Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 470 Migrating Mortals (2600 words, please subscribe)

Yang Tomorrow nodded, and after taking the map, he carefully selected it, and finally selected the 300 first-order spiritual veins that were relatively close.

"Since Brother Tomorrow has decided on the spiritual veins, in the future, you can directly send your troops to the muddy swamp area and speak to me, the Ling family, and then you can go directly to guard these three hundred spiritual veins."

"One more thing. The second-level spiritual vein rock-scale snake cave in Yuanzhou is owned by both our clans. Our clan will not have any spare manpower to guard it in the future. The Pengliang clan brother who was originally stationed in it, and my clan have another If he uses it, the spiritual plants in the Rock Scale Snake Cave can only be taken care of by Brother Tomorrow and your clan."

"However, the spiritual plants that mature every year in that land will be divided equally between our two clans. This matter remains unchanged."

Ling Pengshan Road.

"It's easy to say. Over the years, the nobles have been sending people to guard it. The dividends from Lingzhi to our clan have always been 50-50. Our clan has taken advantage for so many years, and it is indeed our clan's responsibility to send people to guard it. in it.”

Yang Mingming said with a smile.

Afterwards, the two chatted for a few more words, and Ling Pengshan hurriedly said goodbye to Yang Mingming. He rode on the other side of the family, the Immortal Crane King, who had been stuck at the peak of the sixth level of Foundation Establishment for many years. It was not until a few days ago that he broke through to the seventh level of Foundation Establishment. , flew away from Pingyun Mountain.

Yang Mingming, who was still under Pingyun Mountain, looked at Ling Pengshan's leaving figure, and the smile on his face became more and more prosperous.

"With Ling's three hundred first-level spiritual veins, the family's income can be increased by at least tens of thousands, or even tens of thousands, of spiritual stones every year."

"If the family saves more in the future, within fifty years, it will be no problem to save enough 300,000 spiritual stones to purchase an ordinary golden elixir spiritual object."

"In this way, that kid Siqi also has a chance to break through the golden elixir."

"If Siqi can really break through the golden elixir in the future, I, the Yang family, will do it, hahaha."

"Yang Siqi" is of the same generation as Ling Pengyun's cousin Yang Siling, who also came from the Yang family. His spiritual root attributes are the same as those of Ling's second-level alchemist Ling Chengxin. They are both fire and wood spiritual roots, which are superior to cultivation and alchemy. The talents are very strong.

At the same time, he is also the most promising member of the Yang family to break through to the foundation building perfection, and Yang Mingming, a seventh-level foundation building monk, has high hopes.

After being overjoyed, Yang Mingming, who had been the head of the Yang clan for decades, trembled as he thought of something.

"The Bailing Gate has blocked the number of spiritual veins of our Foundation Establishment families over the years just to prevent our Foundation Establishment families from gathering the spiritual stones needed to purchase golden elixir spiritual objects."

"Ling Ancestor Ling, who has a transcendent understanding, must also know about this."

"But he still did it and gave me Yang this opportunity."

"Judging from the reputation of Ancestor Ling, it should be impossible for Ancestor Ling to raise my Yang family like a pig, fatten her up and then kill her."

"Thinking about it this way, this Patriarch Ling's ambition is much greater than that of the Jindans from Bailingmen."

"Since Patriarch Ling has given me the Yang family a chance, it depends on whether I, the Yang family, can seize it."

The other side.

Lingpengshan who left Pingyun Mountain, according to the instructions in Lingpengyun's letter, went to the "Yunwu Wen family", "Qingzhu Wang family", "Huxiao Liu family" and Jiao who were also in Huaishui County. The "Shen family" and the "Sun family" in the state have a good relationship with the Ling family.

He asked the five major foundation-building families if they were willing to help the Ling family manage a part of the spiritual veins in the muddy swamp world.

The Yunwu Wen family and the Qingzhu Wang family suffered heavy losses during the Little Demon Rebellion. All the foundation-building monks were beheaded. To date, neither family has recovered, and there are still no foundation-building monks stationed in the clan.

The two families can continue to this day, thanks to Ling's help.

The relationship between these two families is therefore very delicate with the Ling family, and there is a tendency for the Ling family to take the lead.

In addition, these two families are in the same Huaishui County as the Ling family. The Ling family knows these two families very well. Therefore, Ling Pengyun is willing to give these two families a chance to earn more spiritual stones and strengthen the family.

The Huxiao Liu family has been honest in Huaishui County over the years and has no conflict with the Ling family. In recent years, he has married many girls and entered the Ling family.

Therefore, Ling Pengyun gave Tiger Roar Liu a chance.

The Shen family and the Sun family in Jiaozhou also have a good relationship with the Ling family, and monks from the two families often communicate with each other.

