Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 449: A gift for Peng Qiu (2200 words, please subscribe)

Ling Pengqiu's face was full of curiosity when he heard this.

Ling Pengyun is a Jindan Zhenren, and the opportunity given by such a strong man must be great.

Then, he spoke.

"My dear brother, I know the principle of first come first served. Since Cheng Xia has tamed a small golden armored python first, the other three small golden armored pythons should naturally be refined by Cheng Xia."

"Besides, my life span is not much, and those four small golden armored pythons will not be able to help them make further progress in their path if they fall into my hands."

Ling Pengyun was delighted when he saw Ling Pengqiu's reply. "Thank you very much, brother Pengqiu."

The young Ling Chengxia on the side also understood the ways of the world under the guidance of his mother Yan Siyi.

He also bowed to Ling Pengqiu and thanked him. "Thank you, Uncle Pengqiu, for letting me have the spirit beast. Chengxia will definitely remember this favor."

"Myna, Chengxia, you don't need to thank me. This is Chengxia's chance."

Ling Pengqiu said with a smile.

Ling Pengyun nodded, and then waved his hand to perform the art of controlling objects, condensing an invisible big hand, and caught the three untamed little golden armored pythons in the snake cave in front of him.

Afterwards, he shot out a spiritual power, knocked out all three little golden armored pythons, and said to Ling Chengxia.

"Chengxia, quickly set up the master recognition restriction for the three little golden armored pythons."

In order to better control these three little golden armored pythons with twin spirit bodies and extraordinary potential in the future, Ling Chengxia did not hesitate to use the few drops of blood in his body as the source, and performed the master recognition restriction, condensed three master recognition seals, and injected them into the bodies of the other three little golden armored pythons.

Because the three little golden-armored pythons had fallen into a coma, and their cultivation was not high, they could not resist the invasion of the master recognition seal into the sea of ​​consciousness.

After a while, the other three little golden-armored pythons were tamed by Ling Chengxia.

However, Ling Chengxia's face turned pale because he consumed three drops of blood.

Seeing this, Ling Pengyun took out several second-level blood-replenishing items from his storage bag that his Taoist partner Yan Siyi had given birth to Ling Chengxia to replenish the remaining blood and qi, and handed them to Ling Chengxia.

"These spiritual items are all blood-replenishing items. Excessive loss of blood and qi is a big deal. Take these blood-replenishing items quickly to restore the blood and qi consumed this time."

After Ling Chengxia reached out and took those blood-replenishing items, he summoned the remaining little golden-armored python in the snake cave that he had tamed earlier, and left the Spirit Beast Mountain with the four little golden-armored pythons and returned to the Yunxiao Peak nearby.

After he left, Ling Pengyun raised his hand and arranged a cloud around him.

This cloud not only blocked other people's sight, but also blocked other people's spiritual sense and sound.

Ling Pengqiu, who was standing by, saw Ling Pengyun's big show and couldn't help but be more curious about the "great fortune" that Ling Pengyun mentioned.

"Pengqiu clan brother, don't resist."

Ling Pengyun said, opened his mouth and spit out a yin and yang primordial energy that was difficult for others to see, and passed it into Ling Pengqiu's body.

Just when Ling Pengqiu didn't understand, he only felt a warm current suddenly appearing in his meridians and flowing in his meridians.

What surprised him was that every time the meridians passed by the warm current, the toughness would increase by several times, or even double.

Even after the inexplicable warm current made a big circle in his body, it suddenly dispersed, and then he felt that his cultivation foundation and Dantian had become much stronger.

His inexplicable comprehension and aptitude have also been greatly improved.

The small bottlenecks he encountered when practicing some secret methods on weekdays were also solved at this moment.

At this moment, the warm current also dissipated.

Ling Pengqiu felt the huge improvement in his body in just three breaths, and his face was full of astonishment.

