Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 45 Temporary Alliance (Please collect and recommend)

Ling Pengyun, who was fleeing, felt helpless when he realized that the demon cultivator was chasing after him.

"Fortunately, during the battle between the demon cultivator and the Wen cultivator, I kept some distance from them. The demon cultivator should be about five miles away from me. There is some hope of escape. I hope that the Wen cultivator earlier According to the monks, the Wen family’s late-stage Qi-training experts who are stationed at Yunwu Market can arrive in time!”

"If you can't, once the demon cultivator catches up... you can only use that one thing!" Ling Pengyun looked slightly cruel and made up his mind secretly.

It didn't take long.

When Ling Pengyun was returning to Yunwu Market, he burst out of a dense jungle that was the only way to pass.

Seeing a strong monk running towards him who was passing by here, he kindly used the "increasing voice technique" to warn the other person loudly, so that this person would not die in vain at the hands of the demonic cultivator.

"That fellow Taoist in front of me, please stop moving forward. A few miles behind me, there is a ferocious demonic cultivator using a flying boat to pursue him. Flee quickly towards the Yunwu Market. You may be able to escape!"

This strong casual cultivator was none other than Shen Hu who was following Ling Pengyun from Yunwu Market, but Ling Pengyun didn't know it and thought he was a passing cultivator.

When Shen Hu heard this, he was slightly startled. He saw that Ling Pengyun, who had left the Yunwu Market, was now returning towards the Yunwu Market. This strange behavior also made Shen Hu suspicious.

He used the Zhanwang Qi Technique and looked at the dense jungle behind Ling Pengyun, but he did not see the "demon cultivator" Ling Pengyun mentioned, not even a shadow.

Shen Hu, who had spent half his life in the world of cultivating immortals, was a little more doubtful at this moment, but after thinking carefully about the spiritual object worth hundreds of spiritual stones on Ling Pengyun who was running toward him, the doubts in his heart suddenly dissipated.

"This is more than I have earned in several years!"

Shen Hu's expression gradually became fiery and he made up his mind not to worry so much.

Little did they know that Ling Pengyun's warning was actually true.

As for the demon cultivator, because it was far away, and because the demon cultivator was still in a dense jungle, and its body was blocked by countless huge trees, it was naturally difficult to observe the demon cultivator.

Shen Hu took another step, and this time he directly took out a golden flying sword. During the attack, he directly hit the golden flying sword towards Ling Pengyun who was rushing towards him on the same road.

Ling Pengyun cursed secretly when he saw the unknown casual cultivator suddenly attack him. "What the hell?"

"I was kind enough to save him. Forget about running away. Are you planning to kill me?"

Forced by the attack of the golden flying sword, Ling Pengyun had no choice but to pat the storage bag on his waist, take out the black iron shield, hold it tightly in his left hand, and block it in front of him.

"Zheng!" The golden flying sword hit the black iron shield, making a sound of iron collision.

Although the flying sword was blocked by the black iron shield, the impact of the flying sword hitting the black iron shield was transmitted to Ling Pengyun's left arm.

In order to prevent his left arm from being broken off by the huge force, Ling Pengyun had no choice but to stop his running pace and take a few steps back to relieve his strength.

Ling Pengyun glared angrily at the strong casual cultivator "Chen Hu" who came to kill him with murderous intent, and cursed angrily.

"There is really a demon cultivator. If you want to die, I don't want to accompany you!"

Shen Hu had already been blinded by greed. The prey that he had tracked for hundreds of miles was right in front of him. He was not going to let it go. He curled his lips slightly and showed a cruel smile. He inadvertently patted the storage bag and called out from it. He shot out an inconspicuous, extremely fine long needle and swung it towards Ling Pengyun not far away, intending to sneak attack him to death.

It's just that Shen Hu obviously underestimated the strength of Ling Pengyun's consciousness. Ling Pengyun noticed it as early as when Shen Hu shot out the long needle.

