a white transparent tulle with reddish cheeks, ran up to Yan Qing and said coquettishly to him.

"Husband, who is the person who came into the store just now? Why do you need to go and greet him in person?"

This beautiful cultivator was the "Xiaoya" who entertained Ling Pengyun to buy water-based spiritual iron in the Jubao Pavilion half a year ago.

Since Xiaoya accidentally revealed Ling Pengyun's purchase of a large amount of water-type spiritual iron to her close friend "Qingmei", Ling Pengyun was intercepted and killed, and she almost lost the reputation of Mu Yuan Jubao Pavilion.

Xiaoya became the one in Yan Qing's pocket and was raised by Yan Qing on the third floor of the Jubao Pavilion.

Yan Qing also likes Xiaoya, who has a good appearance.

As long as nothing happens, he will come to the third floor of Jubao Pavilion to find Xiaoya to have fun and become a living god.

"This matter cannot be discussed. Let's continue what we just did!" Yan Qing smiled mysteriously, and then he embraced the figure in front of him and entered a room with a soundproof array.


Three months later.

Ling Pengyun, who carried precious spiritual objects worth more than 200,000 spiritual stones, was terrified all the way, and finally rushed back to the Huaishui County of Jingzhou in the Yan State of the Northern Wilderness Xiuxian Realm.

After entering Huaishui County, Ling Pengyun was relieved.

He also said secretly in his heart.

"Daoyou Jiamu and Yan Qing are indeed trustworthy people, and they can be close friends."

The fact that he did not encounter any ambushes along the way is the best proof.

If Jiamu Zhenren and Yan Qing were not trustworthy people, it would be impossible for Ling Pengyun to return to the Huaishui County so safely with so many spiritual objects.

Then, Ling Pengyun once again controlled Fengyingpeng and rushed to the clan mountain first.

Soon, Ling Pengyun returned to Lingxiao Mountain.

The top of Lingxiao Mountain

Ling Penglin, Ling Pengshan, and Ling Pengqiu, who were in the family, all gathered here.

"Myna, was the trip to the Boundless Sea smooth?" Ling Pengshan from the master family asked.

After saying this, Ling Penglin and Ling Pengqiu also fixed their eyes on Ling Pengyun.

"Not bad." After Ling Pengyun nodded and said something, he took out a string of storage spirit beads from his arms and handed it to Ling Pengshan from the master family.

Then, he called out the nine longevity shells purchased during this trip to the Boundless Sea from the storage bag on his waist and asked the three people in front of him.

"There are 11,000 kilograms of first-grade medium-grade water-containing spiritual iron in the storage spirit bead string. As for the nine life shells, they are of different grades, six second-grade low-grade life shells and three second-grade high-grade life shells."

"One second-grade low-grade life shell can only increase lifespan by three years, while a second-grade high-grade life shell can increase lifespan by nine years."

"However, whether it is a second-grade low-grade life shell or a second-grade high-grade life shell, they are all life shells, and a cultivator can only take three in his lifetime."

"According to my idea, it is better for one person to take the three second-grade high-grade life shells."

"There are three of you in total. How do you plan to divide these nine life shells?"

Ling Penglin, Ling Pengshan, and Ling Pengqiu all brightened their eyes when they heard that each of the three second-grade high-grade life shells Ling Pengyun obtained this time could increase lifespan by nine years.

They are not going to live much now, so it is naturally a good thing to have such a high-grade life spirit to help them.

But in a flash, the three people's expressions changed drastically, and their brows became furrowed.

It was because there were too few second-grade upper-grade life shells to share.

Moreover, the three second-grade upper-grade life shells should be used by the same person to maximize their effectiveness.

After half a breath, Ling Pengshan, the head of the family, took a long breath and spoke first.

"My dear brother, my cultivation is weak, even with the help of the three second-grade upper-grade life shells, there is not much to say."

"I will take three second-grade lower-grade life shells."

Ling Penglin, who was in a similar situation, was also touched, and then she also spoke.

