Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 47 Magical Weapon (Please add to favorites and recommend)

With the idea of ​​taking the initiative, Ling Pengyun looked ruthless and swung three water thorns in succession, hitting "Shen Hu" who had just joined forces with him to kill the demon cultivator.

Shen Hu had intended to kill him just now, but he had not forgotten it.

If he had not used the fire blade talisman that Ling Ruda left for him to save his life and turned the situation around, Shen Hu might have abandoned him and let him stop the demon cultivator alone and escape by himself.

Ling Pengyun never had a good impression of these casual cultivators.

Now that the demon cultivators were killing, it was naturally a life-and-death battle between Ling Pengyun and Shen Hu.

Shen Hu had also been prepared for Ling Pengyun, and quickly raised the broken magic shield in his hand to block the three water arrows.

Although the magic shield blocked the three water arrows, the countless cracks on the magic shield also became larger, and the spiritual charm on the magic shield also became dimmer.

Shen Hu noticed this scene, his face gradually became gloomy, and he quickly swung the golden flying sword and hit Ling Pengyun, wanting to kill Ling Pengyun before the magic shield was broken by Ling Pengyun.

But Ling Pengyun had three water shields around him, and the golden flying sword could not break them in a short time.

On the contrary, under the bombardment of more than ten water spikes from Ling Pengyun, the already broken magic shield in Shen Hu's hand was broken into pieces, without a trace of spirituality.

Although Shen Hu also took out three water shield talismans to resist the torrent of magic spells from Ling Pengyun.

But Ling Pengyun was not afraid of the spiritual talismans. He had as many as six water shield talismans on him, five of which were purchased in Yunwu Market not long ago, and the other one was given by Ling Ruguo in his early years.

Relying on the advantage of the number of water shield talismans, coupled with the powerful attack that could instantly launch a water thorn, and the thorn vine seeds hidden in the spell, under the effect of Yin Ren

Not long after, Shen Hu was entangled by thorny vines, and his head was smashed by a water thorn thrown by Ling Pengyun. He lost his life and died at the hands of Ling Pengyun.

Ling Pengyun looked at Shen Hu's bloody head, and his brows only frowned slightly, without any discomfort.

As early as when he was young, he was in the family clan school, and was forced by the family elders to watch a lot of "bloody" scenes recorded on the video disk.

Not to mention the head being smashed, even the slow dissection of the body, Ling Pengyun has seen it.

This can be regarded as a way for the family elders to cultivate the psychological quality of the younger generation in the clan in advance.

"It's what you deserve."

Ling Pengyun cursed inwardly, walked quickly in front of Shen Hu's body, fumbled on Shen Hu's body, found two storage bags, and picked up the golden sword that fell on the ground.

The body of the demon cultivator was also touched by Ling Pengyun, whether it was the magic weapon or the storage bag, he put them into his arms.

Even the long needle that pierced through the demon cultivator's brain was found by Ling Pengyun and put into the storage bag.

In order to destroy the traces, Ling Pengyun summoned two flames to burn the bodies of Shen Hu and the demon cultivator to ashes, and then used his spiritual power to create a gust of wind to blow away the two ashes. Then he used the light body technique and deliberately took a long detour to leave this place and return to Qingshi Mountain.

Ling Pengyun had not walked for half an hour when a middle-aged man riding a roc appeared in the sky above the place where he, Shen Hu and the demon cultivator had fought.

This middle-aged man was the "Wen Xianren" of the Wen family, a late-stage Qi training expert stationed in Yunwu Market.

He lowered his head and swept his spiritual sense over the place where the battle had taken place. He felt that there were still two spiritual energies and one demonic energy left here, and his brows frowned slightly.

"Nianqing sent a message saying that a demon cultivator attacked the village where he was stationed. It seems that the remaining demonic energy here was left by the demon cultivator."

"But Nianqing did not die here. There is no trace of Nianqing in the two remaining spiritual energies."

"I think there was an unlucky person who also encountered the demon cultivator."

Wen Xianren's expression became gloomy. Following the guidance of the communication talisman in his hand, he found the body of Wen Nianqing.

Looking at the body, Wen Xianren was very sad.

Wen Nianqing was the grandson of his fellow brother and also his grandson. He watched him grow up since he was a child, but now he died tragically outside, and the murderer has not been caught...

Holding Wen Nianqing's body, Wen Xianren's eyes were full of hatred, and he gritted his teeth.

"Nianqing, I will definitely find the demon cultivator and avenge you."

After saying this, he moved forward again and rushed to the village where Wen Nianqing was stationed.

As soon as he arrived at the village, Wen Xianren, who was riding on a roc and holding Wen Nianqing's body, saw a hell on earth.

The ground of the whole village was full of skin and bones, at least more than 2,000, and the smell of blood filled the surroundings.

The surroundings were dead silent, filled with a breath of death.

Wen Xianren looked at the miserable situation in the village in front of him, his face full of anger, and said to himself with a cruel face.

"Destroy my Wen family cultivators, destroy my Wen family's 2,000 mortals."

"Although my Yunwu is declining, I didn't expect that even the demon cultivators dared to stand on my Wen family's territory and shit."

"Do you really think that my Yunwu Wen family is easy to bully?"

"Wait for me, dare to destroy my Wen family members, don't think of a good end."


At midnight.

Ling Pengyun rushed hundreds of miles and finally rushed back to Qingshi Mountain.

Along the way, Ling Pengyun was nervous, fearing that he would encounter something unexpected and have another battle.

This time he returned to Qingshi Mountain, he felt much more at ease.

After calming down for a while, Ling Pengyun took out four storage bags from his bulging arms, and from his own storage bag on his waist, he summoned Shen Hu's golden sword, silver long needle, the magic shield, magic banner, and red long shuttle of the magic cultivator and placed them on the ground.

The four storage bags were found from the bodies of Shen Hu and the demon cultivator, and each of them had two.

These were all the gains Ling Pengyun had from the battle at noon.

Because the four storage bags still had the spiritual imprints of the original owners, it was difficult to open them in a short time. Only by spending time in the future and using his own spiritual consciousness to wash away the spiritual imprints in the four storage bags, could the contents be taken out.

Therefore, Ling Pengyun put them aside first and looked at the two magic weapons and the three magic weapons.

"Shen Hu's golden long sword and broken long needle are of good quality. The golden small sword can be kept as a backup, and the broken long needle can be sacrificed first to increase my combat power."

"These three magic weapons are a bit difficult to deal with. They can't be used, so they can only be destroyed."

The magic weapons are made of the blood and souls of the human race. There is a lot of evil power in the weapons. If they are used rashly, they will definitely be affected by the evil power and become a bloodthirsty monster.

With his mind made up, Ling Pengyun urged the little remaining spiritual power in his body to summon two extremely hot flames, burning the magic banner, long shuttle and magic shield on the ground.

These three magic weapons may be of relatively high quality. Ling Pengyun burned them with high-temperature flames for nearly an hour before destroying them into scrap metal.

After finishing this, Ling Pengyun waved his hand to put the golden sword into the storage bag, took out a first-level low-quality spiritual pear bought at the Yunwu Market, and ate it.

After the pear was completely eaten and the pear core was thrown away, Ling Pengyun immediately closed his eyes, practiced the skills, refined the pure spiritual power contained in the pear meat in his stomach, and sent it to the dantian that was about to dry up to replenish the dantian spiritual power.

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