Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 438 The Loyal and Righteous Golden Core Leopard King (Additional chapter for last month&#039

This life-and-death technique is considered a top-notch life-and-death method.

Once this spell is used, both spiritual power and physical strength will be doubled in all aspects, and the duration is one stick of incense.

However, there are also extremely strong side effects afterwards. If there is no spiritual object to help, it will be difficult to fight with others for at least three years.

In the Xumi, countless black evil spirits emerged from the wolf's body, and its aura also increased.

It was not afraid of the attacking half-dragon, and directly confronted it head-on, biting each other.

If the black evil burning body technique was not used, the black wind wolf demon would naturally not be the opponent of the water half-dragon in physical combat.

But now with the blessing of the black evil burning body technique, this wolf actually suppressed the water half-dragon.

The spiritual energy on the water half-dragon was also constantly dispersed by this wolf.

The wolf demon's advantage was getting bigger and bigger. It also relied on the surge of spiritual power to cross into the "Black Evil Wind Control Banner", the life-saving magic weapon in front of it, and summoned a large piece of black evil wind to transform into a wind blade with an erosive effect, bombarding the annoying water-type half-dragon in front of it.

What the wolf didn't expect was that another water-type half-dragon with a body size of fifty feet attacked.

With the power of the two dragons, even if the black wind wolf demon's spiritual power increased greatly and there was the help of the black evil wind control banner, it did not have much advantage, and the two dragons and one wolf also fought together.

As time went on, the huge aura on the wolf gradually began to decline.

This was a sign that the black evil burning body technique was about to enter the side effect.

This made the black wind wolf demon very frightened. Once the effect of this desperate spell was over, its strength would also dissipate.

But now it was entangled by two and a half dragons, and its four legs were trapped by a long rope that was blessed by the power of the formation and was as powerful as a third-level lower-grade magic weapon.

The golden elixir it shot was blocked by the Blue Sea Sky Sword, and its life magic Black Evil Transformation Wind Blade was blocked by the Blue Sea Heavy Yuan Pearl, and the Black Evil Tornado transformed by its life magic weapon could not spare much power to help trap the other magic weapons.

Under such circumstances, it could only watch the surge of spiritual power in its body disappear, and its own strength became weaker and weaker.

When the wolf just performed the desperate method "Black Evil Burning Body Technique" for a whole incense stick, its breath quickly dissipated, and its body became soft, and it could no longer resist the bite of the two and a half dragons in front of it, and was bitten off its head by the two and a half dragons.

The life of this wolf also quickly dissipated.

However, the golden elixir it shot earlier suddenly flew away.

Obviously, the black wind wolf demon had already made preparations and left its soul in the golden elixir, hoping to escape through this inner elixir and find an opportunity to rebuild its body.

It was just a pity that there was a light curtain of trapping enemies around it, which was transformed by the Five Elements Return to Origin Array.

It was difficult for the golden elixir to escape from this place.

Ling Pengyun, who had been prepared, also waved the Bi Hai Chong Yuan Orb and forcibly suppressed the golden elixir to the ground.

Then, Ling Pengyun mobilized his consciousness to invade the golden elixir and forced out the soul left in it by the black wind wolf demon.

With a wave of his hand, he activated the Burning Yuan Magic Lamp to directly absorb that trace of soul into the magic lamp, and most of the soul that had not yet dissipated in the body of the black wind wolf demon was also absorbed into the body by the Burning Yuan Magic Lamp.

The Burning Yuan Magic Lamp, which absorbed a soul power that was comparable to that of a fourth-level golden elixir monster, also fell into a deep sleep again.

Ling Pengyun also waved his hand to take it in his hand. Looking at the sleeping Burning Yuan Magic Lamp in his hand, Ling Pengyun's pale face due to excessive consumption of spiritual power also raised a smile.

"The power of the soul of the black wind wolf monster is comparable to the power of a fourth-level Jindan monster soul, or two Jindan monster souls in the early stage. When this lamp refines that soul, it will most likely be able to improve its quality to the third-level lower grade realm."

"By then, I will have a formal third-level lower grade magic weapon to help me, and my strength will definitely be enhanced a bit more."