"My dear brother, I will take three second-grade lower-grade life shells like my brother Pengshan."

"As for the three second-grade upper-grade life shells, in my opinion, give them to my brother Pengqiu."

Ling Pengqiu, who had not spoken yet, trembled when he heard this.

Ling Penglin and Ling Pengshan's move now was tantamount to giving him the chance to live longer.

Ling Pengqiu was the youngest among the three, and he could not afford such kindness from Ling Penglin and Ling Pengshan.

He immediately refused.

"Sister Penglin, brother Pengshan, I am the youngest, and I cannot afford these three second-grade high-quality life shells. In my opinion, it is better for each of us to have one second-grade high-quality life shell."

Ling Penglin, the oldest among the three, said firmly after hearing this. "You can't do that. If you have three second-level high-quality life shells, you can increase your lifespan by 27 years. With this lifespan, plus the remaining ten years, you can live for 30 to 40 years."

"With your qualifications, you have every hope of improving your cultivation to the perfect foundation in these 30 to 40 years. By then, you will have a chance to break through to the golden elixir."

"If you feel ashamed of Pengshan and me, I hope you will carry the longing of Pengshan and me for the path of Taoism, and try to impact the golden elixir realm no matter what after your cultivation breaks through to the perfect foundation in the future."

Ling Pengshan also said. "I also agree with Sister Penglin's proposal."

Ling Pengqiu saw that Ling Penglin and Ling Pengshan had made up their minds, but he didn't feel any joy in his heart.

Instead, he felt a little sad.

"Sister Penglin, Brother Pengshan, please accept my greetings!"

"I will do whatever you two wish for."

Ling Pengqiu was filled with gratitude and bowed to Ling Penglin and Ling Pengshan to express his gratitude.

Ling Penglin and Ling Pengshan saw Ling Pengqiu's expression and felt that they had done nothing wrong in helping Ling Pengqiu increase his lifespan.

"Okay, since Pengshan and Penglin have made up their minds, Pengqiu, you don't need to worry about it anymore. Just accept the three second-level high-quality lifespan shells. Don't forget the wishes of Pengshan and Penglin."

Ling Pengyun, who was standing by, was also quite satisfied with everyone's actions and said.

After that, Ling Pengyun took out ten bottles of Muyuan Spirit Water and the three second-level high-quality lifespan shells in his hand from his storage bag and handed them to Ling Pengqiu first.

The other six second-level low-quality lifespan shells were handed to Ling Penglin and Ling Pengshan respectively.

"Pengqiu, you have the help of the three second-grade upper-grade longevity shells. With your cultivation and aptitude, you have a great chance to break through to the perfect foundation in this life."

"These are ten bottles of second-grade lower-grade wood elemental spirit water, which is a kind of spiritual water for cultivation and can increase cultivation."

"You should also keep these ten bottles of spiritual water, so that you can break through to the perfect foundation faster."

After handling this matter, Ling Pengyun learned about the family's recent situation. After learning that there was no major change, Ling Pengyun also left the clan mountain and rode Fengyingpeng towards Luoxia Mountain.

After Ling Pengyun left, Ling Penglin and the other two also returned to their respective mountaintop caves.

In the Qiuqiu cave.

Ling Pengqiu looked at the three second-grade upper-grade longevity shells and ten bottles of second-grade lower-grade wood elemental spirit water in his hand and was stunned for a long time.

After being stunned for a long time, Ling Pengqiu came back to his senses.

Then, a firm look appeared in his eyes.

"I must reach the state of perfect foundation building!"

"I will strive for the Golden Core state even if I have to sacrifice my life."


Thanks: 100 points of reward from Xinmingjing

Thanks: Santana 2233, Yixinshang, Book Friend 2023042414ed, Book Friend 20230322231140115, Book Friend 20 210301106560365998, Book Friend 150302115437704, homomanlian, The Wind by the River, and the monthly ticket under the starry sky at night.

Thanks to everyone

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