Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 427: The Market in Baiyun Mountain Range (3000 words, please subscribe)

After performing some secret techniques on the spiritual plants in the garden to help them grow faster, Ling Pengyun stopped, walked out of the spiritual plant garden, and found his Taoist companion Yan Siyi and his parents.

"Madam, parents, I am going to Jiaoman Lake to discuss matters with Senior Lingfu who is stationed there. Would you like to take this opportunity to go with me to see my cousin, Xiaohong and the others?"

Ling Pengyun asked.

"Go, of course go. Last year, we went to Jiaomang Lake. When I was chatting with your aunt, I heard your aunt say that this child Sitong was somewhat close to a female cultivator from the Bailing Sect in Jiaomang Lake. I guess the two of them are having fun.”

"I wonder how Sitong's relationship with that female cultivator has improved over the past year." Mother Yang Qiuyun was the first to speak.

"Is there such a thing?" Ling Pengyun said in surprise.

"It's not like Sitong doesn't know. Just like you before, he won't speak until he's completely sure. If your cousin hadn't had a lot of spies at Jiaomang Lake, I'm afraid Sitong would have kept us in the dark. ." Yang Qiuyun said with a smile.

When Ling Pengyun heard this, his eyes turned involuntarily and looked at the Taoist companion Yan Siyi beside him.

Yan Siyi also happened to be looking this way.

The two looked at each other and smiled together.

It was only after the two of them really got together that they told their parents.

The two of them can also understand that Yang Sitong has never said that he has found the person he loves.

After all, this kind of thing has not yet happened, and everyone knows it. If it doesn't happen in the end, it will be troublesome.

Subsequently, Yan Siyi also expressed that she would go to Jiaomang Lake.

Father Ling Xiaoshun saw that his wife Yang Qiuyun had gone, so he naturally followed him to Jiaomang Lake.

Seeing that everyone agreed, Ling Pengyun left a note in the mountain, then led everyone up to the back of Fengying Peng, and rode the Peng to fly to Jiao Python Lake.

Two days later.

In front of a tea table in the cave on the top of Lingfu Mountain, which has the strongest aura in Jiaoman Island.

Master Ling Fu held a small teapot, poured a cup of Ling Pengyun's Ling Tea, and said with a smile.

"Fellow Daoist Ling, this tea is our sect's Yunwu Lingcha. Although it is only the second-grade high-grade tea, it tastes pretty good. I hope Friend Daoist Ling won't dislike it."

Ling Pengyun said. "Senior is joking. This Yunwu Lingcha is a good thing. What's more, this item is as high as the second-level top grade. It is even more precious. How can I dislike it."

After saying that, he picked up the cup filled with tea in front of him and brought it to his mouth. He gently blew away the large white clouds that came out of the tea in the cup, and took a sip of the tea.

A slightly bitter feeling came from the tip of the tongue. When the tea was taken into the stomach, a sweetness filled the whole mouth.

"This tea is refreshing and very good."

Ling Pengyun praised.

"Fellow Taoist, it's fine if you like it. I rarely drink tea on weekdays. I have kept a lot of Yunwuling tea leaves over the years. I will take two kilograms with me when I visit my fellow Taoist." Lingfu Ancestor said grandly.

"Thank you, senior. You're welcome, junior." Ling Pengyun said with a smile.

"No need to thank you. Yunwu Lingcha is not a precious thing to you or me. If fellow Taoist want to find it, it is not difficult."

"By the way, fellow Taoist, you are here this time, but is there any good news about the matter that I entrusted you with to find the golden elixir?"

The Spirit Talisman Ancestor asked expectantly.

He had wanted to ask Ling Pengyun about this a long time ago, but he couldn't ask directly.

"Yes, I have found the channel for the golden elixir spiritual object, but that fellow Taoist only has an ordinary golden elixir spiritual object in his hand, and it will take four years before the golden elixir spiritual object can be conceived. And out."

Ling Pengyun said eloquently.

When the ancestor of Ling Fu heard this, he felt happy.

However, the golden elixir spiritual object was of great importance, so for the sake of safety, he asked.

"Is this true, Fellow Daoist Ling?"

"This is natural. If there is no certainty about this matter, I will not inform the seniors about it." Ling Pengyun said firmly.

The ancestor of Lingfu also knew through his daughter-in-law Yang Siling that Ling Pengyun always kept his word and was extremely honest.

In addition, Ling Pengyun has descendants and relatives and is not alone, so there is no benefit in deceiving him.

Therefore, Master Ling Fu confirmed what Ling Pengyun just said, and he couldn't help but show a bit of joy on his face.

Then, he asked again.

"Fellow Daoist Ling, I wonder if the price of that ordinary golden elixir spiritual object will increase? What kind of golden elixir spiritual object is it?"

Ling Pengyun said. "The price has not increased. It is the same as the price we agreed on, which is 350,000 spiritual stones. As for the golden elixir spiritual object, it is a spiritual fruit that was born day and night. As for what kind of spiritual fruit it is, I don't know. "

Ling Pengyun did not intend to reveal that the golden elixir was actually the Mu Yuan Spirit Fruit. After all, the Mu Yuan Spirit Fruit was extremely famous and was conceived by the Mu Yuan Immortal Sect's Zongzong Spiritual Tree, the Yuan Ling Tree.

If it were revealed now, the ancestor of Lingfu might cross the river and burn down the bridge and personally trade the golden elixir and spiritual items with the Muyuan Immortal Sect.

Although the probability of this happening is extremely small, Ling Pengyun doesn't intend to take any chances.

Ling Pengyun also plans to earn the introduction fee from the old man Lingfu.