Just when Ling Pengyun was happy, the fake Dan realm Baiyuan Zhenren who attacked the black wind wolf monster with Ling Pengyun, as well as the surrounding Bailing Zhenren and Baoyuan Zhenren, three Jindan, were all shocked by the power that Ling Pengyun had just exploded.

"I didn't expect that this person has mastered a third-level spell and obtained the prototypes of three powerful magic weapons just a few years after entering the Jindan realm."

"Judging from the fact that he can manipulate so many magic weapon cones and the Five Elements Return to Origin Formation at the same time during the battle, this person's consciousness and spiritual power are probably not weaker than those of a Jindan third-level strongman."

"Combined, even without the help of the Five Elements Return to Origin Formation, this person is probably as powerful as a Jindan third-level cultivator."

"No wonder this person was confident that he could kill the black wind wolf demon before the battle."

"But... this is good. With the help of this extraordinary Ling Pengyun in the future, my Bailing Sect will have more confidence when facing the Xuanyang Sect."

Bai Yuan Zhenren looked at Ling Pengyun, who had consumed too much spiritual power, and thought highly of him.

Bai Yuan Zhenren, who was also at the first level of Jindan, and Bao Yuan Zhenren, who was at the fake Dan realm, showed admiration on their faces.

"Fellow Daoist Ling is indeed a young genius with extraordinary strength."

"This pill is a third-level lower-grade Huiyuan Pill, which can restore 70% of solidified spiritual power. After taking the pill, please go with my Baiyuan disciple to help my Baoyuan disciple kill the second-level Jindan Treading Cloud Thunder Leopard that is fighting against it."

"Then come to help me and kill the Treading Cloud Thunder Leopard King at the peak of the sixth level of Jindan."

Master Bailing complimented Ling Pengyun and threw a medicine bottle to Ling Pengyun.

After Ling Pengyun took the medicine bottle, his eyes lit up when he heard the introduction of Bai Ling Zhenren.

The third-level inferior elixirs are extremely expensive. Even the lowest-valued third-level inferior elixirs for cultivation are worth two thousand spiritual stones on the market.

And the Hui Yuan Dan, which is a miraculous elixir for restoring spiritual power during battle, is 30% more expensive than the cultivation elixir, and is worth at least three thousand spiritual stones on the market.

Moreover, this kind of elixir is extremely rare, whether in the resource-poor Beihuang Xiuxian World or the prosperous Wubianhai Xiuxian World.

"This Bai Ling Zhenren is very generous."

After Ling Pengyun muttered to himself, he opened the medicine bottle and swallowed the third-level inferior Hui Yuan Dan.

In just half a breath, his golden elixir, which did not have much spiritual power, was filled with spiritual power.

Ling Pengyun also used his magic weapon, and together with Bai Yuan Zhenren, who also had his hands free, he went to help Bao Yuan Zhenren, who was at the first level of Jindan, and attacked the second-level Jindan Treading Cloud Thunder Leopard that was fighting against it.

The second-level Jindan Treading Cloud Thunder Leopard could be fought by Bao Yuan Zhenren alone.

Now, with Ling Pengyun, a ruthless man with the strength comparable to that of a third-level Jindan cultivator, and Bai Yuan Zhenren, who mastered a set of third-level inferior flying swords, it fell into a disadvantage in just a few moves.

Then, they fought for about a hundred moves, and even if the second-level Jindan Thunder Leopard used all its means, it could not escape death. It died under the siege of Ling Pengyun, Bai Yuan Zhenren, who was at the fake Dan realm, and Bao Yuan Zhenren.

Just when this second-level Jindan female leopard died tragically, the only remaining sixth-level Jindan Treading Cloud Thunder Leopard demon king in the entire battlefield roared with countless anger.

"Human race, you dare to kill my Taoist partner!"

Then, three huge thunderous sounds suddenly came out in the clear sky.

Ling Pengyun, who was on the third-level Longyuan flying boat, was shocked when he heard such a big noise.

"Speaking human language."

He looked over and saw that the aura of the sixth-level peak Jindan Treading Cloud Thunder Leopard had actually risen to the boundary of the middle Jindan period, crossing to the peak of the seventh-level Jindan period.