But the real reason that made Ling Pengyun willing to help these two clans is that during the last monster chaos, Ling Pengyun took advantage of the Shen and Sun clan mountains being captured by monsters to seal Shen's core system. Fu inheritance, and took away most of the native spirit silkworm groups and spirit mulberry trees where the Sun family was based.

Sun's second-level sericulture inheritance was also taken away by Ling Pengyun.

In addition, Ling Pengyun also acquired many foundation-building techniques, Qi-training techniques, etc. from these two clans.

This time, Ling Pengyun was willing to give the Shen family and the Sun family a good opportunity to earn spiritual stones in order to repay the karma of his early years.

Of course, the conditions offered to these five major families are also different.

It can be said that they are the Yunwu Wen family and the Qingzhu Wang family of the Ling family. Ling Pengyun is willing to hand over the spiritual lineage that the two families want to manage for five hundred years.

The Huxiao Liu family, as well as the Shen family and the Sun family, Ling Pengyun was only willing to hand over the spiritual veins they wanted to manage for two hundred years.

Naturally, these five families would not refuse the good thing of getting a few more spiritual veins, but these five families did not have many people, and they only wanted fifty first-order spiritual veins from the muddy swamp boundary.

When the five families merge into one, there are two hundred and fifty spiritual veins.

Adding together the 300 spiritual veins requested by Yang, the total number of spiritual veins Ling hired this time was 550.

According to Ling Pengyun's plan, there are nearly a thousand spirit veins that need to be rented out temporarily, and they cannot be left alone.

However, Ling Pengyun does not plan to recruit tenants in the Bailingmen territory for the remaining thousand spirit veins, so as not to cause dissatisfaction with the Bailingmen. There are other arrangements for the thousand spirit veins.

After all, whether it is the Pingyun Yang family, the Yunwu Wen family, the Qingzhu Wang family, etc., in the final analysis, they will not move their clan land to the muddy swamp just because the Ling family rents them spirit veins.

Their situation is different from that of the powerful Ling family. The spirit veins in the Bailingmen territory are their roots.

The argument that caused dissatisfaction with the Bailingmen is that it is only a matter of time for the five major families to become stronger by relying on the wealth brought by the spirit veins in the muddy swamp.

At least it is no problem to become the strongest foundation-building family in the county city where they are.

This is enough to change the power structure within a county city.

As the head of the five major families, Bailingmen was unwilling to see the power in the territory become stronger. Now that the family power that they had finally controlled might become stronger, it would be strange if Bailingmen had no objection.

If the Ling family only recruited five families such as the Yang family, it would be fine, but if more families were recruited, it would surely stir up the power in the entire Bailingmen territory.

Under such circumstances, it is possible that Bailingmen would go to war with the Ling family.

After handling this matter, Ling Pengshan, the acting patriarch of the family, began to walk to the villages in the family territory, and together with the Ling family monks stationed in those villages, they moved the mortals in those villages to their respective towns, preparing to move the mortals to the muddy swamp territory.

There were not a few people in the mortal villages of the Ling family, at least nearly 10,000.

This also made it take a long time to relocate the mortals.

It took Ling Pengshan and other Ling family monks nearly three months to complete this task.

Afterwards, Ling Pengshan led dozens of cultivators from the family and spent a lot of effort to catch all the ordinary fish in the rivers and lakes in various places in Huaishui County.

Even in the huge Huaishui River, there were no more fish.

Ling Pengshan and his companions also had a good harvest, catching millions of ordinary fish alive.

Ling Pengshan planned to put these ordinary fish into the muddy swamp in the future.

Ling Pengyun was leading the clan to clean up the silt in the muddy swamp and wanted to turn that area into a large lake. Ling Pengshan knew about it.

The most suitable place for lakes is to raise fish.

The muddy swamp was originally a swamp, and there were no fish. If you want to enrich the fish population in that area in the future, you naturally need to put some fish in it to reproduce.

These millions of ordinary fish seem to be a lot, but in Ling Pengshan's eyes, these are just fry.

As time goes by, these millions of mortal fish will multiply and expand the Muddy Swamp Lake several times, or even dozens of times.

With these fish, the mortals who will be moved to the Muddy Lake in the future will have a better life.

After waiting for about half a month, the Bailing Sect, which had already made an appointment with the Ling Sect, also sent a large fleet of flying boats to the Ling Sect to help the Ling Sect move the mortals to the Muddy Swamp of the Baiyun Mountains a million miles away.

There are hundreds of flying boats in the Bailing Sect’s flying boat group, and each time they can transport nearly 50,000 mortals to the Muddy Swamp for the Ling Sect.

After four round trips, the Bailing Sect’s flying boat group also moved 200,000 mortals of the Ling Sect to the Muddy Swamp.

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