Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 466 Ling Pengyun's Methods (2600 words, please subscribe)

As he approached Yanyang Mountain, Ling Pengyun saw a ray of light coming from the bottom of Yanyang Mountain.

The escaping light stopped, and the figure of Qingxin Lao Dao also appeared.

With a smile on his face, he congratulated Ling Pengyun.

"I didn't expect that my fellow Taoist would kill the swamp giant crocodile king who was at the peak of the third level of Golden Core so quickly."

"It is indeed a blessing for the monks of our Yan country to have people with extraordinary combat power like Daoist Fellow Ling. In the future, our Yan country will have another piece of land in the Baiyun Mountains."

"I almost forgot to congratulate fellow Taoist for winning this battle and winning the vast territory of the muddy swamp."

Ling Pengyun said modestly. "Fellow Taoist, I'm serious. The fact that I killed the giant crocodile king in the swamp was just a fluke. I have to thank you, fellow Taoist, for lending Yanyang Mountain, a second-level high-grade spiritual mountain, to our clan."

"Without this mountain, it would not be easy for me to kill the giant swamp crocodile king who is at the peak of the third level of Golden Core."

"Now that I, the Ling clan, have won a great victory, it is time for Yanyang Mountain to be returned to fellow Taoists. This piece of monster meat was taken from the golden core-level mutant black wind wolf monster that I killed at the border of Taoyunling. This piece of wolf monster meat contains a lot of spiritual energy, I hope fellow Taoists don’t dislike it.”

While talking, Ling Pengyun took out a piece of monster meat weighing a hundred kilograms from the storage bag and handed it to the old Taoist Qingxin.

The old Taoist Qingxin naturally understood the reason why Ling Pengyun sent the monster meat, and the smile on his face increased.

"Golden Core level monster meat is a good thing, so I won't be polite to fellow Taoists." He said with a smile, then stretched out his hand to take over the hundred kilogram piece of monster meat.

Afterwards, the two chatted for a few more words, and the old Taoist Qingxin also said goodbye and left, returning to Qiuyangyan Dijie Fudi.

Ling Pengyun entered Yanyang Mountain.

After entering the mountain, he sought out Ling Pengqiu and learned about the thirteen practitioners of various arts from Ling Pengqiu.

Ling Pengyun was very surprised to see so many practitioners of various arts among the four thousand casual cultivators in the mountain.

He originally thought that among the more than 4,000 casual cultivators summoned by the family, it would be good to have three or four practitioners of various arts.

After all, there are only a small number of practitioners of various arts among casual cultivators.

Unexpectedly, that batch of casual cultivators was of such high quality.

Ling Pengyun immediately summoned the thirteen practitioners of various arts to Ling Pengqiu's small courtyard halfway up Yanyang Mountain.

Regardless of the level of the Baiyi, the thirteen Baiyi practitioners were very respectful to Ling Pengyun, who had killed the golden elixir monster.

As soon as they met, they saluted Ling Pengyun and called him "Ancestor Ling".

Ling Pengyun was very satisfied with this, but out of concern, he waved his Taoist robe and directly used a "confusion technique" to transform a large cloud of confusing white mist into the bodies of the thirteen hundred arts practitioners.

The thirteen hundred arts practitioners simply could not resist the Jindan realm Ling Pengyun from performing this technique.

However, in just half a breath, they all fell into coma.

Ling Pengyun also took this opportunity to ask about their respective backgrounds and other information.

Through such powerful means, Ling Pengyun actually discovered the intention of a first-level low-grade spiritual cultivator. This spiritual cultivator had done evil cultivator work in the past and intercepted and killed several of his comrades.

As for the reason, it is also very simple. I just want to make money.

Ling Pengyun couldn't say he disliked people with this kind of character, nor could he say he liked them. After all, at least 30% of the casual cultivators had acted as evil cultivators, and few of them had clean hands.

He then woke up the man alone, pointed out that he had engaged in evil cultivating activities, and directly stated that it was difficult for this man to enter the Ling family and serve as a guest.

The first-level low-level spiritual cultivator had no objection to this. Instead, he was frightened. He was afraid that Ling Pengyun, the ancestor of the golden elixir, would not like him and would slap him to death with a slap in the face as a casual cultivator who had done evil things.

Evil cultivators are the ones everyone in this world wants to beat up. As a righteous cultivator, Ling Pengyun knew what he had done, so killing him was normal and justified.

However, when he saw that Ling Pengyun had not taken action yet, he felt relieved.

Then, with a grateful look on his face, he cupped his hands and thanked Ling Pengyun. "Thank you, Patriarch Ling, for not killing me."

"I won't kill you, but I still need your help for something. You are a Baiyi practitioner, and you should have your own circle among casual cultivators. Do you know other Baiyi practitioners?"

Ling Pengyun asked lightly.

"Old Ancestor, I have a lot of friends with this junior, and I actually know three of them from Baiyi."