The ancestor of the spiritual talisman was even more happy when he heard that the price remained unchanged and that the spiritual objects were also spiritual fruits born from heaven and earth. After taking it, there was a high probability that it would help the monks form the golden elixir.

"That's good. Fellow Taoist Lao Ling is responsible for this matter. I'll thank you on behalf of Xiao Hong."

"I just wonder if you can find an ordinary golden elixir spiritual object? If Xiaohong attacks the golden elixir in the future, it can also increase the probability of breaking through the golden elixir."

Ling Pengyun shook his head. "Although I also want Xiao Hong to break through the Jindan, my good friend only has an ordinary Jindan spiritual object. If I want to find other Jindan spiritual objects, I can only find someone else or look for them in the major auctions in the Boundless Sea."

"But in this way, although it is possible to buy a Jindan spiritual object, it will inevitably put us at the forefront of the storm. Afterwards, there will definitely be a lot of trouble. Maybe both of us may be killed because of this."

"After all, even an ordinary Jindan spiritual object is worth at least 300,000 spiritual stones. This amount of spiritual stones is also a large amount for those strong people in the middle, late and even perfect Jindan realms."

"Okay, one ordinary Jindan spiritual object is one Jindan spiritual object." Ling Fu Laozu also knew this truth and sighed.

He spent a lot of money to entrust Ling Pengyun, who was suspected to have a big backer in the immortal cultivation world in the Boundless Sea, to find the Jindan spiritual object, just to get the Jindan spiritual object safely.

If he didn't consider safety, he would have gone to the boundless sea to find the golden elixir spiritual objects.

Ling Pengyun, who was standing by, saw the look on Ling Fu Patriarch's face and felt that his style was familiar. After thinking about it, he thought of his good friend "Jia Mu Zhenren" in Mu Yuan Market.

"Senior Ling Fu and Fellow Daoist Jia Mu are really a bit similar. They are both steady people."

"If Senior Ling Fu can always maintain such a mentality, it shouldn't be a big problem to live a good life from beginning to end."

Ling Pengyun muttered to himself.

The reason he thought so was because he knew that Ling Fu Patriarch had taken a sub-golden pill in his early years to successfully condense the golden elixir and reach the golden elixir realm.

Ling Fu Patriarch's success and failure were all due to the sub-golden pill.

Although the sub-golden pill can increase the probability of a cultivator breaking through the golden elixir by 10%, this pill will also make the cultivator's spiritual power milder, increasing the difficulty of how the cultivator breaks through the bottleneck.

Because of this, the golden elixir produced by Ling Fu Patriarch is only the lowest quality golden elixir.

It is difficult to break through to the late stage of golden elixir in this life.

The hope of reaching the Nascent Soul stage is even slimmer.

Under such circumstances, Ling Fu Patriarch's path is basically over, and his life span can be counted.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that Ling Fu Patriarch has such a steady mind.

Afterwards, Ling Pengyun asked Ling Fu Patriarch, the golden elixir master who has the support of Bai Ling Sect, about the specific battle situation in Baiyun Mountains.

Although the Ling family has sent people to inquire about the situation in Baiyun Mountains in recent years, they have not heard much.

Relying on the channels of the sect, the old man Ling Fu knows a lot.

Because Ling Pengyun helped him buy the golden elixir spiritual objects, Ling Fu Patriarch also talked about it.

"According to the news from the sect, in the past ten years or so, the five major Jindan sects of our Yan country have relied on the medium-sized second-level blazing iron vein in the Baiyun Mountains as their base and have occupied more than 100,000 miles of land around the vein."

"This area is roughly the size of two large states in our Bailingmen territory, and there are many spiritual veins in it, with a total of about a thousand first-level and second-level spiritual veins."

"The five major sects of our Yan country have not occupied any third-level spiritual veins. It's not that they don't have the strength to occupy them, but they dare not offend our Northern Wilderness Xiuxian World and the Yuanying in the boundless vast marsh. The Monster King made a rule that except during the hundred-year monster beast chaos, the opponent's third-level spiritual veins cannot be occupied at will. "

"In recent years, our five major Jindan sects have killed six Jindan monster kings, and killed hundreds of thousands of Qi training and foundation-building monsters. At present, there are only nine Jindan monster kings left in the Baiyun Mountains. I don't know if there are other Jindan monster kings in the Baiyun Mountains. "

"In addition, our five major Jindan sects have also established a second-level upper-grade spiritual vein next to the second-level blazing iron vein. A market called Wuyuan. "

"And our five major Jindan sects also jointly took out a large number of spiritual objects and even many foundation-building pills, and together established a force called Wuyuan Mansion in Wuyuan Market. This force is specifically used to summon independent cultivators to join the war and help our five major sects capture the first-level and second-level spiritual veins of Baiyun Mountain Range. "

"Because we took out a lot of spiritual objects, as long as we killed monsters and handed over the monsters' corpses, we could get the effect of war merit, and the number of independent cultivators attracted was also quite large, at least more than 30% of our Yan country's independent cultivators came. "

"Though the cultivation of those independent cultivators is not high, most of them are only at the Qi training stage, but this group of independent cultivators has the advantage of being numerous, and can be regarded as a good fighting force."

"At the same time, due to the participation of those independent cultivators, the flow of people in Wuyuan Market has remained at 50,000 all year round, making it a good place to do business."

"Your Ling family now has a Jindan like you, and you can also get involved in the business of Wuyuan Market in the future."

After hearing this, Ling Pengyun nodded slightly, and he already had some ideas about opening a store in Wuyuan Market.

"Thank you for telling me, senior." Then he also thanked him.

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