Long needles are best at breaking armor, and Ling Pengyun is very afraid of this.

He quickly took out a Water Shield Talisman from his storage bag and played it.

This talisman is not a long needle for defense, but a golden flying sword that keeps attacking itself.

He held the black iron shield that he had escaped from in front of him, blocking the flying needles.

"Ding!" The long needle hit the black iron shield and made a crisp sound.

Although the long needle was blocked, it was indeed a sharp weapon for breaking the gang.

Even the black iron shield, which is comparable to a first-level mid-level defensive weapon, was also hit by this long needle and made a small dent.

However, Ling Pengyun, who withstood the blow, did not show any joy. Although there was a jackal in front of him, there was an even more terrifying tiger and leopard behind him.

Once he is dragged down by the strong casual cultivator, the demon cultivator behind him will definitely catch up.

By then, the situation will be dangerous.

However, he is not the only one to bear this risk.

"Today I will inevitably fight with that demonic cultivator. When the demonic cultivator catches up, I want to see what this casual cultivator does."

Ling Pengyun sneered.

Just now, when the casual cultivator "Chen Hu" heard the news about the demon cultivator, he was stunned on the spot. Ling Pengyun saw it. Obviously, this person was not the demon cultivator's helper, but simply did not believe him.

Or perhaps, this casual cultivator is the kind of "evil cultivator" who specializes in the business of robbery, and he has taken a fancy to himself, a fat sheep.

Ling Pengyun didn't want to become an enemy of this casual cultivator, but that didn't mean that he was a lamb to be slaughtered, so he wouldn't be captured without mercy.

He exerted force with his left hand, flicked the black iron shield hard, and flew away the long needle that penetrated into the shield. Then he waved his hand and patted the storage bag, took out the black iron sword, and struck it out, striking it with the golden flying sword that attacked the water shield. Fighting together.

Although Shen Hu was at the sixth level of Qi training and was stronger than Ling Pengyun, it was difficult to tell the winner in a short period of time. They just fought with each other using flying swords.

During this struggle, the demon cultivator who was several miles away from Ling Pengyun caught up with him.

When he saw that Ling Pengyun, whom he was chasing, was fighting with another cultivator and was stopped, he was delighted.

"I didn't expect there would be an unexpected gain!" The demon cultivator looked at Shen Hu with a cruel smile on his face.

At this time, Shen Hu, who was fighting fiercely with Ling Pengyun, also saw a figure appearing in the dense forest behind Ling Pengyun. He was shocked and used the Qi-Viewing Technique to see that the flying boat under the feet of the figure and the long banner in his hand were all emitting traces of demonic energy. He immediately exclaimed.

"Magic flying boat, magic banner? Demon cultivator?"

Ling Pengyun sneered when he heard the movement. "I thought you were not afraid of demon cultivators."

When Shen Hu heard this, his cheeks suddenly became hot and he felt ashamed. Even though he was very angry at this time, he did not dare to kill Ling Pengyun at this moment.

"Daoyou, I was reckless just now. I hope you won't blame me. That demon cultivator has a magic flying boat and is very close to us. Even if we escape separately, we will probably be caught up. How about... we join forces and try?" As a casual cultivator who makes a living by killing, Shen Hu naturally guessed the strength of the pursuing demon cultivator and made a decision at the first time.

If the demon cultivator was weak, how could Ling Pengyun, who was not much weaker than him, escape? Moreover, this demon cultivator not only stepped on the magic flying boat, but also held a magic banner. It was obvious that he was a powerful person.

The demon cultivator was only one mile away from here. If he fled directly, he would have little chance of survival and would definitely be defeated one by one by the demon cultivator.

But if there was someone who could hold the demon cultivator for some time...

"Haha,... OK!" Ling Pengyun had already guessed that the casual cultivator would behave like this. He sneered and agreed.

In this case, forming an alliance is indeed the only way.

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