The middle-aged man with a goatee on his chin, a first-level low-ranking Lingzhifu, said carefully.

"Are those three hundred artists you know in the mountains? Can you tell me about the interview with me about joining my Ling family as guests?"

Ling Pengyun continued to ask.

"Ancestor, the three Baiyi practitioners I know all master the methods of alchemy and talisman making. Although the Baiyi grade is only the first-level low-grade like me, they can earn spiritual stones. They are all faster than me, and they have no heirs with spiritual roots, so they have no idea of ​​establishing a family."

"For this reason, they did not take the risk to come to the front line to participate in the war. Instead, they stayed in the Wuxingfang City established by the five major sects of the Yan Kingdom, relying on spiritual materials to refine spiritual items and earn spiritual stones."

"Ancestor, you are treated so well this time when you travel to and from the nobles as guests. If the three artists I know know about it, they will definitely be moved."

"If the senior is willing to believe me, the junior is willing to go to Wuxingfang City and inform my three friends of Baiyi that the nobles are recruiting guests."

When the middle-aged Lingzhifu with a goatee heard this, his eyes flashed and he quickly flattered him.

"If this matter comes to pass, I will give you a chance to join my Ling clan and become my Ling clan's guest."

This was exactly what Ling Pengyun wanted, and he immediately offered a good way.

When the middle-aged Lingzhifu with a goatee heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up with joy.

There are many benefits to joining the Ling clan and serving as the guest of the Ling clan. Even those who perform well will be rewarded with spiritual veins by the Ling clan to help build the family and continue the bloodline.

This is extremely attractive to a casual cultivator like him who has children.

If not, it would be difficult for the Ling family to attract those thirteen practitioners of various arts.

"Senior, don't worry, I will definitely take care of this matter." The middle-aged Ling Zhifu with a goatee nodded solemnly.

"Step back. If this matter is settled well, just take the three Baiyi practitioners directly to Yunxiao Peak on the other side of Lingxiao Ridge." Ling Pengyun waved his hand and ordered.

The middle-aged Lingzhifu with a goatee nodded lightly and left the courtyard first.

Ling Pengqiu, who had been watching this scene from the side, admired Ling Pengyun's clan brother even more when he saw Ling Pengyun's methods.

At the same time, he also saw clearly that he was still a little too immature in dealing with such things.

After all, he had previously inquired about the middle-aged spiritual husband with a goatee, but he had not found out that the man had ever engaged in evil cultivators.

While Ling Pengqiu was distracted, Ling Pengyun also woke up the remaining twelve Baiyi practitioners in the courtyard who had been affected by the psychedelic technique.

And based on the various arts mastered by these twelve artists and their success rate in refining spiritual objects, they were given different salaries.

As for the spiritual veins that the twelve hundred artists valued, Ling Pengyun promised that if they performed well as guests of the Ling family for thirty years, they could get a first-level spiritual vein.

The twelve hundred artists were extremely happy after receiving Ling Pengyun's promise.

They also immediately expressed their loyalty to Ling Pengyun and were willing to do their best for the Ling family.

Ling Pengyun was very satisfied with this, but he did not want to say more about it, so he called back the twelve hundred arts practitioners, and asked Ling Pengqiu to take over the thirty or so foundation-building cultivators among the four thousand casual cultivators in the mountain. Xiu summoned him to this courtyard.

When everyone arrived, Ling Pengyun also said immediately.

"I won't hide it from you. Our Ling clan is short of manpower. In the future, our Ling clan will only send one or two foundation builders to garrison in Lingxiao Ridge where you and others will be located."

"In the future, if you are included in the Lingxiao Ridge area, the number of casual cultivators will be as high as four thousand. Lingxiao Ridge will also become a mixed bag, and I am afraid it will be extremely prone to unrest."

"My clan plans to build a city on top of one of the few second-level high-grade spiritual vein Yunxiao Peaks in Lingxiao Ridge, and name it Lingxiao Fang City. What the city needs is peace around it."

"Therefore, I need you all to help me manage the peace of the Lingxiao Ridge on a daily basis. If there is any unrest, I need you to stop it in order to maintain the peace of the Lingxiao Ridge."

"Of course, our clan will not treat you badly. As long as you agree to my request, I will give you 30% of the tax revenue from Lingxiaofang City in the future."

"And if anyone dares to take advantage of this power and act recklessly, I will definitely kill them."

The more than thirty foundation-building casual cultivators present heard the conditions proposed by Ling Pengyun, and their hearts were filled with excitement.

They are all human beings, so they naturally understand that the Ling family, as a member of the Jindan family, will build the Lingxiaofang City. With the reputation of the Jindan family, the number of people in the Lingxiaofang City will not be small in the future, and there will be no problem if it reaches at least about 5,000 people.

In a market with this level of traffic, there is no problem in earning tens of thousands of spiritual stones through taxes every year.

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