"Desperate method!"

"This leopard king is a man of loyalty and righteousness! At this time, he did not escape, but avenged his Taoist partner. It's rare!"

"What a pity... This leopard is a demon beast."

Ling Pengyun, who came from a family, saw the behavior of the Jindan Leopard King and felt a sense of sympathy, and sighed.

At this moment, three thunderous sounds were heard in the clear sky.

Three Kuishui Mysterious Thunders, which were comparable to the full force of the ninth level of the Golden Core, fell from the sky between Xumi and hit the black fire phoenix that was fighting with it.

Although this phoenix was protected by a third-level middle-grade magic shield, the power of the three Kuishui Divine Thunders was really strong.

The defensive light curtain supported by the third-level middle-grade magic shield was smashed to pieces by the three Kuishui Divine Thunders before it lasted for half a breath.

Then, the three Kuishui Mysterious Thunders went straight in and directly struck the body of the black fire phoenix that was more than 90 feet long.

The real strength of this black fire phoenix that was more than 90 feet long was only about the seventh level of the Golden Core.

How could such a cultivation level resist the three Kuishui Divine Thunders.

Accompanied by a phoenix cry, the black fire phoenix that was more than 90 feet long was directly dispersed by the Kuishui Mysterious Thunders.

After this attack, the power of the three Kuishui Mysterious Thunders was still as much as 80% left.

The Cloud-Stepping Thunder Leopard, whose power had skyrocketed, glared at Ling Pengyun, Bai Yuan Zhenren, and Bao Yuan Zhenren, the three enemies who had killed its Taoist partner, on the distant flying boats.

It roared, and controlled the three Kuishui Xuanlei, which still had 80% of their power, to directly bombard the third-level inferior Longyuan Xuangang formation formed by the 19 flying boats.

Before Ling Pengyun and others could react, the three Kuishui Xuanlei crossed a thousand feet in an instant and bombarded the huge light curtain supported by the Longyuan Xuangang formation.

Although the defensive light curtain supported by this formation is powerful enough to be comparable to the third-level middle-grade defensive formation due to the refining method.

But the three Kuishui Xuanlei are all enough to be comparable to the full-strength attack of a ninth-level Jindan cultivator.

In addition, this Longyuan Xuangang formation had been attacked by the 500,000 monsters around for a long time, and the spiritual energy stored in the Longyuan Xuangang formation was also consumed a lot.

This also caused the three powerful Kuishui divine thunders to cause ripples in the powerful Longyuan Xuangang formation.

Just heard a click.

Cracks appeared in the places hit by the three Xuan thunders.

Moreover, these cracks were expanding rapidly.

In less than three breaths, the three powerful Kuishui Xuan thunders would probably shatter the formation.

As a third-level weapon refiner, Bai Ling Zhenren, who possessed several third-level defensive magic weapons, reacted and threw out three third-level inferior defense magic shields on his body, trying to help Longyuan Xuangang formation block the three Kuishui Xuan thunders.

However, the defensive light curtains supported by the three third-level inferior magic shields were like thin paper in front of the three Kuishui Xuan thunders and were directly torn apart.

If Bai Ling Zhenren had not reacted very quickly and retracted the three magic shields in time, the three magic shields would probably have been shattered by the three Kuishui Xuan thunders.

"Once this formation is destroyed, the tens of thousands of cultivators on the flying boat will lose the advantage of the formation and will have to fight the monsters below."

"By then, our sect's elite will suffer heavy losses."

"Damn Cloud-stepping Thunder Leopard King, I can only use all my strength to activate the Black Flame True Fire Gourd."

Zhenren Bailing looked gloomy when he saw this.

He looked at the Black Flame True Fire Gourd in front of him with a reluctant look, and sighed softly.

Then, his expression became stern, and he used his fingers to make a seal, and cast a seal into the black flame true fire gourd.

"Black Flame Fire Phoenix Spirit!"


Thanks: Feifei Feiyu, Tiexue Yixuan, Tianxian Yijian, the fish that slipped through the net in quality education, Xiaolong'er, and Sixi's great grandfather for their monthly tickets.

Thank you all

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