There are spiritual objects related to the path of cultivators, such as improving meridians, cultivation foundation, aptitude, comprehension, etc. in this world of immortal cultivation.

But those spiritual objects are extremely rare.

It is said that only a few rare third-level spiritual objects, or even fourth-level spiritual objects, have such powerful effects.

Ling Pengqiu has never heard of spiritual objects that can improve cultivators in all aspects at once, and this magical method... is mastered by Ling Pengyun.

At this moment, he also thought of Ling Pengyun, who has five spiritual roots, and at the age of seventy, he entered the secret of the golden elixir.

"Myna, it must be because of that inexplicable warm current that I have entered the Golden Core Realm at such a young age."

"With the improvement of that warm current, I will have no problem breaking through from the seventh level of foundation building to the perfect foundation building in the remaining thirty years of my life."

"And because of the transformation of that warm current, my meridians are also several times tougher than ordinary cultivators. With this tough meridian alone, I am afraid that I have at least a 10% chance of breaking through the Golden Core Realm."

"In addition, my comprehension has been greatly improved now. Within ten years, I will be able to break through the family's "If I cultivate the seventh level of the Explosive Spirit Forging Technique, I will have no problem in having the consciousness of the Golden Core Realm."

"By then, I will have a 10% chance of breaking through the Golden Core Realm again."

"Combining the two, I can at least increase my chance of breaking through the Golden Core Realm by 20%. "

"With this success rate, even if my Qi and blood are severely damaged and my body is as broken as a 170 or 180-year-old foundation-building cultivator, and the chance of breaking through the Golden Core Realm is halved, I may still try to impact the Golden Core Realm."

Ling Pengqiu's eyes suddenly became hot.

After the age of the foundation-building cultivator exceeds the 150-year-old age limit for breaking through the Golden Core Realm, the Qi and blood and body will be much worse than before, and the original chance of breaking through the Golden Core Realm will also be halved.

Secondly, the probability of breaking through the golden elixir brought by taking the golden elixir spiritual object will also be halved.

Then, Ling Pengqiu used his spiritual consciousness to explore his body. After seeing that the powerful warm current did not pose a threat to his body, he suddenly felt at ease.

Immediately, he bowed his hands to Ling Pengyun in front of him and said respectfully.

"Bago, thank you for your kindness in recreating this time."

Seeing Ling Pengqiu's attitude, Ling Pengyun was quite satisfied and then said with a smile.

"It doesn't matter. A few years ago, I acquired a magical secret technique that can increase the life span of breaking through the golden elixir."

"In less than ten years, I estimate that I will be able to deduce the secret technique of the evil way into the secret technique of the righteous way. When your cultivation reaches the level of perfect foundation building, you can also rely on that secret technique to retain your own ability to break through the golden elixir. Probability, try to break through the golden elixir.”

"When our clan conquers the muddy swamp land with many spiritual veins, the benefits our clan can bring every year will be greater. In the future, I will find you a spiritual object that can break through the golden elixir to help you break through the golden elixir. It’s not impossible.”

"But the premise is that you need to enter the realm of perfect foundation building, and don't let down the great fortune that I spent a lot of money to find for you."

Ling Pengqiu heard that Ling Pengyun had obtained a secret technique that could extend the life of the golden elixir, and that he would find a golden elixir spiritual object for him in the future. The fire in his eyes was even more intense.

These two things can mean a greater probability of breaking through the realm of golden elixir.

"Bago, I will remember this kindness in my heart. If Bago comes to see me for anything in the future, I will do my best to help." Ling Pengqiu said solemnly.

"With your current level of cultivation, you can't help me yet. Let's wait until you break through the golden elixir."

"One more thing, I have the ability to improve other people's qualifications, which is of no use in the world. Therefore, I need to place a ban in your sea of ​​consciousness to prevent this matter from spreading. I hope Brother Pengqiu doesn't want it in your mind. Intentional.”

Ling Pengyun said.

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